Antebellum Videos

The Industrial North
1) How did improved transportation between 1800 and 1860 affect trade?
2) What kind of goods did Northern factories produce?
The Agricultural South
1) How did the invention of the cotton gin change the economy of the South?
2) Why did the demand for slave labor increase in the South?
The Slave South
1) What was life like for slaves in the South?
2) How were some Africans able to gain their freedom in the early 1800s?
Slave Life and Revolt
1) How did slaves strike back at the system of slavery?
2) What effect did Nat Turner’s revolt have on white Southerners?
The Abolitionist Movement
1) What groups of Americans joined the Abolitionist movement?
2) Describe the opposition Abolitionists faced from Northerners and Southerners.
The Argument for Slavery
1) What economic argument did Southerners use to defend slavery?
2) Why did Southerners compare working conditions of Northern factory workers with those of slaves?
Liberty and the Constitution
1) How did Northerners and Southerners view the term liberty differently?
2) According to Southerners, what did the Constitution say about the issue of slavery?
Slavery and Western Territories
1) How did the Missouri Compromise temporarily settle the slavery argument?
2) Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to bloodshed?
Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford
1) What did the Supreme Court decide in the Dred Case?
2) Why did many Northern voters join the Republican Party?
A House Divided
1) Why did the Southern states secede?
2) What was the event that started the Civil War?