11. Coding Manual New 2012 YAQ

This codebook details the coding procedures to be used by all coders. It is
important that CONSISTENCY is maintained throughout the coding process!
Therefore, if you are not certain about any response, please call to ask for
assistance. Accuracy of coding is of the utmost importance.
The questionnaire will be “read” by an optical scanning machine. When the
machine reads a page it reads both sides of the page at once. For this reason, each
response must not have any markings overlapping from the page behind. This
may be a particular problem where an individual has written in a response, e.g.,
cereal or vitamin brand. To check that there is no overlap from the back page,
simply hold the page up to the light and check visually. If there is an overlap of
writing, record that information in an allowable space (space with no bubbles or
black rectangular scanning bubbles) and then erase it.
Do not write over, highlight, or place a sticker over any of the black rectangular
scanning bubbles that are on the side or bottom of the page.
Use only a No. 2 PENCIL to “code” or fill in the bubbles on the questionnaire.
 PT = Pass-through bubble. These are the bubbles in the shaded column next to
the black rectangles, , generally located in the right green margin of each
question, which you will fill-in to indicate that a section or a question has been
left blank. PT bubbles correspond to question numbers throughout different
YAQ sections.When we run the analysis, it tells us it is a “true blank” and not a
bubble lightly filled in. (Example 1)
Example 1
If the respondent completed the questionnaire in ink, darken over their responses
with pencil.
Darken all response circles that are filled in lightly or incompletely.
Erase all information and remove all tape or labels at the bottom of each page of
the questionnaire. Information removed from this section should be recorded in an
allowable space.
Do not staple, tape, fold, or clip questionnaires together, this may interfere
with the scanning and add errors to the dietary data. Send securely the pack or
packets of questionnaires using rubber bands or folders and rubber bands to hold
stacks of questionnaires together.
Remove the perforated edge so that the questionnaire is separated to go through
the scanner.
ID Number
 Select a letter and/or 1-7 digit ID for your subjects and record it in the blank box
on the right of first page in the first row. (Example 2)
 Code the letter and/or 1-7 digit ID number in the circles below boxes on the right
of first page in the first row. (Example 3)
 Note order of ID coded so that sequential order of your ID is maintained.
 Code only the number of circles necessary to complete the ID length you have
chosen. If you have 1-500 subjects in your study, you would code 1-500
respectively. You do not need to code leading or trailing zeros.
 You may utilize the letter and digits to create an ID that represents your specific
Example 2
Example 3
Q3 – Your Height
If the participant filled in their height but did not circle the bubbles below, bubble
in their reported height. (Example 4)
Example 4
Q4 – Your Weight (lbs)
If participant filled in their weight but did not fill in the bubbles below, bubble in
the reported weight. (Example 5)
Example 5
Q5 – Do you take vitamins (like Flintstones, Centrum, Centrum Kids)?
If the participant…
 has only filled in the “No” bubble, then move on to the next section.
 has filled in frequency (a) and brand (b) but left “Yes/No” blank, then fill
in the “Yes” bubble.
 has a response that corresponds with one of the “cheat” bubbles, fill in that
bubble. (Example 6)
 “Cheat” bubbles are provided for Flintstones (F), Centrum
(C), One A Day Essential (O), Flintstones Complete-or any
other “complete multivitamin (B), One A Day Women’s
(OW) and Centrum Kids (CK)
 has a response in the brand section that does not correspond with a cheat
bubble, code the answer written in the rectangle, in the field below the
question. Use the 2012 YAQ Vitamin Code Sheet to determine the proper
code. (Example 7)
 has filled in “No” and left frequency blank but reported a brand, fill in the
“Yes” bubble, fill in the PT bubble for (a), and look on the Vitamins code
sheet to determine the best code to use. Fill in that 3-digit code to the right
of the question (Example 8)
 has reported vitamin brand as “generic” or “store brand” use code 0199
for ages 17+ (Adult generic). For participants 16 and under use code
3838 (Childrens generic)
 has left all of question 5 blank, fill in the (5) PT bubble located in the right
hand margin next to the vitamin brand coding grid. (Example 9)
 See graph provided below in SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR
MULTI-VITAMIN SECTION to assist with coding
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
Incorrect answers can take a number of possible forms. The table below groups
the problems according to the type of response in the first part of the question and
gives the coding rule for each combination of problems in the other two parts of
the question.
No / Yes
Yes and No
Yes and No
Yes and No
Yes and No
a) -freq
b) -brand
Coding Directions
Mark “Yes” and code the brand.
Mark “Yes”, code the brand and fill in Freq PT
Erase frequency and code Q1 PT
PTB (5)
Leave “Yes” and erase “No”.
Leave "Yes", erase “No”, and code Brand PT
Erase “Yes” and “No” and code Q1 PT
Leave “Yes”, erase “No”, and code the brand.
