When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Decreasing the Response Time of The Transdermal Scopolamine Patch Written by : Robert Hung Yodit Sheido Meera Tandon Cornell University BEE 453: Computer Aided Engineering for Biomedical Processes Professor Ashim K. Datta May 6, 2005 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………3 2.0 Introduction and Design Objectives……………………………………………….4 2.1 Introduction – Motion Sickness………………………………………………4 2.2 Scopolamine Drug Mechanism……………………………………………….4 2.3 Motion Sickness Medication………………………………………………….4 2.4 Transderm Scop Patch System………………………………………………..5 2.5 Design Objectives…………………………………………………………….5 2.6 Problem Schematic…………………………………………………………...6 2.7 Problem Assumptions………………………………………………………...6 3.0 Results and Discussion………………………………………………………………7 3.1 Design Objective I- Modeling Diffusion……………………………………..7 3.2 Design Objective II – Decreasing the Response Time………………………13 3.3 Mesh Convergence Analysis…………………………………………………18 3.4 Sensitivity Analysis………………………………………………………….20 4.0 Conclusions and Design Recommendations………………………………………21 4.1 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………..21 4.1.1. Design Objective I………………………………………………...21 4.1.2 Design Objective II………………………………………………...21 4.2 Model Improvements.………………………………………………………..22 4.3 Design Requirements………………………………………………………...23 Appendix A……………………………………………………………………………...24 Appendix B……………………………………………………………………………...33 Appendix C……………………………………………………………………………...40 Appendix D……………………………………………………………………………...46 51 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 52 1.0 Executive Summary Motion sickness is a common ailment afflicting travelers in all forms of transportation. The Transderm Scop company markets a transdermal patch which prevents motion sickness for extended travel, by slowly delivering the drug scopolamine over three days. The patch is advertised as having a four hour response time, meaning it takes four hours prior to travel to relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. Our first design objective was to model the diffusion of scopolamine through the patch and into the skin using FIDAP to measure a response time. Our second objective was to alter the design of the current patch to accelerate the effects of the drug. In order to achieve the second objective we considered two options: altering the polymer membranes and adding additional scopolamine to the adhesive layer of the patch. Our results indicate that the time required, by the current patch, to prevent motion sickness is less than the company advertises. We also found that changing polymers does not affect the response time; however, increasing the amount of drug in the adhesive decreases the response time by half an hour. The mesh convergence and sensitivity analysis we conducted confirm our conclusion that the original polymer coupled with additional scopolamine in the adhesive layer is best suited for decreasing response time of the Transderm Scop patch. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 53 2.0 Introduction and Design Objectives 2.1 Introduction – Motion Sickness When we move, many of our senses are interacting collaboratively to create our three dimensional world. Motion sickness can occur when our eyes and ears are sending conflicting messages to the brain about our movement and direction. This illness frequently arises during sea, air or car travel when our body experiences acceleration in varying directions. Symptoms of motion sickness, which include dizziness, headaches, sweating, nausea and vomiting, are temporary and usually last the duration of the trip. To prevent these unpleasant symptoms, various over-the-counter and prescription drugs are available for those who suffer. 2.2 Scopolamine Drug Mechanism Motion sickness occurs when we are receiving steady visual images but are experiencing an imbalance in the fluid of our ears. When this occurs, the vestibular nerve in the ear sends the neurotransmitter, Acetylcholine, to the vomiting center in the brain, making us feel sick. Scopolamine, the active ingredient in many motion sickness medications, works to prevent motion sickness by blocking our vomiting reflex. The drug acts as a receptor antagonist, blocking Acetylcholine from binding and sending a signal to vomit. 2.3 Motion Sickness Medications Motion sickness pills, such as over-the-counter drugs like Dramamine and Benadryl, take thirty minutes to an hour to be activated after being administered. These short term medications are effective for only five hours. Longer trips may require the use of a prescription medication such as the Transderm Scop patch, which activates after four hours, and remains effective for three days. This small circular patch is applied to the hairless area behind one ear and gradually delivers 1.0mg of scopolamine over a three day period (72 hrs). The patch is shown below. This is the product that we will focus on in our project. Figure 1: Transderm Scop patch for motion sickness When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 54 2.4 Transderm Scop Patch System Initially, scopolamine is stored in both the drug reservoir (0.08 mg/mm3) and adhesive layer (0.04 mg/mm3) of the patch. Scopolamine from the drug reservoir travels through a microporous polypropylene membrane, which controls the rate of delivery of the drug. After scopolamine travels through the membrane, it passes through the adhesive, which holds the patch to the skin and delivers some drug directly to the skin, without a rate limiting layer. The drug is finally absorbed into the body through the epidermis where it diffuses into dermis of the inner ear (See Figure 2). Figure 2: Scopolamine Diffusion through Patch to Skin * Notice an initial concentration of drug both in the drug reservoir and adhesive layer 2.5 Design Objectives We have two primary design objectives. Our first one is to model the diffusion of scopolamine through each of the layers of the patch and into the dermis layer using FIDAP. With this model, we will calculate the response time for our patch system, that is we will calculate how long it will take the drug to be effective at relieving motion sickness. In addition, the current patch has a microporous polypropylene membrane, which yields a four hour response time. Our second objective is to decrease the response time of the current patch system, for people who cannot wait four hours prior to their already extensive travel time. We are attempting to do so by modeling the patch with two other microporous membranes, namely, polyethylene and polyisobutylene, which would be compatible with the transdermal patch. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 55 2.6 Problem Schematic We are modeling the diffusion of scopolamine from the drug reservoir and adhesive layers into the dermis layer of the skin using Fick’s Law of Diffusion. We are representing the patch and skin as an axis-symmetric cylinder, in order to simplify our design (See Figure 3). Figure 3: Model of the patch and skin as an axis-symmetric cylinder 2.7 Problem Assumptions In order to fulfill our design objective we had to make the following major assumptions: 1. Axisymmetric 2-D geometry 2. Blood immediately removes concentration from skin at the dermis-blood interface 3. No metabolic/consumption reaction within patch and skin. 4. Patch application of 72hrs 5. Response time of Transderm Scop is 4 hours 6. Diffusivity coefficients are constant within each layer 7. Skin dermis layer much thicker than skin epidermis layer 8. Patch application region occupies very small area of overall skin surface 9. Membrane matrix layer is the rate-limiting layer in the patch 10. Epidermis is the rate-limiting layer in the skin 11. Negligible loss of drug on the adhesive lining when applying the patch to skin surface 12. Diffusion coefficient in drug reservoir is equal to the diffusion coefficient in adhesive layer 13. Fixed temperature, isothermal system When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 56 3.0 Results and Discussion 3.1 Design Objective I – Modeling Diffusion For our first design objective, we wanted to ensure that we could accurately model the diffusion of scopolamine through our current polypropylene patch-skin system in FIDAP. We then wanted to use our model to calculate the Transderm Scop patch’s response time, that is, how long it needs to be applied before it is effective at relieving motion sickness. The company says it yields a 4 hour response time and is active for 72 hours. Initially, there is scopolamine present in both the drug reservoir and adhesive layers of the patch. As can be seen in Figure 4, at the initial time, there is only a concentration of drug in the drug reservoir (red region) and the adhesive layer (green region) of the patch. Figure 4: Polypropylene patch-skin system at t = 0 hrs When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 57 During the initial patch application time, we expected that scopolamine would slowly diffuse out of the drug reservoir, due to the rate limiting microporous polypropylene membrane. On the other hand, we expected that scopolamine would quickly diffuse out of the adhesive layer and into the skin in the initial hours, because there is no rate-limiting layer there (besides the epidermis itself). Therefore, we predicted to see a gradual decline in concentration of the drug in the reservoir, and a rather quick decline in the adhesive layer during the first few application hours. These expected trends were confirmed by our FIDAP plots, which showed the concentration of scopolamine decreasing from the initial concentration over the 72 hours (Figures 5-6). Figure 5: Concentration of scopolamine decreasing in the drug reservoir over 72 hrs When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Figure 6: Concentration of scopolamine decreasing in the adhesive layer over 72 hrs 58 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 59 As can be seen in the species contour plot below, once the patch has been applied for four hours, some scopolamine has diffused from the drug reservoir and adhesive layers and into the polypropylene membrane, epidermis, and dermis. A concentration of scopolamine has entered dermis layer, which can be carried away by the blood to treat motion sickness. Figure 7: Concentration of drug in polypropylene patch-skin system at t = 