HARAKEVET. Main working version (ISSN 0964-8763). Last update: 12/07/2005. SUBJECT INDEX - ISSUES 1 - 48. Introduction. An Index can never be wholly complete, but the following technical notes may help users. 1. The first digits are the Issue number; then the item, then a sub-item within a general heading. This magazine began as A4 typed and photocopied. Issues 1-8 were so produced, at irregular intervals. Issues 9 - 48 were produced in A5, and printed, (there was no separate issue 43) and a regular order developed: Item 1 - The cover photo, Item 2 - “Editorial”, Item 3 - A photo, Item 4 - “News from the Line”. Then came - not always in the same order - “Notes and Comments” (mainly but not exclusively on previous items), “Other Middle East Railways” - mainly but not exclusively ‘news’, some historic items would also be included; “Rolling Stock Notes” if enough had gathered to make a separate heading; then a variety of miscellaneous items. This order has been maintained in the A4 issues 49 - date. Production switched to an Amstrad word-processor and then to a PC; although material was usually typed in “Works” it is sent in ‘Text’ (without any formatting) for the printer to re-work. 2. Clearly many items could be indexed under different headings - as a loco type, a country, a builder, in a museum....... Some orthographic idiosyncrasies have been of necessity incorporated in this Index and, wherever possible, a hint is given under one heading where information could be found under another. Israel Railways locomotives are listed partly as such, under ‘L’, and partly under terms such as “Esslingen” under ‘E’. PR steam locos are listed under their normally-accepted class descriptions - “LMS”, “ROD”, “P-Class”, “Baldwin” etc. Accidents are under ‘A’ but Derailments under ‘D’; ‘Museum’ and ‘Preservation’ overlap; Jordan and Hedjaz and Syria overlap.... so that notes on the Serghaya line could be found under ‘Syria’, ‘Hedjaz’ or ‘Beirut-Damascus Rly.’; ‘Coaches’ are under ‘C’, but ‘Wagons’ are under ‘Freight Vehicles’, ‘F’. Consistency is hard to attain with Hebrew and Arabic place-names, there are questions as to use of ‘K’ or ‘Q’, whether ‘El’ means that everything must come under ‘E’, etc. The reader is advised to use some common-sense and intuition. The hope is simply that, with this listing, one can at least trace all items to do with a specific subject. Rabbi Walter Rothschild. ===================================================================== LETTER A. Abu Dhabi. Scheme for LRT network, 1998. 42:9:(g). Accidents & Incidents. (See also Derailments). - Rehovot level crossing. - Sandbox incident. - Fatality at Level crossing. - Fatalities, July 1994. - Collision with crane. - Fatality at Hoterim. - 1940’s washout on HBT. - note from Robin Davies. It was 1946, nr. Acre. - Derailment at Bat Galim, 22/5/96. - Train hit tractor near Zikhron Ya’akov. 30/5/1996. - Attempted suicide, Hof Carmel.30/5/96. - IC3 hit by electricity pole. 3/6/1996. - Fire alongside line, 1/6/96. - 25/11/1997 worker hit on track near Binyamina. - 27/11/97. Suicide nr. Herzliyya. - Failure over Herzliyya LC, 9/9/98. - Failure of e.c.s working at Rehovot, 13/7/98. - Collision at Rinatya, 8/2/1999. locos 608/613 damaged. - Possible suicide on LC near Binyamina, 22/11/98. - Flooding closes main line, 31/12/98. - Near-catastrophe at Tel Baruch, 24/5/1999. 7:2:1-5. 14:5:11. 14:5:13. 14:5:14. 15:5:8. 16:4:1-3. 17: 4. 18: 4. 21:4:7. 21:4:13. 24:4:1. 26:4:(h). 26:4:(r). 26:4:9t) 27:4:(a). 32:8. 33:10:(d). 34:4:(a). 34:4:(b). 34:4:(b). 34:4:(e). 34:4:(k). 39:4:(p). 39:4:(q). 42:4:(h). 42:4:(e). 44:4:(g). 44:4:(h). 44:4:(f). 45:4:(k). Acre-Damascus Rly. P.E.F. Report, 1892, (See also 'Haifa-Damascus Rly') 4:6(a) 4:5(b). Adams LSWR 0-6-0's: 11:11 Further notes, 12:6. Photo in use on Jerusalem line, 17:1. Afule - In 1943. (Photo) - Sale of land in 1920’s. - Note on sales, by Donald Silk. Agents Provocateurs at Egged. Ain El-Fije Stn. (Damascus-Serghaya line). April 1996. Photo). Ain Harod. Deutz n.g. diesel. Air-Conditioning of IR coaches. -ditto- 24:3. 27:8. 28:6:(d). 11:25. 33:12. 48:12. 6:3:4. 7:3:4. (See also: Coaches, Refurbishment). Air Raid at Rehovot, 1948. 47:7:(e). Akaba - Eilat Scheme. (see also Aqaba). Aleppo Tramway Map. (1961). Alexandria to Aleppo”. 1919 article. - Notes. 27:4:(m). 31:15. 24:10. 25:9. “Allah Wills It” - incident in Cairo tram, 1925. “Allenby’s Campaign”. World War 1 History. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3 Part 4. (‘Final Triumph’). “Altneuland”. (Herzl). Excerpts. 30:13. Allon, Dror. Reminiscences. 1940s. Son of Paicovitch. Allon, Jeffrey: Railway Painter in Jerusalem. “Americans in the Holy Land”. (Lipman). Amusement Park, Rishon LeZion. Ancient Images - Bonfils photos of El Sejed etc. Anstey, Ray: Memories. ‘Anzac Outings’ - 1918 Forces newspaper, on trip on SMR. 21:22. 22:19. 23:12. 24:13. 24:17. 41:12. 14:26, 14:30. 21:18. 26:4:(w); & 29:5:(a). 29:19. 25:22. (& See 23:18). 37:13. Apropo: Israeli firm. - BR coaches, - Moved. - Two at Peleshet Junction. - More notes. Argaman. - In use at Adam Junc. - Moshav Argaman restaurant report - 3 coaches on rails. - Two more, 7645 & 84883 - noted at Bnei Tzion, 1998. 7:12. 18:4(k). 19:5:(g). 21:4:8. 22:6:12. 40:6:(c). 41:7:(i). Aqaba - proposed link to Eilat, Oct.1995. - proposed link from Dead Sea. - more notes on Feasibility study, Feb.1998. - Plans for line Dead Sea - Aqaba approved. Sept. 1998. 31:4:5. 39:4:(h). 40:(4):(m). 42:4:(l). Aqaba Railway Corporation: (& see also ‘Jordan’). - Plans. - Plans for investment and privatisation. - Photo of derelict GE loco 312 at Aqaba. - Privatisation plans. 1999. - 25-year operating concession. - Wisconsin Central lease. 32:10. 32:10. 42:22. 44:8:(d):(ii). 46:9:(A). 47:6:(B). “Arabian Railways”. Philby. Archives: 29:13. - Imperial War Museum & Palestine Exploration Fund. - Metropolitan Cammell. - Thomas Cooks. - Israel Railway Museum, Haifa. 11:23. 15:16. 22:13 & 22:11. 38:4:(c). (See Also : 'Friendly Archives'.) Argaman - Moshav on Jericho-Beth Shean road. See ‘Apropo.’ Armoured Cars (rail-mounted): - Photo. - Photo. - PR Armoured trolley (photo). - Trolleys for escort duties (photos). Armoured Trains, 1916-9; By Hugh Hughes. Armoured Train in Iraq - Query. 8:11. 10:22. 14:1. 21:3. 22:9. 7:9. 20:9. Arrabeh station, HR. 1926. Plan. Artuf, 1944 plan. (see also Beit Shemesh). - correction. 39:8. 44:25. 46:6:(ix) Ashdod: - New expansion scheme, News item. - Problems with coal traffic. - Breakdown of loco 701. - New Terminal. - New passenger service. - Timetable: - Account of journey & new stations, (Sybil Ehrlich). - Trip account. (Ian Wiseman). - Services - chaos. - New loco for Rotem Fertilizers. - Photo of loco. - 2 times daily service from Rehovot, from Sept. 1996. 5:14. 9:4:10. 11:4:3. 11:6. 16:4:5. 17:5(r). 18:5. 20:21. 22:4:1. 27:4:(d). 28:3. 35:4:(g). Ashdot Yaakov - Kibbutz & “Peace Island”. 2 IR ballast wagons, 1998. 44:19. Ashkelon. - Merry-Go-Round coal trains. - Station - Track plan, 1959. ASTENE. Association for Study of Travel in Egypt & Near East. 17:4(a). 35:14. 42:14. Atar Yesef Halt, Opening June 1992. - Description. Atlit: - Level Crossing smash, 8/91. - Athlit memories. (Rogers). - Note on salt railway. - Further notes on salt railway. - Locos of Israel Salt Co. 17:4(n). 18:4(g). 14:5:14. 24:18. 28:21. 29:25. 35:16. - notes on photo. - Bridge over motorway blown up and replaced. 12/9/1997. 36:7:(d). 39:4:(c). Augusta Victoria, Jerusalem, 1910. Construction: Light Rly. Australian Jewish Loco Engineer, 1890. Automatic tickets. Avnei Eitan, Moshav in Golan - plan for 60cm. tourist rly., 1998. Ayalon project: Link line in Tel Aviv. - Plan. - Realignment. - Slewing at Tel Baruch. - Bidding for contract. - Progress. - Progress. - Photos, April 1991. - Progress, June 1992. - Photo, July 1991. - Opening in Jan. 1993. - Progress. - New footbridge. - Progress at Hashalom Stn. - More works. - Opening of Hashalom Stn. Feb. 1996. - Photo on opening day. - Note on Hashalom station, (Ehrlich). - Note on Hashalom (White Elephant ?) & South.(Hans Kohut). - Announcement for new ‘Yitzhak Sadeh’ station. Dec.1996. - Funding promised for station at Hahaganah. 1998. - Hahaganah. - Work begins. 21:17. 48:7:(d). 22:4:3. 40:(4):(j). 6:3:5. 6: 3: 7. 9:4:8. 7:3:1. 10:7:1. 11:4:5. 13:4:11. 13:13. 18:4:(i). 18:3. 20:3:(3). 25:4:(h). 26:4:(k). 27:4:(p). 30:4:3, 8. 32:4:(j). 32:3. 33:4:(h). 33:4:(b). 37:4:(h). 41:4:(e). 45:4. 47:4:(j). Azzib, (Ez Zib) (Betzet), H.B.T. line, Map. - Azzib Revisited: 1943 plan & current situation: - Azzib Memories: (incl. photos): - Loco cab for sale for scrap, in 1954. 8:8. 13:14. 15:8. 46:20. LETTER B. BBC Filming, Hedjaz, 1995. “Bad Christmas”. 1942 Memoir. (Wyn Fear.) “Back Pocket Memories”. Baedecker, 1880's, 29:6:(f). 19:24. 30:10. 10:8. Bagdad Railway. (See also: Mesopotamia.): - 1918 article. - Loco sabotage, 1918 - Notes. - Loco sabotage (photo) 1918. 2-8-0 in turntable pit. - Basrah Times’, various references, 1917/1918. - Article & map from ‘Railway Gazette’. 1941. 24:9:4. 24:9:6. 25:9. 38:16. 39:11. 39:14. - Henschel 800-class 2-8-0 locos - diagram. - Hanomag 2-6-0’s. diagram & notes. - Note on above locos. RM Article 1928. - LSWR 0-6-0’s. diagram. - 700-class 0-6-0WT. No. 752. - British-built 0-6-0T’s. 44:22. 45:17. 46:6:(b). 46:7. 47:8. 48:10. Baghdad Horse Tram. Balad-esh-Sheikh Triangle. Baldwin 2-6-0’s for J-J Rly. - Contemporary note on “American locos”. Baldwin 4-6-0’s for PR. - Scheme for Lenz or other valve gear. - Further note - Mouchly poppet gear. - Conversion of some locos to 4-6-2T. ‘The Locomotive’ 1926. - More notes on conversion to tank locos. 31:8. 22:6:7. 19:25. 38:14. Baratz, Joseph, "A Village by the Jordan', WWI trip, Bardawil smash, 1917, S.M.R. Bar Giora, Track Plan & Description, 1982, 6:22. 10:31. 4:7. 24:1. 32:4:(d). Basel trams - Press tour. “Basrah Times” 1917/1918 in Colindale Library. Battir - see Bittir. Beer bottles. (WW1 relics excavated). 35:10. 46:6:(d). 37:15. 42:12:(e). 39:11. 22:12. Beer Sheba: - Then and Now, Maps & Article, Incl. old Turkish station. - Track plan of 1956 station. - Old station. - LRT Plans. - Dutch consortium proposal. - Proposal for LRT line. 1998. - Last train in 1927. 31st. July. note. - Funding promised for new station. 1998. - Map of extension to new station, 1999. - Trackwork on extension complete, autumn 1999. 7:17. 7:18. 24:12. 31:4:(12). 32:4:(g). 40:(4):(b). 40:6:(a). 41:4:(e). 44:24. 47:4:(e). Beer Sheba Line: - Bridge works. - Trial service for University students from April 1996. 2 months. - Feb. 1997 - new twice-weekly service starts. - Announcement of two planned new stations in Beer Sheva. - 14 trains each way planned from April 1999. - New passing loops & further increases planned. - New potential household waste traffic. - Upgrading Lod - Na’an. Sept. 1998. - Tenders for extension into Beer Sheba city centre. - Report on Pasim trip to station under construction, 1999. 27:4:(q). 33:4:(a). 37:4:(a). 37:4:(a). 40:4:(c). 40:4:(c). 40:4:(d). 42:4:(k). 42:4:(i). 47:4:(e). Beer Yaakov. - New station built, opene 6/11/1999. - Report on visit, Feb. 2000. Begin, Menachem: 'The Revolt', Excerpts, 47:4:(j). 48:4:(a). 3:4. Beirut. - Mystery Loco - 60cm. 0-6-0T - seen in 1945. - Notes on Loco from A. Wilson. - Tramway Map. 1961. - Notes on above by A. Wilson. - Photo of derelict n.g.stock in yard. June 1996. - Beirut depot, interior view. Moyse 0-4-0DE 203 and railbuses. - Steam locos in bushes at St. Michel. 1997. 33:10:(a). 34:5:(m). 34:15. 35:6:(c). 34:22. 39:18. 39:3. Beirut-Damascus Rly. - Video Review. - Background notes to history of line. - PEF Notes on construction. - Beirut Quay. (Photo). - Ain el-Fije Stn. April 1996. (photo). - Romanian diesel and 2-6-0T on Serghaya branch. 1997. - Photos at Rayak. (Beit - see Bet.) 5:15 5:16. 7:19. 22:1. 33:12. 39:1. 42:10. Bell stolen from museum 28:4:(c). “S.S. Belpamela” & Belships. - Brief history of ship. - Sank Nov. 1947. - Note on Belships. 36:7:(a). 46:6:(j). 47:5:(d). Ben Gurion Airport. - Link line tenders. 1999. - Plans for underground terminal, by 2002. - Agreement reached for construction. 46:4:(c). 47:4:(f). 48:4:(b). Bet Alpha Quarry Light Railway. 1948. 39:12. Bet Nabella / Beit Nabala. - Exploring lost line from Kafr Jinnis. - Exploring lost line to Lubban. - Std. gauge was line lifted 1949. 47:11. 48:15. 48:5:(g). Bet Shemesh: (see also Artuf, Har Tuv). - Plan, description, notes on Cement Co. - Station repainted. - Station repainted white. 1996. - Track plan of Artuf, 1944. 3:6 21:4:14. 34:4:(h). 44:25. Bet Yehoshua. - Refurbishment. - Accident. (article by Steve Tish). 7:3:5. 23:9. Bethlehem Road, Jerusalem. New road and LC. Bethlehem Tramway Scheme. 1912/1920. Betzet - see Azzib. Bezek - competition in telecommunications. 32:4:(c). 19:5:(c). Biblical Zoo, Jerusalem. New Miniature Railway? 27:4:(r). Binyamina: - Refurbishment. - Photo of new platform canopy. 7:3:5. 10:1. Bittir (also Battir): - Track Plan & Description, 1982. - 1930, Plan. - Derailment, 11/9/97. - Derailment, 22/10/97 & subsequent. 4:7. 30:15. 39:4:(a). 39:4:(b). Blizzards, February 1992. 17:20. Bnei Beraq. - Plans advanced for construction of line from Tel Aviv. 1996. - Wooden building being demolished, 16/6/99. 33:4:(j). 46:4:(i). Bomb Attack on Train, Haifa, 1938. Bomb Alert on train. Bonfils photo of El Sejed etc. Books on Middle East subjects. List. 7:13 26:4:(u). . 29:19. 36:7:(h). BOOK REVIEWS: - RAF Masirah Railway. - Soldier With Railways. (A.A. Mains.) - Die Bagdadbahn. - Die Hedschas-Bahn. DGEG. (Initial review). - Fuller review. - Query. - Allied Military Locomotives of WW2. (Tourret). - Hicaz Demiryolu (in Turkish). - Narrow Gauge at War 2. Keith Taylorson. 1997. - DGEG Nachrichten No. 150. 27:14. 27:14. 27:14. 32:7:(e). 34:7:(a). 36:7:(i). 34:7:(b). 38:12. 39:17. 46:5. Borders of Palestine, 1892-1925: Dr. Breen’s Diary. (1904 trip). Brickworks Railway, 1936. Silicate Brickworks Co., near Haifa. Bridge at Ofakim. (S. Ehrlich). British Military Railways in 1917. 15:25. 29:10. 39:10. 22:10. 13:15. 48:4:(d). Further Notes of Director of Railway Transport, E.E.F. 1917. British Narrow Gauge lines in Tel Aviv area,1917: 15:24. 17:29. British Rail coaches: - Possible purchase. 25:4:(c). - Sale elsewhere (to London Underground). 31:4:6, 8. (And see also “Apropo”.) (For those that entered IR service, see “Coaches IR”.) “British Rule & Rebellion” (Simson: 1936 Revolt.) 31:24. Broken rail, Dor, 12/12/91. 16:40. Buffers - tender, 2000. 48:4:(k). Buffet Car problems. (see also Catering) Buses, 1935 timetable notes. Buses - cooperation agreement with Dan. 7/99. 25:8:(d). 25:16. 46:4:(d). Bustan HaGalil Halt: - Closure. - Description, June 1992. - Closure from 19/7/97. 