Articles by or Interviews with MM
"Interview with Meredith Monk" by Michael Walsh.
"Lecture" by Meredith Monk; ed. by Sue Latham in collaboration with Meredith Monk;
March 1989; Transcription of lecture given in Tokyo, Japan.
"Meredith Monk: Do You Be: A Conversation of Language and Aesthetics" an Interview with Rob Bowman; Musicworks 42.
"Monk: Artist Who Defies Categorizing", an interview by James Wierzbicki; St. Louis Post
Dispatch; February 5, 1989; "Book of Days Concert."
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Alive and Well - Mixed Signals" by Robin Dougherty; City Pages; July 5, 1989.
"Alive From Off Center" by Camille Lefevre; Scene; July 1989.
"Book of Days"; Hong Kong’s Night and Day Guide; No. 13; March 13-26.
"Book of Days/About the Film"; The 13th Hong Kong International Film Festival
"Choices" by Stone; Voice; May 16, 1989; "The Kitchen Benefit."
"Composer Uncomfortable with Avant-Garde Label" by Carolyn McMaster; Lawrence
Journal-World; February 12, 1989; Section D, p. 1.
"Double Edge/New Horizons For Duo Piano" by Kyle Kevorkian; Keyboard; August 1989; pp. 26-27.
"Haunting Echoes in Time - On PBS, Meredith Monk's 'Book of Days'" by Alan M.
Kriegsman; The Washington Post; August 30, 1989.
"The Lively Arts - From Asia with Love" by Corrine K. Hoexter; Connoisseur; [Month unknown], 1989; Beate Gordon.
"Looking for Langston/Book of Days" by A.T.; Voice; September 26, 1989; p. 64.
"Meredith Monk"; Musikkdistribusjon AS. (Norway); November 13, 1989; Catalogue for
Albums: "Turtle Dreams" "Dolmen Music" and "Do You Be."
"Meredith Monk" by Gary Mackender; [Publication unknown] (Lawrence); February
1989; preview of Ensemble Concert at Liberty Hall on February 14, 1989.
"Meredith Monk em Coimbra: a Voz Como Intstrumento"; Diario de Coimbra; January
20, 1989; p. 3.
"Meredith Monk & Nurit Tilles"; Das Theaterhaus-Programm im Januar; January, 1989;
Advertising Performance held on January 23.
"Meredith Monk & Nurit Tilles"; Fabrik Brochure; Nr. 112; December 23, 1988; For
Performances on January 24, 1989.
"Meredith Monk’s Theatrical Creations Defy the Usual Labels" by Harry Bowman; The
Dallas Morning News; March 29, 1989; p. 5C.
"Meredith Monk Uncovers Unity in the Marriage of Mediums" by R.M. Campbell; Seattle
Post-Intelligencer; March 31-April 6, 1989.
"Meredith Monk Uses Her Voice as Instrument of Art" by Lisa Taylor; Datebook; March
31, 1989; p. 17; "Panda Chant" "Memory Song" "Tokyo Cha Cha" plus clips from
"Quarry" and "Ellis Island."
"Monk a Playful Musical Spirit" by Alex Varty; The Georgia Straight; March 31 - April 7,
1989; "Fayum Music."
"Monk Performance Centers on Use of Voice as Instrument" by ReidWarren; Sunday
Journal Star; February 12, 1989.
"Multimedia Performance Artist to Present Concert of UNL" by Kyle MacMillan; Sunday
World Herald; February 12, 1989.
"New Stuff" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; June 6, 1989; p. 85; Environmental Pieces- "Juice"
"Rise and Fall of a Female Gigolo" by Terry Boyce; South China Morning Post; March 25,
1989; "Book of Days."
"65 Years of American Music" by Andrea Glick; Wavelength; February 1989; pp. 6, 7, 9.
"Speech of Angels" by Enrique Tessieri; EX- The Magazine for Nordic Airport Passengers;
September 1989; pp. 42-47.
"12:10 Wonderful Interview with Meredith Monk"; Radia - Community Radio Art in
Banff; 1989.
"Uma Voz Sedutora.."; Jornal de Noticias; January 20, 1989; p. 1.
"Wendy Woodson: Comedy in Motion" by Pamela Sommers; The Washington Post; May
2, 1989; p. D7; Mentions Meredith Monk and Ping Chong as mentors.
"When Choreographers Get the Urge to Go Afield" by Jack Anderson; The New York
Times; June 4, 1989.
Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books
The Green Fuse: A Memoir; by Lita Hornick; Giorno Poetry Systems; New York; 1989; p.
Peter Moore Photographs; Gallery 360; Tokyo; 1989; [No. p. #]; Photograph of "Juice" from 1969.
The Voice of New Music New York City 1972-1982: A Collection of Articles originally published in The Village Voice; by Tom Johnson; Het Apollohuis; Eindhoren; 1989; pp.
28-29, 95-61, 222-224, 58, 75, 249, 324, 394, 439, 475, 486, 494, 508; reviews and mentions/references.
Chapters in Books about MM
"Meredith Monk Dolmen Music", "Meredith Monk Do You Be", "Meredith Monk Turtle
Dreams"; ECM New Series; ECM Records GmbH; Germany; 1989; Composite of CD reviews in English and German.
"After 25 Years, Meredith Monk is Still in the Avant-Garde" by R.M. Campbell; Seattle
Post-Intelligencer; April 7, 1989; p. 12.
"Ancient Lullabies" (excerpted from The Village Voice, December 27, 1988 by Kyle
Gann); Front Row Center; February 1989; pp. 1, 3.
"Book of Days" by David Raphael Israel (Third Version of Article); September 11, 1989.
"Do You Believe in Magic?" by Joan Arnold; New York Woman; [Month unknown], 1989; p. 71.
"Eareviews - Book of Days" by David Raphael Israel; Ear Magazine of New Music;
September 1989; Vol. 14, No. 6; p. 58;
"Effects of Landscape" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; September 5, 1989; p. 83; review of
"Book of Days."
"Energetic Meredith Monk, Ensemble Synthesize Voice, Style, Body, Movement" by
Donald Callen Freed; Lincoln, NE Journal; February 17, 1989.
"Fiesty 'Alive From Off Center' Crackles with Sight, Sound, Talent" by Mike Steele; Star
Tribune; July 2, 1989.
"Haunting Echoes in Time - On PBS, Meredith Monk’s ‘Book of Days’" by Alan M.
Kriegsman; The Washington Post; August 30, 1989; review of "Book of Days."
"Meredith Monk, Arte di Largo Consumo" by Mariuccia Ciotta; Il Manifesto; December
12, 1989; review of "Book of Days."
"Meredith Monk Brings her Particular Gifts..."; Times - Picayune; August 27, 1989; review of "Book of Days."
"Meredith Monk Concert Redefines Vocal Limits" by Jay Joslin; Milwaukee Sentinel;
November 4, 1989.
"Meredith Monk, Ensemble Perform to Delight of Young Crowd at Kimball Hall" by John
Cutler; The Lincoln Star; February 17, 1989.
"Meredith Monk: Eternamente Voz" by Luis de Barroco; Comercio do Porto (Portugal);
January 1989.
"Meredith Monk: Film for the Ears" ed. Jody Dalton; Ear Magazine - New Music News;
July/August 1989; review of "Book of Days."
"Meredith Monkin Aani Vangitsi" by Auli Rasanen; Uusi Suomi (Helsinki); September 5,
1989; music concert with Monk & Nurit Tilles.
"Meredith Monk's Voice Still Startles" by Tom Strini; The Milwaukee Journal; November
4, 1989.
"M. Monk: Our Lady of Late." by Kyle Gann; Fanfare; July/August 1989.
"Monk, Ensemble Prove a Delight" by Carolyn McMaster; Lawrence Journal World;
February 15, 1989; p. 8A; review of "Book of Days."
"Music Phenomenon Goes to Early 1970s for Signature Tune" by Michael Scott; The
Vancouver Sun; April 6, 1989.
"Pallo Oli Yleisolla: Meredith Monkin Taide Kasvoi Lapsen Tavasta Kokea" by Jukka
Hauru; Helsingin Sanomat (Helsinki); September 5, 1989; Monk and Nurit Tilles concert.
"Performancea, Avantgardea" by Marita Nyrhinen; Ilkka (Seinajoki, Finland); September
6, 1989; music concert with Monk & Nurit Tilles.
"Pyha Ja Yksinkertaisuus: Meredith Monk on Minimalisti Ja Paljon Muuta" by Erik
Ahonen; [Publication unknown] (Helsinki); September 1989; Music Concert.
"A Renaissance Reverie" by Jerome Weeks; The Dallas Morning News; April 5, 1989;
"Tokyo Cha Cha."
"A Trip into the Middle Ages, and a View of Langston Hughes" by Caryn James; The New
York Times; [Date unknown]; review of "Book of Days."
"A Voz Como Uma Linguagem de Continuas Descobertas"; Jornal de Noticias; January
20, 1989.
"A Voz e Uma Linguagem"; Primeiro de Janeiro; January 20, 1989.
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"Interview with Meredith Monk & Nurit Tilles" by Mildred Thompson; Art Papers; Vol.
12, No. 5; September/October 1988.
"Interview with Meredith Monk on the Film 'Book of Days'" by Jonathan L. Giles.
"Meredith Monk"; an interview by Nicole Niemi; Vinyl; May 21, 1988; p.4.
"Meredith Monk"; ArtsReview; National Endowment for the Arts; Vol. 5, Number 1;
Winter 1988; p. 59.
"Meredith Monk - Composer - New York City" by Meredith Monk; ARTSREVIEW; Winter
"Nurit Tilles: Talking Hands" by Peter Wetzler; Ear Magazine; [month unknown], 1988;
"Double Edge."
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Avant-garde Vocalist Back for Series She Set in Motion" by Clarke Bustard; Richmond
Times-Dispatch; November 18, 1988.
"Birthday for the Blackie - Murdoch Lothian Reports on an Arts Institution" by Murdoch
Lothian; Look Alive; May 1988; p. 23.
"'Book of Days' Showcases Meredith Monk's Recent Work" by Gerald Brennan; Ann
Arbor News; January 29, 1988.
"Boys from the Blackie" by Adrian Henri; The Guardian; May 27, 1988.
"Collabomania" by Iris Brooks; EAR Magazine; [Month unknown], 1988.
"Commencement 1988"; Bard College Newsletter; July 1988; Photo of Meredith with
Professor Aileen Passloff.
"Cordes Pour Decor" by S.M.; La Depeche; March 12, 1988; p. 17; "Book of Days" filming.
"Crossing the Boundaries of Art" by Mo Bates; Theatre IRELAND/15 (International
Section); [Month unknown], 1988; pp. 18 - 20.
"Diva Madness- I'm the Type of Person Who Sings to Muzak in the Supermarket";
Vogue; July 1988; p. 58.
"Fast Forward" on TV Again" by L.A.B; Style Magazine; November 1, 1988.
"Fast Forward Season Begins - Virginia Museums Performing Arts Series"; Fast Forward;
November 1988.
"Films Supply Challenge to Ms. Monk" by Deborah George; The Richmond News Leader;
November 18, 1988.
"Garage Opera"; Star Tribune; May 19, 1988; "Book of Days."
"Harmonius Monk" by [Author unknown]; The New York Times; December 7, 1988.
"Le Jong: L'off Tres in du Festival de Flandre" by Charles Philippon; Le Soir; July 9, 1988.
"The Knitting Factory Festival" by David LL Laskin; Ear Magazine; [Month unknown],
1988; Violinist and Vocalist Terri D’Nour described as "Meredith Monk meets Betty
Carter on acid."
"Les Tres Riches Heures de Meredith Monk" by Herve Gauville; Liberation; April 3, 1988; p. 30.
"Fellows in the News"; MacDowell Colony Newsletter; [Monthunknown], 1988.