4 hrs When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 60 After 72 hours, the expected patch application time, most of the drug has diffused out of the drug reservoir and has been delivered to the body through the blood. The patch can no longer deliver an effective concentration of scopolamine to treat motion sickness. Figure 8: Concentration of drug in polypropylene patch-skin system at t = 72 hrs When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 61 Once we saw that our concentration trends seemed to accurately resemble what should happen over 72 hours of patch application, we wanted to calculate a response time for the current patch system in order to compare it back to clinical data. A response time is achieved when an adequate concentration of drug has entered the blood. Since our design did not model blood flow, we analyzed the flux out of the dermis and into the blood, across the “dermis-blood interface,” to track the progress of the drug entering the circulatory system over 72 hours. Since 72 hours is the application time for the polypropylene patch system, we used the flux value at this time as the “minimum effective flux” required to relieve motion sickness. This is the flux that must be maintained in order for the drug to remain affective. We plotted our flux results over 72 hours and placed a red-dashed line to show where the minimum effective flux lies (Figure 9). Any flux below this line is not effective enough to relieve motion sickness. Flux across the Dermis-Blood Interface over 72 Hours 1.40E-10 1.20E-10 Flux (mg/mm^2*s) 1.00E-10 8.00E-11 5.34*10-11 mg/mm2s 6.00E-11 Minimum Effective Flux Line 4.00E-11 2.00E-11 0.00E+00 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 Time (Hours) Figure 9: Calculating the response time for the polypropylene patch system using the flux value at t = 72 hrs According to the graph above, the flux across the dermis-blood interface increases rapidly over the first few application hours. Our results show that an effective flux (5.34*10-11 mg/mm2s) is reached at approximately 2.7 hours, where the flux line first crosses the red line. Since the patch company advertises that the patch is effective at approximately 4 hours, we believe that our approximation using flux values is adequate, varying only by 1hr and 18min. So, according to our results, the current patch yields a response time of 2.7 hours. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 62 3.2 Design Objective II – Decreasing the Response Time Our second design objective was to decrease the response time of the Transderm Scop patch, which uses a polypropylene microporous membrane to limit drug delivery. We initially hoped to achieve this decreased response time by using a polyethylene or polyisobutylene membrane, both of which have higher diffusivity values than polypropylene. We also attempted to achieve our objective by adding more scopolamine into the adhesive layer of our polypropylene patch system. Decreasing the response time by varying the membrane: Since Transderm Scop advertises an antiemetic response time of 4 hours, we analyzed the flux values through dermis-blood interface of the three patch systems at this time. As can be seen in Figure 10, the polypropylene patch yields the smallest flux value at 4 hours, that is, it is delivering the least amount of drug at that time. The other two patches have higher flux values at 4 hours due to their higher diffusivity values. Flux across the Dermis-Blood Interface at 4 hours 1.80E-10 1.60E-10 1.40E-10 Flux (mg/mm^2*s) 1.20E-10 D = 0.1 1.00E-10 D = 0.01 8.00E-11 Polypropylene Polyisobutylene Polyethylene D = 0.001 6.00E-11 4.00E-11 2.00E-11 0.00E+00 Membranes Figure 10: Flux across dermis-blood interface of 3 patch systems at 4 hours When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 63 We then plotted the flux values across the dermis-blood interface for each patch system to compare their response times. The advertised response time for the polypropylene patch is 4 hours, so we used the flux value for this patch at this time as the “minimum effective flux” (1.01*10-10 mg/mm2s) required to relieve motion sickness. This is the pink dashed line in the graph below (Figure 11). Any flux value below this line is not sufficient at relieving motion sickness. Flux Through Dermis-Blood Interface Over 72 Hours 3.00E-10 Flux (mg/(mm^2*s) 2.50E-10 2.00E-10 Polypropylene Polyisobutylene Polyethylene 1.50E-10 1.00E-10 Minimum Effective Flux Line 1.01*10-10 mg/mm2s 5.00E-11 0.00E+00 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 Time (Hours) Figure 11: Calculating the response times for the polyisobutylene and polyethylene patch systems using the flux value for the polypropylene patch at the researched response time of t = 4 hrs We had expected that the polypropylene patch system would last the longest due to its small diffusivity value. These results, though, show that the current patch is only effective for approximately 32 hours, and that the other patch systems last for approximately 40 hours. We did not think that these results were very accurate and that the error was due to using the advertised response time for the Transderm Scop