Common Name of Plant: White Ash Scientific Name of Plant: Fraxinus americana Average Height of Plant: 70’ to 80’ Blooming Time: April through June Ask the Botanist What are the leaves like? The leaves on white ash are deciduous leaves. They are oppositely arranged and are compound. The leaves can be 8 to 13 inches long and have 7 to 12 leaflets per leaves. The leaves go from dark green at the top to a lighter green at the bottom. The bottom of each leaf is covered with tiny hairs. The separate leaflets are oval shaped and 2 to 4 inches long. What type of flowers bloom on this plant? What do the seedpods or seeds look like? Both male and female flowers occur on each tree. They can be light green to a dark purple. They don’t appear until the leaves unfold. Both of the sexes lack petals. Males appear in tighter clusters than females. The single-winged seeds are flat and grow in clusters. They mature in fall and scatter in winter. What is unusual about the stem or trunk? The ash on the trunk is an ashy-brown color. It has deep ridges that form a diamond pattern. Bark on older trees may appear scaly. How is this plant important to animals? Has it also been used by people? This tree is very useful to people. We use it to make sports equipment like baseball bats and bowling alley floors. It is used for cabinets and tools also. It is plentiful and can be bent while remaining strong. What location does this plant prefer? White ash grows in locations where there is a rich, moist, well-drained soil. They are often found on sloping low lands and bottomlands near streams. This tree is very adaptable, and prefers to be in full sunlight. Pictures Whole Plant 46 Buds,%20White,%20Bud.J PG Seeds Leaf =46 Flowers FraxAm/FraxAm_fl.jpeg&imgrefurl= html&h=360&w=325&sz=26&hl=en&start=71&um= 1&tbnid=SUxwaeZQ4LI8xM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=109 &prev=/images%3Fq%3DFraxinus%2Bamericana%2B %26start%3D60%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10% 26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN Stem or Tree Bark 46 =46