11:4:6. 18:4(g). 44:9:(j). “By Baldwin”. (J. Wahrman). - Further notes on authorship. 26:19. 27:5:(f). LETTER C. Cable incline - National Water Carrier light railway.Wadi Ara, 1950’s. 30:13. Cable cut - signals blocked, 8/91. 14:5:16. Cables cut, Haifa. 23:4:1. Cables H.T. Oct. 1992. 19:5:(e). Cables to be laid on Jerusalem LC. July 1997. 38:4:(a). - Cables cut by contractors, Aug. 1997. Chaos. 38:4:(j). Cable Car scheme, Safed - Tiberias. Cable Car at Hammat Gader - scheme. Cableway Kiryat Shemona - Menara cliff, 1998. 27:4:(f). 29:4:(d). 40:4:(n). “Caboozim” - mysterious import of US cabooses for housing, 1940’s. “Call of the Road”. 1934 article on road transport in Palestine. “Camel Capers”. (Sullivan). Camel Corps: Death of Laurie Moore of Leeds, last survivor of ICC. 39:5:(b). 46:18. 21:5. 10:13. ‘Cameron's Camel’. (Italian Shunting tractors of WW2): - Initial note. - Identified, (plus picture). - Sales brochure ! - Definitive Answer. - Photo & notes of preserved tractor at Ramla. 5:6. 6:6. 8:10. 14:23 47:9. Campaign Trail: Rail Lobby in Israel. 14:15. Canadian Troops in W.W.I. Carmel Station. Location. 1935. 12:14. 45:18:(2). Carmelit, Haifa: - Ref. to refurbishment. - Reports on rebuilding. - Restoration & Pictures of old cars. - Reopening due May 1992. - Problems, extensions, ticketing. - Update and description of new Cars. - Reopening, stations, fares, tickets. - Ticket machines. - Update, Passenger figures, ticketing. - Extension Plan. - Problems. - Update. - Moan by Kessar. - Temp. closure for works. - Possible sell-off. - July 1996 - NIS 36M loss since reopening in June 1992. 2:13 9:4:6. 13:6. 14:5:17. 16:4:4. 17:21. 18:16. 18:4(v). 19:5:(g) 20:3:13. 25:4:1. 26:8. 27:4:(n). 28:4:(d). 28:4:(j). 35:4:(j). Catering on trains restored, 3/95. Cement traffic lost. Centenarian LSWR coach. (Cotterell). (& See L&SWR). Centenary Celebrations at Jerusalem. Oct. 1992. 29:4:(j). 28:4:(e). 26:11. 19:7. “Closed stations” - ticket barriers at TA & Haifa. Closure of Halts: Bustan H&Galil & Nahariyya. Coaches, PR & IR, Update to Published Information. (Paul Cotterell.) - Indian Coaches on HBT/PR. See “Indian”. 21:4:15(b). 11:4:6. 7:12. Coaches: IR: - Air-Conditioning of IR coaches. - -ditto- Refurbishment, - Generator car, (Photo). - Red line - dedicated sets, 1/92. - New Generator Coaches, 12/92. - ex British Rail, possible purchase. - New orders from GEC-Alsthom in Spain. - Possible purchase from Belgium ? - Purchase of Inox coaches from France. - French coach, Photo. - Refurbishment by Ha’argaz. - Possible purchase from Belgium (again) ? - BR Mk. 2c refurbished. - Coaches refurbished at Ha’argaz. - LUL purchases BR Mk. 2c’s originally for Israel. - 57 withdrawn; French coach into service. - Arrival of Spanish (Alsthom) coach bodies. 6:3:4. 7:3:4. 13:4:14. 13:24. 16:4:10. 20:3:12. 25:4:(c). 26:4:(e). 27:4:(g). 28:4:(r). 28:7 28:4(d); 28:4:(s). 29:4:(q). 30:4:2. 30:4:10. 31:4:8. 31:4:11. 31:4:7. - Fire damage to IR coaches at Haifa. More details of fire. Picture. - Refurbishments to 3/96. - Further Spanish Alsthom order. - Refurbishment of 608, others to go to Haargaz. 4/96. - SNCF Inox No. 166-35 at TA 1995. (photo). - First Alstom coaches 311-4 + 302, ready for service. 9/1996. - first order - 14 already arrived. Number scheme. - Ha’argaz has refurbished 33, 12 to be done. as at 8/1996. (Full listing). - New push-pull driving trailer 302. March 1997. - First day of use, Haifa. 9th. Dec. 1996. - Notes on GEC-Alsthom coaches. Numbering, entry into service, impressions, unit formations etc. - Notes 12/96 on refurbishment of other coaches at Haargaz. - Notes on visit to Maribor, origin of IR Yugoslav coaches. - More on Maribor visit Feb. 1997, history of Boris Kidric works. - Full listing of all IR passenger rolling stock March 1997. - Alstom coaches entering service - listing April 1997. - Comments from drivers - generators and noise in cabs. - Article on IR coaches from Germany, France, Yugoslavia. (NB - first sentence missing). - ESR coach in IR stock. - more notes on ENR 1498 captured. - possible ESR coach left behind 1948. - 1960’s IR list of former Egyptian coaches. - Notes on ESR coaches, and those on PR 1944. - Note on Inspector Van 4701. - Sticking door problems on push-pull coaches. Aug. 1997. - Push-pull set at Nahariyya, 2/1996. - Tender for double-deck sets. May 1998. - Double-deck tenders, decision due 11/08. - Double-deck coaches - contract awarded GEC-Alstom, 9/3/99. - Double-deck coaches - order now gone to Bombardier. 4 trains. - Double-deckers - impression, orders. - Possible purchase of stock from FS and CD, 2000. Coal and Oil firing on PR, 1930-46. - Coal supplies on PR, notes. 1928. Cohen, Israel, Journal of a Jewish Traveller, 1920 trip. “Collapse of Ottoman Empire” (book excerpt). Comptroller’s Report. Condensing Tenders. - Note from Alon Siton. Cooks. Thomas Cooks Archives - Notes. Cotterell, Paul, Updates on Published Work, Locomotives, PR & IR, Controller’s Tale. 1944. (Frank McCarthy). Crane: Scrapping of 1918 crane. 32:4:(i). 32:6. 32:5. 32:6. 32:4:(l). 33:5. 35:3. 35:5:(c). 35:5:(c). 35:5:(c). 36:14. 36:1. 36:5:(d). 36:5:(g). 36:5:(h). 37:6:(d). 37:5:(b). 37:5:(c). 38:7:(i). 38:6:(a) - p.8. 38:5:(c). 40:6:(c). 40:6:(c). 44:17. 45:6:(xiii). 47:5:(e). 38:4:(k). 29:20. 41:4:(b). 42:6:(c). 44:5:(e). 46:4:(j). 48:4:(g). 48:4:(h). 36:13. 42:16. 6:7. 27:24. 21:4:11. 11:16. 12:6. 22:13 (& 22:11). 5:5. 19:17. 10:4; 13:4:3. Cranes: Travelling Steam Cranes, Correspondence, 1939-42. Cyprus - Notes on Railways. (Uri Ben-Rehav.) - Note - how many locos survive ? - Definitely two; & notes on restoration of loco at Famagusta. - Notes that all operations have stopped. - Possible purchase of n.g. stock by IR in 1951 ! 16:19. 28:14. 33:10:(14). 34:5:(e). 42:12:(m). 47:7:(j). LETTER D. D.G.E.G. (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eisenbahn Geschichte.) Israel Tour.1999. 44:12. - Proposed Hedjaz Tour. 44:10:(c). D.H.P. (Damas-Hamas et Prongements) Lines: - Postcard purporting to be of Hedjaz Rly. - Photo of 0-6-0 No, 3, 1939, 8:22. 12:2. Dagon silos, Haifa Central. Refurbished headshunt. May 1999. Damascus: - Cadem Station, Postcard of 1907. - Kanawat station: Ganz railcar, (photo). - Tramway Map. - Bar at Kanawat Station. (photo). - 2-6-0T No. 62 plinthed outside Kanawat. - 2-6-0T 754 departing Kanawat, June 1996. - 2-6-0T 751 on the ‘Hijaz Bar’ in Kanawat. April 1996. 45:5:(h). Dangerous crossings. Herzliyya. Dangerous T.V. advert. 21:4:3. 10:30. Danish IC3 diesel multiple units: - Initial tender news: - Order details, - Full description & Diagram, - Use in IR Logo: - Trial runs, July 1992. - Thoughts on use, by Paul Cotterell. - HO Model Review. - Photo, at Jerusalem 21/10/92. - Initial impressions & special trips. - Photo, at Haifa Bat Galim 21/6/92. - Initial services. - Full numbering & names of sets. - More notes. - Failures. - Door failure. - Interior photos. - Observations. - “Knocking sounds”. - New orders. 10:7:2. 12:3:c. 12:4. 15:25. 18:40. 18:17. 18:18. 19:1. 19:6. 20:1. 20:3:1. 20:5. 21:4:15. 22:4:7. 23:4:7. 25:3. 25:8:(a). 26:4:(l). 26:4:(v). 8:3. 14:3. 30:14:(a). 32:9. 33:3. 34:1. 34:3. - New order - more details. 29:4:(o). - Order for seven more sets - details. 30:4:8. - More details of 7 ‘suburban’ sets. 31:4:3. - Photo of new “Mk. 2” IC3. (“Kronoim”.) 32:1. - Details of new batch. 32:6:(b). - Mk. 2 sets 4&5 arrive, 3/96; 1&3 to USA on loan. 33:5. - Plan to purchase 9 more sets. 6/96. 33:5. - Query on origin of word “Kronoim”. 36:5:(i). - Answer: Composite word. 38:7:(h). - Photo of 3rd. batch 7218/9, new, March 1997. 37:3. - Photo of 7009 at Kiryat Motzkin. May 1997. 38:3. - Cardboard cut-out promotional model. 39:4:(f). - One-third of construction transferred by Adtranz to Israel. 1998. 41:6. - New set 20 (into service summer 1998) - different interior design. 42:6:(j). - Possible order for ten more sets. 2000. 48:4:(i). - Crash with lorry, Tel Aviv Universita, 2/2000. 48:4:(n). Davies, Robin. Memoirs of PR 1943-48. - Comments on Milstein memoir. - More comments. Decauville: (See also “Industrial Light Rlys.”) - Line at Samakh. (Cotterell). - Lines at Petach Tikva and Hatzor. - Locos and stock for sale as scrap, Lod,. - Note on recovered WD stock from Azzib, 1948. - Note on scrap wagon, Jaffa 1954. - Line at Gesher Paz. 1920’s. 8:17. 33:10:(c). 34:5:(h). Deir Aban. Photo. “Demand for Payment”. (Lea Smith). - Note. (Cotterell). - Note. (Ellis). 29:19 & Picture. 23:10. 24:5:(c). 25:9. Derailments & Incidents: - Haifa, 11/89. - Lod, 5/91. - Matisa, at Haifa, 6/91. - Esslingen 0-6-0: Haifa 7/91. - Jerusalem, 15/4/92. - Lod, 11/92. - Several, 12/92. - Several. - And more. - Near Dimona. - Kfar Vitkin. - Grain train failure. - Out of fuel. - Staff shortage. - 701, 601, 614 collision at Ashdod, March 1996. - Collision at Lydda, Feb. 1948. (John Lee). 9:4:1. 13:5. 14:5:5. 14:5:10. 17:4(d). 19:5:(q). 20:3:5. 21:4:2. 24:4:3. 26:4:(j) 26:4:(m). 26:4:(g). 26:4:(i). 26:4:(n). 33:5. 34:11. 24:15. 46:19. 46:20. 47:7:(g). 47:7:(h). 48:11. - Derailment at Qishon. 10/1996. 35:4:(k). - Feb. 1997 freight derailment near Nitzanim. 37:4:(j). - Collisions in Lod yard & Ashdod LC, March 1997. 37:4:(l). - Jerusalem - TA train near Naan. 27/8/1997. 38:4:(i). - TA - Jerusalem train at Battir, 11/9/1997. 38:4:(i). - More on 11/9/97, at km. 67.5 (between Bar Giyorra/Bittir) 39:4:(a). - Further derailments near Bittir, incl. track train! 39:4:(b). - Derailment of T44, Haifa East. 28/6/98. 42:4:(j). - Rerailing. 44:26. - Derailments on Jerusalem line - leading to line closure. July 1998. 42:4:(a). - IC3 in crash with lorry, near T.A. Universita. Feb.2000. 48:4:(n). “Desert & Delta” (Jarvis) Excerpts. Desert Demolitions. Australian actions against rly. near Shellal, 1917. 17:18. 37:14. Deutz 0-4-0 Diesel Shunters: - Example at Museon Ha’aretz. (photo). - No. 201 at Qishon scrapped. 6/96. - Kiryat HaPlada loco non-working, May 1998. 24:16. 33:5. 42:6:(g). Development Plan for IR, 1997. Diary of Destruction - Sabotage on PR, 1946-7. 39:4:(e). 35:11. Dimona: - New Diesel Shed opening, 1/1/90. 7:3:6. “Disappointment in Tel Aviv”. (by Wyn Fear). Don't Believe What You Read In The Newspapers. 25:10. 15:6. Double Deck Coaches. (For IR ones, see “Coaches”). - in China and Australia etc. 42:12:(b). Doubletracking. - Haifa Bat Galim, April 1991. - Plans four doubling, TA; Natanya etc. 1991. - Between Binyamina & Hadera, 12/91. - Netanya - Bet Yehoshua. - Bet Yehoshua - Shefayim. - Ructions over work on Sabbath. - Binyamina - Hadera. - Tel Baruch - Herzliyya. - Haifa Kilo 2 - Qishon. - Progress to April 1994, & new contract. - Left-track running. - Haifa East - Zevulun Junc. - Tel Aviv Merkaz (Central) - T.A. Darom (South). - Netanya - Kfar Vitkin. - Kfar Vitkin - Hadera Maarav (West). - Inauguation of Hadera - Netanya section. 13:3. 13:4:13. 16:4:11. 21:4:6. 22:4:12. 22:4:9. 22:4:17. 23:4:10. 24:4:4. 25:4:(e). 25:4:(f). 25:4:(j). 25:4:(j). 28:4:(p). 29:4:(b). 30:4:9. - T.A. Merkaz - Tel Baruch, & T.A. - Lod. 32:4:(k). - Near Carmel Beach, Haifa, March 1996. (photo). 33:25. - Hof Carmel - Hoterim. 10/4/97. 37:4:(i). - Delays in doubling Kiryat Motzkin - Nahariyya. 37:4:(i). - Doubling Lod - Tel Aviv under way, June 1997. 37:4:(f). - Haifa Bat Galim - Hof Carmel, July 1997. 38:4:(b). - Bridge over motorway near Atlit. Demolition 12/9/97. 39:4:(c). - Zikhron Yaakov - Dor, 21/3/98. 41:4:(f). - Hoterim - Atlit (exc. Atlit stn.) 25/7/98. 42:4:(f). - Binyamina - Zikhron Yaakov 8/8/98. 42:4:(f). - Dor - Atlit 15/8/98. 42:4:(f). - Ceremony at Binyamina 17/8/98 - completion of doubling TA-Haifa. 42:4:(f). - Lod - Tel Aviv Darom now completed. 1999. 44:4:(c). - Legal Objections to doubling near Binyamina. 45:4:(e). - Haifa Central - Bat Galim (completes whole section). 1/6/99. 45:4:(i). Dutch delegation to I.R. Dutch Rail Exports to Middle East (Stegeman). (Egypt, Jordan.) - Notes on Allen e.m.u.s for Helwan line. - Notes on cement factories by Nile. - Notes on crush loadings on Allen e.m.u.s. - Offers in modernising IR freight wagon maintenance. 30:4:8. 40:8. 41:7:(d). 42:12:(i). 42:12:(j). 45:5:(iii). Dyke, Bert. - Memories of 1942. - More memories, Kantara, Sinai, Sudan, Eritrea. - More memories - Sudan, Mobile church, Hareem, Benghazi. 37:17. 47:12. 48:9. LETTER E. Earthquake in Yarmuk Gorge, 1927. Photo of resulting derailment. Eban, Abba: Autobiography extracts. Ebbw Vale funicular coaches, Jerusalem. 19:3. 10:19. 19:18. Egypt: - Current notes. - Notes on Sinai line, film industry, Lower Egypt line. - Notes on USATC loco at film studio. - Notes on recent trip. (Ray Howgego). - Notes from “Eisenbahn Kurier” & Cooks. - ESR signals. - Suez Canal bridges. - Tenders for new bridges. - Order for 23 ABB locos. - Notes (Alan Clothier.) - Plans to rebuild Sinai line and Suez bridge. June 1966. - WDER line refurbishment due for completion 1996. - 68 new diesel locos from Adtranz for ENR. - Note on Egyptian iron and steel industry lines & various types of diesel locos.(Wilson). 22:7:2. 24:7. 25:9. 25:20. 25:21. 30:16. 30:17. 31:7 & 13. 31:8. 32:12. 33:7:(g). 33:7:(g). 33:7:(g). 34:5:(i). - Kharga - Qena line to open Oct. 1996. 34:6:(g). - Cairo Metro line 2 to Ramses now being completed. 34:6:(g). - WDER - agreement on rebuilding link with Libya. May 1996. 34:6:(g). - Photos of USATC tank and old 0-6-0 at Cairo, 1945. 34:13. 34:14. - Photo of 2-6-0 594. 34:18. - note that above were actually at Port Said. 35:7:(c). - ENR operation of lines for Steel Corporation, & locos used. 35:7:(b). - Contract signed for new Suez Canal bridge at El Ferdan. July 1996. 35:6:(c). - Cairo Metro Line 2. Jan. 1997. (Photo). 36:16. - Cairo Metro Line 2 opens, Oct. 1996. 36:9:C:(i) & (vii). - Cairo Metro Line 1, description. 36:9:C:(ii). - Heliopolis Metro, metre-gauge tramway. notes. 36:9:C:(iii). - Note on new ER G26-type diesel locos. 36:9:C:(iv). - Note on ER G12 Bo-Bos. 36:9:C:(v). - Cairo Midan station. Now closed. 36:9:C:(vi). - Notes on Midan and Line 2, Clothier. 37:6:(e). - Pafawag to produce parts for new ER diesels. 1997. 36:9:C:(viii). - Pullmans in Egypt. Ref. to ‘Locomotives International’ 1997. 38:7:(j). - ESR coach captured by Israel. 38:4:(c). - Leeds Forge notes - rolling stock for Egypt. 38:6:(b). - Cairo Metro line 2, 2nd. phase, to Sadat, opened 23/9/97. 39:15:(b):(i). - Old clerestory coaches in departmental use at Luxor, 1997. 39:15:(b):(ii) - Notes on Luxor, sugar n.g.lines, Luxor/Aswan doubling, 4/1997. 39:15:(b):(iii). - Five Gottwald cranes ordered, 1998. 40:7:(e):(i). - 68 ADtranz diesel locos being delivered for Safaga line. 40:7:(e):(ii). - Dutch ref. to Cairo Metro tunnel construction. 40:7:(e):(iii). - Review of system in ‘Rail Business Report’ 1998. 