"Making the Music Rounds" by Billy Kiernan; San Francisco Independent; Vol. 33, No. 15;
April 20, 1988.
"Meredith Monk and Her Music - The Multimedia Artist Will Perform Here This
Weekend" by Lesley Valdes; The Philadelphia Inquirer; January 15, 1988.
"Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble mit Robert Een, Andrea Goodman and Nurit Tilles;
International Festival - Staatstheater Kassel; October 1-10, 1988.
"Meredith Monk is Niet Vast de Pinnen" by Mon D.; Laatste Nieuws (Brussel); October
13, 1988.
"Mix and Match - Meredith Monk Scrambles the Arts to Make Connections" by Paul
Gerard; Isthmus; January 20, 1988; p. 25, 27.
"Monk the Modernist Makes Moving Music" by Doug DeLoach; Creative Loafing;
February 6, 1988; pp. 30A, 33A, 35A, 36A.
"MUSIC: Let's Cha-Cha: Monk Makes Music You Can See" by Fred Cohen; Style Weekly;
November 15, 1988.
"National Music Theatre Awards"; Guide to Programs/Fiscal Year 1988/National
Institute for Music Theater; 1988; 1986 Recipient for "The Games."
"No Muse Can Live By Art Alone" by Alan Joch; The New York Times; August 17, 1988; pp. C1, C6; "Food at the McDowell Colony."
"'Not Just Jazz' for Artist Monk" by Susan Elliot; New York Post; December 10, 1988.
"Noted experimental Artist Meredith Monk Brings Strictly Vocal Works to Zellerbach" by
Roger Yim; The Tribune (Oakland, CA); April 22, 1988.
"'Not Just Jazz' for Artist Monk - Legendary Avant-garde Artist Unveils her Latest
Projects Tonight at Town Hall"; by Susan Elliot; New York Post; December 10, 1988; p.
"Performance Artist Transcends Categories" by Bo Emerson; The Atlanta Constitution;
[Day unknown], 1988; p. 3-B.
"Power of the City - Women in Dance" by Joan Arnold; New York Woman; 1988; p. 54.
"Reich’s Pianists Cut It On Their Own as Double Edge" by Suzanne DuMont; The
Advocate and Greenwich Time; April 3, 1988.
"The Rising Sun" by Kyle Gann; Voice; March 8, 1988; p. 86.
"64"; Sarah Lawrence Newsletter; 1988.
"The Song of Songs" by Raphael Ardeo; The Daily Californian; April 22, 1988; p. 11.
"Talk to Me" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice (Dance Special); April 19, 1988.
"TCR's Previews & Recommendations - Music - Meredith Monk" by Surowicz; Twin Cities
Reader; May 11, 1988.
"Town Hall New Age for Old Space" by Mariette A. Szubski; Ear Magazine; [Month unknown], 1988.
"Two decades On and Still Playing in the Arts Game" by Phillip Key; Daily Post; May 26,
"Wie Huilt er om een Monkje Meer?" by Y.P.; Daze Week in Brussel; October 12, 1988.
"Young Flanders Festival" proposed by Daniel Verheyden; Actua Press; August 25, 1988.
Mentions, Photographs, ect... in Books
Aterforum: Musica Minimale: Ritratti e Documenti Fotografici di Roberto Masotti; a cura di Franco Masotti e Roberto Verti; Nuova Alfa Editoriale; 1988; p. XI; Catalogue of
Showing in Ferrara; Photograph.
Ballet and Modern Dance; by Susan Au; Thames and Hudson Ltd.; London; 1988; pp.
164, 170-172, 195, 202, 203.
Time and the Dancing Image; by Deborah Jowitt; University of California Press; Berkeley;
1988; pp. 308, 309, 321, 330, 334.
Chapters in Books about MM
"Art Performance ou Chant? Joan La Barbara et Meredith Monk" by Arnaud Labelle-
Rojoux; L'Acte Pour L'Art; Editeurs Evidant; Paris; 1988; pp. 264-66.
"Meredith Monk"; Who'sWho in the East; 22nd Edition; October 31, 1988.
"Ancient Lullabies" by Kyle Gann; Voice; December 27, 1988; "Meredith Monk and Nurit
Tilles at Town Hall."
"Book of Days" by Suze; Variety; November 30, 1988.
"Choices" by Gann; Voice; December 13, 1988; p. 62; "Fayum Music" "Music for Voice and Two Pianos."
"Critic's Choice - Classical" by Rita Feliciano; Village Voice - San Francisco Bay Area's Arts and Entertainment Paper; April 15-30, 1988.
"Critic's Choice - Meredith Monk" by Sarah Cahill; The East Bay's Free Weekly; April 22,
"Dancer Answers Call for New Choreography" by Ernestine Stodelle; New Haven
Register; March 20, 1988; "Sacred Song" & "A Premonition."
"Harmonius Monk" by Stephen Holden; The New York Times; December 7, 1988; p. C21.
""The Minnesota Opera New Music Theatre Ensemble" by Christine L. Hansen; WCAL
Radio; May 23, 1988.
"Meredith Monk Defines New Music" by Cynthia Dunlevy; Star Tribune; May 20, 1988.
"Meredith Monk - Do You Be (ECM ***); Philadelphia Inquirer; January 1988.
"Meredith Monk: Do You Be" by Dean Suzuki; OPTION; September/October, 1987.
"Meredith Monk Filmer la Memoire des Corps" by Laurence Louppe; Art Press; [Month unknown], 1988.
"Meredith Monk in Concert: Too Musical for Words" by Gerale Brennan; The Ann Arbor
News; February 1, 1988.
"Meredith Monk Next Wave Festival, NYC" by Raphael Ardeo; "EAREVIEWS"; Ear
Magazine; [Month unknown], 1988; "Duet Behavior."
"Meredith Monk Refines Curious Art at the Painted Bride" by Daniel Webster; The
Philadelphia Inquirer; January 16, 1988.
"Monk Concert Fresh, Polished" by Karen Prager; The Capital Times; January 20, 1988.
"Monk Showcases a wide Vocal Array" by Clarke Bustard; Richmond Times-Dispatch;
November 21, 1988; "Our Lady of Late" "Book of Days."
"Monk Stirs Artistic Brew" by J. Daniel Huband; The Richmond News Leader; November
21, 1988; "Book of Days: A Music Concert with Film."
"New Music Theatre Ensemble" by Minnesota Opera; KSJN; May 24, 1988; "Book of
"New Music Theatre Ensemble May Lead Opera into the Future" by Mike Steele; Star
Tribune; May 20, 1988.
"New Music-Theater Ensemble Strong in Promising New Setting" by Michael Anthony;
Star Tribune; May 22, 1988; p. 5B; "Book of Days."
"New Opera, New Venue" by Robert Collins; Twin Cities Reader; May 25, 1988; "Book of
"Niemann-Tilles Unity Creates Piano Magic" by Richard Chon; The Buffalo News;
October 15, 1988; "Ellis Island."
"Say What?" by Kyle Gann; Voice; December 8, 1988; p. 100.
"Tantalizing Concert by Meredith Monk" by Robert Hurwitt; April 26, 1988.
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"Canto al Mia America, Faro un Film in Francia" by Mario Pasi; Corriere Della Sera; June
26, 1987; Interview in Italian.
"Elements du Parcours - Interview de Meredith Monk par Guy Scarpetta"; Art Press113;
April 1987.
"Mosaic" by Meredith Monk; Further Steps: Fifteen Choreographers on Modern Dance; ed. Connie Kreemer; Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.; New York, 1987; P. 250-265; includes chronology of all works.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Actors Take Their Mark" (photo with caption); The Gazette; May 27, 1987; "Turtle
"All’Elfo La Magica Meredith Monk Un’Anteprima di Milano Oltre" by [Author
Unknown]; Il Giorno; June 24, 1987.
"Arte E Musica Di Una Voce Straordinaria" by Giacomo Pellicciotti; La Repubblica; June
24, 1987.
"AT&T’s Angel Plays Matchmaker" by Blair Corning; Express-News, (San Antonio, TX);
February 14, 1987; "Book of Days" concert.
"Canto al Mia America, Faro un Film in Francia" by Mario Pasi; Corriere Della Sera; June
26, 1987; interview & article in Italian.
"Catching S.A. On Garde" by Ed Conroy; Express News (San Antonio, TX); February 14,
"C'est Parti!" by C.M; Le Journal de Montreal; May 27, 1987; "Turtle Dreams."
"Choices - Meredith Monk" by Gann; Voices; November 24, 1987; "Duet Behavior."
"Chronique d'un Moyen Age Annonce" by S.M.; [Publication Unknown]; [Date
Unknown], 1987; RE: "Book of Days" shooting.
"Composers"; Colony News (The Macdowell Colony); Vol. 17, No. 1; Fall 1987.
"Con Meredith all’Elfo due Sere da non Perdere" by [Author Unknown]; La Repubblica
Tutto Milano; June 18-24, 1987.
"Danza" by Donatella Bertozzi; Il Messaggero; Dal 30 Giugno Al 6 Luglio, 1987.
"Electric Language - Techno-visionaries Like Chong, Jesrun and the Impossible Theatre and Recharging the Stage" by Kathleen Hulser; American Theatre; June 1987.
"Elfo/Meredith Monk in Anteprima" by [Author Unknown]; Corriere Della Sera; June 24,
"Film Haus: Next Best to Home" by Oscar Garza; TGIF; February 13, 1987; "Turtle
"First Video/Film Bar Sets Saturday Opening" by Dan R. Goddard; Express News (San
Antonio, TX); February 13, 1987; "Turtle Dreams."
"The Guide - Highlights"; The New York Times; September 13-19; "Ellis Island."
"Meredith Monk: An Artist and Her Music"; ed. Roger W. Oliver; Next Wave Festival
Journal 1987; pp. 42-43.
"Meredith Monk Artista Multimediale al Teatro Spaziozero" by [Author Unknown];
Paese Sera; Mercoledi i1 Luglio, 1987.
"Meredith Monk a Spaziozero" by [Author Unknown]; Lo Spettacolo; Mercoledi 1 Luglio,
"Meredith Monk - le chant de la sirene"; by Jean Barbe; La Revue Voir; Vol. 1, No. 24;
May 1987.
"Meredith Monk, La Star et Ses Tortues" by Robert Levesque; Le Devoir; May 27, 1987.
"Meredith Monk Si Divide Per Due" by [Author Unknown]; Corriere Della Sera;
Mercoledi 1 Luglio, 1987.
"Meredith Monk: Toujours Aussi Creative, Fascinante et..Inquiete" by Jean Beaunoyer;
La Presse (Montreal); May 30, 1987; "Turtle Dreams" cabaret.
"Meredith Monk: Too Much for Words" by Oscar Garza; San Antonio Light; February 15,
"Mille e Una Meredith" by Antonella Marrone; L'Unita; July 3, 1987; in Italian.
"Monk: A Cultural Institution - and a Genius" by Josie Neal; Current (San Antonio, TX);
February 19-25, 1987.
"Monk + Chong + 10 Years" by Heidi Waleson; New York Newsday; March 29, 1987; "The
Travelogue Series."
"Monk and McFerrin Harmonize in Brooklyn" by Robert Palmer; The New York Times;
November 20, 1987; "An Artist and Her Music."
"Monk Gives 'Tour' of Her Life, Works" by Ed Conroy; Express News (San Antonio, TX);
February 20, 1987.
"Monk Music"; New York Newsday Fall Arts Preview; September 13, 1987; selections at
"Monk-y Business - Book Passage with Meredith Monk and Ping Chong on a Voyage" by
Thomas Connors; Paper; March 1987.
"New Operas and Premieres/Commissions"; Central Opera Service Bulletin; Volume 27,
Number 4; Spring/Summer 1987; "Ghost Stories".
