COURSE ASSIGNMENT TEMPLATE You (the trainee) should imagine yourself to be in the position of an External Consultant (either an Occupational Health physician or a Public Health specialist), a Project Manager or a WHP Consultant, who is proposing a WHP Project to an employer (imagine one whom you have already worked with). Further below we have outlined the most important elements of a proposal for your workplace health promotion intervention, without necessarily covering all relevant aspects. NOTE 1 This document, which as stated in the Explanation for the ELWHP Course Assignment, conform to the following requirements: Please use the Romanian language Please provide at the beginning of the paper a Summary of no less than 500 words in English (see also the template for the Course Assignment) Please use the Black Verdana font (10pt) and single line spacing Your assignment should be no shorter than 7 pages Please use the chapter structure provided in the Template for the Assignment NOTE 2 This document should also enclose a 1 page table with a general plan of the WHP Project, and at the end of the document you are provided with a template of the table. However this table is not mandatory and any changes made to better suit your purpose is acceptable. WP 5 / Course Assignment 1 4 ELEWHP COURSE ASSIGNEMNT SUMMARY (500 words, English language) WP 5 / Course Assignment 2 4 ELEWHP COURSE ASSIGNEMNT A TITLE OF THE WHP PROJECT B DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY – SECTOR, SIZE, MAJOR ACTIVITIES, ORGANISATION This will help provide a context for understanding the project proposal and the tutor will be able to imagine better the problems that may exist. C NEEDS ASSESSMENT In order to be able to justify why you have developed this project idea: D Please describe the main problems which led you to this project idea (e.g. medical reasons, economic reasons such as absenteeism, poor public image, low employee satisfaction, turnover of staff); Please use and quote in this chapter already existing documents (e.g. an existing risk assessment, a Health report, policy documents); Please imagine a new assessment to be performed in the company (e.g. a questionnaire survey, a Focus Group); PREPARATION OF COMMUNICATION) THE PROJECT (PROJECT TEAM, INTERNAL Please address the issues of: E Choosing the Project Manager (who and why, your own role) Choosing the WHP expert (who and why, your own role) Building the Project Team (numbers, expertise) SCOPE OF THE WHP PROJECT Please write down in no more than 2 sentences the overall scope of the project. WP 5 / Course Assignment 3 4 F TARGET GROUP G Please note that you could choose for your project not only all the employees but also only a department (e.g. the Logistics department). Please try to show why you have chosen this target group by specifying the main problems which led you to this choice SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES H Please list no more than 3 objectives which if fulfilled will help you to address the overall scope of the project; Amongst your three objectives you must have at least one economic objective as well as the objectives linked directly to the health of the employees, or their level of awareness regarding health threats, or their level of training on different topics. This economic objective could be linked to the improvement of economic indicators such as absenteeism, turnover of personnel, or other topics such as indirect costs. ACTIVITIES I Please group them per objective Please include communication activities (i.e. building a communication plan, propose a slogan/message for the campaign, proposing some materials, planning a campaign on health determinants) RESULTS J Please group them per activity / per objective Please try to quantify results as much as possible (e.g. number of employees who have attended education sessions) MONITORING AND EVALUATION Please propose an evaluation plan Please propose some monitoring indicators (for example the number of employees engaging in the project) WP 5 / Course Assignment 4 4 PROJECT PLAN Objectives Activities WP 5 / Course Assignment Results Implementation period Resources necessary 5 4 Estimative costs Risks Envisaged solutions