Introduction - Earlsfield Primary School

Policy statement relating to drugs, alcohol and tobacco
This policy gives guidance to staff, governors, parents and pupils to the schools view on drugs, alcohol and
tobacco and the management of any related issues in school.
Why have a policy?
Drugs, alcohol and smoking are evident in modern day society. It is the responsibility of schools, in
partnership with parents to help reduce harm through a professional approach. In developing this policy
statement the school has considered its legal responsibility as well as the needs of the pupils, teachers,
governors and parents.
This policy is concerned with legal drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and solvents; drugs bought over the
counter and prescribed drugs such as painkillers; and illegal drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy etc.
At Earlsfield we address the content as part of Personal Social Health Education and through the Science
National Curriculum. Included in the teaching:
 Keeping safe around the home – cleaning chemicals etc
 Drugs/medicines that the children may come across in the home
 The identification of illegal drugs (in Year 6.)
We aim to provide pupils with knowledge so that in later life they will be able to make informed decisions. It
is important for pupils to discuss attitudes and build the skills to resist peer pressure.
Educating the children is about
 Finding out what children know and correcting misinformation
 Answering children’s questions clearly, honestly and simply
 Teaching children the skills to refuse when put under pressure to experiment
 Avoiding scare tactics
 Involving parents in discussions
 Helping children cope in difficult situations
Statement on drug use in school
We believe that the possession (and use of) substances in school are inappropriate. All substances covered
by this policy are not permitted to be brought to (except in cases where medication is prescribed by a
doctor), sold, passed on or obtained on school premises. Permanent markers and correction fluid containing
harmful solvents should only be used by staff. These rules apply to pupils, school staff and other adults
working in and for the school, apart from the use of alcohol at official school events where a relevant licence
has been obtained via the council.
Pupils need to feel that they can talk to a member of staff about any related problem without fear of being
judged. The welfare of pupils is central to our policy and practise. However teachers will not be able to
promise complete confidentiality, as they may need to seek specialist help. Pupils should be aware of this.
Safeguarding procedures should be followed (ref Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy)
Parents can view this policy statement on the school website and will be contacted if their child is in breach
of any aspects of this policy. Opportunities will be made available for parents to get support and guidance.
Police involvement
In most cases any punishment is likely to be dealt with by the school, rather than the police. However, the
school is aware of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which controls illegal drugs.
Responding to related incidents
In all situations involving drugs the following principles apply:
 All situations will be carefully considered before deciding a response
 The needs of the child will come first
 Parents/carers will be involved at an early stage
 Support agencies including the police will be involved if appropriate
 Support for pupils will be maintained and counselling arranged if appropriate
 Responses may include both a disciplinary and counselling aspect (see Appendix 2)
It is important that the schools expectations and procedures are transparent for all members of the school
• No smoking signs are displayed on
the premises
• Parents will be contacted with
regards to children; Visitors and
volunteers will be asked to leave
• Disciplinary proceedings will be
considered for staff.
• Anyone on the school site under the
influence of alcohol will be asked to
leave. . Disciplinary proceedings will
be considered for staff
• Any member of staff who has good
reason to believe that a parent is
under the influence of alcohol when
they drop off or collect their child
have a duty to tell the Headteacher
and child protection liaison officer
(CPLO). They will then have to decide
on the appropriate course of action
according to the Safeguarding / Child
Protection Policy.
 If a child is found in possession of
alcohol on the premises then their
parents should be contacted
• Anyone on the school site under the
influence of alcohol will be asked to
leave. . Disciplinary proceedings will
be considered for staff
• Any member of staff who has good
reason to believe that a parent is
under the influence of drugs when
they drop off or collect their child
have a duty to tell the Headteacher
and child protection liaison officer
(CPLO). They will then have to decide
on the appropriate course of action
according to the Safeguarding / Child
Protection Policy.
• If a child is found with drugs on your
premises the parent should be told. If
the school suspects that an illegal act
has taken place then the police
should be called.
Administering medicines
As per Health and Safety and Medical Policies
Approved -
(Date) July 2014
Committee - CFC
Review –
(Date) July 2016