"The New Theatre - The View from Montreal - Theatre Liberated in Quebec" by Paul
McGillick; CentreStage Australia; July 1987.
"People, etc. - Isle of Tears" by E.F; Applause; September 1987.
"Piccolo Geniale Prince e Meredith Monk Grande Artista Multimediale" by Alba Solaro;
L’Unita; June 26, 1987; Music Concert with Nurit Tilles; in Italian.
"Recital all’Elfo" by [Author Unknown]; Avvenire; June 26, `987.
"Some Dedicated Admirers of Avant-garde Performing Artists Gather Monk's Bread" by
Steven G. Kellman; San
Antonio Light; February 15, 1987.
"Spaziozero" by [Author Unknown]; La Repubblica; Venerdi 26 a Giovedi 2 Luglio, 1987.
"Theater - Meredith Monk/Ping Chong"; ed. Guy Trebay; Voice; March 31, 1987; "The
Travelogue Series."
"Teatro" by [Author Unknown]; Avvenire; June 19, 1987.
"Teatro - Meredith Monk all’Elfo" by [Author Unknown]; Il Giornale; June 24, 1987.
"Teatro/Recital Per Sola Voce di Meredith Monk" by [Author Unknown]; Giovedi 25
Guigno, 1987.
"This Week - Two Premieres"; The New York Times; November 15, 1987.
"Time Off: Diversions and Excursions Nov. 17-30"; The Wall Street Journal; November
17, 1987; "The Ringing Place" and collaboration with Bobby McFerrin.
"To Meredith Monk, the Multimedia is the Message" by Ed Conroy; The Sunday Express
News (San Antonio, TX); February 15, 1987.
"La Voce Di Meredith E I Suoni" by A.Ma.; L’Unita; Mercoledi 1 Luglio, 1987.
"Voices of Import/Susan Hadley’s Reunion..." by Peter Davis; New York; February 16,
1987; Susan Hadley’s theater likened to Meredith Monk’s.
"You Can't Tell the Genre by the Label" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; July 26,
1987; p. 25; "Do You Be."
Mentions, Photographs, etc. in Books
*"The Oldest and Newest Instruments: Extending the Voice", by John Schaefer; New
Sounds: A Listener's Guide To New Music; Harper & Row, New York, NY; 1987; pp. 220-
225; a lot about Meredith's extended vocal technique; pp. 120, 190, 228-229, 236-237,
Chapters in Books about MM
"Meredith Monk/Ping Chong: 'The Games' (Erinnerung an Heute)" by Arno Paul, Zitty;
Schaubuhne: Am Halleschen Ufer Am Lehuiner Platz 1962-1987; Propylaen Verlag;
Germany; 1987; pp. 364-365; in German.
"Meredith Monk 'VESSEL': Eine Epische Oper" by Sibylle Wirsing, Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung; Schaubuhne: Am Halleschen Ufer Am Lehuiner Platz 1962-1987; Propylaen
Verlag; Germany; 1987; pp. 258-259; in German.
"Mosaic" by Meredith Monk; Further Steps: Fifteen Choreographers on Modern Dance; ed. Connie Kreemer; Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.; New York, 1987; pp. 250-265; includes chronology of all works.
"The Whole Art of Meredith Monk" by Lita Hornick; Nine Martinis; The Kulchur
Foundation; New York; 1987; pp. 113-155; includes essay, photo and "Dolmen Music" score.
"A New Kind of Theater, Dance, and Music" by Joseph H. Mazo; The Record (Northern
New Jersey); April 1, 1987; "The Travelogue."
"Archaisch Und Auch Futuristisch" by Meinrad Buholzer; Luzerner Neuste Nachrichten;
August 26, 1987.
"Arte e Musica di una Voce Straordinaria" by Giacomo Pellicciotti; La Repubblica; June
24, 1987; Music Concert with Nurit Tilles.
"Beyond the Unmasterpiece" by Kyle Gann; Voice; December 1, 1987; Review of Steve
Reich Concert.
"Choices - An Opinionated Survey of the Week's Events" by Supree; Village Voice;
September 15, 1987; "Ellis Island."
"Dance: Meredith Monk and Ping Chong" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times;
Wednesday, April 1, 1987; "The Travelogue Series."
"Ed Ecco Meredith Monk La Signora Della Voce" by Gino Castaldo; La Repubblica; June,
1987; music concert with Nurit Tilles, in Italian.
Gesti E Suioni Senza Parole Per L’Esile Meredith Monk" by Mariella Zanetti; Il Sole; June
28, 1987; in Italian.
"I Suoni Dimenticati di Meredith" by Ernesto Bassignano; PAESE SERA; Venerdi 3 Luglio
"Keine Geschenke Von Leichter Hand" by Eva-Elisabeth Fischer; Suddeutesche Zeutung;
November 6, 1987.
"The Magical Music of Meredith Monk" by Josie Neal; San Antonio Light; February 23,
1987; "Book of Days: A Music Concert with Film." (Located in packet in 1990 Folder.)
"La Danza Inquieta di Meredith Monk" by Tiziana Mantovani; Corriere Della Sera
(Milan); June 25, 1997; in Italian.
"La Magie de Meredith Monk N'est Pas au Rendez-Vous" by Susanne Asselin; La Presse;
May 28, 1987; "Turtle Dreams."
"Meredith Monk" by Kyle Gann; The Village Voice; December 8, 1987.
"Meredith Monk and Ping Chong" by Jennifer Dunning; The New York Times; April 1,
"Meredith Monk and Ping Chong: In Transit, Again" by Eileen Blumenthal; The New York
Times; March 29, 1987; "The Travelogue Series."
"Meredith Monk: Do You Be"; by C.B.; 7 a Paris; September 1987.
"Meredith Monk: "Do you be" by Manfred Sack; Die Zeit; June, 1987.
"Meredith Monk: "Do you be" by Jurgen Elsasser; Stereoplay; August 1987.
"Meredith Monk: Just singing" by Michael J. Fressola; Staten Island Advance; March 20,
"Meredith Monk L’Arte del Corpo" by Elisa Vaccarino; Il Giorno; Venerdi 26 Guigno
"Meredith Monk, La Star et Ses Tortues - Le Festival Des Ameriques" by Robert
Levesque; May 27, 1987.
"Un Microfono, La Voce Ed E L’Avanguardia" by Ugo Volli; LA Repubblica; June 27, 1987.
"Mille e Una Meredith", by Alba Solaro; L’Unita; Venerdi 3 Luglio 1987.
"Monk Setzte Willisau-Hohepunkt"; Vaterland (Luzern); August 11, 1987.
"Monk's Mixed Bag" by Tim Page; New York Newsday; November 24, 1987.
"Multi-media Monk's Method - 'Acts from Under and Above' at Hamilton College
Feb.11" by Mike Powers; The Observer-Dispatch; February 4, 1987; p. 11.
"New Music of Monk, Part Expand Listener's Thinking" by Oliver Roosevelt; The
Birmingham News; July 12, 1987; "Do You Be."
"NYC Reviews - The House Foundation for the Arts, Inc. - Joyce Theater" by Camille
Hardy; Dance Magazine; November 1987.
"Oratoria: in Brooklyn, Satoh’s ‘Stabat Mater’" by John Rockwell; The New York Times;
April 5m 1987; p. 62; "Margaret Leng Tan performs "Paris."
"Riding the crest of the Next Wave" by Susan Elliot; New York Post; November 19, 1987.
"Platte des Monats"; Stereo; October 1987; "Do You Be."
"Say What?"; Village Voice; December 8, 1987; Elliot Sharp/Peter Zummo/Meredith
"Sein Oder Nicht Sein - Meredith Monks Neue Platte <<Do You Be>>" by Peter Ruedi;
Die Weltwoche (Zurich); July 9, 1987.
"Sempre Libera Degg’io Folleggiar Nota Su Nota" by Paolo Biamonte; Corriere Della
Serra; Venerdi 3 Luglio 1987; Music Concert with Nurit Tilles.
"Stage: Meredith Monk's Melange" by Bernard Holland; The New York Times; November
22, 1987; "Duet Behavior."
"Theatre Pushes its Frontiers" by Paul McGillick; Financial Review; June 19, 1987;
Theatre Festival of the Americas in Montreal.
"Travelling in the Monk/Chong Landscape" by Peter Goodman; New York Newsday; April
2, 1987; "The Travelogue Series."
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"A Dance With a Turtle Called Proton - Interview/Judith Mackrell Talks to Meredith
Monk About her Dance and
Art" by Judith Mackrell; The Independent; October 16, 1986; "Quarry."
"Entretien avec Meredith Monk" by Pablo Ortiz; Contrechamps No. 6; Avril 1986; pp.
186-190. Interview in French.
"Les Merites De Meredith"; an interview with Phillippe Conrath and Brigitte Paulino-
Neto; Liberation; October 22, 1986; Theatre de Gennevilliers.
"Meredith Monk's Quarry: An Interview" by Bernard Welt; Washington Review; Volume
XII, Number 1; June/July 1986.
"Monk Business" by Haim Nagid; Israel Festival; 1986; article & interview.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Critics in Conversation: More Views on 'State of the Arts'; with Thor Eckert, David
Sterritt, and John Beaufort"; The Christian Science Monitor; pp. 23-34.
"Evolutionary Dreams/Meredith Monk" by Marcia B. Siegel; Dance Theatre Journal; Vol.
4, No. 3; Autumn 1986.
"Fotografare La Danza" by Paula Court; On Stage; October 3, 1985; Photo of Meredith
Monk and Ping Chong in "The Games."
"Four to be Honoreed at Award Gala"; National Institute for Music Theater: For
Immediate Release; March 7, 1986; "The Games."
"Houston Grand Opera - Composer Meredith Monk Makes her Houston debut"; Opera for the 80's and Beyond; July-August, 1986.
"If It Moves, Is It Dancing?/From the Bell Jar to the Baskeball Court" by H. B. Kronen;
East Street Dance Review; Volume 1, No. 1; Fall 1986; "Needlebrain Lloyd and the
Systems Kid."
"Jewish Dance Vaults Centuries and Styles" by Lois Draegin; The New York Times;
September 14, 1986.
"Meredith Monk and Ping Chong/The Games" by [Author Unknown]; [Publication
Unknown]; January, 1986; Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley, CA.; Great article!
"Meredith Monk Concert"; Theatre de Gennevilliers Brochure; October, 1986.
"Meredith Monk, Left, and Blythe Danner" by [Author Unknown]; The New York Times;
May 2, 1986.
"Meredith Monk/Reves de Tortue" by Laura Shapiro; Art Press; October 1986; p. 55;
[Extrait d’un article paru dans <<The Weekly>>; 9 au 15 Mai, 1984].
"Meredith Monk’s 'Dolmen Music' Presented at Whitney Museum"; Whitney Museum of American Art Press Release; October 1986.
"Monk at La Mama"; The New York Times; March 30, 1986; "Acts from Under and
Above" photograph with Meredith and Lanny Harrison, and caption.
Letter from the National Institute for Music Theater awarding Meredtith Monk Three
1986 National Music Theater Awards with invitation to the Awards Gala.
"New Space for Kitchen" by Diane Stefani; New York Post; January 3, 1986; p. 23.
Notes on "Our Lady of Late" by Davic Sterritt; 1986; notes for recording.
"Observe the Sons" by Mary Harron; The Observer; November 30, 1986; Article on
Patrick Mason, Director of ‘The Great Hunger’ - Mentions Meredith Monk.
"Peter Sellars: Boy Wonder Grows Up" by Dan Sullivan; Los Angeles Times; August 24,
1986; p. 4.
"Prize Packages"; American Theatre; January 1986; p. 41.
"Protee en Jupons"; Sommaire; Numero 1145; October 17-23, 1986; Theatre de
"Some Good News on the Avant-Garde Front" by Bernard Weiner; Datebook; February
2, 1986; pp. 32, 33.
Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books
Resolution: A Critique of Video Art; ed. Patti Podesta; Los Angeles Contemporary
Exhibitions; Los Angeles; 1986; p. 27; Photograph & Review of "Turtle Dreams (Waltz)".
Chapters in Books about MM
"Memory Strata: Meredith Monk's 'Quarry'' by Louise Steinman; The Knowing Body:
Elements of Contemporary Performance and Dance; Shambhala; Boston; 1986; p. 63.
"Meredith Monk" from chapter entitled "Writing Dancing" by Susan Leigh Foster;
Reading Dancing: Bodies and Subjects in Contemporary American Dance; University of
California Press; Berkeley; 1986; pp. 62,187, 189, 200-208, 220-223, 225-227, 245, 261.
"The Signifying Body: Reaction and Resistance in Postmodern Dance" by Susan Foster;
Reading Dancing; University of California Press; Berkeley; Spring, 1986.
"'Acts from Under and Above'" at La Mama by Setsuro Tagami; Engeki Book No. 3;
September, 1986; in Japanese.
"Could do better" by Ellen Cranitch; Morning Star, London, November 1, 1986; review of
"Turtle Dreams."
"Dancers' 'The Games' a theatrical tour de force" by Louise Steinman; The Tribune
(Oakland, CA); February 11, 1986; p. C-6.
"Dancewatching: Winners of 'The Games'" by Craig Bromberg; Los Angeles Times;
February 2, 1986; p. 54.
"Doing Justice to the Law?" by Lucy Hughes-Hallet; The London Standard; October 15,
1986; p. 27; review of "Ellis Island."
"EAREVIEWS" by Karen Campbell; EAR Magazine; 1986; review of "Turtle Dreams."
"The Games" by Laurie Lassiter; Women & Performance - A Journal of Feminist Theory;
Vol. 3, No. 1, #5, 1986. pp. 112-114.
"Ghost City" by Stephanie Jordan; New Statesman, November 7, 1986; review of "Turtle
"It's a Bird! It's a Trumpet! It's a Wonder Voice!" by Susan Katz; Newsweek; October 6,
1986; collaboration with Bobby McFerrin.
"Magical 'Quarry' Paradox - Meredith Monk work at Free Theater" by Alan M.
Kriegsman; Washington Post; March 5, 1986.
"Meredith Monk - Book of Days, concert"; Theatre de Gennevillies, Centre Dramatique
National; October 22-26, 1986.
"Meredith Monk Breaks all the Rules and Builds New Art" by David Gere; The Tribune
Calendar; February 2, 1986; pp. 3, 22. The New York Times; May 18, 1986.
"Meredith Monk: La Mama E.T.C." by Amanda Smith; Dance Magazine; [Date Unknown],
1986; review of "Turtle Dreams (Cabaret)" & "Acts from Under and Above".
"Meredith Monk Salutes the Familiar" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; May 18,
1986; review of "Acts from Under and Above" and "Turtle Dreams."
"Meredith Monk's Mirth" by Ivan Martinson; New York Native; May 19, 1986; review of
"Acts from Under and Above" and "Turtle Dreams."
"Monk Breathes Life Into Music" by H.B. Kronen; The Morning Union [Springfield, Mass];
December 9, 1986.
"The Monk Movement - Mary Clarke on Vocal Ensemble at the Riverside" by Mary
Clarke; Guardian; October 1986.
"Monk's Brilliant Manipulation of Gesture, Sound and Film" by Christine Temin; The
Boston Globe; June 2, 1986; p. 25.
"A Monk's tale" by LDS; The Boston Phoenix; Section 3; May 20, 1986; review of "Solo
Concert for Voice and Piano."
"Monk World Bizarre, Pure" by Elizabeth Lee; Durham Morning Herald; November 21,
"Most Important Composer of the Avant Garde/Meredith Monk Perfomed in the
Munich Alabama Hall/Enthusiastic Audience" by William Kretschmer; Mittelbayrische
Zeitung; September 13, 14, 1986; review of "Songs from the Hill."
"On Stage: Versatile Talent Transcends a Minimal Setting" by David Sterritt; The
Christian Science Monitor; April 18, 1986.
"The Operatic Meredith Monk" by Gregory Sandow; Keynote; Vol. 10, No. 6; August,
"The Private Life of Turtles - This year's Dance Umbrella Opens With Meredith Monk,
Maedee Dupres, William Tuckett..." by Jann Parry; Observer; October 19, 1986; p. 25.
"Provocative Revival of 'Quarry'" by Andrea Grodsky Huber; Washington Times; March
6, 1986.
""Singable Practices, Natural Acts" by Eileen Blumenthal; The Village Voice; April 15,
"Sound of Monk's Music Strange and Beautiful" by Susan Broili; The Durham Sun;
November 20, 1986; Concert and Lecture - Duke University Festival of Women in the
"This Year's Israel Festival Drew Dance Companies From Around the Globe" by Dora
Dowden; Dance Magazine; November 1986.
"Under the Umbrella" by David Dougill; The Sunday Times; October 19, 1986; Dance
Umbrella Festival.
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"Digging for 'Quarry'" by Meredith Monk; Voice; May 14, 1985, p. 95.
"Quarry Journal" by Meredith Monk, 1985; later published in The Village Voice as
"Digging for Quarry".
Sarah Lawrence Commencement Speech by Meredith Monk, 1985.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"American Genesis" by Jamake Highwater; The New York Times; February 3, 1985;
"American Myths and Legends" - a book selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and
Alfonso Ortiz.
"The Beat Goes On, but Famous Artists are the Top Draw at Area, New York's Super
Nightclub" by Michael Small; People Magazine; [Date Unknown], 1985.
"Best Bets" by Roy M. Close; St. Paul Press; March 17, 1985; p. 6E.
"(Breaking Away from the Rythmic Straightjacket) Minimalist Music for Maximum
Choreography" by David Koblitz; Dance Magazine February 1985; pp. 52-55.
"The Complete Monk" by Ernestine Stodelle; New Haven Register; October 27, 1985; pp.
D1 & D18; "A Solo Opera."
"Composer Profiles on Channel 28 (New Music American '85)" by Marc Shulgold; Los
Angeles Times; November 1, 1985; Part VI; p. 2.
"Composer's Weekend"; The Houston Post; September 27, 1985.
"Cross Left" by Erica Munk; Voice; May 28, 1985; p. 51.
"Dance: 'The Dance in Mind: Profiles and Reviews, 1976-83' by Deborah Jowitt";
American Theatre; June 1985; p. 35.
"Design for Literacy/Will and Mae in Washington"; American Theater; March 1985;
Meredith Monk on Artistic Board at Wooster Group.
"The Downtown State of Mind" by Margo Jefferson; Vogue; July 1985; pp. 167-169, 233-
"The Games" by Massimo Agus; On-Stage (?); [Date Unknown], 1985; in Italian.
"HGO to Present, Collaborate on Meredith Monk Houston Premiere"; News Release from the Houston Grand Opera; August 8, 1985; "Dolmen Music."
"Impressario of the Avant-Garde - To Harvey Lichenstein, The Far-Out Looks Like Gold" by Stephen Holden; Conosisseur; May 1995; p. 99-103.
"In the News/SLC at BAM"; [Publication Unknown]; [Date Unknown]; p. 15, 16.
Letter by Blythe Danner about Meredith Monk; December 1985.
"Living Spaces - Twenty Years of Theatre With Meredith Monk" by Rob Baker; Theatre
Crafts; March 1985; pp. 32-37, 63-64, 66.
"Meredith Monk"; The Center for Contemporary Arts of Santa Fe Bulletin; July/August
1985; "Solo Vocal Concert".
"Meredith Monk" by John G. Hanhardt, Curator, Film and Video; Whitney Museum of
American Art/The New American Filmmakers Series Newsletter; Films shown February
23-March 3, 1985; Includes Artist’ Statement by Meredith Monk.
"Meredith Monk '60"; Georgian; [Date Unknown].
"Meredith Monk and Kei Takei: "Ritual and Reexamination" by Cate Miodini; Dance
Pages; pp. 38-39.
"Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble"; Walker Arts Center Bulletin; March 1985.
"Meredith Monk: Hearing All The Rhythms" by Jon Pareles; [Publication unknown];
[Date unknown], 1985.
"Meredith Monk is a verb, not a noun" by Barbara Green; The Richmond News Leader;
June 14, 1985; p. 8.
"Meredith Monk's Compassion Plays" by Linda Sanders; Voice; June 11, 1985; p. 83.
"Monk Prepares for Sept. 28, 29 Performances" by [Author Unknown]; Houston
Chronicle; September 7, 1985; Section 4, p. 8.
"Modern Music Pays Tribute to Innovator" by Karen Campbell; [Publication Unknown]; pp. 12-14; "An Evening of Music and Theater for Collin Walcott."
"Monk Debuts With HGO" by Charles Ward; Houston Chronicle; September 26, 1985; p.
3; "The Games."
"Monk, Meredith"; Current Biography; ed. Charles Moritz; Vol. 46, No. 2; February 1985; pp. 19-22.
"Monk's Recognition Rides On Steady Stream of Works" by Steve Metcalf; Hartford
Courant; November 1, 1985.
The New York Dance and Performance Award Speech - Presented to Meredith Monk by
Bessie Schonberg; Brooklyn Academy of Music; September 26, 1985.
"On Her (Avant)-Garde" by Charles Ward; Houston Chronicle; October 6, 1985; p. 25.
"Performance Art is Hard to Label" by James M. Tarbox; St. Paul Pioneer Press and
Dispatch; "Center Stage Series."
"Performance Artist to Play with City Opera" by Ann Walton Sieber; Public News; No.
183; September 26, 1985.
"Quarry" by Massimo Agus; On-Stage New York No. 3; October, 1985; in Italian.
Quote by Hannon Reznikov about Meredith Monk.
"Retrospective of Works by Meredith Monk at Whitney Museum"; News Release;
Whitney Museum of American Art; January 1985.
"Some Observations on Meredith Monk's Revival of 'Quarry'" by Kenneth Bernard; Yale
Drama Review; [Date Unknown], 1985; pp. 92-94.
"Stati Uniti-Personaggi/Il Fascino Indiscreto del Primitivo" by Joyce Caruso; Vogue Pelle
Italiadi; March, 1985; includes photo by Robert Mappelthorpe.
"Teaming up for The Games" by Roger W. Oliver; BAM Journal; [Date Unknown], 1985; pp. 11-13.
"Thesis Proposal/Meredith Monk: The Uncovering of an Aesthetic" by David H. Gere;
"The 30th Annual Obies: Beating the House"; Voice; May 28, 1985; p. 50.
"T.V. Tips"; Los Angeles Times; November 1, 1985; Part VI, p. 22.
"Village Voice Presents Obie Awards"; The Desert Sun (Palm Springs, CA); May 22, 1985; p. D6.
"Visionary Artist Meredith Monk Gives 1st Iowa Concert" by Dee Ann Rexroat"; The
Cedar Rapids Gazette; March 15, 1985; "Monk Retrospective Concert."
Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books
Dance: Rituals of Experience (revised copy); by Jamake Highwater; Alfred Van der
Marck; New York; 1985; pp.108, 167, 196, 198; Includes Photograph of "Quarry" and references.
*Invitation to the Theatre; by George Kernodle, Patia Kernodle & Edward Pixley;
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; San Diego; 1971(1st edition), 1985(3rd edition); pp. 312-
313; Photograph and reference to "Quarry".
Reombinant DO-RE-MI: Frontiers of the Rock Era; by Billy Bergman and Richard Horn;
Quill, New York, 1985; pp. xii, 40-43, 72, 73, 75, 82, 83, 90-92, 97, 98.
Robert Mapplethorpe; Twelvetrees Press; Pasadena; 1985; photograph of Meredith
Monk; [no p. #].