40:7:(e):(iv). includes Nile Valley upgrade, 98 new locos, new lines etc. - Safaga - Kharga line opened. 680km. 5/98. 41:11:(d):(i). - Sinai line to Rafah being relaid, 1998. 41:11:(d):(ii). - Alexandria - tenders for new trams. 41:11:(d):(iii). - Heliopolis metro, photo, 1997. 41:3. - Visit to Alexandria and Cairo trams. 1998. 42:9:(c). - Monorail in 1895 at Moise Wells, Suez. 42:17. - Notes on ESR coaches in Israel. 45:6:(xiii). - Notes on ESR Sentinel railcar set in Quainton Road museum. 45:6:(xii). - Cairo Metro Line 2 open to University, 1999. 45:8:(a). - Further Metro Line 1 extensions to Khanka proposed. 45:8:(ii). - Sinai coal mining project. note. 1999. 45:8:(iii). - Note on Sinai line rebuilding to El Arish, and bridge. April 1999. 45:8:(iv). - New 6-axle loco type. road switcher style. 45:8:(v). - New 6-axle loco type. twin cab style. 45:8:(v). - ER loco livery notes. 45:8:(v). - New ER passenger coach livery, 1999. 45:8:(vi). - Cairo railway museum - exhibits deteriorating. 45:8:(vii). - Project for new line east of Canal. 1999. 45:8:(viii). - Magic Land Amusement Park - 0-6-0D 2 coaches. 45:8:(ix). - Alexandria Light Transit 1989 data sheet. 46:9:(E):(i). - Report on journey to Luxor & Aswan, 1999. 46:9:(E):(ii). - ER orders 270 remanufactured motors. 46:9:(E):(iii). - Photo of ENR Henschel 3007 at Luxor. 1998. - Danish trams from Copenhagen. Egyptian stamp of Gaza Strip. - illustration. 48:1. 48:6:(A). 5:7. 7:11. Egyptian Memories. Tel-el-Kebir Camp. 1945-7.( G. Bosher.) Egyptian Phosphate Co., 1936. Safaga. 33:15. 47:10. Eilat line: (& see “Negev Line”): - Note. - Further note: - Trans-Siberian Proposals, - 3/93 proposals. - Link to Aqaba plan. 10/95. - Feasibility study, Feb. 1998. 6:3:5. 9:4:11. 17:19. 21:4:12. 31:4:5. 40:4:(m). Eilat Express: non-rail train, & other points. Eilat Ostrich Farm: s.g. diesel Loco and vans. El Arish 1946 - watering loco by bucket chain. Photo. El Ferdan. See Ferdan. El Hamme Station. Plan. El Jiya Base. (WW2). - Note, station closed 13/3/1948. El Majdal. (see Majdal). El Roy. Former HR halt restored. 1999. El Sejed: - Exact location ? (Cotterell). - ‘Ancient Images’ photo. - Notes. 1:2. 7:4. 19:4. El Shatt line “stations”. 31:6:(h). El Tor light railway in Sinai peninsula. Election campaign in Israel, 1996. - Election campaign 1999, TV commercials on railways. Electrification proposals. - 1993 Feasibility studies. - 1934 scheme for lines to Nablus, Aqaba etc. 33:22. 33:4:(g) & (l). 45:4:(f). 25:4:(l). 32:16. 45:19. Emergency Timetable of 1946. Emirates (Dubai). Plan for rail link. 2000. 'Eretz Israel for Jewish Tourists', 1922 Booklet. 9:20. 48:6:(G). 17:28. Esslingen Diesel Railcars: - Brief History, extant vehicles 1981, 1989. - Further info, original numbers & photo. - Two pictures of railcar bodies. - History & Description. - Further notes from 1955 article. 1:8. 2:12. 5:8. 9:17. 10:14. 31:18. 26:12. 48:13:(i). 46:4:(h). 26:16. 29:19 & centre picture. 30:5:(h). - Two coach bodies. - Set in use as hauled stock; photo. 1974. - Notes, & coach near Netanya. - Trailer coach refurbished. 12/92. (See also under “Coaches IR”) - Trailer 111 Bet back in service. - Four coaches being refurbished. - In TV paint commercial. - 112 Bet Refurbished. - 113 Bet Refurbished. - 114 Bet & 115 Bet refurbished. - 111/2/3 repainted in IC livery 10/95. - Notes on refurbished coaches after fire. - Driving Trailer No. 3 to Haifa Museum, 6/1996. - Photo of No. 3. - More notes on No. 3 - Driving Trailer, built LHB. - Note on book on VT08 DB railcars. (does not mention Israel). - Note on “Eisenbahn Kurier” book on Eslingen Works exports. 10:15. 11:3. 12:15. 20:3:11. 22:4:19. 23:4:9. 24:4:2. 25:4:(d). 25:4:(k). 27:4:(j). 31:11. 32:6. 33:4:(c). 35:1. 35:7:(g). 37:18:(a). 45:6:(i). Esslingen 0-6-0 Diesel Shunters: - Further Notes & Amendments. - Photo of three in action, 1991. - Photo of 221 in action. - Loco preserved at Kfar Saba. - Withdrawn locos moved to Qishon. - Note on No. 222. - Locos withdrawn. - 211 sold to Transport Institute. - 217, 222 still dumped at Qishon. - Photo, 218. - 227 withdrawn 1996, only 221 & 225 still operational. - Mention of Eisenbahn Kurier book on V60 locos. 1996. - Correction, 221 & 227 working, 225 awaiting parts. Jan. 1997. - 223 plinthed in Kfar Saba - repainted in 1995. - Photo of 223 plinthed - 227, 222 & 225 at Qishon scrap yard, June 1998. - All remaining engines withdrawn and at Qishon by March 1999. 17:14. 18:7. 17:3. 18:1. 21:19. 22:4:13. 23:6:(c). 26:4:(q). 29:4:(n). 31:4:11. 31:14. 35:5:(d). 35:7:(f). 36:5:(f). 36:4:(a). 38:1. 42:6:(g). 44:5:(c):(ii). Etung concrete factory, Pardess Hanna. Light Rly. - Query whether it should be ‘Ytung’. Exchange Rates: Scam of 1944. Exercise at Bittir. 39:9. 41:7:(g). 20:6. 22:4:4. Exploring Lost Railways. - Kafr Jinnis to Bet Nabella. 47:11. 'Expresszüge der Vorderen Orient' (Werner Sölch): Book Review: 'Extra-Strong Mints’: Advert filmed on Hedjaz Rly. 18:12. 4:6. LETTER F. Fakes. Two Fake locos. - Note & Update. 30:22. 31:6:(c). Falkov, Ilan. IR P.R.O. - Retirement. - Retirement from Railway Museum. 1997. - Obituary. Fares on IR. - IR Monthly Season Ticket fare reductions, March 1998. 26:4:(o). 37:4:(m). 59: 19:5:(n). 40:4:(l). Fear, Wyn. Military Engine Driver, WW2 - Memoirs. - Disappointment at Tel Aviv. - Just Another Trip. - “Scraggy”. - Transportation of Jews from Turkey in 1943. 25:10. 21:28. 23:16. 33:20. Feasibility Studies, 1993. Ferdan Ferry, Suez Canal. (Photo). Ferdan Swing Bridge. 1947. - Article. “Film Critics” - anecdote on Tel Baruch junction. 32:16. 23:3. 25:18. 30:17. 44:21. Fire destroys IR coaches. 32:4:(i). - also 32:5 & 32:6. Flag scheme to paint the tracks blue and white! ‘Art’. July 1997. Forum Israel 2000 - scheme for international links, 1996. 38:4:(d). 36:4:(b). Freight wagon contract for IR - strife. French coaches - see “Coaches”. 23:4:26. “Flimsy Reminder”, By Paul Cotterell: Incident at Tel el Heir. Floods, Winter 1991: - Floods in Jordan, "Flying Zeppelin' of 1918. - Further note. - see also “Schienenlore”. For the Record: Newspaper Cuttings. "Free Drinks", (by Paul Cotterell). 6:24. 15:5:9. 17:23. 18:19. 19:20. Freight Rolling Stock, IR. - Bogie hopper 70 001 Taf delivered 1996. - 20 2nd.-hand 58T ballast wagons from Italy. - 58T ballast hoppers into service. - Oldest IR wagon. 1912. - Photo of hopper wagon, for Ashdod m.g.r. coal trains. - Photo of Pazgaz tank wagon. - Notes on Wagon coding and numbering. 5:18. 9:13. 35:5:(e). 42:6:(f). 45:(g):(i). 45:(g):(ii). 45:7. 45:14. 45:13:(g). Freight Statistics. 1999. 48:4:(m). Friendly Archives: 1). Imperial War Museum. 2). Palestine Exploration Fund. 3). Lancaster City Museum. 4). National Railway Museum. 5). National Army Museum, Chelsea. 6). U.S. Army Transportation Museum, Fort Eustis. 7). Gloucester Record Office. 8). Thomas Cooks. 9). Israel Defence Forces, Givatayim. 10). Israel State Archives, Part 1. 11). Israel State Archives, Part 2. 12). Israel State Archives, Part 3. 13). Crown Agents. 14). Israel Railways Museum Haifa - work starting ! 11:23. 11:23. 13:20. 16:20. 17:13. 18:8. 20:11. 22:11. 25:11. 26:14. 27:15. 28:18. 29:13. 38:4:(b). “From Then Till Now”- by Baruch Katinke; World War 1 HR Memoirs: Part 1. “Locomotives off the Rails”. 11:22. Part 2. “A Dreadful Dream in Damascus”. 13:17. Part 3. “A Railway Into the Sea”. (Jaffa & Haifa) 16:15. Part 4. “Three Clocks - Forward.” (Exam, & Locust swarm). 19:19. Part 5. “A Gallopping Engine and a Striking Fist”. Arab psychology! 20:15. Part 6. “The Magician’s Camp of Von Griebe.” 24:11. Part 7. “A Medal instead of a Bullet.” 30:21. Part 8. “A Parabellum brings down a Plane.” air attacks 1916. 38:15. Part 9. “The Bitter fate of a lighted carriage - air attack on Beer Sheba” 46:12. - Biographical Note on Katinke. 30:21. “Front Line, 1918”. (Cotterell). - Notes. - Further elucidation (Cotterell). 25:13. 26: 26:13. Fruit Traffic in 1935: 14:13. LETTER G. GM-EMD G12-type Bo-Bos - and other General Motors - see under Locomotives (IR). Ganei Aviv station - proposed station nr. Lod. 1999. 44:4(c). Ganz Railcars. - Twenty, for Egypt, 1965/66. 38:6:(a). Garraway, Ron, “A Serviceman's 'Holiday" in 1919, Incl, photos, 7:15. Garraway, Allan, Photographs of 1918/9 taken by his father, Note & List: 7:6. From Collection: Train in Yarmuk Valley, 7:Cover Gaudin, Paul. 1858-1921. French railway engineer in Syria. Notes. 42:12:(n). - Note, Andy Wilson, on railway construction at this period. 44:9:(h). Gaza. Proposed reopening, Gaza Strip connection. - Proposed Avoiding line. 1996. - Gaza to Hebron - proposal, 1996. - Notes on feasibility, by Frank Adam. - Proposed bridge link with Hebron. - Underground tunnels discovered. 6:6. 30:4:6. 33:4:(k). 35:4:(i). 39:5:(d). 46:4:(a). 46:4:(b). General Managers, Israel Railways: - Appointment of Shen-Tzur. - Obituary, Shaul Raziel. - Resignation of Shen-Tzur. - Appointment of Ehud Hadar. - Suicide of Ehud Hadar, June 1996. (Rubbish Train scandal) - Nachman Levinger as Acting GM from 12/6/96. - Interview with Amos Uzani. July 1998. 24:4:14/b. 23:4:5. 27:4:(e). 28:4:(b). 34:4:(d). 35:4:(d). 42:5. German Railway Operating Groups on Hedjaz Rly. W.W.I. German WW1 Postmarks, from Turkey. 6:2. 27:9. Gesher. (see also ‘Naharayim’). - Kibbutz, with rail relics.1998. - Photo of remains of Hunslet 4-6-0T. 40:4:(k). 40:12. Glasgow: NBL archives, WD locos. 12:10. Glossary: Some Hebrew railway terms explained. - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 3:1. 4:4. 5:4. Glubb Pasha - Biography extract. 1937-39, the Arab Revolt. 42:19. 'The Good Old Times'; talk by Isaac Rokach. Great Western Railway Wagons, Rebuilt frame - water tank at Lod, - Further notes on WWI transfers. - GWR wagons on narrow gauge, 1920’s (!?). Query. Green, Bert. PMR driver memoir. “Guarding the Bench”. (James Rush). 9:22. 10:4(e). 13:9. 48:11. 6:25. 20:16. LETTER H. H.B.T. Line: (Haifa - Beirut - Tripoli). - Construction; article from South African book. - 1983 Exploration, by Harel Even. - 1989 train services to Beirut. - Rosh Hanikra Tunnels: - 1940’s washout. 8:7. 6:13. 6:14. 12:11;13:19. 32:18. - and note: Winter 1946. - Indian coaches. (Ray Ellis). - More Memories. (Anstey). - Opening. (Wilkinson). - Report on 1995 condition of line. - Photo of CEL loco 1203. - Opening, & Photo. (Dovey). - Notes, Jan. 1995. - Situation, Oct. 1995. - Accidents, 1940’s. (Photos). - Photo of line in 1996 near Jubail. - Note on track & sleepers. 33:10:(d). 19:15. 23:16. 23:23. 27:10. 28:1. 28:9. 28:13. 31:20 & 13. 32:8 & 33:10:(d). 33:8. 42:12:(g). de Haan, Jacob Israel. Biography. 19:23. Habonim: - Level Crossing accident. - New automatic barrier crossing. 1:10. 12:8. Hackney, Capt. Harold. R.E. (193 Coy). Memoirs of Sinai 1942 and Libya.17:12. Hadassah special train. Jan. 1997. Against road accidents. 36:4:(h). - Note. It was also Naaman, women-only, Haifa - TA one-way. 37:6:(a). Hadera - West Station. - Refurbishment. - Further notes. - First IR train, Haifa to Hadera. 15/4/1948. 7:3:5. 18:4(s). 42:11:(d). HaHaganah Station, Tel Aviv. - Work begins, autumn 1999. - Note, cost 51M NIS. 47:4:(j). 48:4:(j). Haifa - Beirut - Tripoli Railway (1942). See “H.B.T.” Haifa & Area: Sketch map. Haifa Bat-Galim station. - Photo with new push/pull set, Dec. 1996. - New bay platform being built. March 1997. 36:1. 37:4:(p). Haifa Bay. Horse works tramway. - Mystery light railway nr. Shemen. Haifa Business Centre Halt - closed 1933. Haifa Central station. Refurbishment. - Plan, 1937. - Resurfacing of platforms. 32:15. 35:17. 48:5:(h). 27:4:(c). 34:16. 45:13:(d). Haifa Chemicals: - New Unilok, 1990. - Demise of Unilok. 9:4:7. 15:5:2. 2:3. ‘Haifa-Damascus Railway’. - article by Hugh Hughes. - Photo of Syrian section, 1979. - Photo of train near Zebadani. 5:9. 9:23. 17:26. Haifa East station. - Postcard. - Fewer trains pausing. 1996. 7:22. 33:4:(l). Haifa Enclave. 1948. Haifa Funicular plan, 1920. - Mentioned also in Ruppin. Haifa - proposed Halt near Carmel. 1933. Haifa Harbour Works. Hunslet 0-6-0ST loco. - Note on one returned to England. - Note on harbour congestion, 1935. 22:6:6. 46:17:(b). 48:14. 46:17:(c). 29:8. 48:5:(c). 48:5:(j). Haifa - Industrial line at Geula. Haifa Workshops - 1920's P.R. Proposal. Haifa Suburban scheme: - First note. - Progress, June 1991. - Disputes; new 'Dolphin' underpass, Jan. 1992. - Further doubling. - More notes on schemes. - Pedestrian link. - Footbridge. - More trains to Krayot. - Scheme for elevated Light Transit, April 1996. - New bay at Bat Galim in use, for shuttle; stations repainted. - Doubling, June 1999. 33:10:(h). 17:24. HaManiya. - 1960 advert for n.g. loco. - Photo of first (and only ?) loco. - Notes on loco. - Notes on the firm. - Advert. Har Tzin: Industrial Locos. 13:4:10. 14:5:9. 16:4:7. 17:40. 26:4:(y). 29:4:(k). 30:4:4 & 31:6:(a). 28:4. 33:4:(b). 38:4:(h). 45:4:(i). 46:21. 47:1. 47:5:(k). 47:5:(k). 47:13. 1:11. Hartmann boilers - spares - disposal in 1950’s. 47:7:(c). Hashalom Station, Tel Aviv. 32:4:(j), 33:4:(h). Hashish Smuggling by Rail. - Further notes, from 'Desert & Delta': Hay-Will, Pat. Memories of Palestine. 12:18. 17:18. 20:23. Healy, B.S. Notes on Military Railways. 28:11. Hebrew Terminology of 1889. 16:18. Hebron - Proposed rail link, 1996. For Palestinian link with Gaza. - Notes by Frank Adam on feasibility. 35:4:(i). 39:5:(d). Hedjaz Railway: - German Railway Operating groups on Hedjaz Rly. W.W.I. - 'The Hedjaz Railway" by Rick Tourret. Book Review. - Hedjaz Railway journey, 1942, Theo Pelz. - Hedjaz Notes, June 1990. - Hedjaz Rly, Construction, PEF Reports. - 'Hedjaz Railway Runs Again' article. - Railtour Ideas, T.E.F.S. - Railtours, Goodwood Travel. - TEFS tour, 1991. - Photos of Dera'a. - Further notes. - Disasters & bad weather, June 1992. - Ditto in Jordan. - Hedjaz Railway Stock, notes & list, 1991. - Hassles on 1992 TEFS tour. - BBC filming. 1995. - Possible rebuilding near Haifa? - Proposed reconstruction of tourist section near Samakh. - Jordan TV documentary. - HR Telegraph station, 1915. - HR Museum scheme, Medain Saleh. - Current notes. - Comment - Uri Ben-Rehav. - Comments, Rick Tourret. - Possible TEFS Tour, 1995. - Rebuilding scheme of 1960’s (Ingerslev). - Notes on this from J. Dayton. - Response from Ingerslev. - 1966 ‘Geographical Magazine’ article on works. - Tourism Report. - Photo - HJR 82 near Zerka. - Note on state of line, March 1995. - Replacement plan - Austrian proposal. - Current state - notes on Damascus. - Photo, loco at Medain Saleh. - Photo, Romanian diesel at Damascus, - Photo, 2-8-0 No. 103, 1945. - Trip, Feb. 1995. - Photos of Damascus and Dera’a. - Rebuilding scheme for southern section. - Further TEFS tour for summer 1996. - Preservation of HR wagons. Photo. - 2-8-2 on TEFS special. (photo). 