The Curriculum, Services and Activities that are Planned for Participants in both the Academic Year and Summer Components. The Academic Year Component During the Academic Year Component (September-May), project activities will occur during the weekday afternoons at the target schools (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 4 pm – 6 pm) and at the UTSA campus on the second and fourth Saturdays (from 9 am – 2 pm). The curriculum for the Academic Component will be directly based on the skills and learning objectives outlined in the TAKS and THEA standardized state assessments by grade level. The Academic Component services and activities listed below will focus mainly on providing weekly instruction/tutorial services in math and science; standardized test registration and preparation; college, career and financial aid exploration activities; and college/career field trips. TABLE C-8: ACADEMIC YEAR PROGRAMMING (SEPTEMBER – MAY) Grade Levels ACTIVITIES & SERVICES – Academic Instruction Reading, Language Arts, and Math 9th 12th Objective 1: Academic Improvement: Standardized Test Saturdays from 9 am – 2 pm at the University Responsible Project Staff: Instructors Director 9th – 12th Academic Tutorials English, Math, Science CURRICULUM Reading, language arts, and math courses directly based on the test objectives of the following standardized tests administered by grade level: TAKS state assessment: 9th -12th Grade PSAT: 10th Grade SAT and ACT: 11th Grade THEA: 12th Grade TAKS: Texas Assessment of Knowledge& Skills PSAT: Preliminary Standardized Achievement Test SAT: Standardized Achievement Test ACT: American College Test THEA: Texas Higher Education Assessment School Class Syllabi and Textbooks Homework Assignments 1 Objective 1: Academic Improvement: Standardized Test After school on T - TH at target schools from 4pm – 6pm Responsible Project Staff: Mentor/Tutors Director 9th – 12th Academic Advising Report Card Checks Dropout Prevention Leadership & Citizenship Skills Career Exploration Cultural Awareness Parental Involvement Referrals to non-TRIO programs for Specialized Supportive Services Objective 2: Project Retention T - TH at target schools from 4pm – 6pm and Saturdays from 9am – 2 pm at the University Responsible Project Staff: Director Advisors Cambridge Academic Study Guides®: Supplemental lesson plans and instructional materials for math, English, and science. My Skills Tutor®: Flexible and targeted tutorial services online in math, science and English available to participant at any time via the Internet. Intelligent Tutor™ series: Software titles for Grades 9-12 and college level math. Project-developed Individual Service Plans and Academic Progress Plans College Board® and ACT® Counselor Checklists for grades 9th – 12th State College Preparatory Graduation Plans Goals for Growth® – A Goal Setting Curriculum Straight Talk About School® – Dropout Prevention Guide True Life Interactive®: an online life skills and motivational training program that prepares teens for real life SMART Moves Guide® – Alcohol, Tobacco & Drug Prevention Program Street SMART® – Gang Awareness, Prevention, and Conflict Resolution Keystone Club® - Youth Leadership Manual Career/Interest Inventories The Career Game® Workbooks Career Focus® Interest Inventory ECOS – Princeton Review®: Online Career Search Career Voyages: Online Career Search Job Ready!® - Pre-Employment Work Maturity Skills Career and Cultural Field Trips Parent Institute® - Publications, DVDs, and Guides for distribution at parent meetings and workshops. Family Education Network – Resources & Materials 2 9th – 12th College Entrance Exam Information Exam Information & Preparation PSAT, THEA, SAT & ACT Objective 3: Postsecondary Education Enrollment T-TH at target schools from 4pm – 6pm and Saturdays from 9am – 2pm at the University Responsible Project Staff: Instructors Advisors Director 9th – 11th College & Financial Aid Information PSAT, SAT, ACT, and THEA preparation worksheets and booklets test PSAT, ACT, SAT, and THEA registration materials and study guides PSAT, ACT, SAT, and THEA Fee Waivers Princeton Review® -Test Preparation (SAT) Services ACT Online Prep™ - Online Test Prep Program The Official SAT Online Course™ - Online Test Prep Program Adventures in Education® Website Materials Mapping Your Future® Website Materials Pathways to College® Website Materials Objective 3: Postsecondary Education Enrollment T-TH at target schools from 4pm – 6pm and Saturdays from 9am – 2pm at the University Responsible Project Staff: Advisors Director College for Texans® Website Materials Campus Tours.Com® Website Materials College Opportunities Online Locator Website College Preview Day (Field Trip) Calendar College Field Trips The Princeton Review®: College Admissions Handbook Series for Grades 9th – 11th: 9th Grade: Understanding High