Energy transfer notes

Energy Transfer: Food Chains and Food Webs
Energy flow begins with the _____________
Energy is stored in the molecule of __________________
1. ____________________: organisms that can make glucose during
photosynthesis. They use most of the energy for themselves
They use _____________________ to obtain energy for their life
2. _____________________: These organisms can not make their own
They are called ____________________ or _______________
These organisms are also called (plant eaters) _________________
Most of the energy is ___________________________________
Some energy is lost as _______________
The energy that is not lost of used is ________________________
3. ______________________or __________________ is a consumer
that eats another consumer. May be an _________________ or
____________________. May be a __________________ or a
Some of the energy is lost as ______________ and other is stored
for the next ___________________
4. ______________________or __________________ is a consumer
that eats a consumer that ate another consumer.
Consumers that eat producers and consumers are _______________
Consumers that hunt and kill other consumers are called
________________the animal that is hunted and killed is called
Consumers that eat other consumers that have already died are called
The transfer of energy from sun to producer to primary consumer to
secondary consumer to tertiary consumer can be shown in a
Another way of showing the transfer of energy in an ecosystem is the
The Energy Pyramid shows:
That the amount of available energy _______________ down the
food chain
It takes a large number of _______________ to support a small
number of primary consumers
It takes a large number of _________________ to support a small
number of secondary consumers
• Are interconnected _________________
• They show the feeding relationships in an ecosystem
Energy Transfer: Food Chains and Food Webs
Energy flow begins with the _Sun______
Energy is stored in the molecule of __Glucose_____
1_producer__: organisms that can make glucose during photosynthesis.
They use most of the energy for themselves
They use _cellular respiration____ to obtain energy for their life
2_Consumer__: These organisms can not make their own energy.
They are called _first order____ or primary consumer_
These organisms are also called (plant eaters) hervivores__
Most of the energy is _used by the consumer_______
Some energy is lost as heat____
The energy that is not lost of used is available for another consumer
3__Secondary___or second order consumer_ is a consumer that eats
another consumer. May be a carnivore__ or _hervivore_. May be a
__predator__ or a _scavanger_
Some of the energy is lost as _heat_ and other is stored for the next
4. Third order__or tertiary consumer is a consumer that eats a
consumer that ate another consumer.
Consumer that eat producers and consumers omnivores
Consumers that hunt and kill other consumers are called Predators the
animal that is hunted and killed is called _prey
Consumers that eat other consumers that have already died are called
The transfer of energy from sun to producer to primary consumer to
secondary consumer to tertiary consumer can be shown in a
__food chain_______
Another way of showing the transfer of energy in an ecosystem is the
_food pyramid___
The Energy Pyramid shows:
That the amount of available energy _decreases_ down the food chain
It takes a large number of _producer__ to support a small number of
primary consumers
It takes a large number of primary consumer__ to support a small
number of secondary consumers
Food Web
• Are interconnected _food chains_
• They show the feeding relationships in an ecosystem