6:2. 7:23. 7:14. 10:20. 7:19. 10:21. 9:5. 9:14. 14:8. 14:9. 15:10. 17:5. 17:23. 17:9. 18:11. 29:6:(f). 19:5:(h). 20:3:7. 20:3:9. 20:13. 20:18. 22:7:1. 26:5. 27:18. 27:5:(g). 28:24. 32:7:(c). 33:10:(k). 37:9. 29:6:(g). 29:7. 29:6:(d). 29:6:(d). 31:10. 31:11. 31:12. 31:5. 32:9. 32:9. 32:10. 32:11. 32:4:(a). 32:26. 24:19. - Notes on steam loco situation. - TEFS tour notes. - 1995 notes from C.R.J. - Notes on journey, 8/95. - Plans for Aqaba line, investment, privatisation etc. - ‘Locomotive Magazine’ article, April 1915. - 2-6-0T plinthed at Kanawat (photo). - 1996 reports; Naqb Ashtar line largely intact in 1995. - April 1996 trip from Damascus to Ain Fije. (Wilson). - April 1996 trip to Muzeirib. (Wilson). - 2-6-0T leaving Damascus. - 2-6-0T 751 on Hijaz Bar train. - Report of TEFS tour, June 1996. - Note on International train working, 8/1995. - Observations of trackbed in Saudi Arabia. 1996. - A. Wilson, journeys in Sept. 1996. Qatana reopening 11/8/96. incl. notes on freight rolling stock, trip to Muzeirib. - 61 & 3 coaches plinthed at Muzeirib. - photo of 61 at Muzeirib. - Opening ceremony at Medina. (photo). - Remains at Mashavei Sadeh, old WW1 line. - Response by Peter Erwood, former SM ! - More on remains, incl. a wagon. - HR brakes. Counter-pressure braking, 1945. - Another TEFS tour planned for May 1997. - Photo, 2-8-2 No. 263 leaving Kanawat, 1996. - Steam locos 61, 84 and 73 plinthed at Amman and Ma’an. - Charter operations and loco overhauls, 1997 - Inside view. - TEFS 1997 tour report. - Plans for a 1998 TEFS tour. - ‘Hicaz Demiryolu’ - book reference. - Note by Andy Wilson. - Report on Oct. 1996 visit by Dr. D. Becker. (DGEG). - Expanded Report on TEFS June 1997 trip. - Report from ‘Steam Safari’ tour, Sept. 1997. - Turkish TV film. Jan. 1998. - HJR Pacific 85 not ready, 2-6-2T no brakes. 1998. - TEFS Tour Report, June 1998. - Reports from C.R.J., 1998. Incl. Lebanon. - “Hedjaz Propaganda”.1900 book, translation. - Note on language, Andy Wilson. - Tour planned by Dorridge Travel, March 1999. - Note on reason for ending at Medina. - Notes from TEFS experiences. - Notes from CRJ, Serghaya line Oct. 1998. - Planned DGEG Tour for Oct. 1999. - National Geographic Feb. 1999 issue - loco in Saudi Arabia. - Photo, 2-6-2T No. 61 on TEFS train, Amman. 19/7/98. - Review of video “Lawrence of Arabia’s Railway”. - HR stock originally intended for Yemen. 26:6:2. 27:5:(g). 27:12. 31:9. 32:10. 33:11. 33:3. 33:7:(a):(i). 33:7:(a):(ii). 33:7:(a):(ii). 34:1. 34:3. 34:6. 34:6:(b). 34:6:(f). 35:6:(a). 35:6:(a). 35:20. 35:9. 35:8. 36:7:(b). 39:5:(a). 36:10. 36:6. 37:19. 37:8:(b):(i) 37:8:(b):(ii). 38:8. 38:9. 38:12. 39:7:(a). 39:7:(b). 39:7:(c). 40:6:(d). 40:7:(f):(ii). 42:8. 42:8. 42:21. 44:9:(i). 42:8. 44:9:(h). 44:10:(a). 44:10:(b). 44:10:(c). 44:10:(d). 45:1. 45:20. 45:8:(c). - Photo, 2-8-0 91 at Zebadani. - Note on Serghaya trip, July 1998. - Note on visit to Amman. July 1999. - Note on planned extension to Akaba, 1928. - Bi-weekly service Damscus - Amman to be launched. July 1999. - BBC and press reports on refurbishment of line, 3xweek. - Report on Dorridge Travel trip, May 1999. - Book of Photographs. Published in Turkey. - List of HR stock on IR in 1948. - Photo of line blocked by Landrover at Mafraq. 46:1. 46:8:(a). 46:8:(b). 46:8:(c). 46:8:(d). 46:8:(d). 46:8:(f). 46:15. 47:7:(k). (note 48:5:(e).) 47:3. Hedjaz Branch to Haifa. (Cotterell). - Further Notes. - Tourist restoration ? - Note. 22:21. 23:8. 27:4:(l). 28:6:(b). “Hedschasbahn” - Nick Lera. Video Review. “Hedschasbahn”. Book. Noll, Bickel & von Denffer. - Initial Review. - Fuller Review. - Correct ordering address. 25:12. 32:7:(e). 34:7:(a). 35:7:(l). Hejaz: See Hedjaz. Herzliyya Station: - Official Opening, Picture. - Opening ceremony. - Logo & Sticker. - Dangerous crossing. - New footbridge. 6:1. 6:3:4. 8:15. 21:4:3. 30:4:4. High Speed Trials, Summer 1991: High speed Tel Aviv - Lod - newspaper report of 400km/h! 1997. 14:5:8. 37:4:(f). Hof Carmel (Kafr Samir) station, 1930: Plan. - Plan, 1958. - Note on new station being built. - New station opens, 10/7/99. 30:15. 34:16. 45:13. 46:4:(f). “Hold on to the Cash!” (Eadon-Clarke). 25:19. Holocaust relics - old wagons. - Yad Vashem, & Washington. - Vans at Neuengamme & Berlin. - Former synagogue in Nymburk - now railway museum. - Arguments over 52 class in Amsterdam. - Neuengamme wagon. 41:7:(j). 42:12:(c). 48:7:(a). 48:7:(b). 48:7:(c). Holon. Park Railway relics. June 1964. - Locos now plinthed at Kibbutz Netzer Sereni. 42:18. 44:18. Hospital Trains, 1914-1919. Howgego, Ray. Notes on Egypt trip. Hunslet 4-6-0T 60cm. gauge at Naharayim. See “Naharayim”. Hughes, Hugh. “Middle East Railways 1942-46” memoir. Hutzot HaMifratz. - Proposal for a station. 6/1996. 8:6. 25:20. 29:15. 33:4:(m). LETTER I. IC3 Units. See “Danish Diesel Multiple Units.” “An Ill Wind”, Article by Paul Cotterell. “Illustrated London News” - references. Improvements to I.R. system. 6:16. 31:19. 21:4:5. Indian Interloper - Indian GIPR coaches on HBT. (Ray Ellis). - Photo and note in 1946 accident. 19:15. 32:18 & 33:10:(d). Indicators at IR Stations 25:4:(i). Industrial Lines - Various. (See also ‘Decauville’). - Industrial Railway Record - reference to articles by Paul Cotterell. 14:7. - “Industrial Railway Record” article. 27:16. - Sept. 1995 and subsequent - ‘Armant’ locos. 33:10:(j). - Industrial Light Railways. 21:15. - More on Industrial light railways. 29:12. - Note on same rly. at Kiryat Avoda. 31:6:(f). - “Industrial Insubstantialities” 32:24. - Line at Geula (Quarry?) , Haifa. (Pelz). 33:10:(h). - Refs. to lines at Kibbutz Kinneret and Rishon Wine Cellars. 33:10:(h). - Industrial Loco at Rotem, Ashdod. 27:4:(d). - Photo. 28:3. - Industrial loco at Oron. 1:11. - Industrial Unilok at Haifa Chemicals (& See Haifa Chemicals). 9:4:7. - Industrial Railway Treaties - Iraq and Kuwait. 31:23. - Industrial line at Geula near Haifa. 33:10:(h). - Ref. to line at Bat Yam, 1930’s. 34:5:(b). - Note - it was s.g. 35:7:(h). - Line at Kibbutz Kinneret. 34:8. - Line at Zion Cardboard Factory. 34:9. - Line in Haifa, nr. Shemen. (IPC ? 1930’s ) 35:17. - Sewage works in Tel Aviv. 1948. 36:12. - Industrial Locos in Israel - full listing. April 1997. 37:5:(f). - Etung Factory, Pardess Hannah. 1955. 39:9. - Silicate Brickworks in Zevulun plain, Haifa. 1936. 39:10. - Bet Alpha Quarry. 39:12. - National Water Carrier. 39:13. - correction. 40:6:(h). - Lime Kiln at Migdal Tzedek Quarry, 1940’s. 40:11. - Sulphur Quarries, near Gaza. 1930’s. 40:6:(i). - Tel Aviv roadbuilding. 44:23 & photo in :24. - Light Railway for building Qishon Workshops. - Copper mining in Negev. - HaManiya advert, 1960. - Decauvilles at Petah Tikva and Hatzor. - Decauville near Gesher Paz. 1925/6. - Deutz loco 56132 at Pardess Hanna. - Ain Harod - O&K type loco from Italy. - List of Deutz locos exported to Israel. Information Technology on IR. 1999. International Plans - 1995 Peace Process. Internet: - Entries on different railways. - Internet site for IR. 1997. Iran: 45:23. 45:22. 46:21, & 47:5:(k). 46:19. 48:11. 48:12:(a). 48:12:(b). 48:12:(c). 47:4:(b). 28:8. 31:16. 38:4:(g). (See also “Persia”). - Current state of system. 22:7:2. - News, 1994. 24:8. - Not getting more French Turbotrains. 28:5:(a). - Buying 100 2nd.-hand DB coaches. 29:6:(a). - Bafq - Bandar Abbas line open, March 1995. 29:6:(e). - Purchase of Italian FS d.m.u.s. 29:6:(e). - Article on 1992 trip. 31:7. - Development plans and map. 32:14. - Former wartime ALCO diesel loco for sale. 33:7:(e). - Trams for Mashhad - agreement signed. June 1996. 33:7:(f). - Mashhad - Sarakhs line to be opened May 1996. 33:7:(f). - Rumours of purchase of IC3 sets from Denmark. June 1996. 33:7:(f). - Reports on opening of line to Sarakhs in Turkmenistan. 1996. 34:6:(b). - More notes. 37:8:(a):(i). - French Turbotrains being refurbished. 1996. 35:6:(f):(i). - IC3 purchase decision delayed. 35:6:(f):(ii). - Tehran-Qom and Tehran -Mashhad being doubled. 1996. 35:6:(f):(iii). - Summer 1996 IIRR Timetable. 35:6:(f):(iv). - International links, operational and not. 35:6:(f):(v). - New construction Zad - Lar & Kerman - Zahedan. 1996. 35:6:(f):(vi). - 12 Chinese SS8 electric locos ordered for 1997 delivery. 35:6:(f):vii). - More info. 37:8:(a):(ii). - Locos for Tehran Urban Rly. numbering, livery. 42:9:(b):(v). - Also order for 217 Chinese Metro e.m.u. cars by Sept. 98. 37:8:(a):(ii). - International links to Azerbaijan being built. & Turkmenistan. 36:9:A:(i). - Construction projects - listed. Planned for 1997-2000. 36:9:A:(ii). - Teheran Metro - Alcatel gets signalling contract. 36:9:A:(iii). - Note on Esslingen 2-8-0 steam locos for ISR, 1938. 37:18:(b). - 1936 ‘Locomotive’ article on 4 Beyer Garratt locos for Iran. 37:11. - Note on DDR-built (Bautzen) coaches for Iran. 37:8:(a):(iii). - Danish dmus - APO-Lyn type - two 5 car sets bought 1996. 37:8:(a):(iv). - Notes on APO sets, push-pull not dmu. 40:6:(e). - Danish involvement in Trans-Iran Railway. 40:6:(f). - 500 wagons built by SGP, Graz, Austria. 1975-6. - Nohab - 30 locos and 300 wagons built in 1930’s. - Mashhad Metro - German Rheinbahn involvement. 1997. - Planned cableway from Tehran to Caspian Sea. 1996. - “The Locomotive in Persia”. ‘The Locomotive’ articles, 1946. - Possible purchase of ten MZ diesels from Denmark. 1997. - MZ locos sold to German export company, 1998. - Deal has fallen through. 1998. - 166 DSB coaches sold to Iran, 1998. - First batch of 100 transported - route. - 100 AD43 C 4,300hp. diesel locos ordered from Alstom. - Technical notes on locos. - New link with Turkmenistan approved. Japanese help. - RGI report 8/97: Iran network to triple to 23,000km. by 2020. - Changchung building 40 D/D coaches for Tehran suburban. - Wagon Pars to build 60 trainsets & 80 trams. - New 280km. cut-off line Bud - Meybud, Oct. 1997. - Dutch track and 300 points for Iran. Insurance problems. - Lengthy article and survey in “Rail Business Report” 1998. - Notes on new Tehran Suburban double-deck coaches. 1998. - 28 RENFE coaches from Spain sold to Iran. - Tehran Metro, note on computer control. - Wagon Pars, exports to Sudam, Bangla Desh, Syria. - Purchase of 12 SNCF RTG Turbine sets. 1998. - CFR Romanian diesels offered for sale to Iran. - German 2nd.-hand Rheinbahn trams for Mashhad. 1996. - Sarakhs interchange station to Turkmenistan. - Direct link to Russia from Gorgan planned. 1999. - Planned sale in 1983 of DB 221 locos delayed (& never done). - Report on journey and new lines. - Tenders for new line Tehran - Esfahan. - Operation of Tehran metro begun. - Notes on Hungarian-built stock for Iran. - Tender for ten 4-car dmus. 1999. - Statistics 1996/7. - Alsthom order for 100 locos. Oct. 1999. - 2nd. hand stock from RENFE purchased. - Rumours of 8F survivors. - Sale of several Romanian diesels to Iran. 1999. - Underground in Tehran inaugurated. Feb.2000. Iraq: (See also “Mesopotamia”). - Link from Basra with Kuwait, 1991. - Armoured Train query. - Industrial railway treaties. - Iraq & Syria - 1943. (Norton). - Diesel locos. (photo). - Current state of system. - 1931 “Iraq Directory” Part 1. - 1931 “Iraq Directory” Part 2. 37:8:(a):(v). 37:8:(a):(vi). 37:8:(a):(vii). 37:8:(a):(viii). 38:13. 39:15:(g):(i). 40:7:(b):(vi). 42:9:(b):(i). 40:7:(b):(vi). 41:7:(c). 40:7:(b):(i). 42:9:(b):(iv). 40:7:(b):(ii). 40:7:(b):(iii). 40:7:(b):(iv). 40:7:(b):(iv). 40:7:(b):(v). 40:7:(b):(vii). 40:7:(b):(viii). 40:11:(b).(i). 40:11:(b):(ii). 40:11:(b):(iii). 42:9:(b):(iii). 42:9:(b):(ii). 44:8:(g). 45:8:(d)(i). 45:8:(d):(ii). 45:8:(iii). 45:8:(iv). 46:9:(B). 46:8:(B):(ii). 46:8:(B):(iii). 46:8:(B):(iv). 46:8:(B):(v). 46:8:(B):(vi). 47:6:(E):(i). 47:6:(E):(ii). 47:6:(E):(iii). 48:6:(B):(a). 48:6:(B):(b). 11:15. 20:9. 31:23. 21:25. 22:5. 22:7:2. 26:17. 27:17. - Iraq Railway Stamps. - Iraq Petroleum Co. concessions. - Agreement with India re. railway modernisation & expansion. - ‘Basrah Times’ of 1917/18. Various refs. - War damage in Gulf War. - Possible revived link to Syria. May 1999. - Planning for Baghdad Metro resumed. Oct. 1999. - Further announcement. - Accident. - Reports on 2/2000 state of system and loco stock. 28:16. 31:23. 34:6:(h). 39:11. 44:8:(b). 45:8:(f). 47:6:(D). 48:6:(F):(a). 48:6:(F):(b). 48:6:(F):(c). Israel Railways: - IR Investment and infrastructure plans. 25:5. - Further notes. 26:4:(d). - IR Tickets. 27:23. - Israel Railways Advancement Society. 28:26. - Medallion. 26:10. - Privatisation of PRA plans discussed, Feb. 1997. 37:4:(b). - Development plan for future projects. Feb. 1997. 37:4:(c). - Full statistics, rolling stock, traffic, speeds etc. March 1997. 39:6. - Privatisation announcements by Uzani, 1998. 40:4:(h). - DGEG trip proposed Nov. 1998. 40:6:(b). - New Master Plan, May 1998. & Map. 41:5. - IR Video being produced by Dutch group, Feb. 1998. 41:4:(g). - 50th. Anniversary book and video, Sept. 1998. 42:4:(q). - DGEG tour notes & photo. 44:12. - Closed stations and halts. Bustan Hagalil, Shavei Tzion, Shefayim, Kfar Vitkin. 44:9:(j). - Report of observations on trip. 1999. 44:6. - Report of observations in March 1999. 45:13. - Report on DGEG IR tour, 1998. 45:15. Israel Railways Enthusiasts Society. (“Pasim”). - Railway Enthusiasts Society proposed. 1998. - Inaugural meeting 16/6/98. - Predecessors - Hans Kohut memories. - report on first meeting. - Formation of “Pasim”. Web site. - Note on word “Pasim” or “Passim”. - Meeting, & Plans July 1999. 39:4:(r). 41:10. 38:6 & 41:7:(f). 42:7. 44:11. 45:6:(xiv). 46:4:(j). Israel Salt Co. See “Atlit”. Israel Yearbook, 1954: Railway references. ISSN Number: 32:20. 15:3. LETTER J. J.N.F. Pamphlet “Moledet”. Jacobsen, Nonek. Memories of Rakevet HaEmek. 8:4. 10:5. Jaffa-Jerusalem Rly.: - P.E.F. reports, 1892 - 1904. - Letter of 1915, on headed paper - Loco No. 3 at Jerusalem. - Possible J-J Baldwin tender at Cadem. photos. comment. - Article on Opening, Scribner’s Magazine March 1893. - Oct. 1888 article. - Report of 1892 by Pastor Boettcher, on Frutiger & Navon. - Biography of Selah Merrill. (Dudman). American Colony. - J&J locos in 1918, & Borsig No. 8. - Report on opening 1892, from “Ha’Or” newspeper. 4:5(b) 8:18. 12:28. 28:13 & 29:6. 31:17. 32:7:(a). 40:9. 42:11:(a). 42:11:(b). 42:11:(c). 46:14. 48:8. Jaffa Station: - When was last train? - 1937 map of area. - Note on current use. - 199 Railway Workshops, 1940's, John Blyth Memoirs. - Current situation (Summer 1991). - Station and plan, 1920’s. 3:3. 3:5. 4:1. 13:18. 14:22. 48:15. Jaffa: Abortive Tramway Project, 1892. 6:8. Japanese interest in Shinkansen line in Israel/Jordan. 1997. 39:4:(h). Jenin Station Plan, 1926. 