Combining Forms Used as Prefixes


a, an


ab able acet(o) actino ad adeno aer(o)

-al albo algia ambi, ameb amphi ampho amyl, amylo ana angio anti aqua, aque archae arterio arthro asco ase audi, audio aur auto ax , axio azo, azoto baciil, bacilli bacter(i) basidi, basidio bdell bi bio biota blast bovi brady broncho calc, calco calori capit carb, carbo carcin, carcino cardi, cardio carpo

Combining Forms Used as Prefixes


not, without lack of away from capable of pertaining to acetic acid ray avirulent (lacking virulence) apathy (lack of feeling) abductor (leading away from) viable (having the ability to live)

Acetobacter (bacteria that make acetic acid) actinomycetes (bacteria with star shaped colonies) to, toward, near to gland adhesion (sticking to) adenopathy (diseased gland) air aerobic (uses air) add to noun to make adjective neural (referring to nerve) white pain both change around before, forward starch up vessel

Streptomyces albus neuralgia

(produces white colonies) ambidextrous (ability to use hands equally) amoeboid (movement involving change) amphitrichous (tuft of flagella) antecubital (below elbow) amylase (enzyme that breaks down starch) anabolism (building up) angiogenesis (formation of a new blood vessel) against water primitive artery joints sac, bag enzyme hear, hearing gold arising from self axis presence of nitrogen small staff, rod denoting bacteria base, small pedestal leech twice, double life living organisms bud, formative cell cattle slow bronchus calcium heat head having carbon or carboxyl pertaining to cancer heart wrist antisepsis (against infection) aquatic

Achaea(primitivelike bacteria) arthropod (invertebrates with jointed appendages) ascospore penicillinase (enzyme that breaks down penicillin) audiometer

Staphylococcus aureus (has gold colored colonies) autotroph (selffeeders); autolysis axial filament (periplasmic flagella of spirochetes)

Azotobacter (bacteria that fix nitrogen) bacillus (rodshaped bacteria) bacteremia (bacteria in the blood) basidiomycete basidium (cells that bears spores)

Bdellovibrio (a predatory bacterium) bifocal (two foci) binocular scope (microscope with two ocular lenses) biomass (living matter) microbiota blastospore (spores formed by budding)

Mycobacterium bovis (bacterium found in cattle) bradycardia bronchospasm (asthmatic contraction of bronchi) calcified calories capitate (removal of one's head) carbohydrate carcinoma carditis (inflammation of heart) metacarpals (bones of the wrist)

cata cau, caus cauli, caulo cavus cellul, cellulo centesis centi cephalo cerebello cerebro chole chondro chrome chromo down burn stalk hollow cell or cellular puncture hundred or hundredth head cerebellum cerebrum bile cartilage pigment color catabolism (breaking down) caustic

Caulobacter (stalked bacteria) cavity cellulolytic thoracentesis centimeter (1/100th of a meter)

Choleocystitis (inflammation of the bile duct) cytochrome chromophore (colored part of a dye)


-cious cilia circum co, corn, con cocco contra coryne killing fungicide (kills fungus) add to noun to make adjective precocious (referring to precocial young) hair around, about circumflex (winding about) together grain, berry against club coenzyme cocci (berryshaped bacteria) contraindicated (not indicated)

Corynebacterium (clubshaped bacteria) cranio cry, cryo cyan,cyano cysto cyt, cyto, cyte head cold blue sac, cyst, bladder cell de dento or donto down, from tooth derma(to) skin desulfo, desulfuro reducing sulfur compounds di, diplo two, double dia dis duodeno dys ec ecto edem em, en emia encephalo endo

-ent enter, entero epi erythro cryobiology cryoglobulin cyanobacteria (bluegreen "algae") cytoplasm (fluid portion of cell) leukocytes (white blood cell) dehydrate (remove water) dermatophyte (fungus parasitic to skin)

Desulfovibrio (anaerobic sulfate reducers) across, completely apart from, separation duodenum difficult, disordered bad dimorphic (occurring in two forms) diploid (two sets of genes) diagnosis (complete knowledge) dialysis disinfection (apart from infection) dyspnea (difficult breathing) dysplasia out from on outer side outside swell in blood eccentric (away from center) ectoderm (outer skin) ectogenous (outside the host) edema empyema (pus in) brain within endogenous (growing in the host) endocardium (within heart) add to verb to make adjective recipient (one who receives) intestine viremia (viruses in the blood) leukemia (cancer of white blood cells) encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) upon on enteric bacteria (bacteria that live in the gut) enterotoxin (toxin specific for intestines)