Chapters in Books about MM
"Notes au Jour Le Jour", "La Deuxieme Constellation New Yorkaise", "Meredith Monk ou
La Representation Filtrice", "Erotique de La <<Performance>>", & "La Vois N'est Pas Un
Organe: Meredith Monk, Laurie Anderson" by Guy Scarpetta; L'Impurete; Bernard
Grasset; Paris; 1985; pp. 34, 179-186, 197-200, 202, 207, 211, 212, 351-352; All essays about or with reference to Meredith.
*"Specimen Days/Satyagraha" by Ohira Kazuto; Broadway Part 2 1981-1985; [Press
Unknown]; 1985; pp. 156-159; in Japanese.
"The Signifying Body: Reaction and Resistance in Postmodern Dance" by Susan Foster;
Reading Dancing, TJ; March, 1985.
"At the BAM - The Games by Meredith Monk and Ping Chong" by Lillie F. Rosen; Attitude
- The Dancer's Monthly; Vol. 3, No. 4; 1985; pp. 23-24.
"Dance: Meredith Monk's 'Quarry'" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; May, 1985.
"Digging Monk" by Michael Feingold; Voice; May 28, 1985; p. 107; review of "Quarry."
"Exploring all the Human Voice Can Do - With Whimsy and Wonder" by David Sterritt;
The Christian Science Monitor; March 1, 1985; p. 21; review of Whitney Museum show.
"Everything in the World Can Be Folded" by Deborah Jowitt; Voice; June 4, 1985; p. 77.
"An Experimental 'Classic" by Gregory Sandow; Wall Street Journal; July 24, 1985.
"Eye on Performance...New York City - Meredith Monk and The House" by Marilyn Hunt;
Dance Magazine; September 1985; p. 22.
"Fave Wave" by Marcia B. Siegel; Ballet News; March 1985; review of "The Games."
"Meredith Monk" by John Lee; Public News - Recordings; September 26, 1985.
"Meredith Monk Exhilarating" by Ann Walton Sieber; Public News; October 3, 1985.
"Meredith Monk Retrospective: as Varied as its Creator" by David Sterritt; The Christian
Science Monitor; March 18, 1985.
"Meredith Monk: Self-Possessed and Self-Assured" by Craig Smith; The Santa Fe
Reporter; July 24, 1985; p. 17; review of "Solo Recital."
"Meredith Monk's 'Quarry'" by Jack Anderson; The New York Times; May 16, 1985.
"A Monk at the Opera Both Engrossing, Fun"; San Antonio, Tx Express; September 30,
"Monk Displays her True Visionary Style in Exploiting Voices as Pure Instruments" by
Ann Holmes; Houston Chronicle; September 29, 1985; Section 3, p. 6.
"Monk Sets Houston Debut Under HGO Sponsorship"; Houston Chronicle; August 21,
"Monk Succeeds with Brevity in Concert" by Carl Cunningham; The Houston Post;
[Month & Day Unknown], 1985.
"Music: Meredith Monk in 10-Year Retrospective" by Bernard Holland; The New York
Times; February 10, 1985.
"Performance Art Brings Together Creative Forms" by Clarke Bustard; Richmond Times-
Dispatch; June 9, 1985; review of "Songs from the Hill" and "Music for Voice and Piano."
"Performance Art is Hard to Label" by Meredith Monk; St. Paul Pioneer Press and
Dispatch; March 21, 1985; p. 2D.
"Performance Review - Meredith Monk in Solo Concert, Hirshorn" by Anne Pierce;
Washington Review; February/March 1985.
"'Quarry' at 'La Mama'" by Lillie F. Rosen; Jewish Journal; June 21, 1985; p. 8, 20.
"Sally Banes/New York City - Meredith Monk and Ping Chong" by Sally Banes; Dance
Magazine; January 1985; pp. 38-40.
"Sarah Lawrence College"; The New York Times; May 25, 1985; p. 26.
"Sarah Lawrence Gives 206 Degrees Amid Protest Signs" by Rich Liebson; Review Press-
Reporter, Bronxville, NY; May 30, 1985.
"Sarah Lawrence Rites"; The New York Times; May 2, 1985.
"Will-o-the-Wisp's Sorcery Won Over the Skeptics" by Calvin Ahlgren; San Francisco
Examiner; March 10, 1985.
Articles by or Interviews with MM
“Interview with Meredith Monk”, by Stephanie Skura, 1984.
"Violating Space", an interview by Margot Mifflin; NY Talk; April 11-24, 1984; pp.16-17.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Games That Meredith Plays" by Laura Shapiro; October 29, 1984; Newsweek; The
"Mesmerizing Monk" by Alan M. Kriegsman; The Washington Post; November 15, 1984;
The Games
"The Critics on The Games"; BAM’s Next Wave on Tour; 1984.
"The Games"; ed. Roger W. Oliver; Next Wave Festival Journal 1984; pp. 26-27.
"Meredith Monk's Gift of Vision" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; October 9, 1984;
"The Games."
"Monk Enjoys Seattle Audiences" by Melinda Bargreen; The Seattle Times; May 3, 1984.
"A Monk of All Trades" by Bill Minutaglio; Dallas Morning News; November 1, 1984.
"Peers Mourn Musician's Death" (Collin Walcott); The Daily Star; November 15, 1984; p.
"Renaissance Ms. - Meredith Monk Dazzles Her Public With Multimedia Works That Defy
Classification" by Allen Robertson; Ballet News - The Magazine of Dance; Vol. 6, No. 4;
October 1984. pp. 28-31.
"Speaking of Music"; Brochure for the Exploratorium, San Francisco, 1984.
"Three Evenings of Performance at The Museum of Modern Art" - Flyer advertising
"Dolmen Music"; 1984.
"Up Close"; Vanity Fair"; October 1984; "The Games."
"Violating Space", an Interview by Margot Mifflin; NY Talk; April 11-24, 1984; pp.16-17.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
“Renaissanc Ms.”, by Allen Robertson, Ballet News, Vol 6, No. 4, October 1984.
Chapters in Books about MM
"Dances for the Voice" by Reinhard Oehlschlagel; Neuland: Ausatze zur Musik der
Gegenwart: 4; Neuland Musikverlag Herbert Henck; Germany; 1984; pp. 140, 234-238,
237, 303; In German.
"Il Teatro di Meredith Monk" and "Colloquio con Meredith Monk" by Franco Quadri; Il
Teatro Degli Anni Settanta/Invenzione di un Teatro Diverso/Kantor, Barba, Foreman,
Wilson, Monk, Terayama; Giulio Einandi Editore; 1984; pp. 191-247; includes extensive bibliography.
"Invisible Theater: The Music of Meredith Monk" by Gregory Sandow; The Musical
Woman, An International Perspective, 1983; ed. Judith L. Zaimont; Greenwood Press;
Westport, CT; 1984; pp. 147-150, 12, 31, 43; Includes discography & phrases of scores of
"Quarry" & "Tablet".
"3001: a Space Odyssey" by Allen Robertson; Voice; January 10, 1984; review of "The
"Dance - Meredith Monk/Ping Chong At Brooklyn Academy of Music Opera House" by
Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; October 23, 1984.
"The Evil and the Truly Bad" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; October 23, 1984; review of "The Games."
"'Games' a winner" by Rob Baker; Daily News; October 11, 1984; review of "The
"'Games' Future People May play" by Wayne Robins; Newsday; October 11, 1984; Part
"'The Games' by Winer; USA TODAY; October 11, 1984; p. 5D.
"Games That Meredith Plays" by Laura Shapiro; Newsweek; October 29, 1984.
"Meredith Monk"; PCVA - Portland Center for the Visual Arts Newsletter; 1984.
"Meredith Monk Opens the Next Wave" by John Rockwell; The New York Times;
October 7, 1984; review of "The Games."
"Monk's Millenarian Games" by Michael Feingold; Voice; October 23, 1984; p. 111; review of"The Games."
"Next Wave by Meredith Monk" by Donna Perlmutter; Los Angeles Times; April 28,
1984; Part V, p. 3.
"The Recombinant Music Theater of Meredith Monk" by S. J. Kurtz; The Daily of the
University of Washington; Vol. 91, No. 104; May 4, 1984.
"Reminder of the Future - "The Games" by Meredith Monk and Ping Chong at the Berlin
Schaubuhne" by Norbert Servos; Ballet International; February 1984.
"Theater: Next Wave Festival Opens" by Mel Gussow"; The New York Times; October 11,
1984; review of "The Games."
Articles by or Interviews with MM
Draft of an Interview with Meredith Monk and Others by Marcia B.Siegel, The Kitchen;
"An Interview with Meredith Monk" by Robert Hurwitz; ECM Records, New York; 1983.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"A Haunting Portrait of 'Ellis Island'" by Christine Temin; The Boston Globe; February 2,
"International Woman"; Shori - A Newsletter of Style and Culture from Shiseido;
Summer 1983.
"Is 'Performance' a New Form of Art?" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; August
14, 1983.
"Meredith Monk - The Education of the Girlchild" by Dr. Ronit Land; Israel Dance; 1983;
In Hebrew.
"Neue Tone aus der Neuen Welt" -Ein Portrait von Birgitta Ashoff; Bayerisches
Fernsehen Kultur und Naturwissenschaften (Redaktion: Kunst und Literature);
November 20, 1983; Documentary made for TV.
"The Press and Meredith Monk/The House" - a list of quotes about Meredith Monk.
"Public TV - America's Soapbox For Individual Opinion" by Arthur Unger; The Christian
Science Monitor; January 28, 1983; "Ellis Island."
"Meredith Monk/The House Newsletter # 2; Fall, 1983.
"Post Modern Dance in New York/Im Vergleich mit dem Deutschen Tanztheater" by Eva-
Elisabeth Fischer; FonoForum; November 11, 1983.
"Transformative Aspects of Meredith Monk's 'Education of the Girlchild' by Marianne
Goldberg; Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory; Spring/Summer,
1983; pp. 19-28.
Mentions, Photographs, etc... in Books
Toga Festival '82: First International Theater Festival in Toyama; Photo by K. Furudate,
M. Watanabe, M. Nagaoke; Japan; 1983; p. 66-73; (Superb) Photographs of "Education of the Girlchild".
Chapters in Books about MM
"Education of the Girlchild 1972-1973" ed. Moira Roth; The Amazing Decade: Women and Performance Art in America 1970-1980; Astro Artz, Los Angeles, 1983; pp. 116-117.
"Happenings of Vinyl" by John J. Quinn; Happenings (Pennsylvania); October 1983.
"Memories for Today" by [Author unknown]; Tageszeitung; December 1, 1983; English translation of review of "The Games" at The Schaubuhne, Berlin.
"Meredeth Monk's Turtle Dreams" by Jim O'Quinn; Entertainment New York; July 1983.
"Meredith Monk - Turtle Dreams" by Kevin Whitehead; City Paper (Baltimore); October
14, 1983.
"Meredith Monk - Turtle Dreams"; Musician; December 1983.
"Meredith Monk Turtle Dreams" by Christopher Connelly; Rolling Stone; December 8,
"Meredith Monk: Turtle Dreams (Waltz), 1983. Produced by Susan Dowling, Video direction by Ping Chong, American Film Institute, Washington, DC, October 1983" by
Phyllis Rosenweig; Washington Review; December 1983/January 1984.
"Recent Record Releases - Classical" by Peter Goodman; Sunday Newsday - The Long
Island Newspaper; Nassau Edition; November 13, 1983.
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"Entretien avec Meredith Monk" by Mariella Guatterini; Theatre Public; 4 Trimestre,
"Meredith Monk" by [Unknown]; Across; September 1982; pp. 74-75; Interview in
"Meredith Monk Nel Tempio della Musica Operistica" by Alberta Gnugnoli; Emilia-
Romagna; December 11, 1982; p. 37; Interview with Meredith Monk about "Specimen
"Meredith Monk/Specimen Days" by Meredith Monk; Theatre National de Strasbourg
Newsletter; previewing "Specimen Days" on October 13, 17; 1982; Text in French.