39:8. Jerusalem: City & Station Area: - Level Crossings, Descriptions. - Signal Box: Description. - Station: Track Plan & Description. - Train Theatre, Liberty Bell Garden. - Tram at Israel Museum, (Abortive scheme). - Accident at Turntable. - J-J & WD Locos at station. - Freight services. - Photo of IC3 at station. - Station refurbishment for centenary. - New Halt by Football Stadium. - Bethlehem Road LC. - Regauging work in 1918 to standard gauge. - cabling work at Bethlehem Road, June 1997. - American-type barriers at LC installed, 1999. - Station building now a dairy restaurant. “HaRetzif”. - Locos and wagons stranded at Jerusalem in 1948. 1:6. 1:5. 1:7. 1:4. 5:12. 11:27. 12:28. 13:4:6 19:1. 19:5:(a). 20:3:2. 32:4:(c). 37:1. 38:4:(a). 44:9:(j). 44:9:(j). 47:7:(f). Jerusalem Line: - Jumbo on train. Unusual motive power. - New timetable. 22:4:5. 22:4:11. - Schemes for new station, line closure. - Risk from undergrowth. - Query as to last train in 1948. (Walden). - Good passenger figures. - Temporary closure. - Industrial line at ‘Tamar’. - Relaying Na’an - Beit Shemesh, May 1996. - Plans for a new electrified line. 1996. - More plans for new line via airport. Dec. 1996. - Setbacks for scheme for high-speed line. Jan. 1997. - Two derailments, August/Sept. 1997. - Derailments at Bittir, and line closed 27/10 - 16/11/1997. - Comments and comparison with 1964 situation, Hans Kohut. - Wadi Surar - Then and Now. - Jerusalem services suspended indefinitely from 13/7/98. - Lod - Na’an line closed 17/9/98 for upgrading. - New line planned by 2010. - More ideas for new line, branching off near airport. 1999. Jerusalem: World War 1 Narrow-Gauge lines and relics: - remains near Bethlehem Road Level Crossing. - station being rebuilt to standard gauge 1918. - relics near Bethlehem Road LC removed by Oct. 1997. 25:4:(b). 25:8:(b). 28:22. 31:4:1. 32:4:(m). 32:24:(e). 33:4:(c). 34:4:(m). 36:4:(c). 37:4:(d). 38:4:(i). 39:4:(a-b). 39:5:(c). 40:10. 42:4:(a). 42:4:(k). 42:4:(b). 44:4:(i). 33:17. 37:1. 39:4:(d). Jerusalem: Tramway schemes. See “Tramways”. Jiya base. See “El Jiya”. Jordan: (& See “Hedjaz” & ‘Aqaba Line’). - Storms, 1992. 17:23. - Austrian scheme for line to Syria. 29:6:(d). - International Service to Syria. 8/1995. 34:6:(d). - Austrian Plan for LRT in Amman. 1996. 34:6:(d). - Austrian Plan for standard-gauging Amman - Deraa and building other lines to Irbid etc. 34:6:(d). - 14 offers for privatisation of Aqaba line. 1996. 35:6:(h). - mysterious branch to Umm Suwwana. 36:9:D:(i). - nuclear waste disposal near Yarmuk Valley trackbed. 36:9:D:(ii). - Locos plinthed at Amman. 37:8:(b):(i). - Work on restoring loco 71 for charter trains. Problems. 1997. 37:8:(b):(ii). - Dutch team investigating infrastructure improvements. 1997. 39:15:(a). - “Peace Railway” scheme of Sept. 97, links Beth Shean - Aqaba etc. 40:7:(f):(i). - Old map of Amman - note and query. 42:12:(d). - Progress on Amman LRT scheme. 1998. 42:9:(h). - 34 companies interested in Amman LRT scheme. 44:8:(d).(i). - Aqaba line privatisation. 44:8:(d):(ii). - Video review. On HR Aqaba line. 45:20. - Wisconsin Central takeover of Aqaba line for 25 years. 47:6:(B). Jounieh cable car, Lebanon. - Further notes. 44:9:(e). 45:(xi). - Funicular rather than cable car. "Journal of a Jewish Traveller' (Israel Cohen), Excerpts, 1920 trip. Journey Account: Damascus - Cairo, 1945, H. Hughes. Junction Station, 1918. (photo). “Just Another Trip”. (Le Marcechal). “Just Another Trip”. (Wyn Fear). 46:6:(d). 6:7. 5:11. 22:22. 22:14. 21:28. LETTER K. Kafr Jinnis. Plan of 1943, branch to Tel Litwinsky, query re. Mulebbis. 33:23. - Notes on track plan, petrol depot. 1943. 48:13:(2). Kafr Samir (Hof Carmel) station, 1930. Plan. 30:15. Kantara East. - Photo of station, 1918. - Note. - Handover in April 1948. Photo. - Loco on lifting jacks, 1948. Katinke, Baruch. See “From Then till Now”. 21:13. 22:6:9. 31:1. 31:21. Katyusha rocket attack near Nahariyya. 22:4:16. Khamsin - problems in the heat. May 1996. 33:4:(e). Khayat Beach (Hof HaCarmel); REME Workshops, 1940's, W. Collingwood. 7:16. Kfar Habad: - Station - new shelter. - Photo. - Doubling of line, rebuilding stn. 1997. - Extended platforms, 1998. - Platforms are 450m. long. 22:4:10. 26:20. 37:4:(h). 42:4:(m). 44:9:(f). Kfar Saba. - Proposal for construction ‘soon’. May 1996. - New curve from Universita under construction. 11/99. 34:4:(f). 47:4:(b). Kfar Vitkin. Closed as halt, 1999. Kfar Yehoshua. 1926 plan. Khartoum Steam Tram. - Note. Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov & ‘Peace Island’. see ‘Ashdot Yaakov’. Kibbutz Gesher. See ‘Gesher’. Kibbutz Kinneret. Industrial line. (Cotterell). Kibbutz Ein Shemer. - Deutz n.g. loco found, 1999. - Notes on loco, built 1960. - Press note for ancient HR loco ! 44:9:(j). 31:18. 30:12, 30:13. 31:6:(b). 34:8. 45:6:(xv). 46:13. 46:(l). - Report in 1999 - Hunslet in pieces, and Deutz & RH locos. 48:12:(a). Kibbutz Ain Harod. See ‘Ain Harod’. - O&K type loco from Italy via Sdot Yam. 48:12:(b). Kibbutz Sdot Yam. n.g. Diesel loco used for rides. 48:12:(b). Kirby, Arthur F. ‘Railway Gazette’ article, 1948. 16:26. Kiryat Hayim. - New pedestrian subway built, May 1996. - Further note. - Rebuilt station inaugurated 28/5/97. - Repainted black and yellow. 1997. 33:4:(f). 34:4:(e). 37:4:(n). 38:4:(h). Kiryat Motzkin. - Station Plan. - New pedestrian subway built. May 1996. - Ref. to former siding northwards into army camp. - Rebuilt station inaugurated 28/5/97. - Two photos, 28/5/97. - repainted black and red. 32:23. 33:4:(f). 33:10:(g). 37:4:(n). 38:3. 38:4:(h). Kisch Diaries. Lt.-Col. F. H. Kisch. On Palestine in the 1920’s & 1930’s. - Part 1: 21:12. - Part 2: 22:16. - Notes. 22:6:5. Kishon: See Qishon. Kitson PR 2-8-4T’s. - Photo of No. 4. 25:1. Knesset Economic Committee Tour. Jan. 1997. Lines and sites for development and landfill. - Notes on trip. Ehrlich. 36:4:(g). 37:6:(b). Krikorian. Biographical notes on old photographer. “Kronoim” - see “Danish IC3 diesel units.” Kuwait: - Link with Basra, 1991, - Industrial railway treaties. - Kuwait Mystery - notes. (Andy Wilson). - Plans - note by Samuel Rachdi. LETTER L. LRT - See Trams. 48:5:(a). 11:15. 31:23. 26:18. 27:22. L.M.S. 8F 2-8-0's. (See also under Modelling). - In Palestine, 1942-46. - LMS 8F Works Drawings, Glasgow. - Locos lost at sea en route to War Theatre. ditto: ditto: - Situation, August 1944. - Photo of loco as 0-8-0, as returned by Russians. - On floor of Red Sea. - Note on S.S.”Thistlegorm”. - Article on wreck. - Turkish TCDD survivors. - Turkish survivors - prices, and note by Jarvis. - Thistlegorm wreck - more notes. - Planned HO model, 1997. - Note on WD withdrawals 1952. - WD order for four conversions, 1941. - 70410 explosion notes. 1950’s. - Date of explosion, 29 Aug. 1954. 8:22. 12:10. 12:19. 14:18. 16:8. 16:17. 22:15. 22:17. 23:6:(d). 23:22. 26:7:(a). 27:5:(h). 28:20. 36:8. 36:7:(k). 42:15. 44:9:(b). 45:6:(vii). LMS WD 0-6-0 Diesels. MEF 16 & 134, in Italy. 1997. & see under “W.D. Locos”. 38:5:(d). L&SWR Adams 0-6-0 locos of WWI. -ditto- Photo. - Lost at sea. - Photo, on Jerusalem line: 11:11. 12:5. 11:12. 16:8; 18:13. 17:1. - Article in “South Western Rly. Magazine”. 23:7. - Mesopotamian Bagdad Rly. locos. 46:7. - Further notes on use in WW1 in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Salonika. 47:5:(c). L&SWR coaches: - Centenarian coach. - Notes on LSWR Pay Coach. - Coach moved to Museum. - Photo of coach PR 314. - Notes. It is 314, not 316. - Ambulance train stock in WW1. 12:23. 26:11. 25:9; 27:5:(d). 28:4:(i). 45:3. 45:6:(viii). 47:5:(c). La Meuse 0-10-0 Tank Locos. Laing: “A Hairy Journey” (1946). 'The Land that is Desolate'; excerpts from F. Treves' book. 10:27. 29:21. 9:8. Lawrence of Arabia: - 1). Review of Sir David Lean's film. - 2). Extracts from Lovell Thomas book, "With Lawrence". Part 1. -ditto- Part 2. -ditto- Part 3. 9:6. 10:10. 11:13. 12:13. - 3). Further notes on film. - 4). Details of railways used in filming. 12:15. 13:8. Lebanon: (See also “HBT” & “DHP”., & TEFS tours.) - Train services & Map. - German Railbuses & train service. -ditto- Travels in 1939, Richard Wright, Plus photos. - Trip along HBT, 1983. - Train services; note. - Train services, 10/92. - Photo of CEL loco 1203. - Report on system, Spring 1994. - Tender for rebuilding Lebanese lines. - Former DB railcar. (photo). Comments on above. - Report on situation Jan. 1995. Further. - Photo of CEL 602 at Chekka. - Report of Visit, March 1995. - Note on proposed Lebanon - Syria link. - Note on current situation 12/95. - Preservation attempt for rack steam locos. - CEL line problems, proposal to rebuild Beirut - Damascus. - Photo of disused line near Jubail. Concrete sleepers. 1996. - Report from Andy Wilson, 1996. - Former HBT line blocked or lifted in places. 1996. - Note on Jounieh, 1996. - Beirut tramway map. - Notes by A. Wilson on Beirut trams. - Note on GM diesel 602 at Beirut. - Sept. 1996 visit by A. Wilson. List of rolling stock at Beirut. - Preservation scheme for rack locos. - Ref. to concrete sleepers in Hamilton Ellis book. - Photos of Rayak. - Reports of trips, 1998. - Photo of CEL bogie tank wagon. - 1999 - proposed purchase of Czech stock & equipment. - Lebanese Railway Society formed. 1999. - Photo of destroyed viaduct. 6:14. 9:12. 12:7. 11:19-21. 6:13. 19:21. 20:4. 28:1. 25:6. 25:6. 25:7. 26:6:3. 27:10. 27:11. 28:13. 28:12. 29:6:(b). 30:6:1. 31:7:(d). 31:7:(f). 31:13. 33:8. 33:7:(c). 34:6:(e). 35:6:(c). 34:15. 35:6:(c). 35:6:(c). 36:9:B. 37:8:(e). 39:15:(c). 42:10. 42:8. 47:13. 47:6:(D). 47:5:(a). 48:3. Lee, John. Memories - PR 1943-1948. - Notebooks - details of PR locos. - Notebooks, Part 2. 34:10. 34:12. 35:12. Leeds Forge. Rolling stock for Egypt. Level crossing safety: - (TV item). - Smash at Binyamina. - Fruit lorry crash, Rehovot. 38:6:(b). 26:4:(a). 28:4:(g). 29:4:(a). Library reference: Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 14:4. Libya. (See also WDER). - Wartime in Tobruk. Capt. Harold Hackney memoir. - 1999 - plan to build a new network. 17:12. 46:9:(F). Light Railways in 1917, Royal Engineers. Light railways along Suez Canal, WW1. (Paul Cotterell). - More notes. Light Railway Tel Aviv - Ramat Gan. Lime Kiln line at Migdal Tzedek. (Cotterell). “Little Terezina”; Jaffa n.g. street tramway. - Photos: - More notes on Karl von Drais. Liveries: - G12 Bo-Bo 107. - Coaches. - Repainting of G12 Bo-Bos in IC livery. - Notes. - New livery for 103. - Repainting of 111 and coaches. - Repainting for former BR Mk. 2’s. - Repainting locos and coaches. - Further livery notes, to 3/1996. - G12 113 & 124 in IC livery, 1996. - G12 108 in IC livery. 7/1996. - G26 610 repainted 10/96. - Query on IR liveries from 1948. - 1997 - IC livery. 104, 108, 111,114, 116, 117, 120, 122, 124, 126, 607, 610. - Correction & summary of livery situation. March 1997. - Photo of 610. - Repainting of coach roofs. Locomotive Modifications in the Middle East. (RE Report). Locomotives - PR. John Lee’s Notebooks. 14:19; 15:24,17:29. 19:10. 20:7. 46:16. 40:11. 9:7. 10:25. 42:12:(a). 7:3:3. 13:4:8. 31:4:11 & 32:6. 22:4:14. 26:4:(x). 28:4:1. 30:4:2. 31:4:11. 32:6. 33:5. 35:5:(a). 35:5:(a). 35:5:(f). 36:5:(e). 37:5:(d). 38:5:(a). 42:6:(i). 34:19. 34:12. Locomotives (Israel Railways period). (For PR/IR steam locos see separate headings, by class e.g. ‘Kitson’, ‘Nasmyth-Wilson’, ‘Baldwin’, ‘P’Class’, ‘LMS 8F’. ‘ROD’, ‘LSWR 0-6-0’. For IC3’s see “Danish Railcars”, for Esslingen 0-6-0D’s, & Esslingen Railcars see “Esslingen”, for Deutz 0-4-0D’s see “Deutz”. For DB VT611 tilting dmu see “Tilting”.) GENERAL. - New purchases. - Tender for new shunting locos. - Refurbishment of Diesel locos. 22:4:21. 31:4:9. 27:4:(k). - New orders for 18 locos from Spain. July 1996. 34:4:(a). - Full Listing of all IR (and Industrial) Locos. April 1997. 37:5:(f). ALSTHOM Diesels. - 10 passenger & 8 freight locos ordered. March 1997. - Technical notes, based on BR Class 67. - Arrival of locos 731, 732 & 734 21/5/98. - Photo of 733, Haifa, 25/5/98. - 703 & 704 delivered at Haifa Depot (photo) Sept. 1998. - Technical notes on new Alstom loos and deliveries. - 707 into service 10/3/99. - Cardboard cut-out models. 1999. - 708 & 709 delivered. Delivery summary for 1998/9. - Livery notes. - 704 and ten Bo-Bos in use, Oct. 1999. 36:5:(a). 40:5:(a). 41:6:(b). 41:1. 42:1. 42:6:(a). 44:5:(b). 44:4:(d). 45:5:(a). 45:5:(c). 47:4:(a). GM-EMD G8 Bo/Bo. - No. 251, ex.-ESR. In Haifa area Nov. 1997. - At Qishon Sept. 1998; hired to Ashdod, then back to Qishon. - Delivered to Qishon, withdrawn. 9/9/98. 39:4:(o). 44:5:(c):(v). 45:5:(d). GM-EMD G12 Bo-Bos: - New livery for 107. - Photo of 126. - Repainting in IC3 livery. - Further notes on repainting. - Loco 119, fate. - Loco 111 repainted. - 124 & 113 repainted in IC livery, 3/1996. - Withdrawal dates of 105/106/118/119/123/130. - 108 repainted to IC livery 7/1996. - Possible withdrawal planned when surplus. 1997. - 107, 111 involved in collisions. March 1997. - Correct withdrawal dates for 106 & 119. - Investigation of wrecks at Qishon - prob. 123. - Photos of 105, 112 & 119 in service. - 121 in Qishon Works. (photo). April 1997. - 104 withdrawn. 1998. - 115 overhauled at Qishon, Aug. 1998. - 104, 107, 109, 114, 127, 129 withdrawn. by March 1999. 7:3:3. 31:3. 31:4:11. 32:6. 14:11. 28:4:1. 33:5. 35:5:(g). 35:5:(a). 36:5:(c). 37:4:(l). 37:7:(f). 38:5:(b). 38:5:(b). 40:3. 42:6:(g). 42:6:(h). 44:5:(c):(iv). GM-EMD G16 Co-Cos. (ex-ENR). 161, 162, 163. - Withdrawn and at Qishon, by March 1999. - To be reinstated, 2000. 44:5:(c):(iii). 48:4:(i). GM-EMD G26 Co-Cos (Jumbos). - 601 & 604 in collision with 701 at Ashdod, 3/96. - In use on passenger services, TA - Haifa line, autumn 1996. 33:5. 36:5:(b). GM GT26CW 701: - Introduction. - Entry to service. - Use in TV advert. - General Arrangement Diagram & Description. - Further Notes & Technical Description. - Involved in collision with 601 & 614, Ashdod, 3/1996. 2:9(b). 7:1. 7:3:2. 8:13. 9:16. 33:5. KALMAR T44 Bo-Bo: - Arrival, Introduction & Photo of unloading. - Notes of early use. - Trial trips & tribulations. - Initial service. - Continuing problems. - General Arrangement diagram & Description. - More comments by Paul Cotterell. - 250,0000km. of running. - "Chicken Killer' exploits. - Accident, March 1992: - Dumped, awaiting fate. - Shipped to Sweden. - Returned to Israel. - Back in service. - Back on main line. - Overhal Nov. 1997. - Derailed Haifa 28/6/98. - Photo of rerailing. - Loco renumbered “131” in Jan. 1999. (unofficially). - Note on renumbering. 2:10. 4:3. 5:1(a). 6:3:2. 7:5. 8:16. 12:9. 15:6:6. 16:22. 17:4(b). 18:4(s). 22:4:20. 26:4:(p) & (v). 27:4:(b). 28:4:(h). 40:4:(a). 42:4:(j). 44:26. 44:5:(a). 45:5:(h). Negev Phosphates No. 001. - Photo: 9:9. 