Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy Digital Agenda- Week 18 Dates: 12/2 – 12/6 Teacher: Arehart Date: Mon 12/2 Subject/Course: 12 Grade: 12 Do Now: See below Standard(s): L CC-ELA-GR.11..12-RL.004 - CCRL.11-12.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with CC-ELA-GR.11..12-RL.006 - CCRL.11-12.6. Analyze a case in which grasping a point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony, or understatement). CC-ELA-GR.11..12-RL.010 - CCRL.11-12.10. By the end of grade 11, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 11-CCR text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. By the end of grade 12, LA- Objectives: Students will read and answer questions on two articles in Empower with 75% accuracy or higher on the activities. Students will interpret Iago’s soliloquoys and monologues using the original Shakespearean language or the modern version, as they are able. Assessment: Empower and Handout 5 DO NOW: COPY: Commas can save lives!!! 1. “Time to eat Grandma.” 2. “Time to eat, Grandma.” Commas are for: Whole Class: Discuss curriculum; Discuss approach to difficult reading in college. Independent: Formative Assessment: - Review Othello, Desdemona, Iago, Cassio, Brabantio, Roderigo 1. Which character is in love with Othello? 2. Which characters are angry at Othello? (3) 3. Which character is a general? 4. Which character is a lieutenant? 5. Which characters are in love with Desdemona? (2) Direct Instruction: Definitions of Monologues and Soliloquys. Collaborative: Using the original or modern version, answer the questions for Handout 5. Independent: Complete at least two articles in Empower. Be up to 36 articles. (40 needed at end of semester). Final reading logs due next Monday. Teacher: Arehart Date: Wed 12/4 Subject/Course: 12 Grade: 12 Do Now: see below Standard(s): CC-ELA-GR.11..12-RL.001 - CCRL.11-12.1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. Learning Objective (s): Assessment:NOTES Students will use the text to determine character objectives and superobjectives Dangling Modifier Cartoon! Whole Class: Reread Iago’s aside on page 71 Whole Class NOTES: Character Motivation: Character Objective: the character’s motive in that scene Character Superobjective: the underlying motive in the play Whole Class: Read summary on page 58. Read play 2.1.75-233. (original play pages 65 -75; modern 61-79): Write Objectives for 2.1.1-233 and Superobjectives 1. Iago 2. Desdemona 3. Othello 4. Cassio Teacher: Arehart Date: Thurs Subject/Course: 12 Grade: 12 12/5 Do Now: See below Standard(s): 12-RL.004 - CCRL.11-12.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings. connotative meanings; analyze CC-ELA-GR.11..12-L.004 - CCL.11-12.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 11–12 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. CC-ELA-GR.11..12-L.001 - CCL.11-12.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking L.2.5: Recite poems, selections from speeches, or dramatic soliloquies with attention to performance details to achieve clarity, force, and aesthetic effect and to demonstrate an understanding of the meaning (e.g., Hamlet's soliloquy 'To Be or Not to Be') Students will use apostrophes correctly. Students will identify rootwords within vocabulary words. Students will act, perform, and direct with attention to blocking to demonstrate understanding of the text. Assessment: Exit Slip; Performance: Actors and Directors. Do NOW: COPY and Edit Iago’s going to see if he can use Roderigo’s feeling’s for Desdemona to his own advantage. Exit ticket on Rootwords list B and Apostrophes at end of class. LIST B ROOTS: Aud/audit = hear Cogn = know Dict/dic = speak/say Dorm = sleep Err = wander Flect/flex = bend Labor = work Sci = know Scrib/script = write Vid/vis = see Sens/ sent = feel Whole Class: 6 Iagos and 1 Roderigo and 2 translators behind. (Ask Roderigo why convinced and plan 2.1.234307) Shakespearean pages 75- 81; modern pages 79-85. Whole Class: 2 Iagos Read 2.1.308-334 Discussion: Motive change? “Motiveless malignity” Whole Class: Student reads the Herald part in 2.2. Teacher reads the summary of 2.3 on page 80, original. NOTES ON BLOCKING: U.R. UPSTAGE STAGE RIGHT C.R D.R. CENTER DOWNSTAGE U.L. STAGE LEFT C.L. D.L. AUDIENCE Blocking Practice 2.3.1-39; modern text 89 -91 CASSIO, OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, IAGO, and ATTENDANTS STAGE DIRECTORS for each character: Where stand? Desdemona – How should she show how she feels for O? Othello – Where should he direct his attention when he speaks? Cassio – How should he show his respect to Othello when Othello gives him his orders? Bow or salute? How should he show his reaction to Iago’s rude comments? Iago – How should he act when he is saying rude comments about Desdemona? What should he do when he is offering wine to Cassio? View 2 versions of 2.3: Globe and Lawrence Olivier. #22 Compare and contrast 2 versions of 2.3. Which do you like better and why? Independent: Exit ticket on Vocab Root List B and Apostrophes. Homework: Final Reading Logs due on Monday.