"Shinso no Engeki" by Masao Yamaguchi; Chi No Kariudo; Iwanami-Shoten; Tokyo; 1982; pp. 187-206; Interview and Critique; in Japanese; Book title translation- Hunter of
Knowledge: 20th Century Intelligence Expedition; Chapter- "Depth of Theater".
"La Voix de Meredith Monk" by Renata Molinari; Theatre Public; 4 Trimetstre, 1982
[written in 1981].
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Meredith Monk; Record Reviews"; Down Beat: The Contemporary Music Magazine;
March 1982; review of Dolmen Music.
"82-83: Ce Que Nous Reserve Le T.N.S"; Gault et Millau; 1982; "Specimen Days."
"Anmerkungen Zum Programm" by John Rockwell; Meredith Monk/Kompositionen Und
Filme; (Radio Program/WDR); October 2, 1982.
"Avant Garde Opera" by John Rockwell; Diversion; November, 1982.
"Classically Speaking" by Mark Swed; The Los Angeles Times; [Date Unknown], 1982; preview of Music Concert at LA County Museum of Art.
"A Day in the Life...Meredith Monk’s 'Specimen Days'" by John Gray; [Publication & Date
"Festival d’Automne a Paris, 1982" by Alain Girault; Theatre Public; 4 trimestre, 1982.
"Film Translations of Meredith Monk's Work" by Mindy Aloff; Millennium Film Journal;
Nos. 10/11; Fall/Winter, 1981-82.
"The House Foundation for the Arts, Inc." Brochure; 1982-83.
"How the Judson Theater Changed American Dance" by Jack Anderson; The New York
Times; January 31, 1982; p. 24-D.
"Jazz, rock, blues and space age" by Regina Hackett; Seattle Post-Intelligencer; January
15, 1982; p. D-3; "Dolmen Music" and "Quarry."
"A Lexicon of Vocal Coloration" by David Landis; City Arts Monthy; January 1982; "New and Unusual Music Series."
"Meredith Monk" by Renate Klett; Theater Heute; July, 1982.
"Meredith Monk Brings Originality to the Original Instrument" by Paul Hertelendy; San
Jose Mercury; January 29, 1982; p. 5C
"Meredith Monk/The House"; Walker Art Center Brochure/Newsletter; March, 1982.
"Meredith Monk in Bing Concert" by Lewis Segal; Los Angeles Times; February 4, 1982.
"Meredith Monk/Una Voce, Il Teatro" by V.O.; Teatro Due Programma 1982-83;
"Specimen Days."
"Meredith Monk: Une Invitation au Reve" by Marie Brassart-Goerg; Dernieres Nouvelles
D’Alsace; No. 242; October 16, 1982; p. R6 VII; "Specimen Days."
"New York Dance" by [author unknown]; The Washington Post; January 10, 1982; p. C4.
"Notes: Meredith Monk" by David Sterritt; San Francisco Symphony/New and Unusual
Music at the Galleria; Concert: January 29, 1982 at the Showplace Galleria.
"Participating in International Theatre Festival, Japan" by Mr. Ohira; OCS News; August
13, 1982; Article in Japanese.
"Petit Lexique de L’Avant-Garde Americaine/A l’Usage des Amateurs de Musique, de
Danse, de Theatre, et de Bien d’Autres Choses" by Guy Scarpetta; [Publication
Unknown]; October 23, 1982.
"San Francisco International Video Festival"; Video 80; Fall, 1982; "Ellis Island."
"Some Observations on Meredith Monk's Specimen Days" by Kenneth Bernard; Theater
(Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theater); Vol. 13, No. 2; Spring 1982; pp. 88-90;
"Specimen Days."
"Stasera al Regio <<Specimen Days>>" by [Author Unknown]; Gazzetta di Parma;
October 28, 1982.
"Superstar of the Performing Arts" by [Author unknown]; Across; No. 100; July 1982; p.
87; Article in Japanese.
"Theatre is Imagination" by [Unknown]; Tokyo News; August 20, 1982; in Japanese.
"Tim Page Talks with Teri Whit" - interview with Teri Whit.
"Au TNS: <<Meredith Monk>>"; L’Alsace ou Bas Rhin; October 16, 1982; "Specimen
"Whatever It Is, It's An Artistic Phenomenon" by Allan Ulrich; San Francisco Examiner;
January 1982; preview to appearance at SF Symphony.
"Wie Man Ein Lied Tanzt/Anmerkungen Zur Musik von Meredith Monk" by Deborah
Jowitt; Meredith Monk/Kompositionen und Filme; (Radio Program/WDR); October 2,
Chapters in Books about MM
"Meredith Monk: La Femme Cent-Voix" by Guy Scarpetta; Festival D'Automne a Paris
1972-1982; ed. Jean-Pierre Leonardini et Marie Collin, Josephine Markovits; Temps
Actuel; 1982; pp. 273 & 276.
"Shinso no Engeki" by Masao Yamaguchi; Chi No Kariudo; Iwanami-Shoten; Tokyo; 1982; pp. 187-206; Interview and Critique; in Japanese; Book title translation- Hunter of
Knowledge: 20th Century Intelligence Expedition; Chapter- "Depth of Theater".
"Akustische Rauchzeichen aus New York", by Wolfgang Sandner; Frankfurter
Allgemeine; October, 1982.
"Avant-gardist Monk More Than a Novelty", by R.M. Campbell; Seattle Post-
Intelligencer; January 16, 1982.
"'Dolmen Music' MEREDITH MONK", by Richard S. Ginell; Daily News (ECM INFO); April
23, 1982; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Dolmen Music-Meridith Monk"; Scott Gudell; Freetime (Rochester) (ECM INFO);
January 6-20, 1982; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Engaging Concert by Avant-Garde Composer", by Carole Beers; Seattle Times; January
16, 1982.
"Exhibit A and Possible B - Meredith Monk's Specimen Days"; by Marcia B. Siegel; The
Soho News; pp. 54 & 57; December 23, 1981 - January 5, 1982.
"High priestess of...what? Meredith Monk's Fans, Bewildered or Not, Revel in her Music" by Donna Perlmutter; L.A. Herald Examiner; February 2, 1982; p. B-1; "Music Concert with Film."
"An Iconoclast's Iconoclast", by Janice Ross; Tribune/Today; January 4, 1982; pp. H 4-5; review of "Specimen Days."
"Live! Meredith Monk- 'Education of the Girlchild'" by [Unknown]; Ryukou Tsu Shin-
Fashion News; No. 226; November 1982; in Japanese.
"Ma il Vero <<Specimen Days>> Lo Ha Vissuto Il Pubblico" by Antonio Mascolo; Gazzetta di Parma; October 30, 1982; p. 10; review of "Specimen Days."
"Meredith Monk" by [Author Unknown]; Live (ECM INFO); May 6-7, 1982; review of
"Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk" by [Author Unknown]; Record World (ECM INFO); February 13, 1982; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk" by John Fordham; The Guardian; October 8, 1982; review of "Solos for
Voice and Piano 72/73, Turtle Dreams, Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk" by Renate Klette; Theatre Heute; July, 1982; review of "Specimen
"Meredith Monk" by Roger Downey; The Weekly (ECM INFO); January 6-12, 1982; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk - Almeida" by Richard Williams; The Times; October 11, 1982.
"Meredith Monk at PCVA - Monk's Voice" by Sabrina Ullmann; Wilamette Week's Fresh
Weekly; March 9-15, 1982.
"Meredith Monk au TNS/Reperages D’un Monde Qui Est Duel" by Phillipe Avril; Le
Nouvel Alsacien; October 16, 1982.
"Meredith Monk: Dolmen Music" by [Author Unknown]; Mademoiselle Magazine;
[Month Unknown], 1982.
"Meredith Monk 'Dolmen Music' (ECM)" by [Author Unknown]; Report (ECM INFO);
March, 1982; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk: Dolmen Music" by C.S.; Oakland Tribune (ECM INFO); January 24,
1982; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk Orchestrates Great Sweeps of Song, Liberated From All Boundaries" by
Joan Connell; The Bellingham Herald (ECM INFO); January 15, 1982.
"Meredith Monk's Specimen Days" by Cate Miodini; The Downtown Review; Fall,
Winter, Spring, 1981-82; Vol. III, Nos. 1 and 2; pp. 41-42.
"Meredith Monk Takes Her Voice to the Edge" by Matt Groening; The Reader; February
5, 1982; p. 13; "Music Concert with Film."
"Meredith Monk: Une Invitation au Reve" by Marie Brassart-Goerg; Dernieres Nouvelles
D'Alsace; No. 242; October 16, 1982.
"Monk/Bley" by [Author Unknown]; Gallery (ECM INFO); March, 1982; review of
"Dolmen Music."
"Monk Slips In To a Full House" by Richard Pontzious; S.F. Examiner; January 30, 1982.
"New Music and New Ways to Listen" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; August 2,
1982; New Music America Festival.
"Off-Broadway" by [Author Unknown]; Pioneer Press (St. Paul, MN); [Date Unknown]; review of "Specimen Days."
"Performance - Theater of the Abstract" by David Skarjune; City Pages; March 4, 1982.
"Pleasures Anyway" by Gregory Sandow; The Village Voice; January 27-February 2, 1982; p. 68; review of "Specimen Days."
"Powerful Mix of Music, Film and Motion" by Marilyn Tucker; San Francisco Chronicle;
February 1, 1982.
"A Propos de M. Monk a Toyama" by Kuniko Satonobu; Le Clebs/Les Voix Sans Maitre;
No. 14; September, 1982; Text Traduit par Isabelle Charrier.
"'Quarry' Is a Movie That Is Devastatingly Haunting" by Glenn Giffin; Denver Post; May
13, 1982.
"A Radical Vision" byIan Strasfogel; Opera News; January 30, 1982; pp. 9-11; Article about Russian Painter Vassili Kandinsky - Mentions Meredith Monk.
"Record Reviews - Meredith Monk" by [Author Unknown]; Downbeat; March, 1982;
"Dolmen Music."
"Reich/Monk" by [Author Unknown]; Jazz Dispatch; January/February 1982; "Dolmen
"Se Le Nostre Emozioni Fosseroi Sogni" by Ugo Volli; La Repubblica Spettacoli; October
30, 1982; review of "Specimen Days" and "Recent Ruins."
"'She Dances Alone'...'Quarry'" by Irene Clurman; Rocky Mountain News; May 5, 1982.
"She's Putting Everything into Music" by W. Kim Heron; Detroit Free Press; April 1, 1982; review of "Specimen Days."
"Some Dance Observations" by Lillie F. Rosen; Wisdom's Child New York Guide; January
11-January 17, 1982; review of "Specimen Days."
"Specimen Days" by Ginnie Cocuzza; The Villager; January 7, 1982; p. 13.
"'Specimen Days': The Past and Future" by David Sterritt; Los Angeles Times (ECM INFO);
January 2, 1982.
"The Twilight of Romance" by Marcia Pally; New York Native; January 4-17, 1982; review of "Specimen Days."
"Virtuoso - Monk Delights in Song, Film" by Susan Slobojan; The Detroit News; April 2,
"Whatever It Is, It's An Artistic Phenomenon" by Allan Ulrich; Examiner; [Date
Unknown]; "New and Unusual Music at the Galleria."
"What is New Music (In) America?" by Merle Ginsberg; Alive; [Date Unknown]; review of
"Turtle Dreams."
"When Meredith Monk Sings, the Whole World Understands" by David Sterritt; The
Christian Science Monitor; January 18, 1982; review of "Specimen Days."
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"An Interview with Meredith Monk", by Jan Greenwald; EAR Magazine; April - May,
1981; p. 5.