School 10th Grade: The College Path 11th Grade: The College Admissions Process NASFAA- Financial Aid Night in a Box High School Counselor Toolkit – Department of Education Website 12th Individual Assistance With College & Financial Aid Applications Concurrent High School & College Enrollment Project-developed Senior Questionnaire and Checklists College Board and ACT Counselor 12th Grade Checklists 3 Objective 3: Postsecondary Education Enrollment Education Now ® College Portfolios College Admission Applications College Admission Fee Waivers T-TH at target schools from 4pm – 6pm and Saturdays from 9am – 2pm at the University Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Responsible Project Staff: Advisors Director The Princeton Review®: College Admissions Handbook: 12th Grade: Decision Time Scholarship Database Website Referral to UTSA’s Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Program so that eligible seniors may take six hours of college credit courses during their senior spring semester. Summer Component Activities & Services The curriculum, services, and activities provided during the Summer Component (June and July) of the UTSA-UB project have been designed to provide participants with intense instruction and enrichment activities in math and science on at least five (5) days per week during the NONRESIDENTIAL six-week college preparatory session held on the campus of University of Texas at San Antonio in June and July. Participants will receive intensive academic instruction in courses such as mathematics through calculus; laboratory science through advanced physics; foreign language, composition, literature and computer applications. Participants will arrive at 8:00 am and spend at least four (4) hours a day in academic courses (math, science, composition/literature, and foreign language) and then spend three (3) hours a day in afternoon elective courses before leaving at 4:00 pm Summer Curriculum The curriculum for the summer college preparatory courses each year will be directly based on the skills and learning objectives outlined in College Board’s PSAT/SAT 4 Program. UB Project Instructors will develop their assigned courses based on the objectives outlined in the course descriptions that represent the basis for the SAT/PSAT Program. Subsequently, the goal will be for all 12th grade participants to take one or more of the College Board’s Advanced Placement Exams during their senior year in order to earn some college credit before even enrolling in college. Besides providing project participants with the opportunity to get a head start on college-level work, preparing for AP exams will improve their writing skills; sharpen their problem-solving techniques; and develop the study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work leading to academic success in college. TABLE C-9: SUMMER COMPONENT INSTRUCTION Objective 4– Postsecondary Persistence Grade Levels Incoming 9th – 12th COURSES CURRICULUM Math through PreCalculus Course content based on the College Board’s PSAT/SAT program curriculum for the following types of math subjects by grade level: Responsible Staff: Project Instructors Incoming 9th – 12th English Responsible Staff: Project Instructors Incoming 9th – 12th Science Including Hands-on Experience in Laboratories, in Computer Facilities, and Problem Solving* - Incoming 9th Graders Algebra I* - Incoming 9th Graders Geometry* - Incoming 10th Graders Algebra II *- Incoming 11th Graders Pre-Calculus – Incoming 12th Graders Statistics – Incoming 12th Graders *Prerequisites for Advanced Placement Courses Course content based on the College Board’s PSAT/SAT program curriculum for the following types of English subjects by grade level: English Language & Composition (9th & 10th) English Literature & Composition (11th & 12th) Course content based on the TAKS/THEA program curriculum for the following types of science subjects by grade level: Integrated Physics/Chemistry*– Incoming 9th Graders 5 at Field Sites Responsible Staff: Project Instructors Incoming 9th – 12th Foreign Language Responsible Staff: Project Instructors Incoming College Freshmen (Graduated Seniors) Bridge College Credit Courses Maximum of 6 Hours Total (2 Course Maximum) Biology – Incoming 10th Graders Chemistry – Incoming 11th Graders Computer Science – Incoming 11th Graders Physics – Incoming 12th Graders *Prerequisites for Advanced Placement Courses Course content based on the College Board’s Advanced Placement curriculum for the following types of Latin by grade level: Latin I - Incoming 9th & 10th Graders Latin II - Incoming 11th &12th Graders This course provides additional preparation for the verbal section of the SAT and also ties in with the terminology utilized in chemistry and science. Freshman College Math Course Freshman College English Course Freshman College Science Course 6