Staphylococcus epidermis (lives on the skin) epidermis (upon the dermis) red erythromycin (antibiotic that may cause a red rash)

eu eu exo, extra fascia fibrin, fibrino fibro fiss flav, flavo fusi, fuso gastro geno, genesis gingiv, gingivo glomerulo glosso glyc, glyco well, good normal, true outside sheet or band of fibrous tissue pertaining to fibrin fibers split erythrocytes (red blood cells) euphoria euphoria eukaryotes (have a true nuclei) extracellular (outside cell) exoenzyme exotoxin (toxin released outside of cell) fibrinogen fissure gony gravis halo haplo hem(a,o), hemato blood hepat, hepato heter(o) hist, histo holo hom, homo hydro hyp, hypo hyper hystero ia(sis) iatro, iatr ileo ilio immun offspring, reproduction heavy salt, saltwater single liver different, other tissue complete like, similar haploid (one set of genes) hemoglobin (protein found in red blood cells)

Hepatitis B virus (a virus that infects the liver) heterotroph (eats other organisms) histology holoenzyme homologous; homozygous (same genes) wet, water under, deficiency, below excessive, above normal hydrophobic (nonpolar "water fearing" compounds) hypotonic hypotension (low blood pressure) hypotension (low blood pressure) hypertonic (comparatively more salt) hyperplasia (excessive tissue formation) uterus abnormal or disease condition anemia (abnormally low hemoglobin) giardiasis (disease caused by Giardia ) treat geriatrics infra inter intra, intro

-ism iso

-ist itis jejuno kary, karyo kin, kine, kino yellow spindle stomach origin gums glomerulus tongue sweet, sugar ileium (part of small intestine) ilium (bone of the pelvis) resistance immune (resistant to a disease) below between into, within infraorbital (below eye) intercellular intercostal (between ribs) intracellular (within cells) itracerebral (within cerebrum) parasitism (disease due to a parasite) condition or disease same, equal isotonic (same solute concentrations) add to verb to express person pathologist (one who practices studies pathology) inflammation jejunum nucleus, nuclear action or motion move flavoprotein (a yellow colored protein)

Fusobacterium (spindleshaped bacteria) gastrotoxin (toxins that effect the stomach) pathogenesis (cause or origin of a disease) biogenesis (origin of life) gingivitis (disease of gums) glycolysis (break down of sugar) glycogen (or form of stored sugar) sporogony (a type of reproduction) gravid halophile (salt loving microbes) dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) karyogamy (fusion of nuclei) cytokinesis (movement of cells)

laparo larynogo lepto leuco, leuko lip, lipo lith, litho logy lymph, lympho lysis macro malaco malus masto medius mega(lo) meningo meso meta metry micro milli monas mono morph, morpho multi mycet, myco mycin myelo myo nano naso necro nema, neme neo nephro neuro nitro nitroso noso nucle, nucleo oculo

-oid ole, ola olfact olig, oligo loin, flank, abdomen larynx thin or narrow white relating to fats (lipids) stone, mineral field of study kinetics (study of molecular movement) kinetochore (moves chromosomes) laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) leptospira leucocyte (white blood cell) lipase (enzyme that degrades lipids) lithotrophs (bacteria that oxidize inorganics) bacteriology (scientific study of bacteria) microbiology (study of microbes) lymphocyte lymphatic system breaking up, dissolving large soft bad breast middle great, huge glycolysis (splitting of sugars) hemolysis (rupturing red blood cells) plasmolysis (splitting the cell membrane from wall) macroscopic (can see without a microscope) macrophage (large white blood cell) osteomalacia malady, malaise median, medial megakaryocyte megalokaryocyte menigitis (inflammation of the meninges) meninges middle beyond, after, change measurement small onethousandth unit one, single mesophilic (optimum growth at mild temperatures) metastasis (beyond original position) symmetry microorganism (organisms to small to be seen) millimeter (1/1000th of a milliter)

Pseudomonas (false unit of bacteria) monotrichous (one flagella) form many, much fungus morphology (scientific study of structures / form) multinuclear substance from fungus bone marrow; also spinal cord muscle mycotic actinomyces (bacteria that resemble molds) streptomycin (antibiotic from fungus like bacteria onebillionth part of (109) nose dead threadlike new kidney nerve nitrous, producing nitrate nitrous, producing nitrite disease nucleus, nuclear manometer (1/1,000,000,000th of a meter) necrosis necropsy treponema neonatal, neoplasm nephritis (inflammation of nephrons)

Nitrobacter (oxidizes nitrites to nitrates) nitrosomonas eye resembling small smell few, deficiency nosocomial (disease acquired in hospitals / clinics) nucleoid (region in bacteria where DNA is located) lymphoid vacuole olfactophobia oligosaccharide (chain of 3 9 monosaccharides)

oma onco tumor pertaining to tumors carcinoma oncogenesis (tumor formation) op(tp), ophthalmo see, eye

-or add to verb to express person optics donor (one who donates) oro os ose mouth bone or mouth sugar oropharynx lactose (a type of sugar) osis ost, oste, osteo

