Unit 3

Unit 3 – Freedom
All Vocabulary words should be completed on Note Cards making sure you include both a
definition and Significance for each. Next to each term you will find listed what type of
term it is to help you better answer the questions of significance.
Ch. 5.1 Rival Plans for Reconstruction
1. Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
2. Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction
3. Congress’ Plan for Reconstruction
4. Radical Republican (Political Party)
5. Wade-Davis Bill (Policy)
6. Freedman’s Bureau (Political Party)
7. Black Code (Policy)
8. Civil Rights Act of 1866 (Policy)
9. Fourteenth Amendment (Policy)
10. Impeach (Term)
11. Fifteenth Amendment (Policy)
12. Military Reconstruction Act (Policy)
13. Charles Sumner (Leader)
14. Thaddeus Steven (Leader)
15. Pardon (Term)
Ch. 9.1 Segregation and Tension
29. Jim Crow Laws (Policy)
30. Poll Tax (Policy)
31. Literacy Test (Policy)
32. Grandfather Clause (Policy)
33. Booker T. Washington (Leader)
34. W.E.B. Du Bois (Leader)
35. Ida B. Wells (Leader)
36. Las Gorras Blancas
Ch. 5.2 Reconstruction in the South
16. Scalawag (Political Party)
17. Carpetbagger (Political Party)
18. Integration (Term)
19. Sharecropping (Term)
20. Share-tenancy (Term)
21. Tenant farming (Term)
22. Ku Klux Klan (Political Party)
23. Enforcement Acts (Policy)
Ch. 20.1 Early Demands for Equality
45. De jure segregation (Term)
46. De facto segregation (Term)
47. Thurgood Marshall (Leader)
48. Little Rock Nine (Court Case)
49. Brown v. Board of Education (Court
50. Earl Warren (Leader)
51. Civil Rights Act of 1957 (Policy)
52. Rosa Parks (Leader)
53. Montgomery bus boycott (Court Case)
54. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Leader)
Ch 5.3 The End of Reconstruction
24. Redeemer (Term)
25. Rutherford B. Hayes (Leader)
26. Compromise of 1877 (Policy)
27. Slaughterhouse Cases 1873 (Court
28. U.S. v. Cruikshank (Court Case)
Ch. 10.3 The Struggle Against Discrimination
37. Americanization (Policy)
38. Booker T. Washington (add to it)
39. W.E.B. Du Bois (Leader)
40. Niagara Movement (Political Party)
41. NAACP (Political Party)
42. Urban League (Political Party)
43. Anti-Defamation (Term)
44. Mutualistas (Term)
Ch. 20.2 The Movement Gains Ground
55. Boynton v. Virginia 1960 (Court Case)
56. Sit-in (Term)
57. SNCC (Political Party)
58. Freedom Ride (Court Case)
59. James Meredith (Leader)
60. Medgar Evers (Leader)
61. March on Washington (Court Case)
62. Filibuster (Term)
63. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Policy)
Ch. 20.3 New Successes and Challenges
64. Freedom Summer (Court Case)
65. Fannie Lou Hamer (Leader)
66. Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Policy)
67. Twenty-Fourth amendment 1964
68. Kerner Commission (Court Case)
69. Malcolm X (Leader)
70. Nation of Islam (Political Party)
71. Black Power (Political Party)
72. Black Panthers (Political Party)
Ch. 2.4 The Women’s Movement
73 Sojourner Truth (Leader)
74 Lucretia Mott (Leader)
75 Elizabeth Cady Stanton (Leader)
76 Seneca Falls Convention (Court Case)
77 Declaration of Sentiments (Policy)
78 Women’s Rights Movement (Court
79 Susan B. Anthony (Leader)
80 Suffrage (Term)
Ch. 23.2 The Women’s Rights Movement
81. Feminism (Term)
82. Betty Friedan (Leader)
83. NOW (Political Party)
84. ERA (Political Party)
85. Gloria Steinem (Leader)
86. Phyllis Schlafly (Leader)
87. Roe v. Wade (Court Case)
Ch. 23.3 The Rights Revolution Expands
88. Cesar Chavez (Leader)
89. Migrant farmworker (Term)
90. UFW (Political Party)
91. Chicano Movement (Political Party)
92. AIM (Political Party)
93. Ralph Nadar (Leader)