By-Law #2013-15 – Water Rates

BY-LAW No. 2013-15
Being a by-law to establish a Policy for
Water and Wastewater Rates and Charges
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and
the Islands deems it desirable to establish a policy for water and wastewater rates and
AND WHEREAS existing rates and charges will be changed by this by-law;
AND WHEREAS the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands held a public
Council meeting on April 16, 2013 at the NEMI Recreation Centre in Little Current, in
accordance with Regulation 244/02 under the Municipal Act, 2001;
AND WHEREAS notice of the said public meeting was given in accordance with ByLaw No. 2003-24 being a by-law to establish procedures for giving notice;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Northeastern
Manitoulin and the Islands ENACTS as follows:
The following policies are adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands as the Water and Wastewater Policy:
1. The Town shall fully recover water and wastewater costs through water and
wastewater rates, from those ratepayers who benefit from those services, being
Ward 2, part of Ward 3 (South of Town limits on Hwy 6 to the Hydro One station
and West of Town limits on Hwy 540 to the Boozeneck Road) and part of Ward 4
(Halmet of Sheguiandah).
2. Net water costs shall be financed by both a fixed charge and a variable
consumption rate and net wastewater costs shall be recovered through a
wastewater rate stated as a percentage of the water rate.
3. A sustainable capital assets management program shall be implemented to finance
the ongoing cost of maintaining the Town’s water and wastewater infrastructure
4. Effective on January 1st in each year or as soon as practically possible thereafter,
Management shall establish the rates for water and wastewater for the calendar
year based on the proposed net budget for the year inclusive, but not limited to,
inflation adjustments and increases in sustainable capital asset management as
provided in this by-law as well as changes in consumption levels. Management
shall advise Council of these new rates and the rates set out in this by-law shall be
5. Any net surplus generated from water services in any year shall be contributed to
the existing Water Capital Reserve Fund and any deficiency in any year shall be
funded from the same reserve fund. Any net surplus generated from wastewater
services in any year shall be contributed to the existing Wastewater Capital
Reserve Fund, and any deficiency in any year shall be funded from the same
reserve fund.
6. No monthly fixed charge for water or wastewater shall be levied on the owner of
vacant land.
1. Only municipal firefighters or water works staff may operate fire hydrants.
2. Anyone using a hydrant illegally may be subject to prosecution and fine.
By-Law No. 2013-15
Water and Wastewater Rates and Charges
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Cross Connection/Backflow Prevention
Ratepayers within those areas identified in Section 1 of this by-law shall connect to
municipal water services. Other water connections i.e. private well etc. are not permitted.
All residential, industrial and commercial dwellings shall be equipped with a backflow
prevention device to prevent potential contamination of the municipal water system.
Rates and Charges for Water
The rates and charges are hereby fixed on the owner of each separately assessed parcel of
land which is connected to a water main and on which one or more buildings or structures
are situated. The rates and charges are as follows:
1. A base rate of $89.76 per quarter on a consumption rate of up to 45 cubic meters
will be charged in Ward 2 and Ward 3. Cost of water consumed above 45 cubic
meters will be added to the base rate $89.76 at a rate of $1.09 per cubic meter, as
indicated by meter readings.
2. Where the water supply has been turned off at a Ward 2 or Ward 3 owner’s
request and expense, a quarterly fixed flat rate charge shall apply in the amount of
$89.76 quarterly.
3. A base rate of $265.72 per quarter on a consumption rate of up to 45 cubic meters
will be charged Ward 4. Cost of water consumed above 45 cubic meters will be
added to the base rate $265.72 at a rate of $3.01 per cubic meter as indicated by
meter readings.
4. Where the water supply has been turned off at a Ward 4 owner’s request and
expense, a quarterly fixed flat rate charge shall apply in the amount of $265.72
5. Where the Town turns the water supply on or off to a particular property because
of non-payment or at the owner’s request, the following additional charges shall
apply for each shut-off or turn-on:
a) during regular business hours $30.
b) after regular business hours, or on holidays or weekends $90.
6. A water meter shall be connected to the Town’s water supply and affixed to all
buildings constructed after the date of passage of this by-law. The owner shall be
responsible for obtaining a water meter from the Town and have it installed by a
qualified plumber. All costs of the meter and the installation thereof shall be the
responsibility of the owner. No dwelling shall be supplied with Town water until
a meter is installed.
7. The homeowner is responsible to ensure the water meter and the wall mount
receptacle is working properly at all times. Where a water meter or wall mount
receptacle is not functioning an additional charge equal to the base rate will be
applied to each quarterly billing, after one quarterly notification period and will
be the responsibility of the home owner to have repaired.
Wastewater Rates and Charges – Ward 2
The rates and charges set out in this by-law are hereby fixed on the owner of each
separately assessed parcel of land which is connected to a sewer main and on which one
or more buildings or structures are situated. Such rates and charges are in addition to the
rates and charges for water. The rates and charges are a follows:
1. A wastewater rate is hereby levied on all property owners in Ward 2 and whose
land is connected to both a water main and a sewer main, in the additional amount
of 66.65% of the total of all water charges.
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Water and Wastewater Rates and Charges
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Metered Rate Adjustments
Adjustments may be made on metered water consumption or wastewater charges with the
joint approval of the CAO and the Manager of Public Works for the Town after proper
investigation of the circumstances.
The unpaid balance of water and wastewater accounts shall bear interest at the rate of
1.25% per month, calculated from the date the account balance becomes overdue.
Overdue accounts above $500 shall result in the disconnection of the service.
Al MacNevin
Pam Cress