-otic oto

-ous oxy, oxi pan par, partus para path, patho pathy process or condition bone causing a condition ear having, pertaining to oxygen all, many labor alongside, beside, near to disease denoting disease leucocytosis (condition of too many leukocytes) osteomyelitis mycotic filamentous serous (composed of serum) mucinous (composed to mucin) peroxidase (breaks down toxic form of oxygen) pandemic (worldwide disease) postpartum penia pep per peri phag(e), phago deficiency digest through about, around eat paratyphoid parathyroid (beside the thyroid) pathogen (causes a disease) cytopathy leukopenia (too few leukocytes) pepsin permeate (pass through) peritrichous (flagella around the whole cell) periosteum (around bone) phagocytosis (uptake of foreign matters by a cell) bacteriophage pharyngo phas phil(ic) pharynx speak, utter like, love, loving phlebo phobia, phobic phore photo vein fear bearer of light dysphasia eosinophilic lipophilic (loves fats) hydrophilic (water loving) photophobia hydrophobia (fear of water) conidiophore phototrophs (get energy from light) photosynthesis (uses light energy to make food) diaphragm saprophyte phrax, phrag phyte pico piokilo plas platy plegia pleo pleur, pleuro fence off plant onetrillionth part of (10 11 ) varied form, grow flat paralyze more, multiple membrane of lung picogram poikilocytosis neoplasm platyhelminths (flat worms) paraplegia pleomorphic (has many shapes) pleuritis (inflammation of lung's membranes) pne, pneo pneumo pod, ped poie poly post pre breathe pulmonary foot, leg make many, much after, behind before dyspnea

Pneumococcus (bacteria found in the lungs) pseudopod (false foot) hematopoiesis (formation of erythrocytes) polysaccharide (contains many sugars) postnatal postoperative (after operation) prognosis (foreknowledge)precursor

pro, proto procto pseudo psychr, , psychro pyelo pyloro pyo re retro rhino rhiz, rhizo rrhage, rrhagia rrhea semi septic stasis steno sterno stoma sub super supra sym, syn tachy tax, taxi, taxo taxia, taxis therap thermo thi, thio thoraco thrix thyro

-tic tome, tomy excessive discharge discharge sacchar, saccharo sugar sapro schiz sclero scolio scope, scopy before rectum false cold pelvis of kidney pylorus (of stomach) pus back, again backward nose root protozoa (before animals) prokaryotic (evolved before the nucleus)

Pseudomonas (a false group of bacteria) pseudopod psychrophile (optimum growth below 20


Heliobacter pylori (lives in the stomach) pyogenic

Streptococcus pyogenes (causes pus) relapse (return again)

Borrelia recurrentis (causes relapsing fever) retrovirus (goes from RNA to DNA) retrograde (going backward)

Rhinovirus (causes common cold)

Rhizobium (N


fixers that live in plant roots) rhizoid hemorrhage gonorrhea (causes discharge from the urethra saccharolytic (break down of sugar) saccharophilic (sugar loving bacteria) rotten, putrid split hard twisted, crooked instrument for examining saprophyte schizogony (splitting to form many cells) schizophrenia scleroderma scoliosis microscope (used to study microbes) half putrefaction, infection stop, inhibition of growth endoscope semiconscious (half conscious) antiseptic (used to prevent infection) bacteriostasis (prevent bacteria from growing) hemostasis stenosis narrow sternum mouth under, below above, excessive above, upon with, together submicroscopic (below resolution of microscope) subcutaneous subcutaneous (under skin) supernatant (situated above) suprasternal (above sternum) synapsis (joining together) symbiosis (living together) tachycardia taxonomy (grouping organisms together) fast arrangement orientation treat, cure heat, warm presence of sulfur thorax or chest hair thyroid chemotaxis chemotheraphy (use of chemicals to treat disease) thermophilic (grow at warm temperatures) thermolabile

Thiobacillus streptothrix

(sulfuroxidizing bacteria) add to noun to make adjective neoplastic (referring to neoplasm) cutting, cut, incise microtome phlebotomy

tox, toxi, toxo tracheo trans trich, tricho tropho, trophic poison, toxic trachea across, through hair, filament nourish


-ty ultra uretero urethro uria having an affinity for state or condition beyond, in ureter urethra pertaining to urine uro utero vas, vasi, vaso veno urine; urinary uterus pertaining to blood vessels vein ventriculo viscero ventricle of heart or brain viscera (internal organs) zoo zygo living joined together zym, zymo, zyme ferment, enzyme toxemia (toxins in the blood) transection (cut across) transduction (pick of DNA across the membrane) trichome dystrophy trophozoite (feeding stage of some protozoa) autotroph (self nourishing) dermatotropic immunity (the state of being immune to a disease ultraviolet (beyond violet end of spectrum) albuminuria vascular (provided with vessels) zoology zygote (union of egg and sperm) zymogen
