Course Rationale: There is a need for current students attending ITT

Course Rationale: There is a need for current students attending ITT Tech’s Owings
Mills, MD campus to know what to wear (and what not to wear) to a job interview. The
need was identified via feedback provided by employers who interviewed current
students. Essentially, employers were indicating that current students were coming
inappropriately dressed to job interviews. This course will be unique, as it is more
informative and interactive then what is currently taught in the Professional Procedures
and Portfolio Development (TB332) course – this course is taken by current students the
quarter before they graduate.
Course Description: The “Dressing for Success” course will be conducted during one
class session of the TB332 course and last approximately 3 ½ hours (the length of an
entire class session). The TB332 course, which is 12 weeks in length, is taught every
quarter. Therefore, the “Dressing for Success” course will be taught quarterly or four
times a year. The course will be presented via PowerPoint presentation, class exercises,
and handouts, and is anticipated to rollout in approximately one month. Logistics include
the following:
 Chairs arranged in a horseshoe-shape to facilitate conversation
 Computer
 AV equipment; projector and projector screen
 Flipchart
 Pen
Course Structure: Please see attached course map.
Terminal Objective: Given class discussion, class exercises, and handouts, the
“Dressing for Success” course student at ITT Tech’s Owings Mills, MD campus should
be able to choose and instruct what to wear (and what not to wear) to a job interview
100% of the time.
Enabling Objective: Given class exercises, the student will be able to identify what is
(and what is not) appropriate job interview attire for both makes and females.
Enabling Objective: Given class discussion, the student will be able to explain the
reasons as to why it is important to dress appropriately for a job interview.
Enabling Objective: Given class discussion, the student will be able to recall and list
the 5 step process associated with getting a job (search strategies, resumes/cover letters,
interviews, negotiating, and evaluating offers).
Terminal Objective: Given class discussion, class exercises, and handouts, the
“Dressing for Success” course student at ITT Tech’s Owings Mills, MD campus should
be able to prepare an appropriate job interview outfit according to the evaluation rubric
for the mock interview.
Enabling Objective: Given handouts and class exercises, the student will be able to
identify what he/she is expected to wear to a job interview using the brief synopsis
accompanying each attribute pertaining to job interview attire.
Enabling Objective: Given handouts, the student will be able to recognize and describe
the Likert scale format of the evaluation rubric for the mock interview.
Target Population: Since the majority of students are attending ITT Tech’s Owings
Mills, MD campus for goal-oriented reasons, the student enrolled in TB332 would be
interested in taking this course for the following reasons: (1) he/she gains access to the
Career Services Center after completion of TB332, and (2) the course will help him/her
to have a better understanding of what to wear (and what not to wear) to a job interview,
so that he/she will have a greater chance of obtaining a job in his/her field of study. The
biggest obstacle to overcome in this course will be convincing the student that there are
standards of dress in the workplace – some students may deem it appropriate to express
their individuality through clothing and accessories during a job interview. The course
was designed with the classroom manner in mind. Class exercises and handouts were
chosen because both are standard classroom practices that the student has used to learn
throughout their program.
Participant Prerequisites: Attendees of this course must be current students enrolled
for TB332 attending ITT Tech’s Owings Mills, MD campus. Moreover, prior to
enrolling for the TB332 course, current students must have completed 72 quarter credit
hours at any ITT Technical Institute campus. Upon completion of this course, the current
student will be competent in dressing appropriately for a job interview. In the case a
student completes the course and fails to dress appropriately for a job interview, a
coaching session between the current student and facilitator will be arranged and the
student will be evaluated via the same methods utilized in the course.
Facilitator Prerequisites: The instructor should be employed at ITT Tech’s Owings
Mills, MD campus and possess knowledge of what to wear (and what not to wear) to a
job interview by means of research, personal experiences, and professional contacts. It
would also be beneficial if the instructor had at least six months of previous or present
experience helping current students secure jobs in their field of study. An employee
working in the Career Services Center at one of ITT Tech’s campuses would be an ideal
Evaluation Strategy: A level two evaluation was chosen. The evaluation will be based
on a class exercise where students will be paired in groups of two (or three depending on
the number of students in attendance) and asked to create a complete job interview look
for both a male and female using magazine cutouts provided to them by the instructor.
Each group will present their complete job interview look for both a male and female to
the instructor and class, explaining the reasons as to why each aspect of the look was
chosen. Therefore, the students are being evaluated in a non-test kind of way. A smile
sheet, indicating a level one evaluation, will also be distributed to students at the end of
the course.
Deliverables: The instructor will use a PowerPoint presentation and provide handouts
for the course. Handouts will include the PowerPoint presentation, so that the current
student can take notes, green and red construction paper for one of the class exercises,
and evaluation rubric for the mock interview. These handouts will available to students
in the Career Services Center located at ITT Tech’s Owings Mills, MD campus. A
manual for the instructor will also be provided.