10:3. Ex-ESR G 16 Co-Co's. 16:4:9. SAFB Bo-Bos nos. 101-103 - see separate heading under SAFB. Shunting Locos for IR. (“Yo-Yos”.) - Initial Tender. - Delivered by March 1999. Nos. 261, 262, 263,. - Photo of 262, 16/3/99. - Technical Details & initial duties. Locomotives in Palestine, Paul Cotterell. Update. - Further Information & Corrections. Lod: (& see also “Ludd” and “Lydda”.) - Relics, old rolling stock, Feb. 1990. - Notes on GWR wagon rebuilt as water wagon: - Relaying. 31:4:9. 44:5:(c)(vi). 44:3. 45:5:(b). 5:6. 6:2. 10:4. 11:9. 17:4(i). - Station refurbishment. - Services to Tel Aviv improved, doubling to Kfar Habad. 6/97. - Signal boxes demolished. - Observations, 1999. 19:5:(b). 37:4:(f). 45:(6):(ii). 45:13:(d). Logistical Problems of Hedjaz Rly. in W.W.I., (U. Ben-Rehav). Logo - new IR symbol & design. “Looking Twice at the Land of Israel”. (Kedar). Photo contrasts. - Jerusalem. - Lydda. - Wilhelma. 5:13. 29:4:(f). Lost at Sea - Locos in transit. 12:19; 14:18; 16:8; 18:13. 21:16. 27:20. 21:16. (& see also “LMS 8F 2-8-0”). “Lousy War”. (Problem of Lice in WW1.) (U. Ben-Rehav). - Note. Ludd Station Improvements. 1920. “Lure of the East”. (Watkins). 1928. Excerpts. Lydda, 1918. 24:14. 26:5:(a). 29:14. 30:23. 27:20. LETTER M. Ma’an. - Old point lever made in Haifa. Majdal - station track plan, 1943. 48:5:(b). 33:23. Malayan 4-6-4T, at Suez. Metre gauge. (Qena-Safaga & HJR) - Note on transport. - Further information on transport of locos. Manshiya Station (& plan). 30:20. 31:6:(g). 32:7:(b). 32:23. Maps: (& see also ‘Track Plans’). i). Haifa & Area, ii). Jaffa station area, 1937. iii). Messudieh (Sebastiye) area, 1918. iv). Tul Keram area, 1918. v). Sedd Abu Semar area, Negev, WWI. vi). Haifa Area, 1940's. vii). Beer Sheba area, 1916 and 1980. viii). Azzib, H.B.T. 1942. ix). Azzib, H.B.T. 1943. x). Centre of Israel. xi). Acre area, 1940's. ditto & correction: xii). W.W.I Narrow-gauge lines in Tel Aviv area. xiii). W.W.1 Narrow-gauge lines in Suez Canal area. xiv). Kiryat Motzkin. xv). Manshiya. 2:3. 3:5. 6: 17. 6:21. 6:25. 7:16. 7:17. 8:8. 13:14. 14:27. 16: 21. 17:25. 17:29. 19:10. 32:23. 32:23. xvi). Nablus. (xvii). Beer Sheba - plan for extension to new station. 1999. 29:11. 44:24. Marines: Involvement, 1936. Marshall, Ossie. Memoirs of a Military Policeman. Mashavei Sadeh - in Negev. Old Turkish WW1 remains, 1996. - Response by former Station Master! & Photos. - Wagon and other relics here and at Nitzana. 1997. 18:16. 12:18. 35:8. 36:7:(b). 39:5:(a). Massoudieh station, 1926. Plan. (see also Messudieh). Mazout. - WW2 note on DR locos converted to “masutky”. McCarthy, Frank. Memoirs. Medallion, I.R. Media Talk, 1992. Memoirs of PR, 1943-48; Robin Davies. Memoirs of Rakevet Ha'Emek, by Nonek Jacobson. Memories of I.R., June 1948, Theo Pelz. Memories of Palestine. Pat Hay-Will. Memories of 182 ROC, Royal Engineers. 39:8. 36:13. 37:7:(k). 19:17. 26:10. 18:4(u). 9:17. 10:5. 16:25. 20:23. 20:17. Mesopotamia. (See also “Iraq”, & “Bagdad Bahn”.). - 1918 article. - Wagons, 1918. - German n.g. 0-4-0T. 1918. - British lorry on rail wheels. - ‘Basrah Times’; newspaper 1917/18. 24:9:5. 24:9:7. 24:9:8. 30:3. 39:11. Messianic speculations. Messudieh: (Sebastiya); Map Room Query, Paul Cotterell. “Middle East Railways 1942-6”. (Hugh Hughes memoirs). “Middle East” 2-8-2 locos - see under “USATC”. 47:4:(k). 6:17. 29:15. Middle East Timetables for 1945. Middle East News. (Samuel Rachdi). Migdal Shalom Tower, Tel Aviv: Train on 2nd. Floor. - Further Notes on 'new stock'. 14:15. 20:4. 11:17. 14:17. Military Railway Engineering. (B.S. Healy). Milstein, Aubrey & Yetta. Memoir, 1947-8. - Comments from Robin Davies & Theo Pelz. - Comments from Isaac Nissan. 28:11. 32:19. 33:10:(c). 35:7:(k). Miniature Railway at Rishon LeZion, June 1992. 18:4(a). Modelling of PR, IR & Middle East subjects: - Hornby 8F - Hedjaz Rly. Loco No. 300. - Correspondence. - IR logos for 7mm scale 8F 2-8-0' s. 3:A. 3:3. 4:2. 8:20. - Model Railways - Tel Aviv & Kibbutz Lavi. 10:26. - Model Railway Club of Tel Aviv. 11:7. - -ditto11:8. - (Plan:) 11:10. - Further Notes & Plan. 12:26. - Israel Model Railway Club - notes. 17:8. - HO model of Danish IC3 - ‘Continental Modeller’ review. 18:18. - Model Railway Club, still homeless after 2 years. 19:6. - News of new venue. 21:11. - Further news. 32:13. - Assessing demand for possible models. 26:15. - Israel Club, HO Society etc. 28:19. - HO scale kits of ROD 2-8-0, proposed USATC 0-6-0T, & HO kit planned for 8F 2-8-0. 1997. 36:8. - Klein Modellbahn and Sachsenmodell USATC stock in HO. 37:16. - Model train at Hasidic wedding ! Feb. 1997. 37:6:(c). - Alexander Model HO kit for USATC loco. 1997. 38:10. - Details on Railway Club HQ and “locos” at Kibbutz Netzer Sereni. 44:18. - Heljan model of IC3 set. 45:11. Modi’in. Plan for extension from Ben Gurion airport. 2000. 48:4:(c). Monorail Schemes of 1961. - Further notes. Montefiore, Moses: Extracts from diaries, 1855-1862. Mouchly, Jacob. PR character& Haifa Works Manager. - Note: - Biographical notes. “Movement Control Order” - spoof from Persia. - Note from Major Robins. Movement Control Historical Society. Research group. 47:5:(d). 48:5:(l). 3:2. Mulebbis - discovered, as old name for Petah Tikvah. Mukaibli station - location discovered. 34:5:(o). 45:6:(x). 35:10. 36:7:(m). 27:21. 28:6:(c). 45:10. Museon Haaretz, Ramat Aviv: (see also ‘Museum’, & ‘Preservation’.) - Description & Contents. 2:1. - Deutz 0-4-0D. (photo). 24:16. Museum Ideas: For Centenary of Railways. 9:11. Museum - Israel Railway Museum, Haifa. (See also “Preservation”). - LSWR coach moved to museum. - HR Krauss 0-6-0T - Renaming to honour Paicovitch. - Acquisition of HR and PR wagons. - Esslingen Driving coach No. 3. 1996. - Major reorganisation and expansion under new curator. 1997. - work needed on sorting archives. - Plans for possible relocation or combination with other transport. - Mobile bunker “Hillmens Pride” arrived 14/5/1999. 28:4:(i). 21:4:9. 31:4:6. 32:4:(a) and (b). 33:4. 38:4:(b). 38:4:(b). 42:4:(p). 45:4:(g). - Developments 1999 - disposals committee, archive, new shed. - Old tractor from Bnei Berak saved. Museum of Army Transport, Beverley, U.K. - Closure in January 1997 - financial grounds. Mystery Locos of 1948. - Further note. Mystery Decauville line at Samakh. Mystery Object. (Cotterell). Mystery Quiz. (Boiler). Mystery Works Plate - Missing. 45:13:(c). 48:4:(e). 12:27. 36:7:(n). 19:12. 20:7. 24:15. 21:27. 30:7. 30:8. LETTER N. Na'an. - Suburban service to. - Old PR coach hut demolished. 1999. Nablus Memories, (M.R. Webb). Nablus station, 1927. Plan. Naharayim. (see also ‘Gesher’). - Hunslet 4-6-0T PEC loco. (photo). - Relics at Rutenberg Power Station. - Note. - Hunslet loco salvaged by Kibbutz Gesher. - Photo of salvaged Hunslet loco. - Notes on situation, Jan.1997. (Cotterell). 14:25. 44:9:(j). 17:7. 29:11. 24:6. 28:15. 31:6:(e). 35:7:(c). 36:3. 36:11. Nahariyya Line: (see also HBT). - Developments. 13:4:16. - Developments & Stations, June 1992. 18:4(g). - Before and After: 1956 - 1990. 19:14. - Katyusha attack. 22:4:16. - Refurbishment. 31:4:2. - Stations at Kiryat Haim & Kiryat Motzkin refurbished. May 1997.37:4:(n). - Photo of push-pull train at Nahariyya.12/1996. 39:20. Narrow Gauge on PR. Narrow Gauge advert (Koppel, 1905). ‘Narrow Gauge at War: 2’ - book of WW1 photos. Nasmyth Wilson PR 0-6-0T locos: - Further notes. - Photo of loco. - loco 50 caught fire, 1954. 14:28. 16:9. 39:17. 15:13. 18:14. 28:27. 45:16. Navon, Josef. - Invention of word 'Rakevet'. - Navon’s House in Jerusalem - now an Art Gallery. - Attack by Boettcher. 11:5. 19:5:(o). 42:11:(b). Negev Line: - Refurbishment to Beer Sheva. 13:4:9. - Further Notes: 14:5:2. - Investment plans. 17:4(i). - Further Plans. 18:4(p). - Jan.1998 scheme for high-speed TA - Beersheba line by late 1998. 39:4:(t). Negev Phosphates loco. 9:9. - Photo. 10:3. “Negev Railway Committee” - proposed scheme of 1950’s. 47:7:(j). Netanya: Station refurbishment. - Suburban service. 9:4:3. 13:4:12. New Industrial loco at Rotem, Ashdod. New Logo for IR Stationery. New Logo for IR. New Zealand Railway Operating Groups, WW2. New High Speed Lines Proposed, 8/91. News from the Line Miscellaneous. -ditto-ditto-ditto-ditto-ditto-ditto-ditto-ditto-ditto- 27:4:(d) & 28:3. 15:25. 29:4:(f). 12:22. 16:12. 9:4:13. 10:9. 11:4. 12:4. 13:4. 14:5. 15:5. 16:4. 17:4. 18:4. Nissan, Isaac. Article on end of PR. “Origins of the Hebrew Railway”. 28:17. - Comments. 29:5. North Africa. - notes on several books. 39:15:(e). LETTER O. Oaks Railway (n.g.) opening. Obituaries. - Ernie Jones. - T.H. Page. - Ossie Marshall. (see 12:18) - Hugh Hughes. 1998. - John Price. 1998. - Max Seidenberg. 28:21. Ofakim - old bridge in the desert. (& photos). “Off the Rails” (photo) - ROD 2-8-0. Oliphant, Laurence. Notes on his life. Oman: Narrow gauge line. “One Horse Power” - works line in Haifa Bay. 22:20. 21:29. 32:17. 30:6:2. 32:15. 34:5. 34:5. 34:5. 42:13. 42:13. 45:12. “One Man And His Dog”, May 1991: Kfar Vitkin. “On Eagles Wings”. Ezer Weizmann & Israel Air Force, 1948. ‘Operation Desert Storm’, IR in the Gulf War. “Origins of the Hebrew Railway”, by Isaac Nissan. Oron: Industrial loco. 15:21. 29:16. 13:10. 28:17. 1:11. LETTER P. P-Class 4-6-0: - Photo. - Notes and Picture: - Specifications, Diagram & Photos. - Further Notes. - Picture. - Photo of no. 63. - Note on specification. - Query re. use on Jerualem line.(Cotterell). 9:3. 12:17. 13:7. 15:17. 15:19. 23:1. 26:5:(b). 34:5:(q). PAIFORCE Memories. (Bill Neal). Palestine Commercial Bulletin, Excerpts, 1922-1924. 19:11. 16:10 - 16:14. P.E.C. (Palestine Electricity Co.), Naharayim. (& see “Naharayim”) - (photo). Palestine. (Post-1948). - Formation of ‘new’ Palestine Railways, 1996. & plans for links to Israel & Egypt. - Palestine Authority - Railway or road development ? 1998. - German interest in building lines. Nov. 1998. 24:6. 35:6:(d). 40:7:(g). 44:8:(a). Palestine Exploration Fund. - Excerpts from Quarterly Statements. - Further Excerpts, on Beirut-Damascus & Hauran Hedjaz lines. - Letter from Conrad Schick, 1892. Palestine Military Railways: Memo of 1921. 4:5. 7:19. 14:21. 8:21. Palestine Police: - Excerpts from “A Job Well Done”. - Photo of Tender. - Police memories (M. Hatch). - Notes from P.P.O.C.A. Newsletters. - “Train Robbers” article. 20:19. 20:20. 20:8. 21:6. 21:8. Palestine Railways. - P.R. Staff, 1934-1935. List. 29:18 - P.R. Staff, 1923, & Directory. 31:20. - P.R. Staff, 1939 Civil Service List. 37:10. - Problems of Jewish PR staff, 1930’s. 44:20. - Palestine Railways in Peace and War: Rly. Gazette article by Kirby. 19:26. “Palestine Reclaimed”, by H.M. Salaman. 1918 Journey. 19:16. 'Palestine, Texas'. ‘Palestine’, a station in Chile. ‘Palestines’ - other examples in S. America. 17:11. 21:21. 22:18. ‘Palestine Post’ Newspaper. - Excerpts, Jan. - April 1947. - Excerpts, April 23rd. - May 30th. 1947. 41:13. 42:20. ‘Palestine Weekly.’ 1920’s newspaper. - Excerpts. Part 1. - Excerpts, Aug./Sept.1920. Beersheba line, Rehovot stn Jaffa-Ludd reopened, etc. Pasim. See Israel Railways Enthusiasts Society. Pay Coach at Kantara - Photo. Pelz, Theo. Memories of IR, June 1948. - Biographical Notes. - Correction & notes. Periklas Works, Tzefa: Shunting equipment. Persia. (See also Iran): - “Movement Control order” spoof. - Note on above, Major Robins. - The Locomotive in Persia. 1946 articles. Full description of Iranian railways, motive power pre- and wartime. Petach Tikvah - P. T. Railway: Origins. - Station, 1929. Plan. Philately: (& See “Postage stamps”). - Philatelic Curiosity, (Egyptian stamp). - Described & Illustrated. - German WW1 postmarks from Turkey. Philby. “Arabian Railways”. Police - See Palestine Police. 30:14. 35:19. 20:24. 16.25. 29:22. 30:5:(a). 1:11. 27:21. 28:6:(c). 38:13. 10:24. 29:11. 5:7. 7:11. 27:9. 29:13. Polish wagon at Yad Yashem: - Notes. - Photos. - Leaflet on G10 vans. 12:20. 13:12. Monograph 1. Ports & Railways Authority. - New authority announced. ‘Railway 2000’. 34:4:(i). Postmark: Opening of Beer Sheba line, 29/9/56. Postage Stamps: New commemorative issue, 1992. - Illustration & Comments: 7:8. 10:11. 18:9. Preservation: (& See Museum, Museon Ha’aretz). (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). Haifa Railway Museum. Museon Ha’aretz, Tel Aviv. Taba. Plinthed industrial loco. 'HaEllemess Project", re. purchase of 8F 2-8-0. - Introduction to idea. - Full outline of project. (v). ‘Karmey Josef’ - use of rail vehicles as huts. (vi). Proposed tourist line in Jordan Valley. (vii). Deutz 0-4-0D at Museon Ha’aretz. (viii). Esslingen 0-6-0D at Kfar Sava. (ix). Esslingen 0-6-0D sold to Transport Institute. (x). HR wagons. (xi). LSWR coach. (xii). Of old stations. (xiii). HR Krauss 0-6-0T at Haifa Museum. (xiv). Esslingen diesel at Kfar Saba. - Photo. (xv). Five PR box vans. (xvi). LSWR coach. - Moved to museum. - Photo: - Identity. (xvii). Semaphore signal. (xviii). Std. gauge freight rolling stock. (xix). HR stock from Jisr el Majamie/Gesher. (xx). Lebanese rack locos. - and scheme, 1997. (xxi). USATC Middle East 2-8-2 in Camlik, Turkey. (xxii). Narrow gauge locos at Taba. (xxiii). Esslingen Driving coach No. 3. (xxiv). HR 2-6-0T 61 at Muzeirib. Sept. 1996. (xxv). Egyptian n.g. Gezira wagons at Armley, Leeds. (xxvi). Camlik Museum notes. (xxvii). Improvements & Plans at Haifa Museum, 1997. (xxvii). Preservation in Turkey - Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir. (xxviii). More on vehicles at Gesher. (xxix). List of preserved locos in Israel. July 1998. (xxx). Tip wagon at Nahariyya museum. (xxxi). 2 IR ballast wagons at Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov. (xxxii). Ankara Museum notes. (xxxiii). Mobile concrete bunker. (xxxiv). List of preserved & plinthed Turkish locos. (xxv). “Camel” tractor at Nesher, Ramle. (xxvi). Various narrow-gauge diesels. (xxvii). Old converted rail tractor from Bnei Berak. 1:11 2:1. 1:3. (& 32:21) 2:2. 2:14. 7:10. 20:3:7. 24:16. 21:19. 29:4:(n). 32:4:(a) & 32:26. 28:4:(i). 21:4:4. 21:4:9. 21:19. 22:3. 23:4:3. 26:11. 28:4:(i). 45:3. 45:6:(viii). 30:4:7. 32:4:(b). 32:4:(a). 31:7:(f). 37:8:(c). 32:8. 32:21. 33:4:(c), & 35:1. 35:20. 33:4:(c) & 36:7:(j). 36:7:(g). 38:4:(b). 39:15:(f).(ii). 40:4:(k). 41:8. 44:23. 44:19. 44:8:(c):(iv). 45:4:(g). 46:9:(C):(vi). 47:9. 48:12. 48:4:(e). Private Halts for Members of Knesset. 44:9:(a). Profanity, Excerpt from 'Half Hours in Holy Land' Proposed PR 2-8-2 Loco. 7:24. 30:11. Protecting The Lines: British Troops in 1938-9. Public Relations Officer. Retirement of Ilan Falkov. 14:12. 26:4:(o). LETTER Q. Quarry (supposedly ‘Nesher’). Photo. - Correction - actually Atlit. Qatana Camp Railway, WW2. (Bill Atkin.) 23:17 24:5:(f). 28:23. Qena - Safaga line(s). Note - s.g. line open from 1992. 