Rubric - Hingham Schools

Name ____________________________
Date _______________________ Period __________
The Dynamic Sydney Carton Essay Rubric
You clearly introduced the main idea
You clearly introduced the main idea
Although you clearly introduced the
as well as the developing ideas. Your
as well as the developing ideas. Your
main idea, the developing ideas are not
writing is mature and articulate. You
writing is structured, but the
as clear. Your paragraph should be
use a varied vocabulary and sentence
vocabulary and sentence style could be
structured so the reader knows how
structure. This is structured and
more mature. A solid job.
you plan to develop your theme. The
smooth. Impressive!
vocabulary and sentence style could be
more mature. Needs work.
Good topic and closing sentences.
Good topic and closing sentences.
One element of structure is missing.
Excellent details support DI #1.
Sufficient details support your
The details supporting your analysis of
Analysis clearly shows excellent
analysis of Carton. Analysis is clear
Carton are not always sufficient or
critical thinking. Well done!
but could offer more critical thinking.
relevant. Analysis is present but not
A good job overall.
always clear; you should try to offer
some critical thinking here. This
needed more time and thought.
Good topic and closing sentences.
Good topic and closing sentences.
One element of structure is missing.
Excellent details support how this
Sufficient details support how Carton
The details supporting your connection
person or character connects to
connects to someone else . Analysis is
are not always sufficient or relevant.
Carton. Analysis clearly shows
clear but could offer more critical
Analysis is present but not always
critical thinking. You are able to
thinking. You make some connections
clear; you should try to offer some
connect the book and our current era between the book and our current
critical thinking here. This needed
masterfully. Well done!
time. A good job overall.
more time and thought.
Your summary is concise and
Your summary is concise and accurate.
Your summary is appropriate. Your RFS
accurate. Your RFS is both insightful
Your RFS is insightful but could be
is vague. This needed further
and articulate. Beautiful job!
more articulate. Good job!
Excellent language usage throughout
Good language usage, only a few
Fair language usage; more than a few
paper. MLA citation is flawless both
errors. Minor errors in MLA citation
errors in several categories. MLA
in text and on the Works Cited page.
either in text or on the Works Cited
citation guidelines followed for Works
page or on both.
Cited page, but in text citation is
Neither the main idea nor the
developing ideas are clearly stated.
Structure is almost completely
lacking here. The vocabulary and
sentence style is too basic. You need
to review the basic elements of a
More than one element of structure
is missing. The details supporting the
analysis of Carton are not always
sufficient or relevant. Analysis is not
present after each example. No
critical thinking here. This was
More than one element of structure
is missing. The details supporting the
connection another person or
character are not always sufficient
or relevant. Analysis is not present
after each example. No critical
thinking here. This was disappointing.
Your summary is incomplete and your
RFS is missing. You missed the point
of the conclusion.
Poor language usage; demonstrates
lack of proofreading. MLA citation is