Change “No” to “Yes” and code the brand.
Leave “No” and erase the brand.
Leave “No” and erase the dose.
Do nothing.
Code 5a and 5b PTB
Code 5a PTB
Code 5B PTB
*** Refer to the 2012 YAQ Vitamin Code Sheet for more info. ***
Q6 – Do you take any other separate vitamin or mineral pills? (NOT the
multivitamin pill listed in question 5b)
If the participant…
 has filled in a pill but left “Yes” blank, fill in the “Yes” bubble.
 has filled in the “No” bubble but has filled in a pill, erase the “No” bubble
and fill in the “Yes” bubble.
 has filled in the “Yes” bubble, but left the pill section blank, erase the
“Yes” bubble, and fill in the “No” bubble.
 has left all of question 6 blank, fill in the (6) PT bubble located in the right
hand margin next to the vitamin brand coding grid. (Example 10)
 wrote in a supplement other than ones listed, make sure the “other” bubble
is filled in.
Example 10
General Food Frequency Section
If the participant…
 has left a particular food item blank, fill in the corresponding PT
bubble located in the right hand margin. (Example 11)
 has filled in more than one response bubble for a particular food item,
erase all bubbles except for that of the lowest value. There can only be
one response for each food item in these sections.
 has filled in more than one response for question 11 “type of cheese” ,
or question 16 “type of oil” under Dairy Foods, as well as question 8
under Main Dishes, “type of filling for burritos/tacos”, this is okay.
Multiple responses are allowed in these sections.
Example 11
Q15– What FORM and BRAND of margarine does your family usually use?
If the participant…
 has filled in the “none” bubble and has listed no other information, go
on to the next question.
 has left both parts of this question blank, fill in the (15) PT bubble
located in the right hand margin, next to the margarine brand code
grid. (Example 12)
 has left the Form section blank but filled in the Brand section, fill in
the (F) PT bubble, located in the right hand margin, next to the
margarine brand code grid, and code the answer written in the
margarine code box , next to the right of question 16 . Use the
Margarine YAQ Code Sheet to determine the proper code. (Example
 has left the Brand section blank but filled in the Form section, fill in
the (B) PT bubble, located in the right hand margin, next to the
margarine brand code grid. (Example 14)
 has filled in more than one response for the Form section, that is okay.
Multiple responses are allowed in this section.
 has a written response in the Brand box, look up the brand in the
Margarine Code Sheet. Fill in this 3 digit number in the margarine
code box located to the right of question 16. (Example 15)
 Make sure that it corresponds with the Form indicated by the
 If a “don’t know” response is written, code 000.
 If the participant has indicated that they use both tub and stick
in the Form question, use the code that corresponds with the
Tub form.
 If they have indicated that they use more than one type, use the
code that corresponds with the margarine closest to regular. For
example, choose the light version over the nonfat.
 If they have written in more than one Brand, code the first.
Example 12
Example 13
Example 14
Example 15
*** Refer to the Margarine Code Sheet for more information. ***
Q16 – What type of oil does your family use at home?
If participant…
 has left the question blank, fill in the corresponding (16) PT bubble,
located to the right of the question. (Example 16)
Example 16
Bread, Cereals & Grains
Q2 – Which cold breakfast cereal do you usually eat?
If the participant…
 has only filled in the “Never eat cold breakfast cereal” bubble, then move
on to the next section.
 has filled in the “Never eat cold breakfast cereal” bubble, but also
recorded a brand, look at the previous question # 1 Cold breakfast cereal
to see the frequency question. If the participant has answered “Never/less
than once per month”, leave the “Never eat cold breakfast cereal” bubble
filled in. Do not code brand.
 has a response in section that corresponds with one of the “cheat” bubbles
fill in that bubble.
 “Cheat” bubbles are provided for Rice Krispies (RK), Honey
Bunches of Oats (HB), Lucky Charms (LC), Froot Loops (FL),
Life (L), Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs (PB), Special K (SK), and
Cap’n Crunch (CC). (Example 17)
 has a response, excluding cereals that have corresponding cheat bubbles,
look on the Cereals code sheet to determine the best code to use. Fill in
that 3-digit code to the right of the question. (Example 18)
 has 2 or more responses, use codes 997 (if all cereals written in are
sweetened), 998 (if cereals written are mixture of sweetened and nonsweetened), and 999 (if all cereals written are unsweetened). (See below)
 has written in a type of cereal but not a brand, use the brand on the code
sheet with the asterisks next to it. (***) (Example 19)
 has reported cereal brand as “varies” use code 998.
 has reported cereal brand as “generic” or “store brand” use code 014.
 has left all of question 2 blank, fill in the (2) PT bubble located in the right
hand margin next to the cereal brand coding grid. (Example 20)
Example 18
Example 19
Example 20