34:5:(j). Qishon Works, Haifa. - Plan and description. - Qishon in the 1940's. Memoir, Meir Livnat. - Qishon Works shunter. (Converted tractor). - Light railway used in construction. - Report on visit, 1999. LETTER R. 1:9. 5:17. 29:3. 45:23. 45:13.(i). R.O.D. ex-GCR-type 2-8-0's: - In Palestine, 1942-46. - Situation, August 1944. - One derailed. - Ref. to one on HBT. Rack railway (private) in Haifa. 12: 16. 16:17. 21:29. 46:6:(f). 23:4:4. “Radish Train” Bittir - Jerusalem. (5:3). - Note 31:6:(d), 34:5:(p). Rails from Italy: Rails - new tender, April 1992, Rail Motors at Suez Canal, WW1. 14:5:18. 17:4(p). 29:17. "Railsim" - A Mystery Term. 14:10. Railway Enthusiasts Society - (see “Israel Railway Enthusiasts Soc.) Railway Museum, Haifa, Incl. description of contents. ( & See ‘Museum’). 1:1. Railway Surveys of WW2. (Doug Helsham). Australian Engineers. 19:22. ‘Raining Rocks', Article by Paul Cotterell. 6:19. 'Rakevet Ha'Emek’. HR Haifa - Afule - Samakh line. (See also Haifa-Damascus Rly.) (& see Jacobsen, Nonek.) - Book by David Tirosh: (Book Review by Sybil Ehrlich). 7:7. - Proposed rebuild. 22:4:8. - Historical survey. (Cotterell). 22:21. - Further notes. (Cotterell). 23:8. - Proposed rebuild, for tourism. 27:4:1. - Plan for 68 km. line to Mafraq. 1996. 35:4:(n). - Feb. 1998 on possible tenders for BOT scheme. 40:4:(g). Ramat Gan to Tel Aviv line 1917-21. 46:16. Ramle: - Suburban services. - Ramle West Halt - closed. - Station repainted. - Ramle West station closure. - Old industrial line. - Station repainted from pink to white with blue trim. 1996. 16:4:6. 18:4(d). 21:4:14. 22:4:2. 32:24:(d). 33:4:(g). Ramta. - Division of IAI. Notes on production. 34:4:(j). Rayak. 1998. - Photos of G8 0-8-0’s and DHP 0-10-0RT in sheds. - Photo of G8 0-8-0’s. 1998. Reader’s Query. (Prof. Holtz). 42:10. 48:16. 21:26. Record results, 1991. Redshaw, Len. More Memories of WW2. 16:4:12. 32:25. Ransomes & Rapiers 6-ton Hand Cranes, 2 ft. gauge, Refurbished IR coaches. (& see “Coaches”.) - Further notes. - More vehicles. 11:26. 9:4:4. 13:4:8. 19:5:(n). Refugees in WW2 at El Shatt. Yugoslav ? (on 33:20). 34:5:(n). Reparations - German stock for Israel. 33:24. Rehovot: - Reopening, Sybil Ehrlich, 10/91. - Former industrial line. - Photo of station, 1995. - Special, 2/6/1997; stn. named for Ehud Hadar, former GM. - Notes on rebuilding, and plans for loops. 1999. - Light railway, 1920’s. 15:7. 32:24:(b). 33:16. 39:4:(s). 44:9:(j). 46:17. Richardson. (See ‘Yank in Palestine’.) Rishon LeZion. - Miniature Railway. - Details of miniature loco. - Query re. industrial line. 26:4:(w). 29:5:(a). 32:24:(a). “Rommel Papers”. (Excerpts from Hart book). 29:20. Rosh HaAyin. - Ceremony 8/3/99 for start of work on new line. 44:4:(j). Rosh Hanikra: - Tunnels. 10:29. - Photos. - Further notes. 12:11. 13:19. Royal Engineers; military railwaymen in WW2.: - 199 Rly. Wksps. Coy, Jaffa (John Blyth memoir). - 182 Rly. Optg. Coy. - New Zealand Operating groups. WW2. - Australian Survey Group. (Doug Helsham). - 182 R.O.C. - Suez Workshops & Depot. - 199 Rly. Wksps. Coy. Memoirs of H. J. Mapp. 1939-41. - Report on Loco Modifications in Middle East. - Casualties in Egypt. 13:18. 20:17. 12:22. 19:22. 29:26. 27:3. 33:19. 34:19. 46:11. Ruppin, Arthur. (1876-1943). Memoirs. Extracts. Russian Roulette. Rutenberg Remnants, Naharayim. 48:14. 19:5:(l). 28:15. LETTER S. Sabotage. - Derailment, 5/75. Bar Giora Picture. - Fatach bomb attack on Jerusalem train foiled. Nov. 1965. 6:11. 41:9:(c). SAFB Bo-Bos 101 - 103: - Unusual workings. - Passenger work. - Photo on train at Jerusalem. - Origins of the Design. - Further comments, Paul Cotterell, & Photo. - Further comments. -The Empty Hood. - Origins - further notes by Alon Siton. - Article from 'Diesel Railway Traction', 1952. - Photo, on Haifa suburban service 27/10/91. - No. 101 Renumbered, 1/93. - New livery for 103. - Photo of No. 101. - No.101 withdrawn. 1998. - Withdrawal of all three. 1999. - Photo of 101 at Jerusalem. 1990. 6:3:3. 7:2:8. 11:1. 11:14. 12:12. 14:29. 15:23. 16:5. 17:27. 17:30. 20:3:14. 26:4:(x). 27:1. 42:6:(g). 44:5:(c). 46:22. Sabbath arguments. Sabotage. 1930’s style. (photo). - Near Lydda, 1947. 4-6-2T semi-demolished. - 1946/7 - list of incidents. 22:4:9. 26:1. 33:6. 35:11. Safaga. 1936 article. Sail trolleys in Sinai. - Further reference. 47:10. 8:12. 12:27. Samakh: - Battle, 1918. (by Uri Ben-Rehav). - Decauville Rly. (Cotterell.) - Scheme to rebuild part of HR as tourist rly. - Station - plan. - Decauville line ? - Turntable. - Turntable for sale as scrap. 6:10. 24:15. 20:3:7. 28:10. 24:15. 24:4:6. 46:20. “Sand and Pig's Fat”, By Paul Cotterell. 'A Sapper Recalls'; WWI Memoirs of sabotaging Hedjaz Rly. 13:16. 14:20. Sarafand. - Station and plan. - Site visit in 1996. 32:22. 33:10:(f). Saudi Arabia: (See “Hedjaz” for most refs. to narrow gauge relics.) - Medain Saleh HR museum scheme. - Current state of railways. - Report on current state, 1996. Traffic, stock, extension plans etc. - Note on 6 French Co-Co locos of Iraqi type. Jubail line. - German V200 B-B diesel hydraulics owned by Heitcamp. 1977. - Refs. to schemes to rebuild to Medina, & Medina station. - GEC-Alsthom offices in Saudi Arabia & Gulf States. - RGI note - 1985 Hufuf - Riyadh cut-off enabled higher speeds. - Note on GM FP7 diesels of 1952. - Links to Jeddah and Jubail proposed. 1999. - Proposal for line Jeddah - Makkah - Riyadh. 1999. - Fastest trains - position 14 in world ranking ! - Expansion plans - phosphate and bauxite line proposed. - New Timetables. 2000. - Note on Budd railcars. 20:18. 22:7:2. 33:7:(d). 34:5:(l). 37:8:(c). 39:15:(d). 40:7:(c). 40:7:(c). 44:8:(e). 45:8:(g). 47:6:(F):(i). 47:6:(F):(ii). 48:6:(C):(a). 48:6:(C):(b). Schemes for Improvement and Expansion, 'Schienenlore' - 1918 Flying Zeppelin on HR line. - HR motorised wagon. 5:14. 18:19. 21:7. “Scraggy” (WW2 memoir by Wyn Fear.) Scrapping Dates of IR steam locos. - Addendum. - Notes by Theo Pelz. - Notes on misc. items for scrap. 1954. 23:16. 20:10. 21:10. 22:6:8. 46:20. Sculptures. Made from rly. materials. - More, at Belvoir Castle. 23:24. 29:27. 'See How They Run"; 1990 Performance Survey. Second-hand coaches: 10:28. 14:5:19. Seidenberg, Max. Obituary. 1999. Semakh: Battle for, in 1918. (By Uri Ben-Rehav.) 45:12. 6:10. Sentinel: - PR Railcar set. - ESR steam railcar set in England. - Boiler for sale as scrap. - Boiler & bogie requested for Naval College. 1954. - Scheme to convert railcars to Diesel. 1953. 30:4A. 45:6:(xii). 46:20. 47:7:(b). 47:7:(i). Shatta Station. Plan, 1942. 31:18. Shavvei Tzion Halt. closed 19/7/97. Shunters for IR - tender. 44:9:(j). 31:4:9. Signals: - New signals tender, 10/91. - Signal failure, 11/11/92. - Semaphores at Haifa East (photo). - photo. - notes. - notes on military signalling principles, Robins. - notes on later application of these on IR. 15:5:3. 10:5:(r). 26:3. 27:1. 28:6. 34:5:(k). 35:7:(j). Silhet edh Dhahr Tunnel, Jenin 1942. Simon, H. J. Book on 1936 Riots. 11:18. 31:24. Sinai Railway Memories, (Harold Hackney). 17:12. Sinai: (& See Egypt, & Suez). - Railway relics, 1983, (Andy Wilson). - Railway Memories. (Harold Hackney). - New railway schemes in Sinai. - ditto. - Notes on ESR line. - Sinai Military Railway - Diary. (Stone). - A Mineral Railway. - Further notes. - ‘National Geographic’ note, 1927. - Rebuilding of S.M.R. line. - El Tor Light Railway. ca.1906, relics in 1976. - 6-Day War, June 1967; Israeli booty (8 GM locos, 570 wagons, some coaches) & rebuilding work & operation. - Query on 1956 Sinai campaign. - Line to Rafah being rebuilt, by end of 1998. 5/98. "Snatched from Enemy Hands”, May 1948. Society of Friends of the Railways of Israel. “Soldiers from Judea”. (WW2). 17:22. 17:12. 19:5:(i). 20:4. 24:7. 20:14. 23:14. 24:5:(e). 27:6. 31:7:(c). 33:20. 38:11. 41:7:(e). 41:11:(d)(i). 11:24. 5:10. 23:15. Some Scraps. (Paul Cotterell). “South Western Rly. Magazine” (Adams 0-6-0’s) Special Trains. - For Pop Festival. - For Hadassah/Naama. 14/1/97. - For Jerusalem Day, 4/6/97. - For Knesset Economic Committee, Jan. 1997. 15:18. 23:7. Steam cranes. Station Works, June 1992 update: Station refurbishment, Haifa Central. 16:19. 18:4.(b) 27:4:(c). Statistics: - 1991 results. - IR Traffic. - Aug. 1995 statistics. - July 1996 - 17% rise over July 1995. - 1996 total of 50M expected; 32% rise in Sept. 96 figures. - Israel Railway statistics, 1997. - 1998 first half - 3.1M passengers. 24% increase. - April 1999 report. 14% increase Jan.-Jan.; New works. - 30% rise in passengers from May 1999 timetable. - 9M in 1999, 40% increase over 1998. - Freight statistics, 1999. 16:4:2. 28:9. 31:4:1. 34:4:(l). 37:4:(g). 39:6. 42:4:(n). 44:4:(l). 45:4:(j). 48:4:(l). 48:4:(m). Shekunat Ovdim Halt. 1933. 48:5:(h). "Steam versus Diesel"; Policy decisions of 1945. "Steam for Scrap", Paul Cotterell. Steel Brothers, Haifa. Storm damage. Winter 1991/2. 11:16. 15:14. 47:5:(g). (& refs.) 16:4:8. 16:7. 22:4:6. 36:4:(h). 37:4:(o). 38:4:(g). Strikes & Industrial Action: - August 1989. 5:1(b). - November 1989. 6:3:1. - End. 9:4:2. - Nov. 1991, Southern Division. 15:5:4. - May 1992. 17:4(k). - Dec. 1992. Southern Division. 20:3:6. - Feb. 1997 - protest against privatisation of PRA. 37:4:(k). - Dimona, 25/11/1997 - against job losses, loss of chemicals traffic. 39:4:(m). - Southern Division - sympathy strike on 27/11/97. 39:4:(n). - National General Strike 4/12 - 7/12/97. 39:4:(o). Sykes, G.R. Death in 1929 Riots. 'In a Syrian Saddle,' (Goodrich-Freer). 16:24. 16:20. Suburban services, Tel Aviv - Netanya. Suburban rail network, schemes. 23:4:2. 25:4:(l). Suburban network - scheme for Haifa. - Suburban trains to Krayot. (see also ‘Haifa Suburban’). 26:4:(y). 28:4:(o). Suez. R.E. Workshops. - Photos of locos at Suez Workshops. 155 Coy. 1948. Suez Campaign of 1956. Israel Railways. - Note. (U. Ben-Rehav). 27:3. 33:13. 33:14. 25:17. 26:5:(f). Suez Canal. - Light railways in WW1. - more on this. - Bridges. - Tenders for new bridges. - El Shatt line ‘stations’. - Rail Motors in WW1. - Ferdan ferry - photo. - Ferdan swing bridge. (photo) article on bridge. - Suez Canal Co. locos. - Book on construction of canal. - Note on IRR article. 19:10 & 20:7. 39:16. 30:17. 31:7 & 31:13. 31:6:(h). 29:17. 23:3. 25:18. 30:17. 45:8:(x). 47:5:(b). 48:5:(d). Sulphur Quarries near Gaza - industrial line. - Located, & map. 39:10. 40:6:(i). “H.M.S. Sussex” crew, in 1936 riots. Photo of armoured wagon. 31:25. Syria. (see also ‘Hedjaz’ & ‘Jordan’). - Current state of system. - Report on recent trip. (Ray Howgego). - Report on TEFS trip. - Purchase of ex-DR Co-Co diesels. - Current state, Jan. 1995. - Purchase of wagons. - Notes on Cadem yard, J-J relic. - Report on state of system, April 1995. - Modernising locos. - HR trains. 8/95. - CFS Co-Co Diesel 2800.406, 3/1995. (Photo). - CFS Bo-Bo 104 at Cadem. 3/95. (photo). - Trip by Andrew Wilson, 4/96. - HR and Serghaya services. Summer 1995. - 1996 Rail Business Report on CFS. - 358 DDR coaches for CFS - article in EK. - more info. on CFS coaches from DDR. - BBC documentary with Alexei Sayle. Sept. 1996. - Order for 30 new Co-Co diesel locos, GEC-Alstom. - more notes. - 500 tank wagons being built by Wagon Pars. 22:7:2. 26:9. 26:6:(2). 27:4:(h). 27:13, 27:4:(g). 28:5:(b). 28:13, 29:6 & see ‘J&J’. 29:6:(c). 31:13. 31:7:(e). 33:1. 33:9. 33:7:(b). 34:6:(c). 35:6:(b):(i). 35:6:(b):(ii). 37:8:(d). 35:6:(b):(iii). 40:7:(a):(i). 42:9:(d):(ii). 40:7:(a):(ii). - Tender 11/94 for 360 cereal and 45 cement wagons. - Decline in pasenger traffic, 1997/8. - partly due to rise in freight. - Note on GEC engines for locos. - 112 oil tanks from Wagon Pars delivered 7/98. - Many coaches disused. 1999. - Meeting, May 1999, on restoring line to Iraq after 20 years. - Note on 80 TE114 diesel locos for Syria in 1987. - First Alstom AD33C diesel completed. - Plans to modernise signals on lines from Aleppo. 2000. 40:7:(a):(ii). 40:7:(a):(iii). 42:9:(d):(iii). 41:11:(c):(i). 42:9:(d):(i). 44:8:(f). 45:8:(f). 46:9:(D). 47:6:(G). 48:6:(D). Syrian-Ottoman Rly. See Haifa-Damascus Rly. & Rakevet haEmek. LETTER T. T.E.F.S.: (See also “Hedjaz”). - Israel Railtour Plans. - Further news & problems. - Railtour of Israel, Nov. 1992; Initial Plans. - Editorial comment. and separate flyer. - Hedjaz Tour, June 1996. - Full report on Hedjaz Tour June 1996. - Planned Hedjaz Tour, 1997. - Report of June 1997 Hedjaz Tour. Fuller report. - Plan for 1998 Hedjaz tour. - TEFS plan to run steam train on Qatana line. - Report on June 1998 tour. 9:5. 10:12. 15:11. 16:2. 32:11. 34:6. 36:6. 38:8. 39:7:(b). 38:9. 41:11:(c):(ii). 42:8. T.V. Advert on IR, 12/89. Taba. n.g. locos, ex- Timna. - More notes on plinthed locos. Repainted. - Comment on their being repainted. Taurus Express trip, 8/95. 7:3:2. 1:3. 32:21 33:10:(e). 31:9. Tel Aviv: - Buses, 1937. - Merkaz Station, Plan & Description. - Merkaz Station: Alterations to route. - Migdal Shalom Tower: Train on 2nd. Floor. - Old narrow-gauge boiler. - Suburban network: Plans. - Tramway Project of 1921. - Yarkon Park n.g. line. - Picture of new Merkaz Station under construction. - Project (Menkes) of 1960. 9:1 6:12. 6:16. 11:17. 8:2. 9:4:12. 9:21. 8:2. 12:1. 13:21. - Suburban network - delays. 15:5:11. - Photo of Merkaz station. 18:3. - Darom Station refurbished, new Buffet. 19:5:(b). - Suburban network to Kfar Sava - trial trip. 19:5:(k). - Chasing current visible relics. 1992. 20:22. - Tramway project. 21:4:1. - More tramway plans. 22:4:15. - New bus station & plans. 22:4:18. - Municipal elections & promises. 23:4:8. - Suburban network - plans. 25:4:(l). - Tram v. Underground schemes. 25:4:(m). - Note from ‘Het Openbaar Vervoer’. 25:14. - Suburban network plans. 26:4:(b). - Tram plans. 26:4:(s). - More tram plans. 29:4:(i). - Yet more plans. 30:4:8. - Full outline article. 30:29. - Further notes. 32:4:(h). - Station. Photo. 25:23. - Tel Aviv South Station, 1926. 31:22. - Further notes. 32:7:(d). - Slaughterhouse, industrial line. 32:24:(c). - Works start on tunnel. 1996. 35:4:(h). - Sewage works industrial line, 1948. 36:12. - Traveller’s Tale - experiences at old South Station. 1998. 42:6. - Suburban schemes to Petach Tikva and Kfar Saba, other ideas. 1999.44:4:(k). - Suburban schemes, doubling, new lines, new stock. 45:4:(a). Tel el Heir, Disciplinary chit & Query. - Response & map. Tel esh Shemmam (Kfar Yehoshua), Plan, 1926. 6:24. 8:14. 31:18. Tel Hanan. Report on visit, 1999. Tel Litvinsky branch. 1943-1947. Terezina. See ‘Little Terezina’. “S.S. Thistlegorm”. 45:13:(j). 48:13:3. “Thousand Gourds to Beersheba”. (WW1 memoir.) - Further notes. "Three Trains to Damascus". article. “Through the Forbidden Land”. (Krist). 23:6:(d), 28:20, 68:6:(h).) 23:20. 24:5:(g). 15:22. 