Hatchet Listening Chapters 11-13 Answer Key

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Hatchet Listening for Information Answer Key
Chapters 11- 13 2 Points each blank
Listen to Hatchet to complete the sentences.
Chapter 11
1. When Brian was busy and had something to do, the depression seemed to leave.
2. With the smoke from the fire Brian’s face was starting to look like leather.
3. Brian truly sees things now, not just notice them as he did before.
4. The two things, his mind and his body had made a connection.
5. Brian had thought of making a signal fire every day but couldn’t – he would never be able to keep
the wood supply going.
6. Brian decides to make a small fish spear but he would have to find the right kind of wood, slim and
7. He could use the hatchet to sharpen and shape it while he was sitting by the fire tonight.
8. Brian remembered he needed to feed the fire, looked up in the sky and saw it was getting late in
the afternoon.
9. This made him think he ought to reward all his work with another egg and that made him think
that some kind of dessert would be nice.
10. So Brian wondered if he should move up the lake and see if he could find some raspberries.
Chapter 12
1. Brian carefully used the hatchet to make a two-prong spear to catch fish.
2. He needed something to spring the spear forward, some way to move faster than the fish.
3. He had to “invent” the bow and arrow.
4. Maybe it was always that way, discoveries happened because they needed to happen.
5. Even though he went without a shirt, the wood smoke smell on Brian kept the insects from
bothering him as he walked the berry patch.
6. There was still hunger there after he ate the raspberries, but not like it was, not tearing at him.
7. This was a hunger that would always be there, a hunger to make him hunt.
8. Brian almost stepped on a bird, about the size of a very small chicken.
9. He got to the camp still hearing the whine of the engine, and one stick of wood still had a good
10. But it kept moving away until he could not hear it even in his imagination, in his soul.
11. He could not play the game without hope; could not play the game without a dream.
Chapter 13
1. 47 days had passed since the crash but 42 days since he had died and been born as the new Brian.
2. When the plane had come and gone it had put him down, gutted him and dropped him and left him
with nothing.
3. Brian hated what he had done to himself when he was the old Brian and was weak.
4. Two true things came into his mind:
a. He was not the same.
b. He would not die.
5. In his mental journal, Brian listed his mistakes to his father.
6. When attempting to use his arrow to catch fish, he had forgotten that water refracts, bends light,
which meant that the fish were not where they appeared to be.
7. Finally, with his bow, with an arrow fashioned by his own hands he had done food, he had found a
way to live.
8. Brian could not remember later how many fish he ate that day but he thought it must be over 20.
9. It had been a feast day, a celebration of being alive and the new way of getting food.
10. Brian no longer had hope that he would be rescued - that was gone. He had hope in his knowledge.