5.1 - 5.5 Week 1 Packet

Mr. Mah
Living Environment
Reproduction & Development
Week One Packet
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Due: Friday, February 26, 2010!
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
SWBAT describe how individual cells copy themselves
by explaining the process of mitosis
AIM: How does one cell become millions of cells?
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
In Class Practice:
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
SWBAT explain how organisms reproduce asexually
using mitosis (budding & fission).
AIM: What are two types of asexual reproduction?
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
1. Mitosis is when ________________ cell becomes _________________.
2. Which statement best describes the process of asexual reproduction?
a) It involves two parents
b) It requires the combination of sperm and egg
c) It results in variation in the offspring
d) It involves the production of genetic copies
3. In asexual reproduction
a) New organisms are usually genetically identical to the parent
b) The reproductive cycle involves the production of gametes
c) The nuclei of sex cells fuse to form a zygote
d) Offspring show much genetic variation
4. Which of the following best identifies characteristics of asexual reproduction.
a) One parent, union of gametes, offspring similar to but no genetically identical to the
b) One parent, no union of gametes, offspring genetically identical to parents
c) Two parents, union of gametes, offspring similar to but no genetically identical to
d) Two parents, no union of gametes, offspring genetically identical to parents
5. The process of mitotic cell division normally results in the production of
a) Four cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent
b) Two cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent
c) Two cells with only one chromosome from each parent
d) One cell with a replicated set of matched chromosomes
6. Each of the two daughter (or offspring) cells that result from the normal mitotic division
of the original parent cell contains
a) The same number of chromosomes but different genes than the parent
b) The same number of chromosomes and genes identical to those of the parent cell
c) One half of the number of chromosomes but different genes than those of the parent cell
d) One half of the number of chromosomes and genes identical to those of the parent cell
7. Two examples of asexual reproduction are:
a) Cloning and meiosis
b) Mitosis and meiosis
c) Fission and fusion
d) Budding and fission
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
8. What is true of the offspring produced from fission?
a) It has one-half as many chromosomes as the parent cell
b) It has twice as many chromosomes as the parent cell.
c) It is the same size as the parent cell, but has fewer chromosomes than the parent cell.
d) It is smaller than the parent cell, but contains the same number of chromosomes as the
parent cell
9. A colony of red bacteria is allowed to reproduce for 16 generations. A scientist examines
the colony at the end of this time and notes that all the individuals are almost identical in
all characteristics. This evidence suggests that the bacteria
a) Did not receive the proper nutrients
b) Reproduced sexually
c) Exchanged genetic material
d) Reproduced asexually
10. What would most likely result if mitosis was no accompanied by cytoplasmic division?
a) Two cells, each with one nucleus
b) Two cells, each without a nucleus
c) One cell with two identical nuclei
d) One cells without a nucleus
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
1. SWBAT explain the differences between sexual and
asexual reproduction.
2. SWBAT list the steps of meiosis.
AIM: How are our reproductive cells made?
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
1. Which event normally occurs in meiosis, but not in mitosis?
(a) Chromosome replication
(b) Synapsis of homologous chromosomes
(c) Nuclear membrane disintegration
(d) Movement of chromosomes to opposite poles
2. Which statement best explains the significance of meiosis in the process of evolution
within a species?
(a) The gametes produced by meiosis ensure the continuation of any particular species
by asexual reproduction
(b) Equal numbers of eggs and sperm are produced by meiosis
(c) Meiosis produces eggs and sperm that are alike
(d) Meiosis provides for variation in the gametes produced by an organism
3. Which cell is normally produced as a direct result of meiosis?
(a) A uterine cell having half the normal species number of chromosomes
(b) An egg having the full species number of chromosomes
(c) A zygote having the full species number of chromosomes
(d) A sperm having half the normal species number of chromosomes
4. Mitosis is generally used for ________________ reproduction, while meiosis is used in
___________________ reproduction.
5. In the space below, describe how meiosis and mitosis are different. You may use bullet
6. A former student of mine is still having a difficult time keeping meiosis and mitosis apart.
What is a trick you could tell him to help him remember which one is which?
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
SWBAT describe how genetic variation in sexually
reproducing organisms stems from the process
of meiosis.
AIM: Why is each individual organism unique?
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
In Class Practice:
Mitosis (____________ reproduction) results in: _____________________________
Meiosis (___________ reproduction) results in: _____________________________
When meiosis occurs, a lot is left up to chance!
The joining of _____________ and
_________________reproductive cells
(sperm and egg cells)
Exchange of ________________
Crossing Over
(alleles) between pairs of
When genes are exchanged, it is
Independent (Random)
totally up to __________! Each
gamete has more than ________
million possible combinations of
mother and father’s
in matching.
Gene Mutation
Could introduce a new
_________________ into a population.
Chromosomes do not
_____________during cell division.
The wrong __________ of
“not coming apart”
chromosomes end up in a sex cell
(__________), which can cause BIG
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Mr. Mah
Living Environment
Questions to consider…
1. During what type of cell division does crossing over occur? _________________
2. How are crossing over and random assortment related?
3. What is a mutation? Are all mutations harmful?
4. Down’s Syndrome occurs when a person receives 3 copies of a chromosome (when
they should only have 2). What source of variation is this an example of?
5. Why is variation important?
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