Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Period: ____________ Crash Course US History: Market Revolution #12 In this video John Green (JG) discusses the Market Revolution and describes it as one of the least studied but most interesting and important eras in U.S. History. 1. How does JG compare the Market Revolution to the Industrial Revolution? 2. Define the idea of the Market Revolution. What dates would you apply to the Market Revolution? 3. Whose idea of the United States does the Market Revolution match – Jefferson’s or Hamilton’s? Explain. Thomas Jefferson’s Vision for the United States Alexander Hamilton’s Vision for the United States 4. Explain the role that changing technology played bringing about the Market Revolution? Communication Transportation 5. How was the Market Revolution and its development funded? 6. What role did the state and federal governments play in helping making the Market Revolution a possibility? 7. What was Manifest Destiny and what role did it play in westward expansion? 8. JC states that the Market Revolution caused some to question the freedom that Americans were supposed to enjoy. What did he mean by that statement? Do you agree or disagree? Why? 9. What did the wage earners begin to do protect themselves from the negative impacts of the Market Revolution?