Attention: We invite you to apply until May 4 th , 2016 for the Latvian State scholarships for the Summer School of Latvian Christian Academy.
Theme of the Summer School: "Esthetics of Latvian Identity: Signs in Sacred Art".
Acquaintance with the brilliant examples of sacred art in Latvian churches.
Introduction to the altarpieces by Jānis Rozentāls.
Participation in the sacred art workshop under the supervision of excellent artists.
Acquaintance with baroque churches of Latvia.
3 credit points and Certificate.
Students and academicians may apply for the Summer School.
Additional information:, +371 67753360
Summer School: "Esthetics of Latvian Identity: Signs in Sacred Art"
Latvian Christian Academy for more than twenty years promotes and develops the
Latvian sacral art (altar painting, iconography, sacred graphic) practically and theoretically.
Sacred art is a part of Latvian cultural heritage with strong roots and persuasive expressions in architecture, altar painting and iconography.
These outstanding examples of art can be found in all Latvian regions in different typological groups.
Summer School is named: "Esthetics of Latvian identity" (ELI) with the idea of sustainability: each subsequent year the theme of the Summer School will be dedicated to a specific Latvian sacral art heritage group thus gradually introducing the
Summer School participants with examples of excellence of sacred art of all Latvian regions and confessions.
European Union brings together various national and cultural identities.
In this multi-cultural environment it is important to see the unifying and common values, but at the same time not to lose the cultural uniqueness of the local community.
Historically, the unifying basis have been created by Christian values.
Particularly it can be seen in sacred art and national art elements of European countries.
Today on behalf of social and cultural cohesion of European people it is important to remind historically unifying, but stylistically different foundations of various cultures.
Latvian local interpretation of the European model in architecture and altar painting as well as in iconography coincide with the national cultural identity issues that are so important in today's multicultural environment.
Summer School’s ultimate objective: within the art of every nation there is a tradition of sacred art with its own characteristics and expressions of the diverse forms of art: architecture, painting, sculpture, iconography, prints.
We want to explain how the Latvian sacral art imagery has manifested itself in the unified European cultural
During the Summer school we will learn to comprehend national expression of the local Latvian art traditions and sacredness.
2016 Summer School leading theme is "Altarpieces by Jānis Rozentāls in Latvian
Lutheran churches as brilliant examples of Latvian sacral art ".
Students will get to know in details the altarpieces by outstanding early 20th century Latvian painter Jānis
Rozentāls in Riga New St. Gertrude Lutheran Church and Lutheran Churches at Stende and Dundaga.
Sacred art workshops where students will work on practical analysis of selected sacred art sample and on the composition of the canonical condition sketches will simultaneously take place.
Altarpiece by Jānis Rozentāls at Riga New St. Gertrude church
"Christ blessing the children."
Altarpiece by Jānis Rozentāls at Dundaga Lutheran Church
"Resurrection of Christ".
Altarpieces by Jānis Rozentāls have been chosen for the 1 st Summer School because:
They contain canonical approach that is approbated in iconography,
They contain innovative elements corresponding to Latvian mentality
(Latvian landscape, willow branches, apple-tree motive), precisely chosen combinations of symbols characteristic to the Latvian mentality (e.g. J.
Rozentāls puts Christ under the apple-tree while debating with serious
Latvian farmers),
They contain precisely chosen sacred symbols.
Summer School activities (July 11 – 21, 2016).
Activity (name, short description) Dates Venue
Official start of the Summer School.
Launch of the Website on the Internet.
11.07.2016. Vienības prosp. 23,
First event of the Summer School:
Seminar and sacral art workshop: “Sacral art imagery in the unified European cultural tradition: uniqueness of Latvian sacredness”:
Photo exhibition, that is prepared before the
Summer School as the visual basis for the theoretical content ( author Assoc. Prof. G. Dišlers, LChrA),
Lecture within the seminar: “Peculiarities of artistic
Vienības prosp. 23,
expression of apprehension of Sanctity in Latvia” (Assoc.
Prof. V. Ozoliņa, LChrA),
Sacral art workshop: content and composition of the altarpiece (Assoc. Prof. I. Sergejeva, LChrA),
Participants start working on practical analysis of
the selected sample of sacral art (Assoc.
P rof.
I. Sergejeva and Accoc. Prof. B. Soloveja, LChrA),
Participants receive Diary "Latvia's Sacral Art: What did I saw, understood, realized?"
Lecture "Altarpieces by Jānis Rozentāls" (Assoc.
Prof. V. Ozoliņa, LChrA),
Visit to the New St. Gertrude Church and introduction to the altarpiece “Christ blessing the children” by J. Rozentāls,
Visit to the Latvian Museum of Art: Latvian sacral paintings from the funds of the Museum (lecturer – senior expert of the LMA E. Šmite).
Introduction to the study of the altarpiece “Christ, walking on the water (Navitatis)” by J. Rozentāls .
New St.
Gertrude churche and
Museum of Art.
Trip to the Lutheran Churches of Stende and Dundaga:
Analysis of altarpiece “The ascension of Christ” by J.
Rozentāls. Acquaintance with other unique
baroque Churches of Kurzeme is planned during the trip.
Creative work in LChrA Sacral art workshop on the sketches of selected sacral art sample (Assoc. Prof. I.
Sergejeva, Assoc. Prof. B. Soloveja).
Work in the library on thematic literature .
Dundaga, a.o.
18.07.206. Vienības prosp. 23,
Creative work in LChrA Sacral art workshop on the sketches of selected sacral art sample (Assoc. Prof. I.
Sergejeva, Assoc. Prof. B. Soloveja).
19.07.2016. Vienības prosp. 23,
Creative work in LChrA Sacral art workshop on the sketches of selected sacral art sample (Assoc. Prof. I.
Sergejeva, Assoc. Prof. B. Soloveja).
20.07.2016. Vienības prosp. 23,
Opening of the Exhibition dedicated to the altarpiece sketches. Evaluation of the International Summer School:
• Assessment of the quality,
• Diary exhibition,
• Students' presentations on their experiences.
Panel discussion: students with the Latvian sacral art experts "Uniqueness of unified sacral heritage of European culture in Latvia"
• Granting of Certificates and Credit Points,
Until noon
Vienības prosp.
Vienības prosp.
• Latvian choral concert at the LChrA chapel, director - composer A. Selickis, "Latvian choral of J. Rozentāls era in
Latvian churches"
• Closure of the Summer School.
Summer School participants will be awarded with 3 CP.
Administrator of the Summer School: Valters Dolacis.
Director of the Summer School: Prof.
Skaidrīte Gūtmane, Rector of LChrA