Terminology for using procurement framework agreements

Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
Version 1.2, March 2008
© Becta 2007
Becta's procurement frameworks
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Becta | Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
A – Z listing
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P
| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Version 1.2, March 2008
© Becta 2007
Becta's procurement frameworks
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Becta | Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
Public sector procurement processes and the legislation governing them are
becoming increasingly complex. Below are some of the terms you might come
across when using Becta’s procurement frameworks.
A-Z listing
An initiative that selects suppliers on the basis of their overall capability.
Accreditation schemes are not recognised by the European Union (EU) as
procurement schemes, so using an accredited supplier does not remove the legal
requirement for customers to follow EU rules on above-threshold purchasing.
The process of acquiring goods and services through procurement, including
solutions other than outright purchase eg managed services.
call off
A contract under a framework agreement.
contracting authority
A school, local authority, etc establishing a contract under a framework agreement.
See expression of interest
European Union
evaluation criteria
This is required under European Union (EU) law to be determined in advance of a
procurement. The criteria should be transparent to the participating suppliers so they
can tailor their bids accordingly. In mini competitions, the evaluation criteria used
must be closely based on those used to select the framework suppliers.
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Becta | Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
expression of interest (EoI)
This is used to denote a summary form sent to suppliers ahead of a full invitation to
tender/mini competition. Suppliers can decide whether or not to participate, and
contracting authorities can know in advance how many bids they are likely to
See Framework for ICT Technical Support
framework agreement
This is a term defined under European Union (EU) procurement legislation. A
framework agreement generally offers a number of suppliers which are selected via
a mini competition. See also terms and conditions.
Framework for ICT Technical Support (FITS)
A framework developed by Becta, with an aim to provide a reliable and effective ICT
infrastructure within schools. Adhering to FITS principles is the minimum
requirement for most of Becta’s framework agreements. More information about
FITS is available on the Schools website [http:www.becta.org.uk/fits].
functional specification
This document provides a detailed breakdown of the features which learners,
educators and administrators should expect from ICT in their schools, and highlights
the ICT functions which need to be in place if these expectations are to be met.
An institution’s network, applications, services and data.
invitation to tender (ITT)
This document formally notifies suppliers of a requirement and invites them to
submit a tender in response. See also mini competition.
See invitation to tender
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Becta | Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
key performance indicators (KPIs)
These are comparative measures for specific aspects of performance over a period.
KPIs are useful to highlight areas where, for example, a supplier’s performance falls
below a given standard and requires remedial action.
local education partnership (LEP)
A model for delivering local projects under the Building Schools for the Future (BSF)
programme. The role of a LEP is to ensure that BSF money is used efficiently and
effectively to improve local authorities’ secondary school estates.
managed service
A managed service frees schools and local authorities from the tasks of managing
the IT infrastructure themselves by providing a complete range of services managed
to agreed levels of service. In the Infrastructure Services Framework Agreement, a
full managed service consists of all of the six elements of design, provision,
implementation, maintenance, service/support and training. Some local authorities
and schools also run their own managed services.
mini competition
An invitation to tender for a contract under a framework agreement.
Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)
All public procurement contracts for values over the published threshold (currently
£139,893) must be advertised in OJEU by law. The value of any contract running
over a number of years should be calculated for its full duration.
See Official Journal of the European Union
prime integrator
In a complex project involving multiple providers, the prime integrator carries the
ultimate risk and responsibility for the successful management of all of the elements
in delivering the contract. The role of prime integrator can be undertaken by a
supplier, a third party such as a professional consultant, or the authority procuring
the range of services.
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Becta | Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
The acquisition of goods and services at the best possible total cost of ownership in
the right quantity and quality, at the right time, in the right place for the direct benefit
or use of governments, corporations, or individuals generally, via a contract.
A template document with entry fields that can be tailored to a customer’s
scope of works
See statement of requirements
service level agreement (SLA)
A document which sets out the agreed requirements for the services to be provided
by the framework supplier. These requirements need to be realistic and appropriate
to secure the optimum value for money.
service order
The contracting authority’s order form, used with the framework agreement’s service
order terms to form the contract.
service order terms
A document setting out the terms agreed for a contract under a framework
agreement. In conjunction with the framework agreement (or terms and conditions)
this forms the legal contract with the framework suppliers.
See service level agreement
See statement of requirements
statement of requirements
A document which sets out the full requirements of the call off contract; also
sometimes referred to as scope of works.
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Becta | Terminology for using procurement framework agreements
A supplier providing a specialist service on behalf of a framework supplier; the
framework supplier retains the contractual responsibility for successful delivery of
the contract.
terms and conditions
The contract document (the framework agreement) between Becta and the
framework suppliers. This is used in conjunction with the service order terms which
govern the contractual relationship between the customer and the framework
supplier for a specific contract following a mini tender competition.
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