29:24 & 30:19. Tickets: - I.R. Tickets & photos. - New tickets. - Article, 2. - I.R. Tickets. - Article 3. (Cotterell). Note - IR types. 12:21. 13:4:15. 18:10. 27:23. 22:10. 23:6:(a). 27:13. - Article 4 (Cotterell) - 1990 Chanukah, & Israel Bonds. - New type of tear-off paper ticket. 1996. - Further variants of colour of paper and printing. 34:20. 35:4:(f). 36:7:(f). Tilting Trains. - Trial of DB VT611 027/527 in March/April 1998. - Photo. - Technical notes. - Photos. - Dutch ref. in ‘Op de Rails’ - IR tender for tilting dmus. 1998. - VT611’s having problems with tilt in Germany. - Delay with tender. - IR ordering four tilting trainsets. March 1999. 40:(4):(e). 40:1. 40:5:(b). 41:14. (rear cover). 41:9:(b). 41:4:(c). 42:4:(d). 42:6:(d). 44:5:(c). “Times History of the War” - WW1 References. 31:19. Timetables: - 1). Passenger Services, 1986. - 2). - Ditto. - 3). Comments. - 4). Freight, Northern section. - 5). Comments. - 6). Changes & Improvements. - 7). 1914 Middle-East timetables. - 8). 1945 Middle East Timetables. - 9). IR Timetable "14/7/91 until further notice". - 10) IR timetable "15/10/91 until further notice" Analysis: - 11). IR timetable "1/11/91 until further notice". - 12). Changes, Spring 1992. - 13). Ashdod service. - 14). Changes to Jerusalem services. - 15). New Timetable, 31/1/93. - 16). 1946 Emergency timetable. - 17). Changes. - 18). 1993/4 Timetable. - 19). Note. - 20). Summer changes. - 21). New timetable booklet, Summer 1995. - 22). Slight changes for Winter 1995. - 23). New booklet for 1996. - 24). Sat. even trains retimed March 1996, summer time. - 25). Copy of 1952 Timetable. - 26). 19/7/97 ‘until further notice’ 36-p. booklet. - 27). Individual leaflet versions for various lines, July 1997. - 28). 20/3/1999 new timetable - analysis. - 29). 1949 Haifa - Jerusalem service. - 30). Note on 1953 timetable. 2:4. 2:6. 2:9 (a). 2:6. 2:9 (b). 4:3. 6:20 & 16:23. 14:14. 14:24. 15:5:1. 15:5:1. 17:4(g). 17:4(r). 18:4(f). 20:3:16. 9:20. 21:4:10. 23:15. 24:5:(a). 26:4:(c). 29:4:(p). 31:4:10. 32:4:(n). 33:4:(i). 35:18. 38:4:(d). 38:4:(e). 44:7. 45:6:(vi). 48:4:(k). Tisha B'Av 1992. ‘Toilets & Troop Trains’. WW2 Memoir. (Wyatt). 18:4:(o). 21:24. Touch Wood, Article by Paul Cotterell. Tourist Companion to Israel, 1956. Tourist train scheme for Jerusalem line, 1996. 6:4. 13:11. 34:4:(m). Track Machines. (IR). - New arrivals. 26:4:(v). - Tender for new machines - Tampers & Regulators. 35:4:(c) - Arrival of Donelly rail crane trolley. 42:3. - Extensive notes (Melling) on IR Permanent-Way machines. 42:6:(e). - More notes on Geismar/Donnelly trolleys. 45:5:9c). - Matisa Tamper 8 withdrawn, Nov. 1998: Robel & Plasser vehicles. 45:9(c). Track Plans: - 1). Jerusalem. 1:7. - 2). Tzefa. 2:11. - 3). Bet Shemesh. 3:6. - 4). Jaffa, 1937. 3:5. - 5). Bittir. 4:7. - 6). Bar Giora. 4:7. - 7). Tel Aviv Merkaz, (New). 6:12. - 8). Beer Sheba. 7:18. - 9). Bittir, 1930. 30:15. - 10). Petach Tikvah. 1929. 29:11. - 11). Samakh. 28:10. - 12). Sarafand. 32:22. - 13). Shatta 1942. 31:18. - 14). Kfar Yehoshua, 1926. 31:18. - 15). El Majdal, 1943. 33:23. - 16). Kafr Jinnis. 1943. 33:23. - 17). Haifa Central, 1937. 34:16. - 18). Hof Carmel, 1958. 34:16. - 19). Ashkelon, 1959. 35:14. - 20). Jenin, 1926. (& for this, Massoudieh & Arrabeh, see also 44:25).39:8. - 21). Massoudieh, 1926. 39:8. - 22). Arrabeh, 1926. 39:8. - 23). Artuf, 1944. 44:25. - 24). Rehovot. 1943. 44:25. - 25). Jaffa Station in 1920’s. 48:15. Traffic Notes, 1990. ‘Train Robbers’ - article from PPOCA Newsletter. ‘Train Robbery’. (Cowan). ‘Train Taxi to Jerusalem’, 1967 trip. Train Theatre, Jerusalem. 12:25. 21:8. 23:11. 28:25. 1:4. Trams and Tramways: - Abortive Jaffa 1892 scheme. - Aleppo tramway map, 1961. - Beer Sheba LRT scheme. - Bethlehem scheme of 1912 / 1920. - Damascus Tramway Map. - Beirut 1961 tramway map. - notes, A. Wilson. - Amman LRT scheme, 1996. - Alexandria - tender for new trams. - Adana and Bursa, Turkey, 1998. - Bursa, Isparta, Istanbul.- 1895 plan in Cairo. 6:8. 31:15. 31:4:12 & 32:4:(g). 19:5:(c). 30:14:(a). 34:15. 35:6:(c). 34:6:(d). 41:11:(d):(iii). 42:9:(a). 44:8:(c). 45:8:(xi). Tramway Scheme, Beer Sheba. - Initial proposal. Planning agreement with Dutch co. Jan. 1998. 40:4:(b). Tramway Schemes: Jerusalem: - Tramway scheme. - Elevated scheme. - Monorail scheme of 1970’s. - More on tramway plans. - 1997 announcement for LRT scheme to be operational 2001. - June 1997 scheme proposals, ‘Railway Gazette’, map. - LRT plan to Beit Shemesh and Tzur Hadassah, April 1998. - More on plans for system, and map. Sept. & Oct. 1998. - Semaly picked to review proposals, 1/99. - Ehud Olmert starts tunnels. Nov. 1999. - Invitation to prequalify for BOT scheme. 5/12/99. 27:4:(i). 28:4:(a). 29:5:(b). 31:4:12. 37:4:(e). 39:4:(j). 41:4:(a). 42:4:(c). 44:4:(a). 47:4:(h). 47:4:(i). Tramway Schemes: Tel Aviv: - Project. - More plans. - Municipal elections - promises. - Tram v. Underground schemes. - More plans. - More plans. - Full outline scheme. - Further notes. - Boring works start. August 1996. - Promises by Benjamin Netanyahu, 1997. - Ceremony with Minister Yahalon, 8/4/98. - NTA calls tenders for line 1. 1/99. - NTA preliminary design. 21:4:1. 22:4:15. 23:4:8. 25:4:(m). 26:4:(s), 29:4:(i), 30:4:8. 30:29. 32:4:(h), 35:4:(h). 39:4:(i). 41:4:(d). 44:4:(b). 46:4:(e). Transport Ministers: - Appointment of Israel Kessar, 1992. - Yahalon in 1998. 18:4(r). 41:4:(d). Transport of Jews from Turkey, 1943. (Wyn Fear). Travelling Post Offices, on J-J & HR. Tul Keram, 1918, Map Room Query, Paul Cotterell. Tul Keram, Postcard of 1918. 33:20. 10:18. 6:21. 7:21. Turkey. - TCDD Notes, Oct. 1995. - Video of Bagdadbahn, Review. - Camlik Museum, USATC 2-8-2. - Plan for line round Lake Van to be revived. 1996. - Note on Camlik museum. - Esslingen 2-10-0 and steam railcars built 1932/1940 for TCDD. - Industrial locos from Hunslet for Ankara metro. - Notes on preserved locos etc. at Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir. - New TVS2000 coaches being built in bulk. 1997. - Bids call for 60 Bo-Bo electric locos. 1998. only one bid received, new tender issued, 11/98. - Istanbul metro & tunnel under Bosphorus. 10/1997 plan. - Notes on TCDD steam tours and museums. - Electrification plans, 79km. May 1998. - Upgrade of Istanbul - Ankara line planned. - Services improved Istanbul - Ankara - accelerations, a/c coaches. - Trams in Adana. 13.5km. planned. 8/1998. - Istanbul Metro Yenikap and Mahmutbey extension bids. - Istanbul metro - bids invited for airport extension. - Bursa trams. New 21km. LRT network started, 8/7/98, - Camlik museum changes, & steam activity. - Under management from Alsancak. - TCDD DE22 GM G26CW-2 diesel locos. - Izmir Light Rail scheme. 1998 scheme. - Bids for Ucyol-Fahrettin Altay extension. 4/11/99. - Depot built and Izmir station rebuilt to suit. - Istanbul metro - prequalification bids called. - Isparta Light Rail. 1/1999. - Ankara Railway Museum. - Delays on construction of line Kars - Georgia. - Air-conditioned coaches Istanbul-Ankara. - Reduction of local services Gaziantep-Nusaybin, Mardin. - Query re. WW1 Feldbahn to Erzurum. - Proposed revival of link to Aleppo & Damascus. 1999. - Tenders for Kars - Tbilisi link. Government to underwrite loans for Georgian section ? - Isparta LRT system tenders to be called. - Alanya - Antalya link proposed. - Upgrading Ankara - Istanbul line proposed. - Preserved locos listed. - New links Polath - Afyon - tenders for feasibility study. - Upgrading Ankara - Istanbul line. Call for bids. - Bids for consultancy on Bosphorus tunnel. - Izmit deviation being built, 1999. 31:13. 31:7:(b). 32:8. 35:6:(g). 36:7:(g). 37:18:(b). 39:15:(f):(i). 39:15:(f):(ii). 40:7:(d):(i). 40:7:(d):(ii). 42:9:(a):(i). 40:7:(d):(iii). 40:7:(d):(iv). 41:11:(a):(i). 41:11:(a):(ii). 42:9:(a):(ii). 42:9:(a):(iii). 42:9:(a):(iv). 42:9:(a):(iv). 42:9:(a):(v). 42:9:(a):(vi-vii). 47:6:(C):(vi). 44:15. 44:8:(c):(i). 47:6:(A):(iii). 47:6:(C):(iii). 44:8:(c):(ii). 44:8:(c):(iii). 44:8:(c):(iv). 44:8:(c):(v). 44:8:(c):(vi). 44:8:(c):(vii). 45:8:(f). 46:9:(C):(i). 46:9:(C):(ii). 47:6:(C):(v). 46:9:(C):(iii). 46:9:(C):(iv). 46:9:(C):(v). 46:9:(C):(vi). 47:6:(A):(i). 47:6:(A):(ii). 47:6:(C):(iv). 47:6:(C):(vii). - Istanbul Museum. Railway exhibits. - Earthquake damage, Izmit area. 2000. - Shortlist for Bosphorus Marmaray project. - Note on rolling stock industry. 47:6:(C):(viii). 48:6:(E):(a). 48:6:(E):(b). 48:6:(E):(c). Turkish Monument at Haifa East Stn. Turkish WW1 Light Railway Rediscovered. (Cotterell). - Further notes. Tustin in Palestine: Ray Tustin memoirs. - Correspondence re. article. -ditto- “A Trip to Suez” article. 9:18. 23:21. 24:5:(b). 5:3. 6:9. 7:25. 34:17. 'Two years in Palestine and Syria', (M. Thomas). Tzefa: Industrial Loco. 14:16. 1:11. LETTER U. Unilok at Haifa Chemicals, Problems. - Destruction by Fire, 9/91. 13:4:18. 15:5:2. United Arab Emirates: - Miscellaneous miniature lines. - Further notes. Unusual workings. 13:22. 17:10. 6:3:3. USATC Locos. (General). (& See Whitcomb). - Situation, Aug. 1944. - Full list of Whitcomb diesels, 1943-45. - Notes on Whitcomb firm & survivors in Italy. 16:17. 20:12. 45:5:(iv), (v). USATC 2-8-2's. - 1942-46. - Comments by Wyn Fear. - Example preserved in Turkey. - WD 71103 at Haifa, Oct. 1945. (photo). - Comment on enginemen’s feelings - esp. shunting! - Lima works demolished, 1998 17:16. 19:9. 32:8. 33:21. 38:7:(d). 41:7:(k). USATC 0-6-0T Locos. - Further notes: on 0-6-0T's. - Photo of USATC 0-6-0T, 1969. - Full list of 0-6-0Ts, 1942-6. - Loco at Egyptian film studio near Cairo. - Further note on loco at Cairo. - WD 71276 under overhaul at Suez 155 Coy. Workshops, 1948. - Note on IR 22 entry into service, 1950’s. - No 22 used briefly by Israel Navy in 1958. 17:7. 17:15. 19:6. 25:9. 30:18. 33:13. 45:16. 47:7:(a). Uzani, Amos. See: General Managers. LETTER V. Victoria Cross in WW1 in Palestine. 46:6:(g). Video Reviews: - "Dampfabenteur im Libanongebirge'. (E.K.) (And Background to the film). - “Die Hedschasbahn”. (E.K - Nick Lera). - “Die Bagdadbahn”. (in Turkey). - Addresses & prices, 1997. - “Lawrence of Arabia’s Railway”. 5:16. 5:16. 25:12. 31:7:(b). 37:12. 45:20. Vollert Industrial locos. - Note on firm, and loco at Har Tzin. 1:11. 45:5:(f). LETTER W. W.D. Locos & Rolling Stock. - Correspondence. - W.D. Locos: Stock Situation as at August 1944, (Rowledge). - W.D. Rolling Stock: War Surplus Possible Purchases - W.D. locos in Palestine, 1941-46. - WD 70245. - WD 2-10-0 at Suez. - 2-8-2T 1015 at Suez, 1948. (photo). - Note on this loco. Built Hudswell Clarke 1937. - WD 8F Disposals, 1952. - Former WD LMS-type 0-6-0D’s, in Italy 1997. - One now preserved at Torino. - Notes on three in FS service. - Orders for 1600 open wagons for Persia. - Orders for four 8F conversions, 1941. - Orders for SR-type brake vans. - WD 2-10-0’s in Greece, details of purchase in 1945. - WD 2-10-0’s - more details of UNRRA purchases for Greece. (also service in Greece, and sale of two to England.) - ROD 2-8-0 on HBT. - WD Baldwin 0-4-0ST’s. Wadi Sarar. - Is this El Sejed ? (Cotterell). - Battle of 1948. (U. Ben-Rehav). - Then and Now. Oct. 1997. Cotterell. - More notes on sabotage of station building. - Date of above: 28/8/1938. Wagons-Lits 10:23. 16:17. 12:24. 21:9. 22:6:2. 27:3. 33:14. 34:5:(f). 36:7:(k). 38:5:(d). 44:14. 45:6:(vi). 42:15. 42:15. 42:15. 44:13. 45:6:(iii). 46:6:(f). 46:6:(h). 26:16. 25:15. 40:10. 44:16. 47:5:(f). - on Palestine Railways. - ‘Wagons-Lits in Egypt.’ 1962 ‘Modern Transport’ article, by Behrend/Price. (repeated in error as 34:21.) - Notes by Alan Clothier on vehicles, operations etc. - Part 2 of original article. 1962. 9:19. 33:18. 35:7:(a). 35:13. Walker, Major C.S.N. Memoir of 1946. Wartime Notes, by N.E. Norman. 'Watch it !" - Memoir by Evelyn Green. 6:5. 10:17. 16:16. Weather Problem, 12/1992. Webb, Cecil Richard. PR General Manager. Biographical notes. 20:3:8. 36:15. Wehrmacht Locos. - Attempt to purchase radiator in 1952. 22:6:4. 47:7:(d). Weizmann, Ezer. “On Eagles Wings”. 1948 War of Independence. Well Wagon. IR. 29:16. 9:10. West Bank trip. 1999. Western Desert Extension Railway. - Note on German operations. 46:10. Whitcomb USATC diesels: - Situation in Aug, 1944. - Correction. - Full List 1943-45. - Notes. - Survivors. - Note on survivors in Italy. 49 in service, 1999. - Notes on the firm Whitcomb. 7:20. 16:17. 17:6 20:12. 26:7:(b). 26:7:(b). 45:6:(iv). 45:6:(v). Who’s Who, 1956. References. 29:18. Work in the Wadi: Bridge repairs on Jerusalem line, 1918 Picture. - Further notes. - Notes on ESR Wagon. 8:9. 12:27. 13:23. World War 1 Diary. Sinai Military Rly. under construction. (Stone). Wyatt, Ken. “Toilets and Troop Trains.” WW2 in Sinai. 20:14. 21:24. 46:6:(c). LETTER Y. Yad Vashem: Polish wagon. - Photos. - Note. - Monograph 1. - 12:20. 13:12. 23:19. “Yank in Palestine”. (Richardson). - Note. - Further note and memoir of wartime ride. 30:25. 31:6:(d). 45:9. Yarkon bridge, Tel Aviv. Urgent rebuilding, 7/1998. 42:4:(g). Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv, n.g. line. - Fate of line. 8:2, 10:8. 27:19. Yavne. Station visit. 1998. - Station reopens 10/7/99. Yekke. The First. - Correction. - Note on Dr. Auerbach. 41:7:(a). 46:4:(g). 21:14. 22:6:10. 23:6:(b). Yemen. - Report on railway history, 1909/11. (Wilson). - Further refs. from CRJ and military history. 33:7:(h) 34:5:(d). - Visit in April 1998, loco chassis and wagon wheelsets. - Proposal for new line, 1999. - Note on stock intended for Yemen, delivered to Hedjaz. 42:9:(e). 45:8:(b). 45:8:(c). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HARAKEVET ISSUES & PUBLICATION DATES. No. Date. No. Date. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. March 1989. April 1989. 1st. June 1989. 28th. June 1989. September 1989. Dec. 1989. March 1990. June 1990. July 1990. Sept. 1990. Jan. 1991. March 1991. June 1991. Sept. 1991. Dec. 1991. April 1992. June 1992. Sept. 1992. Dec. 1992. March 1993. June 1993. Sept. 1993. Jan. 1994. March 1994. June 1994. Sept. 1994. Jan. 1995. March 1995. June 1995. Sept. 1995. Jan. 1996. March 1996. June 1996. September 1996. December 1996. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42/43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. March 1997. June 1997. October 1997. January 1998. April 1998. July 1998. Sept.-Dec. 1998. March 1999. June 1999. September 1999. January 2000. March 2000. June 2000. September 2000. January 2001. April 2001. July 2001. October 2001. January 2002. March 2002. July 2002. October 2002. December 2002. March 2003. July 2003. Sept. 2003. Dec. 2003. March 2004. June 2004. September 2004. December 2004. March 2005. June 2005. September 2005. December 2005. April 2006. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------