"Ellis Island", by Meredith Monk; Das Kleine Fernsehspiel; 1981; pp. 55-56.
"Shinso no Engeki", by Masao Yamaguchi; Shin Geki; May 1981; pp. 53-73; interview and article in Japanese.
"Vedranno La Guerra Ballata Sulle Punte", by Marinella Guatterini; L'Unita; [date unknown]; p. 3.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"Artists, Rockers Join Forces", by Kristine McKenna; The Los Angeles Times; September
6, 1981.
"Bay Area Dance Film Festival", by Susan Shepard; ARTBEAT; May/June, 1981; "16
Millimeter Earrings."
"Capturing Dance on Film", by Cathy Curtis; Independent and Gazette; June 25, 1981;
"16 Millimeter Earrings."
"Collaborations One", by Buddy Harris; The College Voice; March 27, 1981; Vol. IV, No.
14; performance at Connecticut College.
"Cornucopia of New Art Spills Over", by Doris Whitbeck; The Hartford Courant; February
1, 1981.
"Dance Picks", by Lois Draegin; The Soho News; " December 8, 1981.
"Film as a Dance Partner", by Allan Ulrich; San Francisco Examiner; June 21, 1981;
"Quarry" and "16 Millimeter Earrings."
"Holiday Dance Stocking Offers Choices From Classic to Modern" by Jennifer Dunning;
The New York Times; December 11, 1981; p, C1.
"Meredith Monk", by Howard Charles Donnelly; The Keystone; April 9, 1981; "Plateau
Series" and "Quarry."
"Monk Puts Magic Into Opera Without Libretto", by Linda Winer; Daily News; December
14, 1981.
"The Mystery of Monk", by Ellen W. Jacobs; Horizon - The Magazine of the Arts;
December, 1981; "Specimen Days."
"Newer Than New", by Allen Robertson; Ballet News; October 1981; p. 21.
"Sarah Lawrence", by Georgette Gouveia; Reporter Dispatch; September 9, 1981.
"Shinso no Engeki," by Masao Yamaguchi; Shin Geki; May 1981; pp. 53-73; Interview and article in Japanese.
"Verdranno La Guerra Ballata Sulle Punte", by Marinella Guatterini; L’Unita; [Day/month unknown], 1981; p. 3.
"What is American about American Modern Dance", by Judith Brin Ingber; transcript of speech from: Dance Conference at University of California at Los Angeles of the Dance
History Scholars, Congress on Research in Dance, and the National Dance Guild; June 22-
28, 1981.
Mentions, Photographs etc... in Books
"American Connection", by Guy Scarpetta; Eloge du Cosmopolitisme; Bernard Grasset;
Paris; 1981; pp. 224, 253, 259,
Scores: An Anthology of New Music, by Roger Johnson; Schirmer Books; New York;
1981; pp. 64, 111, 334; scores of "Change for Four Voices" & "Paris", plus bio.
Soundings: Neuberger Museum; State University of New York at Purchase; Purchase;
1981; Exhibition: 20 September- 23 December, 1981; p. 70; Photograph of "Silver Lake with Dolmen Music, 1980".
Women in American Theatre; ed. Helen Krich Chinoy & Linda Walsh Jenkens; Crown
Publishers; New York;1981; pp. 234, 364, 366-367, 378.
Chapters in Books about MM
"In and Out of Kutztown - A Documentation of the Art Series Program 1974-1981", by
James F. L. Carroll; Kutztown State College; 1981; photos of February 1-2, 1979 performance.
"An Amalgam of Dance", by Zofia Smardz; The Washington Star; March 25, 1981; review of "Travelogue."
"Ausbrecher/Merkwurdiges von Leuten und vom Polnischen Volk", by Hans-Klaus
Jungheinrich; Frankfurter Rundschau; August 15, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Carla Bley/Meredith Monk - Eccentric Circles", by Peter Lengsfelder; The Colorado Daily
(ECM INFO); October 29, 1981.
"Christgau's Consumer Guide", by Robert Christgau; Village Voice (ECM INFO);
November 25-December 1, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Cities of the Dance", by Suzanne Levy; The Washington Post; March 25, 1981; p. B-1; review of "Travelogue."
"Creative and Inventive", by Marcia Kredenster; The Peak; February 27, 1981; performance at SFU.
"Dance in Review - Images Strange and Powerful", by Susan Goldstein; The Cornell Daily
Sun; March 6, 1981; p. 8.
"Dance: 'Specimen Days' By Miss Monk at Public", by Anna Kisselgoff; The New York
Times (ECM INFO); December 1981; review of "Specimen Days."
"Dolmen Music." The Daily Californian (UC Berkeley); November 11, 1981.
"Dolmen Music - Meredith Monk"; Fairfield County Advocate (ECM INFORMATION);
December 30, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Entering Monk's World", by Roy M. Vestrich; Valley Advocate; March 11, 1981; Vol. VII,
No. 30; review of "Plateau Series" and "Anthology."
"Gesture and the Feeling Within", by Philip Greene; The Ithaca Times; March 5-11, 1981;
Vol. III, No. 34; p. 14; review of "Paris" and "Plateau #3."
"Grenzganger Nr. 1: Meredith Monk"; Kik Magazin; September, 1981; review of
"Dolmen Music."
"Hervorragend", by Manfred Sack; Die Zeit; August 7, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"I Hear A Meredith Singing", by Erika Munk; Village Voice; December 16-22, 1981; review of "Specimen Days."
"Jazz Short Takes - La Musique Modern", by Ravi Zabor; Musician Player and Listener
(ECM INFO); November, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Liberty from a Tomb", by Richard Cook; NME; August 29, 1981; review of "Dolmen
"Meredith Monk"; The Chanttanooga Times (ECM INFO); December 11, 1981; review aof
"Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk", by N.W.; Modern Recording & Music; December 1981; Vol. 7, No. 3; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk"; The New York Times (ECM INFO); November 8, 1981; review of
"Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk: Dancing a Song", by Deborah Jowitt; Village Voice (ECM INFO); May
20-26, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk: a Multimedia Trip Through American Myth and History", by David
Sterritt; The Christian Science Monitor; December 28, 1981; p. 15; review of "Specimen
"Meredith Monk: Dolmen Music, ECM 1197" by Thomas Rothschild; Schauplatz;
September, 1981.
"Merideth Monk, Doleman Music" [note incorrect spellings]; The Daily Orange (ECM
INFO); December 15, 1981.
"Merideth Monk, Doleman Music" [note incorrect spellings]; Oceana (Syracuse) (ECM
INFO); December 25, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk: Dolmen Music" by Manfred Sack; Die Zeit - Hamburg; August 7, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Meredith Monk: Dolmen Music"; Heilbronner Stimme; September 12, 1981.
"Meredith Monk's Vocal Dances", by John Piccarelle; Village Voice (ECM INFO); October
28-November 3, 1981; p. 69; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Mischformen Musik, Die Etwas Bewegt", by Thomas Rothschild; Frankfurter
Rundschau; August 8, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Mixed Media Monk", by Brent Starling; The Peak; February 27, 1981; performance at
"Monk Blends Varied Types of Music Into Material Audiences Understand", by James E.
Sellars; The Hartford Courant; February 9, 1981; review of "Songs from the Hill" and
"Lullaby No. 2."
"Monk ou Moine?", by Philippe Conrath; Liberation; [day unknown], 1981; review of
"Dolmen Music."
"Monk's Story", by Stuart Cohn; The Soho Weekly News (ECM INFO); May 27, 1981; The
Space - City Center.
"Multimedia Show That Explored a Few of Meredith Monk's Many Worlds", by David
Sterritt; The Christian Science Monitor; June 2, 1981; "Music Concert with Film."
"Music and the Visual Arts Team Up in Purchase", by John Rockwell; The New York
Times; November 27, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Music Box"; Petra; September, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Music: Meredith Monk", by John Rockwell; The New York Times (ECM INFO); May 19,
1981; "Music Concert with Film."
"Music: Meredith Monk" by John Rockwell; The New York Times; May 23, 1981; "Music
Concert with Film."
"Music Review/Meredith Monk and Film", by Wayne Robbins; Newsday; May 21, 1981;
"Music Concert with Film."
"Our History (Click) Printed on the Turtle's Eye", by Deborah Jowitt; Village Voice;
December 16-22, 1981; review of "Specimen Days."
"The Post-Modern Stretch: Renzi at DTW", by Amy Waterman; The Villager; October 1,
1981; p. 13; music used in dance piece at DTW.
"A Rare Specimen", by Ruggero Bianchi; Other Stages; December 31, 1981; review of
"Specimen Days."
Review of "Dolmen Music"; Cash Box (ECM INFO); September 26, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music" City Paper (Baltimore); November 27, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music." Houston Chronicle (ECM INFO); November 15, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music"; Oakland Press (ECM INFO); November 28, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music"; Omaha World-Herald (ECM INFO); October 18, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music"; The Reader (ECM INFO); September 24, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music"; Record World (ECM INFO) September 19, 1981.
Review of "Dolmen Music"; The Spectator (Chapel Hill, NC)(ECM INFO); November 1981.
"Special: Frauen" by Jutta Kamke; Tip Magazin; September 1981; "Dolmen Music."
Review of Dolmen Music; Twin Cities Reader (ECM INFORMATION); December 1981;
"ECM Jazz Series."
Review of "Songs"; Variety (ECM INFO); November 4, 1981.
"'Specimen' in Daze'", by Marilyn Stasio; The New York Post; December 18, 1981;
"Specimen Days."
"Top-Liste 80/81/Meredith Monk: Dolmen Music" [Author unknown]; Neue
Musikzeitung; [Date unknown].
"Unorthodox Vocalizing"; Big Eye (Bound Brook, N.J.); November 1981; review of
"Dolmen Music."
"Vorwartz Ruckwartz Zu Den Mythen?", by Meinrad Buholzer; Luzerner Neueste
Nachrichten; September 21, 1981; review of "Dolmen Music."
Articles by or Interviews with MM
"Meredith Monk"; an Interview with Meredith Monk by David Garland; EAR Magazine;
Vol. 5, No. 4; February-March 1980; pp. 1, 8, 9.
"Meredith Monk - ein Interview" by Renate Klett.
"Meredith Monk: Min Musik ar Osynlig Teater", by Marie Olofsson; Dagens Nyheter;
October 9, 1980.
"Meredith Monk 'Vessel', Eine Oper mit dem Schaubuhnenensemble", by Barbel
Jaschke; July 11, 1980; Transcription in German of interview on SFB radio station in
"R.E.: CROCE - Letters from Yyvone Rainer, Meredith Monk, Kenneth King"; LIVE - a
Periodical of Performing Arts Journal Publications; Issue 4 (performance art); 1980; pp.
"Une Laverie Pour Les Sens", an interview with Jean Pierre Thibaudat; Liberation;
February 29, 1980.
Articles about MM in Magazines/Newspapers
"The Archeology of Consciousness: Essaying Images", by Bonnie Maranca; PERFORMING
ARTS 12 Journal; PAJ12 Vol. IV, No. 3; 1980; pp. 39-49.
"The Croce Variations", by Zita Allen; Voice; August 13-19, 1980; p. 66.
"Danse/Musik/<<Recent Ruins>> de Meredith Monk/La Memoire de L’Univers dans un
Spectacle Total", by Lise Brunel; [Publication Unknown]; February 29, 1980.
"Decouvrir Meredith Monk", by Claire Gravel; Le Devior (Matane, Quebec); November
18, 1980.
Excerpt of an interview with Bessie Schoenberg in which she speaks about Meredith
Monk; [No other information].
"Hennes Musik ar Osynlig Teater Utan Ord", by Marie Olofsson; Dagens Nyheter;
October 9, 1980.
"Incontro con Meredith Monk"; Stampa Serra; [date unknown]; "The Plateau Series."
