MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 1994 Articles by or Interviews with MM "Ages of the Avant-Garde" by Meredith Monk; Performing Arts Journal46; January 1994, Vol. XVI, No. 1, pp. 12-15. Houston Grand Opera 40th Anniversary Season Stagebill; pp. 12-13, 1994-95 Season; "Atlas". "Meredith Monk", interview with Rodrigo Garcia Lopez; Nicolau [Brazil]; August, 1993; pp. 4-7; in Portuguese. "Meredith Monk Fala de Auz Busca Espiritual" by Jean-Yves de Neufville; O Estado de S. Paulo; March 19, 1994; Interview, "Book of Days", "Atlas", "Songs from the Hill", & "Quarry". "Meredith Monk Faz Experiencias Vocais Na Serra" by Luis Andre Alzer; O Globo; July 14, 1994. Festival de Inverno, Brazil. "Meredith Monk: Starting Over"; Walker Art Center Members' Publication; WinterSpring 1994, Vol. 2, #2; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Quer Integracao Entre Artes" by Jean-Yves de Neufville; O Estado de S. Paulo; July 13, 1994; Interview, "Atlas". "Persistir Criando e Ato Politico, diz Monk"; Folha de S. Paulo; July 13, 1994; "Songs from the Hill", "Atlas", & Dolmen Music". Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers "168 Hours" by Schimke; City Pages; April 20-26, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "And Who are Her Successors?" by Jessica Duchen; BBC Music Magazine; May 1994; Monk and other female composers profiles. "As Atracoes Internacilais do Festival"; Jornal da Tarde; July 7, 1994; "Songs from the Hill". "As Vozes do 'Maximalismo'" by Helio Hara; O Globo; June 27, 1994. "Danse: Deux Premieres a Marseille" by Patrick Merle; Le GUIDE; November 9-15, 1994; "Volcano Songs". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Dancing in Streets Features Landmarks" by The Main Street Wire; September 9, 1994; "American Archeology #1: Roosevelt Island ". "Defying description" by Richard Allen Greene; The Prague Post; September 28- October 4, 1994. "Estrutura de Corpo e Voz" by Carlo Heli de Almeida; Jornal do Brasil; May 3, 1994; Preview to Festival de Inverno. "Facing the Music or Backing Away From It" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; June 5, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "How a Body Sings and a Voice Dances" by Niki Hayden; Daily Camera; July 1, 1994; Monk and Robert Een perform at Naropa. "I.S.A.M. Matters"; I.S.A.M Newsletter; Vol. XXIV, No. 1; Fall 1994; "Remaking American Opera" – discussion with Composers John Adams, Anthony Davis, Tania Leon and Meredith Monk. "Les Moindres Gestes de Meredith Monk" by Jeanne Baumberger; Le Provencal; November 16, 1994; "Volcano Songs"; Translation: "The Smallest Gestures of Meredith Monk" by Ruth Fuglistaller. "Meredith Monk"; Posthof Magazin; October, 1994; general music/all cd's. "Meredith Monk Corps, Voix et Volcan"; SPECTACLES; November 9-15, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk: Dancing in Tongues" by Iris Brooks; Jazziz; September 1994; General, history. "Meredith Monk, de New-York a Marseille" by Jeanne Baumberger; Le Provencal; November 15, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk, Le Volcan"; Le Provencal; November 14, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk Looks Into Roosevelt Island's Past" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times; September 22, 1994; "American Archeology". "Meredith Monk, Minimaliste Tellurique" by Marie-Christine Vernay; Liberation; November 19 & 20, 1994; "Volcano Songs". * Translation: "Meredith Monk, The Earthly Minimalist" by Ruth Fuglistaller. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Meredith Monk Montre La Voix" by Murielle Fourlon; [Publication Unknown]; November 23, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk No Brasil"; Jornal de Tarde; July, 14, 1994; Festival de Inverno preview, "Atlas", "Songs From The Hill", "Dolmen Music". "Meredith Monk Ou Le Voyage Interieur" by Patrick Merle; Le Meridional; November 15, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk’s American Archeology #1: Roosevelt Island"; Dancing in the Streets Festival NYC Brochure; August 19-September 25, 1994; pp. 12-13. "Meredith Monk: Un Art Qui Affirme Le Monde du Sentiment"; La Marseillaise; November 10, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk: Une Tendresse Lucide" by Gabriel Vialle; La Marseillaise; November 17, 1994; "Volcano Songs". "Meredith Monk: Volcano Songs" by Guy Scarpetta & "Merce Cunningham et Meredith Monk- Cinema Merce Cunningham et Meredith Monk"; Marseille Objectif Danse; Journal No. 22, Fall 1994; "16mm Earrings" & "Ellis Island". "'Meredith Monk': Volcano Songs (Solo)"; COTE; November 1994. "Modern Minimalist Composers Find an Audience Beyond Academia"; by Tim Page; Details; January, 1994; general music. "Plateia Ouve Gorecki Neste Inverno"; Folha de S. Paulo; May 26, 1994; Preview to Festival de Inverno, Brazil. "Roll Over, Beethoven! This is Not Your Father's Classical Music" by Marion S. Jacobson; Stereo Review; December 1994; Musica Sacra. "Salvagem, Doce, Natural" by Janete El Haouli; Nicolau [Brazil]; August, 1993; p. 7; in Portuguese. "Sao Joao Atendeu a Todos os Pedidos de Quem Queria Falar do Ceu"; Qualis; 1994; pp. 18 & 22; Preview, Festival de Inverno, Brazil. "Sensing the Sacred in Life/Meredith Monk Returns to P.S. 122" by Robert Hicks; The Villager Arts & Entertainment; December 14-18, 1994; "Volcano Songs". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "SPOTlight: Theater, Meredith Monk's Loud Sounds" by Zsofia Horvath; The Budapest Sun; September 29-October 5, 1994; "Book of Days", "Ellis Island", & Monk and Ensemble Music Concert. "This Island Earth"; The New Yorker; September 26, 1994; Preview of "American Archeology #1: Roosevelt Island". "Viagem Pela Musica do Seculo XX"; Diario do Comercio; May 27, 1994; Festival de Inverno, Brazil. "Vocal Music Concert Marks Naropa Institute Anniversary" by Glenn Giffin; The Denver Post; June 30, 1994; Monk with Bob Een Musical Concert. "A Voice of Distinction" by K. Robert Schwarz; Out; No. 15, September 1994; History, "Atlas". "Volcano Songs" by Feingold; The Village Voice Choices Listings; May 17, 1994; "Bessie's Way", by Anne Tobias; Dance Ink; Winter 93-94; pp. 38-42; Article about Bessie Schonberg with quotes about her by Meredith. Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books Outside the Frame: Performance and the Object, A Survey History of Performance Art in the USA Since 1980; Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art; Cleveland, OH; 1994; pp. 47, 77, 168; Photograph of "Silver Lake with Dolmen Music, 1980" and mentions. "You Turned the Tables on Me: Il Tavolino: Un Breve Storia" di Roberto Masotti; Auditorium; Auditorium Edizioni; Milano; 1994; p. 90; Photograph by Roberto Masotti of Meredith from Milano, 1978. Chapters in Books about MM "Meredith Monk and the Making of 'Chacon': Notes from a Journal" by Sally Banes; Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism; Wesleyan University Press; Hanover, NH; 1994; pp. 240-252, 208, 221, 225, 255-256, 261, 269, 282, 294, 303, 318, 324, 336, 345, 348. Books and Essays about MM "A View of Postmoderism in Music and Society" by Randall Allsup; Student essay at Teachers College, Columbia University; Monk as postmodernist composer and "Atlas". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Bridge of Babel" by Amy Jambois; December 1, 1994; student essay, "Ellis Island". "Claes Oldenburg and Meredith Monk: The Marriage of Art and Reality" by Patricia Johnson; Fall 1994; student essay, "Ellis Island". "Ellis Island" by Douglas Langley; December 1994; student essay. "In the Minds of Visionaries" by Yuval Miller; December 4, 1994; student essay, "Ellis Island". "Monk and Rivera: A Comparison" by Jackie Kersh; December 1,1994; student essay, "Ellis Island". "The Performance Artist As Storyteller Vs. The Artist As The Story" by Diana Caplan; December 6, 1994; student essay, "Turtle Dreams". "The works of Meredith Monk and John Cage" by Elika Ehsani; December 3, 1994; student essay, "Ellis Island". Reviews "All the Good Spirits and the Artist, Meredith Monk"/ "Vsichni Dobri Duchove a Umelkyne Meredith Monkova" by Pavel Klusak; MF Dnes; October 7, 1994; in Czech with some English translation; Solo Concert & Ensenble Concert. "L'Amour Bleu" by Bruce-Michael Gelbert; Native Night Out; February 1994; review of "Memory Song". "L'Amour Bleu" by Randy Gener; The Village Voice; March 22, 1994. "Atlas" by Kevin Michael Williams; Chicago Sun-Times; March 13, 1994. "Bold Solos Mark New Yorker's Showcase" by Anne Marie Welsh; The San Diego UnionTribune; February 23, 1994; review of"Plateau No. 2" & "Song's from the Hill". "Bop a Dop Bop" by Kyle Gann; The Village Voice; January 4, 1994; Ensemble Concert at Merkin Hall. "Brief and Festive: Four Days of Meredith Monk"/ "Strucne a Slavnostne: Ctyri Dny s Meredith Monkovou" by Vladimir Kouril; UNI: Kulturni Magazin; October 1994; in Czech(?) with brief translation in English. "Classical Recordings" by Fredric Koeppel; Fanfare; April 3, 1994; review of "Atlas". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Classical Reviews featuring Meredith Monk/L.A. Guitar Quartet/Arvo Part" by Tom Vernier; CD Review; February 1994; review of "Return to Earth". "Dance Piece a Moving Epic of Roosevelt Island" by Valerie Sudol; The Star-Ledger; September 27, 1994; review of "American Archeology #1". "An Experience of Singing Without Words and Music Without Limits"/ Zazitky ze Zpevu Beze Slov a z Hudby Bez Omezeni" by Mis; Prace (Praha); October 6, 1994; in Czech with a quote translated in English. "Facing the Music or Backing Away From It" by Jack Anderson; New York Times; June 5, 1994; review of "Volcano Songs". "Fantasmas Na Garganta" by Luiz Andre Alzer; O Globo; July 16, 1994; Festival de Inverno. "From Rejzek's Diary"/ "Z Rejzkova Denicku" by Jan Rejzek; Cesky Denik; October 4, 1994; Czech Review with brief English translation. "Gedanken ohne Worter" by [Author unknown]; [Publication unknown]; November 1996 "Impressions Fugitives" by Murielle Fourlon; [Publication unknown]; November 23-30, 1994; review of "Volcano Songs". "Interior Itch" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; May 13, 1994; review of "Volcano Songs" at P.S. 122, May 11-15, 1994. "Is it Open Season on John Cage?..." by [Author unknown]; Rolling Stone; February 24, 1994; "The John Cage Tribute." "Islands of Lights, of Ghosts and of the Mind/The Isle of Monk" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; December 25, 1994; review of "American Archeology #1: Roosevelt Island." "The Magic of Meredith Monk"/ "Pamet Hlasu/ Meredith Monkova v Praze" by Kuca; Denni Telegraf (Prague); October 6, 1994; in Czech with brief English translation. "The Memory of Voice/ Meredith Monk in Prague"/ "Kouzelnice Meredith Monkova" by Jiri Cieslar; Literarni Noviny; November 10, 1994; Brief English translation of Czech Review. "Meredith Monk, At P.S. 122 May 11 through 15" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; May 31, 1994; review of "Volcano Songs". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Meredith Monk: American Archeology #1" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; October 18, 1994; review of "American Archeology #1: Roosevelt Island". "Meredith Monk: Atlas " by Bill Tilland; Option; May/June 1994. "Meredith Monk: Atlas" by Jeff Simon; Buffalo News; January 28, 1994. "Meredith Monk: Atlas" by Kyle Gann; The Village Voice Consumer Guide; March 22, 1994. "Meredith Monk Faz Workshop No Palco Do Auditorio Claudio Santoro" by Luis Antonio Giron; Folha di Sao Paulo; July 18, 1994; review of "Atlas", "Dolmen Music", Book of Days", Festival de Inverno. "Meredith Monk Quer O Pop Bem Longe Dela" by Luis Antonio Giron; Folha de S. Paulo; July 13, 1994; Festival de Inverno workshops. "Meredith Monk Reflects on the Ages of Mankind" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; May 17, 1994; review of "Volcano Songs". "Monk: Atlas" by K. Robert Schwarz; Classical Pulse; June/July 1994. "Monk's Atlas" by Ernie Torres; Athens Daily News/Banner Herald; February 27, 1994. "Monk's Opera 'Atlas' is a Head-Turner" by Joshua Kosman; San Francisco Chronicle Datebook; January 23, 1994. "Of Eternal Light" by K. Robert Schwarz; Classical Pulse!; April/May 1994; CD review. "Of Eternal Light"; Qualis; [Date unknown]. "Offbeat Sounds a Tribute to John Cage" by Wilma Salisbury; Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH); February 6, 1994; "Aria" from "The John Cage Tribute." "Out of Cage" by Denby Richards; Musical Opinion; Volume No. 117; February 1994; "The John Cage Tribute." "Performance: Scrumptious/ Recording: Excellent" by D.P.S.; Stereo Review; January 1994; "Musica Sacra: Return to Earth". "La Qer que Christiane Blasie Voit Danser" by Jeanne Baumberger; Le Provencal; November 18, 1994; review of "Volcano Songs". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Le Rituel Magique de Meredith Monk" by Patrick Merle; Le Meridional; November 18, 1994; "Volcano Songs"; *Translation: "The Magic Ritual of Meredith Monk" by Ruth Fuglistaller. "Roosevelt Island As A Stage" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; September 26, 1994; review of "American Archeology No. 1: Roosevelt Island". "There’s No Escaping John Cage and His Postmodern Influence" by Joseph McLeflan; Washington Post; January 9, 1994; "The John Cage Tribute." "Todas As Vozes Na Contramao" by Luiz Andre Alzer; O Globo; July 15, 1994; Festival de inverno, Brazil: workshops. "Turn Up That Noise!: an Eclectic Survey of Recent Recordings" by David Smyth; Memphis Flyer; September 8-14, 1994; review of "Atlas". "United They Stand"; LA Village View; March 1994; review of "Plateau #2". "Wild About Guitars" by Joey Rand; [Publication unknown] (Los Angeles); review of "Atlas". MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 1993 Articles by or Interviews with MM "Bessie's Way" by Anne Tobial; [Publication Unknown]; 1993; pp. 38-42; quotes by Meredith about Bessie Schonberg. "The Instrumental Voice"; An Interview with Meredith Monk by John Corbett; New Art Examiner; Summer 1993; pp. 26-29. "Meredith Monk/Music That Dances Dances That Sing"; An Interview by Nicholas Zurbrugg; Dance Theater Journal; Vol. 10, No.2; Winter 1992/1993; pp. 4-5, 36-37. Transcription of Question & Answer session, post-performance at the Joyce Theater [answers only]; May, 1993; "Education of the Girlchild". Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers "The 1993 Collin Walcott Memorial Benefit Concert" Flyer; The West Kortright Centre; August 21, 1993. "Acclaimed Artist Meredith Monk to be Regents Lecturer in School of the Arts"; ArtsWork- UCLA School of the Arts; Winter/Spring, 1993. "Arctic Adventures Offers Life Lesson" by Dan Furst; Asahi Evening News; March 17, 1993; "Facing North." "Art with Dignity" by Gail Rich; Spotlight-Santa Cruz Sentinel; April 16, 1993; p. 21; Residency at UCSC. "Composers Enjoy the Calm Before the Festival" by Paul Hertelendy; San Jose Mercury News; November 5, 1993; "Other Minds." "Dance"; Tokyo Journal; April 1993; "Facing North." Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church, Fall 1993 Calendar (20th Anniversary Season); Janis Brenner/"Plateau #2." "East’s Meredith Monk Goes to West to Stage ‘Facing North’" by Anne Marie Welsh; San Diego Union-Tribune (ECM INFO); March 2, 1993. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble"; "Merkin Concert Hall 1993-94 Season/Music in Perspective"; December 4-5, 1993; "Three Heavens and Hells" "Vessel Suite" and "New Work (World Premiere)." "Meredith Monk/Atlas"; ECM New Series; 1993; Description of Recording. "Meredith Monk/Atlas/An Opera in Three Parts"; ECM New Series; 1993; Quotes and Description. "Meredith Monk/Composer-Choreographer-Singer-Dancer-Film-maker"; Global Vision/World Arts & Cultures Newsletter; Winter 1993; pp. 1, 10. Flyers for Residency at UC Santa Cruz included. "Meredith Monk: Faith in the Mixed Message" by Jan Breslauer; Los Angeles Times; March 12, 1993; Page F1, F24. "Meredith Monk: Invitation to Vertigo"; Art Press Brochure; 1993. "Meredith Monk's..."; The Macdowell Colony News; Vol. 22, No.2; Fall/Winter 1993. "Meredith Monk's Facing North"; Austin Arts Center/Trinity College Brochure; October 1993. "Meredith Monk: Silver Lake with Dolmen Music" Leaflet; Sound Installation; Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavillion, University of Illinois; August 27-October 10, 1993. "Merely Music" by Terry Teachout; Daily News; November 29, 1993; "Three Heavens and Hells. "Modern"; Dance Cafe (Japanese); April 1993. "Monk of All Trades" by Vivian Huang; Daily Bruin; March 8, 1993; pp. 14, 18; Master Classes and Performances at UCLA. "Monk Performs Atlas" by Nicloe Cobban; The Bucknellian; Vol. III, No. 3; February 19, 1993; pp. 1, 13; Week-long Residency and Concert Version of "Atlas." "Monk Residency Explores Voice" by Nicole Cobban; The Bucknellian; February 12, 1993; p. 11; Week-long Residency and Concert Version of "Atlas." "Music/Here and Now"; New York; September 13, 1993; Merkin Concert Hall. "Music-Theater in a Cultural Context"; The New Music-Theater Ensemble 1992-1993 Manifesto; pp. 6-7; "Book of Days" and quote by Meredith Monk. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Multitalented Meredith Monk to be in Residence at UI for Week"; Inside Illinois; September 18, 1993; p. 12. "Music: ‘Other Minds’ Looks Adventurous" by Joshua Kosmanl; San Francisco Chronicle; Octlber 11, 1993. "New Label for New Music" by Roxanne Orgill; The Wall Street Journal; December 8, 1993; "Of Eternal Light." "Out of the Parlor, Into the Mainstream" by John Rockwell; the New York TImes; June (?), 1993; article about Women Composers, photo of Meredith. "Performances"; Mainichi Daily News; March 15, 1993; "Facing North." "Performing Arts/Ceremony"; JIJ; March 1993; "Facing North." "Radio Stations Planning Feature Broadcasts of Atlas/An Opera in Three Parts/by Meredith Monk"; ECM INFO; February 4-March 13, 1993. "The Right Note"; The West Kortright Centre Season 93 Brochure; Mentions Meredith Monk with Photo. "Serious Music’s Sexy New Look" by Allan Ulrich; San Francisco Examiner; September 26, 1993; pp. D1, D4; "Other Minds." "Spendors of Spring/A Supplement to Vanity Fair"; Vanity Fair; April 1993; "Education of the Girlchild." "Talking Book/Meredith Monk's New Musical Language" by Dudley Saunders; Option; No. 50; May/June 1993; pp. 83-86. "Theater: Slim Program But a Promise of More" by Steven Winn; San Francisco Chronicle; October 11, 1993. "This Past Year" by Lanny Harrison; Sense and Nonsense & Other Ventures; Vol. 2, Issue 1; Winter 1993-4; "Education of the Girlchild." "Thomas Bogdan"; Danspance Projects Winter 1994 Calendar; "Memory Song" from "The Games" and "New York Requiem." "Tough Love, A Performer's Journey" by Nicky Paraiso; Movement Research # 6; p. 7; April 1993. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Whose Silence is it Anyway?" by Tim Page; Fanfare; November 28, 1993; "A Chance Operation: The John Cage Tribute." "World Renowned Performance Artist to Appear at Austin Arts" by Joanna Marsden; The Trinity Tripod; September 28, 1993; "Facing North." Chapters in Books about MM "Meredith Monk" by Myrna Frances Schloss; Out of the Twentieth Century: Three Composers, Three Musics, One Femininity; Wesleyan University; Middletown, CT; May 1993; pp. 1-97; Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Wesleyan University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Books/Essays about MM Student essays on Meredith Monk's Workshops: "Meredith Impressions" by Katrina Herb, April 23, 1993. "Meredith Monk and Me" by Tim Steimle. "Meredith Monk Workshop Critique" by James Amlicke, April 28, 1993. "Ode to Meredith" by Mary Jordan. "Time with Meredith" by Valerie K. Marsden, April 26, 1993. "Thoughts about Meredith Monk" by Paul Heimer. "A Week with Meredith" by Nina Knoche. [No Title] by Jennifer Berkenstock, April 7, 1993. [No Title] by Marc Haimes, February 14, 1993. [No Title] by George Hannah; 1993. Reviews "Arrivals and Departures" by Tobi Tobias; New York; May 31, 1993; review of "Education of the Girlchild." "Atlas is the Longest, Most Ambitious..."; London Financial Times (ECM INFO); July 17, 1993. "Audio Reviews: Simon Trezise/Atlas Meredith Monk" by Simon Trezise; Opera Now (ECM INFO); September 1993. "Catalyst Media Alert/'Of Eternal Light': Choral Works by Monok, Messaien, Gordon, Ligeti, Sherman, Moran" by K. Robert Schwarz; As seen in The New York Times; December 19, 1993. "CD5: Meredith Monk/Return to Earth" by Sarah Walker; Record Review No. 1514 (Week 39)/ New Releases: Contemporary Music; BBC National Radio. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Composers Share Their Notes in a Meeting of the Minds" by Jeff Kaliss; The Oakland Tribune; November 4, 1993; pp. D1, D4. "Double Edge" by Carle VP Groome; The New York Review of Records; April/May 1993; review of "Phantom Waltz”. "Double Edge: U.S. Choice"; by Kyle Gann; The Village Voice; Vol. XXXCIII, No. 9; March 2, 1993. "Facing North" by Thom Jurek; Detroit Metro Times (ECM INFO); January 27, 1993. "‘Girlchild’ is Young as Ever" by Susan Elliot; New York Post (ECM INFO); May 13, 1993. "Master of a Universal Language" by Amy Gherna; Daily Illini; September 28, 1993. "Meredith Monk/Atlas" by Nick Kimberely; The Wire (ECM INFO); August 1993. "Meredith Monk: Facing North"; by Mark Sullivan; Option (ECM INFO); March/April 1993. "Minding Other Things" by Allan Ulrich; San Francisco Examiner; November 6, 1993; pp. C1, C11; review of "Other Minds." "M. Monk Atlas" by Keith Shadwick; Gramophone (ECM INFO); October 1993; review of "Atlas." "Monk: Facing North" by Carl Baugher; Stereophile (ECM INFO); August 1993. "Monk: Facing North. Vessel" An Opera Epic. Recent Ruins: Boat Song.."; by Scott Wheeler; Fanfare; March/April 1993. "Monk of All Trades/UCLA Welcomes Composer/Choreographer" by Vivian Huang; Daily Bruin; March 8, 1993; p. 15, 18. "New-Music Festival Concert Has Its Ups and Downs" by Joshua Kosman; San Francisco Chronicle; November 8, 1993; review of "Light Songs." "New Music Requires Open Mind" by Joshua Kosman; San Francisco Chronicle; November 6, 1993; review of "Other Minds." "One Imprint, Many Styles" by Allan Kozinn; New York Times; December 8, 1993; review of "Vessel", "Three Heavens and Hells" and "Custom Made." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "One Woman's Time Travel" by Joseph H. Mazo; New York Newsday; May 10, 1993. "Particular People" Delights Enthusiastic Audience at Centre" by Ernest M. Fishman; Freeman’s Journal; August 25, 1993; West Kortwright Centre. "The Reeducation of the Girlchild" by Joseph H. Mazo; Daily News; May 15, 1993; review of "Education of the Girlchild." "Review of CRI CD 637 Double Edge"; Jazziz; June/July 1993. "Shock of the New" by Steve Dollar; The Atlanta Journal(ECM INFO); January 30, 1993; review of "Facing North" recording. ----CHECK DATE----"Some Mythical Women at Their Own Round Table" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times; Spring, 1993; review of "Education of the Girlchild." "Time Travel by One Woman" by Joseph H. Mazo; Long Island Newsday (ECM INFO); May 11, 1993. "Travel Dreaming..."; and "The Thing that is Most Fantastic..." Neue Musikzeitung; June/July 1993; two translations of Atlas reviews by Wayne Evan Hankin: "U.S. Choice" by Raymond; American Record Guide; July/August 1993; review of "Double Edge." "Visionary Artists Can’t Be Penned In" by Louise Steinman; LA Times; March 29, 1993; review of "Facing North." "Voice Choices/Education of the Girlchild" by Zimmer; Voice; May 11, 1993. p. 75. "When a Piece of Music Theatre..." by Geoffrey Norris; Daily Telegram (London); July 24, 1993; review of "Atlas." "Women’s Lives" by T.J. Medrek, Jr.; Bay Windows; May 27, 1993; p. 33; review of "Atlas." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 1992 Articles by or Interviews with MM Dance Magazine Award acceptance speech by Meredith Monk. Essay on John Cage by Meredith Monk (to be "John Cage: Heir to the Air"); 2 pages, 1992. "John Cage: Heir to the Air" by Meredith Monk; Proof of article for Stagebill; accompanied by letter from Bob Sandla; September 9, 1992. "Meredith Monk - Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg"; New York; February 5, 1992. "Meredith Monk: Referencias Verbais" by Miguel Santos; [Publication Unknown]; 1992; Interview & Review of Music Concert with Robert Een, in Portugeuse. "Meredith Monk w/Robert Een/Facing North" by Meredith Monk; ECM New Series Brochure; Autumn 1992. Notes about "Atlas," "Facing North," "Vessel," and "Recent Ruins" by Meredith Monk; 1992 (includes other drafts of the essays). "Strange, Disziplin und Hingabe (fur John Cage)" by Meredith Monk; MusikTexte: Zeitschrift fur Neue Musik, Heft 46/47; Koln; December, 1992. "A Voz e Livre"; Interview with Fernando Magalhaes; Publico; September 18, 1992; pp. 8-10. Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers "Ashe Society"; New York Shambala Center Newsletter; Vol. 2, No. 4, Summer 1992. "Atlas" Advertisement; The Calendar for New Music; May 1992. "Atlas Concert/Meredith Monk" Poster; For Performances at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts on February 20, 1993. "Atlas Shrugged/Meredith Monk’s Got the World on Her Shoulders" by Caroline Palmer; Paper; May 1992; "Atlas." "Dance"; The New Yorker; August 13, 1992; "Break." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 Dance Magazine Awards Invitation; Lila Acheson Wallace Auditorium, The Asia Society; April 13, 1992; Meredith Monk: Recipient. "Dance/Full Circle Benefit for Women in Need" Invitation; May 19-20, 1992; Featuring Work by Meredith Monk. "Dance Magazine Presents Its 1992 Awards for Distinguished Careers in Dance/Meredith Monk" by Joseph H. Mazo; Dance Magazine; April 1992; p. 16. "Ellis Island: One Artist Views Conference Center Plan" by Diane Webber; Downtown Express; March 16, 1992; p. 9. "Face the Music/A Music Video Project" Brochure; Presented by the Children’s Group; Contains an Artist Profile of Meredith Monk, and the Poem "Three Heavens and Hells" by Tennesee Reed. "The Fordham Conference: an Overview/A Morning on Theatre and Dance" by Michael Gallagher; Atheism and Faith; XXVII-2; 1992; p. 110-111. "Getting Back to the Basics" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times; July 26, 1992; "Break." "Immediate Release/Edward Villella to be Master of Ceremonies at the Thirty-Fifth International Dance Magazine Awards 1992"; Dance Magazine Press Release; 1992. "Keeping Up with Meredith Monk" by Allan Kozinn; The New York Times; May 14, 1992. "Kickoff" ed. Richard Phillip; Dance Magazine; March 1992; p. 7; Meredith Monk: Recipient of Dance Magazine Award. "Kommunidationskraft der Gufuhle: Zu Meredith Monk und Laurie Anderson" by Gisela Gronemeyer; MusikTexte: Zeitschrift Fur Neue Musik; 44, April 1992; pp. 5-16. "Les Jeux de Voix de Meredith Monk"; Vogue (French); No. 731; November, 1992; p. 22; "Facing North." "Mascaras e Rumores/Meredith Monk Encerra os Encontros Acarte" by Joao Lisboa; Expresso Cartaz; No. 1038; September 19, 1992; p. 4; "Facing North" & "Songs from the Hill." "Meredith Monk"; Dasandere Theater Brochure; Show on June 27, 1992; "Facing North." "Meredith Monk"; Encontros Acarte 92 Brochure; Show on August 19-20, 1992; "Facing North." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Meredith Monk and Robert Een/"Facing North""; Arts Quarterly Brochure; December 1992; Advertising Productions on March 12-13, 1992. "Meredith Monk & Robert Een"; Fabrik Programm; Nr. 152; June 1992; p. 2. "Meredith Monk: Atlas"; America, New York/The New World of the Arts; New York Celebrates the Arts; March 1, 1992-February 28, 1993. "Meredith Monk, Des Images et des Jours" Flyer; To be Presented at Le Festival d’Automne a Paris; November 16-17, 1992; "Facing North" "Meredith Monk: Portret" by Janneque Draisma; [Unpublished]; November, 1992; in Dutch. -----MAJOR ARTICLE----"Meredith Monk’s Atlas of Sound/New Opera and the American Performance Tradtion" by Bonnie Marranca; Performing Arts Journal • 40: Multiculturalism Identity Politics and the Artists; Number 40, Vol. XIV, No. 1; January 1992; pp. 16-29; Includes storyboards and photos of "Atlas". "Meredith Monk’s Opera Atlas..."; MacDowell Colony News; , Vol. 21, No. 2; Fall/Winter 1992. "Meredith Monk/The House Foundation for the Arts" Brochure; Spring 1992. "Meredith Monk/The Innovative Composer Talks about her Philosphy, and Atlas, her New Opera" by Simi Horwitz; Opera Monthly; July 1992; pp. 17-20. "Meredith Monk/The Performance Artist Explores Atlas" by David Hirsh; New York Native; May 4, 1992. "Meredith Monk: The World on her Shoulders" by Deborah Jowitt; 22 pages. "Meredith Monk Vocal Ensemble" by Allen Robertson; Time Out (London); October 28November 4, 1992; p. 91; Concert at Queen Elisabeth Hall. "Meredith Monk/Vocal Ensemble from the USA"; Rainbow Over Bath Brochure; October 1992-May 1993. "Monk’s Quest" by Amei Wallach; New York Newsday; May 13, 1992; pp. 56-57; "Atlas." "Multi-Artist Monk In a Northern Light" by Joe Brown; The Washington Post; February 21, 1992; p. 13; "Facing North”. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Opera Watch"; Opera News; Vol. 56, No. 16; May 1992; p. 7; "Atlas." "A Passion for Dance" by Tim Boxer; The Jewish Week, Inc.; March 20-26, 1992; p. 40; Mentions Meredith Monk. "Premiered/Meredith Monk’s Atlas..."; Playback/ASCAP in Action; Spring, 1992, p. 11. "Radio Stations Celebrating Meredith’s Birthday with Special Broadcasting"; ECM Records; 1992. "Salad Days" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; August 18, 1992; p. 87; "Break." "Taking Chances on New Music/Pioneer Performance Space, Roulette, Keeps AvantGarde Edge" by Deborah Kelt; Downtown Express; March 10, 1992; Mentions Meredith Monk as Audience Member. "A Theatrical Innovator Redesigns Opera" by Joseph H. Mazo; The Sunday Record; Section E; May 10, 1992; p. 1; "Atlas." "Vision in a Can" by Kyle Gann; Voice; June 2, 1992; p. 87; Mentions "Atlas" in Article about Bang on a Can. "Voice Choices/Atlas" by Feingold; Voice; May 19, 1992; p. 75. "Voice Choices/Music/Margaret Leng Tan" by Kyle Gann; The Village Voice; November 10, 1992; Vol. XXXVII; No. 45; "Paris." "Voice Over" Press Release re: "Musical Selections from Atlas and Facing North"; For Productions held October 29-November 8, 1992. Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books The Kitchen Turns Twenty: A Retrospective Anthology; ed. Lee Morrissey; The Kitchen; New York; 1992; p. 38. "Meredith Monk Book of Days", "Meredith Monk Do You Be", Meredith Monk Turtle Dreams", Meredith Monk Dolmen Music"; ECM New Series; ECM Records; Germany; 1992; composite of CD reviews in German & English. Chapters in Books about MM *"Le Festival D'Automne de Michel Guy" by Guy Scarpetta; ??; Editions du Regard; Paris; 1992; pp. 146-149; Essay in French. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 Reviews "Ah, the Good Old Days: Were They?" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times; August 1, 1992; "Break". "Alexandra the Great" by Leighton Turner; Voice; June 2, 1992; p. 90; review of "Atlas." "Atlas" by Diane Webber; Downtown Express; May 11, 1992; review of "Atlas." "‘Atlas’ Shows Monk’s Way to Mainstream Opera Success" by David Patrick Stearns; USA Today; May 15, 1992. "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" by Tobi Tobias; New York; February 24, 1992; p. 128; review of "Facing North." "An Evening of Megadance at Tully Hall" by Lillie F. Rosen; Jewish Journal; August 21, 1992; p. 7; review of "Break." "Beyond the Climax" by Kyle Gann; The Voice; November 24, 1992; p. 94; Margaret Leng Tan performs "Paris." "‘Facing North’: Poetry in Motion" by Alan M. Kriegsman; The Washington Post; February 24, 1992; p. B7; review of "Facing North." "For Goodies in the Contemporary Field..." by Wes Blomster; The Daily Camera (ECM INFO); November 26, 1992; review of "Facing North" "Vessel: An Opera Epic" and "Recent Ruins" "Getting Down to New-Music Basics/’Atlas’ Opera, Bang on a Can Festival Epitomize the Genre in New York" by Joshua Kosman; San Francisco Chronicle; June 14, 1992; pp. 2728. "Guaranteeing 'New Directions' in the Arts"; Kentucky Center Presents; January/February 1992; p. 9. "A Megadose of Seminal Postmodernism" by Janice Berman; New York Newsday; July 31, 1992. *???... Education of the Girlchild." by Kristin Faurest; The Courier-Journal; January 16, 1992. "Meredith Monk" by Andrew Clements; [Publication Unknown]; November 4, 1992; Music Concert with Robert Een. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Meredith Monk: Brooklyn Academy of Music, BAM" by RoseLee Goldberg; [Date Unknown], 1992; review of "Atlas". "Meredith Monk/Facing North" by James Wierzbicki; St. Louis Post-Dispatch; November 22, 1992. "Meredith Monk: Referencias Verbais" by Miguel Santos; [Publication Unknown]; September, 1992; Interview & Review of Music Concert with Robert Een, in Portugeuse. "Meredith Monk Remains..." by Susan Elliot; American Record Guide; Sept./Oct. 1992; review of "Atlas." "Meredith Monk’s 'Atlas': The World on her Shoulders" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; [Date Unknown], 1992. "Meredith Monk Vocal Ensemble" by John Robert-Blunn; [Publication unknown]; [Date Unknown], 1992; review of "Facing North." "Meredith Monk with Robert Een/'Facing North'"; The Harbinger (Mobile, Alabama); December 8, 1992. "Minimal to the Max"; Time; Vol. 139, No. 21; May 25, 1992; review of "Atlas." "Monk’s ‘Atlas’ is a World of Fun" by Joan Acocella; Daily News; May 15, 1992. "Monk’s Dramatic Voyage" by Jan Stuart; New York Newsday; May 15, 1992; review of "Atlas." "Monk’s Theater of Ancestral Imagery" by Linda Winer; New York Newsday; February 14, 1992; review of "Facing North." "Mythic Truths in a Cold, Clear World" by Joseph H. Mazo; The Record; (Hackensack, N.J.) February 11, 1992; review of "Facing North." "O Canto da Respiracao" by Fernando Magalhaes; Publico; September 21, 1992; p. 26. "Reactions of the Body" by Robert Maycock; Independent; Feburary 11, 1992; review of "Atlas." "The Road to Artistic Freedom" by Joseph H. Mazo; The Record; May 15, 1992; review of "Atlas." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Shouldering Several Worlds" by Michael Carter; Cover Magazine; [Date unknown], 1992; review of "Atlas." "Snowy Monk & Hunk" by Susan Elliot; New York Post; February 8, 1992. "A Theatrical Innovator Redesigns Opera" by Joseph H. Mazo; The Record; June 10, 1992; pp. E1, E13; review of "Atlas." --CHECK DATE & PUBLICATION---"Vocal Lady’s in a Class of Her Own" by Christopher Morely; England; October/November, 1992. "Wild About Guitars" by Joey Rand; [Publication Unknown] (Los Angeles); February, 1992; "Atlas" CD Review. "Woman Finds Worth on Map" by Susan Elliot; New York Post; May 15, 1992; review of "Atlas." "A Woman’s Quest" by Bruce-Michael Gelbert; New York Native; June 8, 1992; review of "Atlas." "Wordless Beauty" by Bodil Persson; Dagens Nyheter; March 1992; review of "Facing North." "Wordless Wilderness" by Rodney Milnes; Times; February 10, 1992; review of "Facing North" and "Atlas." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 1991 Articles by or Interviews with MM "Exploratory Music Theater" by Meredith Monk; The Radiant Performer: The Spiral Path to Performing Power; by H. Wesley Balk; University of Minnesota Press; Minneapolis; 1991; pp. x-xii, part of foreword. Interview with Meredith Monk by John Killacky; The Artist Series II; pp. 93-98. Interview with Meredith Monk by Edward Strickland; 1992; later published in American Composers: Dialogues on Contemporary Music; see Chapter in Books on Meredith Monk. "La Liberte Guide Ses Pas" an Interview by Sylvie de Nussac; Le Monde; July 11, 1991; p. 24; "Atlas." The Listening Book: Discovering Your Own Music; by W.A. Mathieu; Shambala; Boston; 1991; p. i; Book review by Meredith Monk. "Meredith Monk" by Edward Strickland; American Composers: Dialogues on Contemporary Music; Indiana University Press; Bloomington; 1991; pp. 87-104, x, xi, 2, 4, 5, 9, 157, 158, 160, 173; Interview and mentions. ----CHECK THIS TITLE-----"Meredith Monk" - an Inte Winter 1991-1992; Talking Music/Conversations with 5 Generations of American Experimental Composers; 1989. "Meredith Monk/La Voyage Metaphysique" - an Interview by Phillipe de Vignal; Art Press 160; July-August 1991; pp. 10-17. "Some Thoughts about Art" by Meredith Monk; American Music Theater Festival Magazine; Number 1; pp. 8-9; 1991. Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers "AMTF Presents Major Opera by Meredith Monk"; AMTF Press Release; May 1991. "Armchair Explorer: Patrolling the Universe with Meredith Monk" by Marcia B. Siegel; Dance Ink; Vol. 2, No. 3; Winter 1991-1992; pp. 24-27; "Atlas." "Art Beat/Connecting the Unconnectable at the CAM, a Quest for Wholeness at HGO" by Dean Dalton; Houston Metropolitan; February 1991; pp. 58-60. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Atlas"; Walker Art Center Brochure; March 1991; advertising a production of "Atlas" on March 5, 1991. "Atlas: eine Oper in Drei Teilen"; Hebbel Theatre Brochure; July-September, 1991; Includes an excerpt by E.E. Fischer from the publication: Suddeutsche Zeitung. "'Atlas'" Explores World of New Opera" by Charles Ward; Houston Chronicle; February 17, 1991; pp. 21, 34. "Atlas: le Sens du Mystere" by Arlette Frazier; Pariscope/Une Semane de Paris; No. 1208; July 17-23, 1991; p. 4. "Atlas/Meredith Monk’s Operatic Odyssey Set for Premiere" by Carl Cunningham; The Houston Post; February 17, 1991; p. G-18. "Atys & Atlas" by Mark Swed; The Complete BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music Newsletter/Brochure); 1991. "Big Planet -- Little Drum" Press Release; The Cooper Union News; March 20, 1991; A Celebration of Music, Dance, Poetry and Art with Meredith Monk, David Murray, David Amram, Raphael Mostel and Friends. "Book of Days"; Megamix, Magazin Rock de Martin Meissonnier; June 21, 1991. "Book of Days/An Anthology of Monkwork" by Joan Driscoll Lynch; Millenium Film Journal; [Date unknown]; pp. 39-47 "Composer Renames her Opera as HGO Rehearsals Continue" by Carl Cunningham; The Houston Post; December 17, 1991; "Atlas." "Contaminazioni del Novecento" by Elena Franceschini; L'Adige; September 1, 1991; preview to Oriente-Occidente Festival. "Dispatches from Opera’s Front Lines" by David Stevens; International Herald Tribune; July 27-28, 1991; Houston Grand Opera/"Atlas." "Dream Weaver" by Robert Sandla; Opera News; Vol. 55, No. 11; February 16, 1991; pp. 8-11; "Atlas." "Film and Video Artists Represented in 1991 Biennial Exhibition at Whitney Museaum of American Art"; Whitney Museum of American Art Press Release; March 1991; "Book of Days." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Fine Arts Stars to Vie for Attention" by Charles Ward; Houston Chronicle; February 22, 1991; Section D; "Atlas." "The Heart of Darkness/Film and Video at the Whitney Biennial" by Ann-Sargent Wooster; Arts Magazine; Vol. 66, No. 2; October 1991; pp. 66-71; "Book of Days." "HGO to Perform "Atlas" in Europe"; Houston Chronicle; February 21, 1991; Section E. "HGO to Serve Free Lunch-Hour Preview of 'Atlas'"; The Houston Post; February 20, 1991. "Hits of the Week/Meredith Monk’s ‘Atlas’"; Houston Chronicle; February 23, 1991; Section D. "Houston" by William Albright; Opera News; June 1991. "Houston......" by Max Loppert; Opera; May 1991; pp. 529, 530. "Houston Grand Opera’s 'Atlas' to Tour in Europe"; The Houston Post; February 1991. -----MAJOR ARTICLE---"Ice Demons, Clicks and Whispers" by Deborah Jowitt; The New York Times Magazine; June 30, 1991; pp. 18-19, 32-33. "In Dialogue - Performing Artists of Our Time"; Brochure for the Walker Art Center; 1991. "The Innocence of the 60’s, but Not Much ‘Oomph’" by Jenni Rodd; I to I; June-August 1991; pp. 19-21. "Invitation au Vertige" by Guy Scarpetta; Art Press 160; July-August 1991; pp. 11-12. "Invitation au Voyage" by Raphael de Gubernatis; L’Obs de Paris; No. 312; July 11-17, 1991; "Atlas." Letter of Appreciation to Meredith Monk from Marjorie Samoff at the American Music Theater Festival in Philadelphia, PA; July 26, 1991. Letter to Meredith Monk Proposing a Project from Kate Johnson at the White Oak Plantation Dance Project; July 10, 1991. "Long Road to 'Atlas'/Composer Meredith Monk’s Major Opera Coming to Annenberg Center This Week" by Robert Baxter; Courier-Post; June 2, 1991; pp. 1-2. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "A Map to Monk" by Michael Feingold; Houston Grand Opera Playbill; February 22-24, 26-28, 1991. "Material Worlds" by Rob Baker; Parabola; Vol. XVI, No. 3; August 1991; pp. 88-92; "Atlas." "Meredith Inedite" by Emmanuel Dayde; 7AParis; July 17, 1991; "Atlas." "Meredith Monk ist Erstmals als Opernkonponistin zu Bestaunen: In Houston Wurde <<Atlas>> Uraufgefuhrt" by Rainer Wagner; Basler Zeitung; No. 60; March 12, 1991; "Atlas." "Meredith Monk: L'artista Newyorkese Stasera a Oriente-Occidente" by Elena Franceschini; [Publication Unknown], (Italy); 1991; "Facing North" at Teatro Zandonai preview. "Meredith Monk/The House Foundation for the Arts" Brochure; Spring 1991. "Meredith Monk/The House Foundation for the Arts" Brochure; Fall 1991. "Meredith Monk/Three Pivotal Works: 1966-1971-1991"; The World Financial Center Arts and Events (Brochure); Fall 1991. "Meredith Monk Offers her "Opera" about a Woman’s Daring Journey" by Lesley Valdesl; The Philadelphia Inquirer; June 2, 1991; "Atlas." "Meredith Monk’s Atlas"; Walker Art Center Presents New Vistas in Contemporary Music; 1991; Show: March 5, 1991. "Meredith Monk’s Works, From Tiny to Grand" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; October 30, 1991; p. C14; World Financial Center. "Monk" by Carol Burbank; Philadelphia City Paper; May 31-June 7, 1991; "Atlas." "Monk Business" by Haim Nagid; At the Festival (Israel); [Date unknown], 1991. "Monk’s "Atlas" Explores Real Opera" by Michael Fleming; St. Paul Pioneer Press; March 3, 1991; pp. 1D, 3D. "New Careers: Up the Down Staircase" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; June 30, 1991; p. 21. "New Opera"; Houston Chronicle; February 20, 1991; "Atlas." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "On the 'Lookout' at the Shore" by Anne Levin; The Times; August 23, 1991; Mentions Meredith in regards to Wendy Shankin-Cohen. "The Opera" by Ann Thompson; Houston Tribune; February 1991; "Atlas." "Opera at the Annenberg"; Photo by Jim Caldwell; The Review; May 31, 1991; "Atlas." "A Pair of Post-Modernists Look to Their Roots" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; June 2, 1991; "Facing North." "Paris: Oh! Les Beaux Jours!"; Le Quotidien; May 31, 1991; "Atlas." "Paris, Quartier d'Ete: Rien A Moitie" by Ch. A.; [Publication Unknown]; July, 1991; "Atlas". "That Which is Fundamental/Julius Eastman, 1940-90" by Kyle Gann; Voice; [Date unknown]; pp. 49, 73. "Tibetan Monk" by William Albright; American Theatre; May 1991; pp. 34-36; "Atlas." "Travels with her Art" by Joh Milward; Applause; June 1991; pp. 20, 22; "Atlas." Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books 1991 Biennial Exhibition; Whitney Museum of American Art; New York; 1991; pp. 315, 356-357; Includes photograph of "Book of Days" and reference. Photo of Meredith Monk by Moni Kellermann; 25 Photographien. Chapters in Books about MM "Meredith Monk" by Edward Strickland; American Composers: Dialogues on Contemporary Music; Indiana University Press; Bloomington; 1991; pp. 87-104, x, xi, 2, 4, 5, 9, 157, 158, 160, 173; Interview and mentions. "Meredith Monk"; Women and Music: A History; ed. Karin Pendle; Indiana University Press; Bloomington; 1991; pp. 233-236, 227, 228, 230, 254. Books about MM Il 'Teatreo Totale' di Meredith Monk: Percezione e Memoria/ Meredith Monk's 'Total Theatre': Perception and Memory; Tesi di Laurea by Maria Caglianone; Universite deglie Studi di Torino; Anno Academico 1991/92; Extensive Thesis/Dissertation in Italian. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 Swallowing Technology: An Ethnomusicological Analysis of Meredith Monk's 'Quarry'; by David Gere; August 1991; pp. 1-255; (A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Division of the University in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Music). Reviews "Alexandra David-Neel: The Opera" by Ellen Pearlman; Vajradhatu Sun; AugustSeptember 1991. "Alone in the Wilderness" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; April 27, 1991; p. 15; review of "Facing North." "Atlas" by Max Loppert; Financial Times; February 26, 1991. "‘Atlas,’ an Opera with Few Words...has its Philadelphia Debut at the Zellerbach Theater" by Daniel Webster; The Philadelphia Inquirer; June 7, 1991; pp. 10-11. "Atlas/Houston Grand Opera" by Max Loppert; Financial Times; February 26, 1991; p. 13; review of "Atlas." "‘Atlas’: Opera, No Language" by Nels Nelson; Philadelphia Daily News; June 7, 1991. "Atlas" Reveals Interesting World of Whimsy" by Carl Cunningham; The Houston Post; February 25, 1991; p. D-4. "Baryshnikov Dazzles Crowd in Modern Choreography" by David Gere; The Oakland Tribune; November 7, 1991; p. B3; review of "Break." "Baryshnikov’s Genius Soars Beyond Stardom" by Anne Marie Welsh; San Diego Union; November 2, 1991; pp. C-1, C-8; review of "Break" "Baryshnikov’s Modern Turn" by Marilyn Tucker; San Francisco Chronicle; pp. E1-E3; review of "Break." "Buoyant Baryshnikov Delights Capacity Crowd" by Ron George; Corpus Christi CalletTimes; October 24, 1991; p. B9; review of "Break." "Dance" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; May 21, 1991; review of "Facing North." "Don’t Leave Early/Challenging 'Atlas' is Worth the Wait when Meredith Monk Enters Stage" by Charles Ward; Houston Chronicle; pp. 1D, 3D. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Eine Reise, ein Traum/Meredith Monks Oper "Atlas" in Houston Urauffgefuhrt" by EvaElizabeth Fischer; Suddeutsche Zeitung; March 4, 1991. "Endangered Ballet" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; May 21, 1991; pp. 91-92; review of "Facing North." "Et Vous, Cheval?" by Robert Bensimon; July 1991; review of "Atlas." "Film as a Shaper of American Culture" by Caryn James; The New York Times; April 19, 1991; p. C 24; review of "Book of Days." "A Journey, A Dream/Meredith Monk’s Opera "Atlas" Premiered in Houston by EvaElisabeth Fischer; Suddeutsche Zeitung; Nr. 53; March 4, 1991; review of "Atlas." "A Journey of Discovery From Meredith Monk" by Peter Goodman; New York Newsday; June 10, 1991; p. 59; review of "Atlas." "Lyden Av Menneske" by Torstein Knudsen; BA (Norway); September 16, 1991; "Music Concert" with Robert Een at Bryggen Museum in Norwegian. "Meredith Monk" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; November 26, 1991; p. 103; excerpts from "Vessel" and "Atlas" and "16 Millimeter Earrings" at the World Financial Center. "Meredith Monk/Atlas: an Opera in Three Parts" by Robert Dante; High Performance; Summer, 1991. "Meredith Monk: "El Futuro Artistico de Occidente Pasa Por La Globalizacion" by Miquel Jurado; El Pais; May 12, 1991. "Meredith Monk/"Facing North" by Stanley Siegel; Show Business; [Date unknown], 1991; p. 13. "Meredith Monk: Hauntingly Original" by Tim Page; Newsday; October 28, 1991; pp. 51, 61. "Meredith Monk, La Voix, Son Charme" by Chantal Aubry; La Croix L’Evenement; July 20, 1991; p. 14; review of "Atlas." "Meredith Monk Performs at the Drake Theater" by Daniel Webster; The Philadelphia Inquirer; October 12, 1991. "Meredith Monk’s Works, From Tiny to Grand" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; October 30, 1991. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Minimalist Opera, ‘Atlas,’ Sometimes Strenuous Listening" by Clark Groome; Chestnut Hill Local; June 13, 1991; p. 42. "Monk Creates a Majestic ‘Atlas’" by David Patrick Stearns; USA Today; February 28, 1991. "Monk’s ‘Atlas’ Carries Debut Opera with Style" by Michael Fleming; Saint Paul Pioneer Press; March 7, 1991; p. 3B. "Monk’s "Atlas" Mostly Delightful" by Rosemary Curtin Hite; The Commons Dispatch; March 11, 1991. "Monk’s New Opera, ‘Atlas’ Gives Resonance to Ancient Images" by Mike Steele; Star Tribune; March 7, 1991. "Monk Souleve Le Monde" by Herve Gauville; Liberation; July 20-21, 1991; pp. 29-30. "Monk’s Progress" by Leighton Kerner; Voice; April 9, 1991; p. 91; review of "Atlas". "Monkumental/Meredith Monk calls Atlas an Opera, but it’s like Nothing HGO Has Ever Done" by Alan M. Field; Houston Press; February 21, 1991. "Singing Souls" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; June 25, 1991; review of "Atlas." "Souls Searching" by Michael Feingold; The Village Voice; June 18, 1991; pp. 90, 94; review of "Atlas." "The Sound of Man" by Thorstein Knudsen; Bergensavisen (Norwegian); [Date unknown]; Music concert with Meredith Monk and Robert Een at the Bryggen Museum. "Spirit and Spirits of a Life Journey" by Hans-Klaus Jungheinrich; Frankfurter Rundschau; March 2, 1991; "Atlas." "Taking Center Stage in the Land of Dreams" by Yujian Liu; New York Asian News; October 1991; p. 17; review of "Atlas." "Terrain" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; November 26, 1991; p. 103; World Financial Center. "Three Appreciations" by Bernard Holland; The New York Times; November 2, 1991; Celebration of 20 Years at The Kitchen. "Three Women Perform Vanguard Voice Works" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; April 8, 1991; Composer’s Forum Program at Merkin Concert Hall. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Unsecret Pleasures" by Michael Feingold; Voice; May 7, 1991; p. 89; review of "Facing North." "Who Needs Words" by Carol Burbank; Philadelphia City Paper; June14-21, 1991; p. 8; review of "Atlas." "A Woman’s Spiritual Journey in ‘Atlas’" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; June 10, 1991; pp. C11, C16. "The Wordless Libretto" by William Albright; Los Angeles Times; March 3, 1991; review of "Atlas." MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 1990 Articles by or Interviews with MM "9/12/90 Interview with Meredith Monk" by [Author Unknown]; pp.1-4. "Book of Days" Rough Draft for Book Proposal by Meredith Monk and Joan [??]; 1990; pp.1-26; question and answer format. "Book of Days: a Film by Meredith Monk" treatment by Meredith Monk; 1990; pp.1-8. "Book of Days" liner notes by Meredith Monk; 1990. "Classicismo e Contemporaneita: Conversazione di Meredith Monk con Maria Nadotti"; Teatrodanza Rivista Trimestrale; Numero 7, 1990; pp. 64-67. "Making Soup: An Interview with Meredith Monk" by Randy Turoff; The San Francisco Bay Times; February 1990; p. 37. "Monk: Life, the Universe and Everything" an interview by Michael Zangari; The Colorado Daily; February 9-11; 1990; pp. 25, 28. "Proteus as Patron"; Interview by John F. Kelly and Eileen Pittenger; Sarah Lawrence Magazine; Spring 1990. "Some Thoughts About Art, America, and Jumping Off the Cliff" by Meredith Monk; June 11, 1990. "Vocal Journey" by Meredith Monk; Inside Arts; pp. 15-17. "Vocal Journey" first draft by Meredith Monk; October 8, 1990. Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers "A Celebration of Women in Film" by Randy Turoff; The San Francisco Bay Times; January 1990; "Book of Days." ---- MAJOR ARTICLE---"The Anti-Narrative: Meredith Monk's Theater" by Nancy Spector; Parkett Verlag AG; March 1990; in English and German. “AT&T Awards HGO/100,000 to Underwrite "Ghost Stories"; Texas Metropolitan Marquee; December, 1990. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "AT&T Awards Houston Grand Opera $100,000 to Underwrite Meredith Monk’s 'Ghost Stories'"; Houston Chronicle; November 7, 1990. "The AT&T Foundation..."; Houston Business Journal; November 5, 1990. "Book of Days" by Erica Marcus; A Celebration of Women in Film Brochure; January 1215, 1990. "Book of Days: An Anthology of Monkwork" by Joan Driscoll Lynch; Millennium Film Journal; No. 23/24, Winter 1990-91; pp. 38-47. "Choices - Spectre Woman" by Stone; Voice; January 16, 1990; p. 48. "Chronicle - Meredith Monk, in a Quest for Lost Wonderment, Finds an Opera" by Susan Heller Anderson; The New York Times; December 14, 1990; "Atlas." "Composer Calls Opera "Atlas.""; Houston Chronicle; December 18, 1990; Section D. "Fence Sitting - Tony Giovannetti Stradles the Gap Between Uptown Opera and Downtown Dance" by Jeffery Winter; Lighting Dimensions; October, 1990. "Festival Brings Women’s Film Into Focus" by Dorothy Allison; Bay Area Reporter; January 11, 1990. "Festival Salutes Female Film Makers" by Glenn Lovell; San Jose Mercury News; January 10, 1990. "HGO Auditions for 'Ghost Stories'"; Houston Chronicle; March 2, 1990. "Making Their Mark"; Mirabella; September 1990; Photo & Caption. "Materials Transformed" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; July 3, 1990; "Facing North." "Meredith Monk: American Avant-Garde" by Melody Elwell; The Taos News; p. C-7. "Meredith Monk Ensemble"; City Limits; September 1990. "Meredith Monk: 'Facing North'" by Stanley Siegel; [Publication Unknown]; July, 1990. "Meredith Monk- Minimalist Searches for Newer Voices" by Amy Killinger; Weekend; January 18, 1990; pp. 10D-11D. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Meredith Monk Offers Premiere Performance" by [Author unknown]; The Daily Star (Oneonta, NY); August 17. 1990; "Facing North." "Meredith Monk: Taming the Terror" by John Gwynn; Pasatiempo; April 12, 1990; p. 21; "Video Concert." "Meredith Monk - The House Foundation for the Arts" - Brochure; 1990. "Meredith Monk: Voyages Lyriques" by Marcia B. Siegel; [Publication Unknown]; [Date Unknown], 1990; p. 93. "Meredith Monk Writing an Opera"; The News and Observer; (Raleigh, NC); December 15, 1990; "Atlas". "Mesmerizing Monk - Campus Residency with Meredith Monk"; Previews (The University of Colorado at Boulder); Spring 1990; p. 1. "Monk Aims for Range of Emotion in Her Work" by Paul Robicheau; The Boston Globe; January 19, 1990; p. 26. "Monk Business" by Barbara Padgett; Westword; February 7-13, 1990; p. 64. "Monk in Motion" by Diane Zuckerman; Sunday Camera; February 4, 1990; pp. 1B, 2B. "Monk’s of Manhattan"; Monk; August 1990. "A Monk’s Tale" by J. Gluckstein; Colorado Daily; February 7, 1990; p. 10. "Music - Meredith Monk" by Allen Robertson; Time Out; September 19 - 26, 1990; "Book of Days." "No Medium is Off Limits for Avant-Garde Performer" by Mark Mobley; The Virginian Pilot; February 21, 1990; p. B1, B3. "Opera Watch" by [Author unknown]; Opera News; [Month Unknown], 1990. "Performance Artist Monk Keeps Up Her Avante-Garde" by Marc Shulgold; Rocky Mountain News; February 9, 1990; p. 13W. "Politics and Pleasure - Women in Film Festival Returns for Sixth Year" by Laura Miller; S.F. Weekly; Vol. 8, No. 52; January 10, 1990. "Sound Mind’s Embodiment" by Allen Robertson; The Times; September 19, 1990; p. 20. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Report from the United States" by Steven Swartz; New Music America; 1990. "A Staff Report" by Mark Hanna; The Houston Post; November 4, 1990; "Atlas". "Toby Twining - Mouth Music" by David Raphael Israel; Ear Magazine; [Date unknown]; p. 46. "Vocalist to Present Concert at CU" by Glenn Giffin; The Denver Post; February 8, 1990; p. 2C. "The Voice- The Original Human Instrument with Meredith Monk"; 1990 Special Retreats at Zen Mountain Monastery. "Women’s Contributions Celebrated ‘On Screen’"; The Tribune; Janaury 12, 1990. [Title Unknown]; San Francisco Bay Times; January, 1990; p. 2; "Book of Days." Chapters in Books about MM "The Silver Lining in the Mushroom Cloud: Meredith Monk's Opera/Music Theater" by Suzanne R. Westfall; Modern-American Drama: The Female Canon; edited by June Schlueter; Associated University Press; Cranbury, New Jersey; 1990 "Classicismo e Contemporaneita: Conversazione di Meredith Monk con Maria Nadotti"; Teatrodanza Rivista Trimestrale; Numero 7, 1990; pp. 64-67. Reviews "Ascoltando Meredith Stregona Multimediale che Accumula Musiche" by Gabriele Ferraris; La Repubblica; Anno 15, Numero 91; April 19, 1990. "Das Kleine Geheimnis/Meredith Monk in Hannover Umjubelt" by Volker Hagedorn; Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung; April 27, 1990; p. 10. "Durch die Zeiten" by Eva-Elisabeth Fishcer; Sud-Deutches Zeitung; [Date Unknown], 1990; CD review, review of "Book of Days". "Hearing Voices" by Robert Maycock; The Independent; September 24, 1990. "Imaginative, Compassionate Documentaries Abound" by Calvin Ahlgren; San Francisco Chronicle; January 7, 1990. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Materials Transformed" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; July 3, 1990; review of "Facing North." "Medieval Metaphor" by Mary Wings; Bay Area Reporter; Vol. XX, No. 8; February 22, 1990. "Meredith Monk" by Franck Mallet; Le Monde de la Musique; March 1990; review of "Songs from the Hill." "Meredith Monk"; The Guardian/Talks at the ICA Press Release; Announcement of Talk with Meredith monk held September 19, 1990. "Meredith Monk al Teatro Sociale: La 'Performer' Statunitense Questa Sera a Biella Accompagnata Sul Palco da Nurit Tilles al Pianoforte" by Giuseppe Gariazzo; [Publication unknown]; April, 1990; review of music concert with Nurit Tilles. "Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble/Book of Days"; ECM Press Release; 1990. "Meredith Monk - 'Book of Days" by [Author unknown]; Q Review; October 1990; 1st page only. "Meredith Monk - Book of Days" by Franck Mallet; La Monde de la Musique Telerama; No. 36; September 1990; review of "Book of Days." "Meredith Monk: Book of Days" by Josef Woodard; September/October, 1990. "Meredith Monk - Book of Days" by Neil Strauss; New York Review of Records; Summer 1990. "Meredith Monk Goes Medieval" by Robert Commanday; San Francisco Chronicle; March 1, 1990; "Book of Days." "Meredith Monk in Dusseldorf: Welch ein Sproder Genus" by Berthold Lkoshtermann; NRZ; April 30, 1990; "Book of Days". "Meredith Monk - Royal Festival Hall" by Alastair Macaulay; Financial Times; September 21, 1990. "Meredith Monk’s Blend of Medieval and Modern Life" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times; January 22, 1990; p. C 14; "Book of Days." "M. Monk: Our Lady of Late" by Kyle Gann; Fanfare Magazine; July, August 1990; p. 188. MEREDITH MONK BIBILOGRAPHY: 2012 – 2010 "Plague on Both Houses - Director Links Medieval, Modern Times" by Dennis Harvey; Datebook; February 25, 1990; p. 30; "Book of Days." "Quella Voce Che Danza" by Claudia Apostolo; La Repubblica; April 19, 1990; p. IX. "Royal Festival Hall - Meredith Monk" by Peter Hepple; The Stage; October 4, 1990. "Still Happening - Meredith Monk Brings the 60’s to the 90’s" by Ted Drozdowski; Boston Phoenix; January 26, 1990. "Understanding of Monk’s Music Dependent on Performance" by Jeff White; The Advocate; February 27, 1990. [Untitled] by [Author Unknown]; review of "Book of Days". "A Very Different Kind of Vocal Exercise..."; Jazziz; August/September, 1990; "Book of Days." "Wergo (Distribue par Harmonia Mundi)...." by Gabriel Vialle; La Marseillaise; No. IV; 1990; "Songs from the Hill." "Works by Women" by Calvin Ahlgren; Datebook; January 7, 1990; pp. 33-34; "Book of Days."