"In Praise of Rhetoric", by Michael Feingold; Voice; January 28, 1980; p. 75.
"Intermedia Arts Festival"; [Author unknown]; The New York Times; January 27, 1980; p.
*"Ma L'Idea Non Arriva", by Lorenzo Arruga; Il Giorno; February 10, 1980; "Recent
"Meredith Monk" by Franco Quadri; Vogue Italia; February, 1980.
*"Meredith Monk" by Maria Ulaner; Prenumeration; Nummer 5, 1980.
"Meredith Monk Ensemble" by [Author unknown]; Klopstuk 80 (Leuven, Belgium);
October 14, 1980; in Flemish.
"Meredith Monk: Il Gioco della Voce Senza le Parole", by Christian Prigent; Spirali
Giornale Interationalle di Cultura; Anno III, Gennaio 1980.
"Meredith Monk Inszeniert Ihre Epische Oper Vessel mit und an der Berliner
Schaubuhne", by Renate Klett; Theater Heute; September 9, 1980; "Vessel."
"Meredith Monk, Poete de la Voix et du Theatre"; Des Femmes Hebdo; February 29-
March 7, 1980; pp. 24-25.
"Meredith Monk/Recent Ruins", by Guy Scarpetta; Art Press International; March, 1980.
"Meredith Monk und Ensemble"; Berliner Festwochen 80 Brochure; [date & writer unknown].
"Merezen's Fearless Forecast - New Productions", by Merezen; Other Stages; January
10, 1980; p. 8.
"Modern Opera - Sort Of", by Gregory Sandow; Voice; October 29-November 4, 1980; p.75.
"New Ways of Dance Making", by Selma Jeanne Cohen; [publication & date unknown].
"New York, New York: Man Spricht Uber...Alles, Was Neu Ist In New York. Uber Punk und Poesie, Talent und Theater, Kunst und Kommerz. In Dieser Saison Spricht Man Vor
Allem Uber..." by [Author unknown]; German Vogue; 1980; p. 157; brilliant photograph of Meredith in 'Vessel', article in German.
"Orgelmusik, Stimme, Regieanweisung von Meredith Monk", by Ms. Barbel Jaschke; July
1980; Transcription of radio program in Berlin, in German.
"The Puzzle of Meredith Monk", by Barbara Figge Fox; Pittsburgh New Sun; April 3,
1980; p. 4.
*"<<Recent Ruins>>" Contains 4 sections: "Danse, Musique Chant" and "Archeologie" by
Meredith Monk, "<<The Voice>>" by Sally R. Sommer (from The Voice, November 25,
1979, and "Un Autre Opera": an interview with Meredith Monk by Michel Deutsch;
2eme Biennale <<Voix, Theatres et Musiques d’Aujourd’hui>> 7
Fevrier au 26 Mars.
"So Will Uns Die Schaubuhne Mal Wieder Fessein"; B.Z.; July 10, 1980; "Vessel."
"Le Theatre Americain", by Guy Scarpetta; Theatre Public - Decloisonnement Des Arts;
January/February 1980; Vol. 31; pp. 4-11.
"Teatro/Recent Ruins de Meredith Monk", by Franco Quadri; Panorama; February 25,
1980; "Recent Ruins."
"Trois Americains et L'Europe: Un Tour du Monde Dans La Tete - Meredith Monk Monte
Vessel a La Schaubuhne", by Rolf Michaelis; Theatre Public; November/ December,
1980; #36; pp. 5-19.
"Why Domestic Ballets Have Imported Names", by Jack Anderson; [Publication unknown]; January 4, 1980; p.
"Se Ne Parla" by Franco Quadri; Vogue Italia; February 1980; p. 245
Chapters in Books about MM
"Meredith Monk: Homemade Metaphors", by Sally Banes; Terpsichore in Sneakers:
Post-Modern Dance; Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1980; pp. 14, 18, 148-167, 169, 214,
*"Quarry/Sly Fox", by Ohira Kazuto; Broadway 1975-1980; [Press ?]; 1980; pp. 78-79; in
"Dalle Rovine del Passato un Catastrofico Futuro", by Maria Grazia Gregori and Paolo
Petazzi; L’Unita; February 10, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins".
"Dame Mit Ratseln/Phantasie Zum Knobein: Finale von Dreiteiler-Oper "Vessel" am
Anhalter Bahnhot", by Heinz Ritter; Der Abend; July 14, 1980.
"Dance" by Deborah Jowitt; The Village Voice; February 18, 1980; review of "Songs from the Hill" and "Tablet."
"Dance: 'Friends' and 'The Ladies' by Jennifer Dunning, "Friends" by Blondell Cummings;
The New York Times; April 27, 1980; review of "Songs from the Hill" and "Tablet."
"The Dance: Jeff Duncan Celebrates Anniversaries", by Jennifer Dunning; The New York
Times; February 4, 1980; review of "Songs from the Hill" and "Tablet."
"Danse" by A. Nordmann; Le Matin de Paris; February 29, 1980; review of "Recent
"Danse/La Mama et the House" by Simone Dupuis; Paris Hebdo; February 17, 1980.
"Danse/Meredith Monk a Nanterre/Melange des Genres" by F.D.; Quotidien de Paris;
March 2, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Der Anhalter Bahnhof Kommt Auch Zum Zug"; BZ; July 15, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"Die Heilige Johanna der Bahnhofe/Meredith Monk’s Schaubuhnen-Show 'Vessel' in
Berlin-Kreuzberg", by Sibylle Wirsing; FAZ; July 15, 1980.
"Eine Stimme fur die Magie", by Rudiger Schaper; Der Abend; October 6, 1980; review of "Dolmen Music."
"Eine Theater-Traumzeit mit Meredith Monk", by Renatte Klett; Der Spiegel; November
30, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"Geniale e Semplice", by Piero Perona; Stampa Sera/Spettacoli; February 21, 1980.
"Gli Archeologi della Monk Scavano Anche nel Futuro", by Roberto De Monticelli;
Corriere Della Sera; February 10, 1980.
"Home Again"; The Minority Report; 1980; review of "Songs from the Hill" and "Tablet."
"Intermedia - An Avant-Garde Festival", by Mark Deitch; The New York Times; January
27, 1980; review of "Fear and Loathing in Gotham."
"Johanna in the City", by MAT; Tip Magazin; July 17, 1980; pp. 15-16; review of "Vessel", in German.
"Johanna Geht in die Irre", by Gunther Grack; Der Tagesspeigel Feulleton; July 15, 1980; p. 4; review of "Vessel."
"Kuriose Wander-Oper drei Akten", by F.L.; Berliner Morgenpost; July 13, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"La Pantomima Degli Archeologi", by Domenico Rigotti; Avvenire; February 10, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Le Magie Monk", by Jean-Pierre Thibaudat; Liberation; February 29, 1980; review of
"Recent Ruins."
"Lo Spazio Multipo di Meredith Monk", by Mario Gamba; Manifesto; February 10, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"The Magic of Monk", by Alan M. Kriegsman; Washington Post; April 15, 1980; "Songs from the Hill", review of "Vessel Suite" and "Tablet."
"MEDIADANCE", by Marsha B. Siegel; The Soho Weekly News; March 5, 1980; p. 45; review of "16 Millimeter Earrings".
"Meredith Monk a Nanterre/Un Ballet Inspire par des Ruines"; Quotidien de Paris (Q);
February 27, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Meredith Monk, Archeologa del Sapere Sensitivo", by Oliviero Ponte di Pino;
Manifesto; February 10, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Meredith Monk et du Theatre"; Des Femmes en Mouvement; February 29, 1980.
"Meredith Monk in Concert", by Barbara Figge Fox; Pittsburgh New Sun; April 10, 1980; p. 13.
"Meredith Monk: Recent Ruins at La Mama", by Cate Miodini; The Downtown Review;
Fall-Winter 1979/1980; Vol. 2, Number 1; pp. 32-33.
"Meredith Monk's Program is Intriguing", by Jane Vranish; Pittsburgh Post-Gasette; April
4, 1980; p. 41; review of "Plateau Series."
"Meredith Monk Propone sue Misteriose <<Rovine>>", by Gastone Geron; Il Giornale
Deglia Spettacoli; February 10, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Minimal-Musik mit Urschrei/Meredith Monk im Theatresall der Hochschule", by
Albrecht Dumling; Der Tagesspiegel/Feuilleton; October 5, 1980; review of "Tablet" and
"Dolmen Music."
"Monk Begins a 3-Day Stand", by Florence Pennerra; Washington Star; [Date Unknown]; review of "Songs from the Hill" & "Tablet".
"Monk: Geometrie Danzate Con Respiri e Gorgoglii", by Osvaldo Guerrieri; La Stampa;
Anno 114; Numero 42; February 12, 1980; review of "Plateau."
"Musique/Meredith Monk", by Claude Samuel; Le Point; February 25, 1980; review of
"Recent Ruins."
"Musique/Meredith Monk a Nanterre"; Le Monde; February 21, 1980.
"Musique/<<Recent Ruins>> de Meredith Monk, a Nanterre/Vers Le Nouvel Opera?", by
Jaques Lonchampt; Le Monde; February 29, 1980.
"Nanterre/Meredith Monk dans Recents Ruins", by Catherine Clement; Moderato;
February 26, 1980.
"A Problem of Categories", by Joan La Barbara; Musical America; February 1980; p. 12.
Radio Program Review by Barbara Fox; WGED - FM; aired April 4, 1980; review of
"Recenti Rovine, L’Apocalisse Secondo Meredith Monk", by Olivero Ponte di Pino;
Manifesto; February 16, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Recent Ruines de Meredith Monk"; Nouvelles Litteraires (H); February 21, 1980; review of "Recent Ruins."
"Recent Ruins" by Simone Dupuis; Les Seasons de la Danse; [date unknown].
"<<Recent Ruins>> de Meredith Monk, a Nanterre", by Lise Brunel; Le Matin de Paris
(O); February 26, 1980.
"<<Recent Ruins>> de Meredith Monk/La Memoire de L’Univers dans un Spectacle
Total", by Lise Brunel; Le Matin de Paris; February 29, 1980.
"Review of Recent Ruins" by Stuart Morgan; Art Forum; February, 1980.
"Songs from the Hill/Tablet" by Josep Sole; [Publication Unknown]; [Date Unknown]; CD review; in Spanish.
"Songs from the Hill" and "Tablet " by Suzanne Merry; DANCEMAGAZINE; May 1980.
"Reviews - Meredith Monk"; [Author Unknown]; DANCEMAGAZINE; April 1980; p. 50; review of "Recent Ruins."
"A Rich Diversity in New American Music"; [Author Unknown]; The New York Times;
April 27, 1980; review of "Songs from the Hill" and "Tablet."
"<<Rovine>> della Monk con il Teatro Totale", by Luigi Rossi; La Stampa; Anno 114,
Numero 133; February 10, 1980.
"Schaubuhne: Premieren-Gaste Irren Durch Kreuzberg, Stars Schnipseln Paprika-Salat", by Volker Gerth; BILD - Zeitung, Hamburg; July 10, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"Spiegel in Splittern/Ratsalhafte Collage: Die Ersten Zweu Teile Von Monks 'Vessel' mit der Schaubuhne", by Heinz Ritter; Der Abend; July 12, 1980.
"Verspielte Bilder Einter Krausen Phantasie", by Hans-Jorg Von Jena; Spandauer
Volksblatt; July 15, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"Wanderoper Auf Dem Holzweg", by Friedrich Luft; Berliner Morgenpost; July 15, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"Wandlungsfahiger Singsang von Meredith Monk", by Klaus Geitel; Berliner
Morgenpost; October 5, 1980; review of "Vessel."
"Weltreise In Den Kopf/Meredith Monk Inszeniert Ihre Epische Oper 'Vessel' An Drei
Schauplastzen", by Rolf Michaelis; Die Zeit; July 18, 1980.