patch. So we decided that in order to stay consistent with our design, we needed to use our calculated response time (2.7 hrs) and effective flux for the polypropylene patch (See Design Objective I) instead of the company’s response time (4 hrs). When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 64 In our Design Objective I, we calculated the response time for the polypropylene patch system to be approximately 2.7 hours with an effective flux of 5.34*10-11 mg/mm2s. Using this response time and flux, we generated a new “minimum effective flux line,” the red dashed line on the flux vs. time plot (Figure 12). Flux Through Dermis-Blood Interface Over 72 Hours 3.00E-10 Flux (mg/(mm^2*s) 2.50E-10 2.00E-10 Polypropylene Polyisobutylene Polyethylene 1.50E-10 1.00E-10 5.00E-11 Minimum Effective Flux Line 0.00E+00 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 Time (Hours) Figure 12: Calculating the response times for the polyisobutylene and polyethylene patch systems using the flux value for the polypropylene patch at the calculated response time of t = 2.7 hrs As can be seen in the figure above, all three patch systems’ flux values grow rapidly to the reddashed line at approximately the same time. That is, all three systems yield very similar response times. Membranes: Polypropylene (D = 0.001) Polyisobutylene (D = 0.01) Polyethylene (D = 0.1) Response Time: 2.7 hrs = 2 hrs 42 min 2.6 hrs = 2 hrs 36 min 2.3 hrs = 2 hrs 18 min Table 1: Patch response times Using the alternative patch system did not decrease our response time significantly. The polyethylene patch, for instance, which has the highest diffusivity, would only save a user 22 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 65 minutes in comparison to the current patch. We would have like to have designed a patch would save users even more time than this. Additionally, as can be seen in Figure 12, only the polypropylene patch lasts a full 72 hours. The polyisobutylene and polyethylene patches only last for approximately 60 hours. This is seen where the flux lines cross the red-dashed line. As a result, changing the patch membrane only seems to decrease the patch application time, which is not favorable. Decreasing the response time by varying the concentration in the adhesive: Because we were not able to achieve a significantly decreased response time by altering the patch’s microporous membrane, we decided to add 50% more scopolamine into the adhesive layer of the patch. This addition is feasible because the adhesive layer is as thick as the drug reservoir of the patch. As we saw in Figure 6, the concentration of scopolamine leaving the adhesive decreases rapidly in the first few hours, because it is not limited by a microporous membrane like the drug reservoir is. We expected that this concentration would decrease even more rapidly with the addition of a greater concentration of scopolamine into the adhesive, and that this could help decrease the response time for the drug. After increasing the drug concentration in the adhesive of our polypropylene patch from 0.04 mg/mm3 to 0.06 mg/mm3 we plotted the flux values over 72 hours again to determine the response time. Flux Through Dermis-Blood Interface over 72 Hours 2.00E-10 1.80E-10 1.60E-10 Flux (mg/mm^2*s) 1.40E-10 1.20E-10 Polypropylene w/ added concentration in adhesive Polypropylene 1.00E-10 8.00E-11 6.00E-11 4.00E-11 2.00E-11 0.00E+00 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 Time (Hours) Figure 13: Calculating the response times for the patch system with the added concentration in the adhesive using the flux value for the polypropylene patch at the calculated response time of t = 2.7 hrs When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 66 Patch Systems: Response Time: Original Polypropylene 2.7 hrs = 2 hrs 42 min Polypropylene w/added concentration in the 2.2 hrs = 2 hrs 12 min adhesive Table 2: Patch response times As can be seen in Figure 13 and the data in Table 2, adding 50% more concentration into the adhesive layer, decreases our response time by 30 minutes. Additionally, this new patch system is effective for the full 72 hours, because the polypropylene membrane is being used. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 67 3.3 Mesh Convergence Analysis In order to ensure the precision of our results, we conducted a mesh convergence analysis. We analyzed five successive meshes and increased the number of nodal points over 300% from our original mesh. Below we compare our original mesh (Figure 14) to our finest mesh (Figure 15). It is apparent that the finer mesh has significantly more elements. Figure 14: Original mesh with ~8,000 nodal points Figure 15: Finest mesh with ~41,000 nodal points When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 68 We generated the following chart, using the flux values attained at the dermis-blood interface using a successively finer mesh. We plotted flux values as a percentage of the finest mesh against the number of nodal points. N = Number of Nodal Points, and F FluxatN * 100 FluxatN 41334 Node: 41334 Plot of " F" against "N" 101 99 F (%) 97 95 93 91 89 87 85 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 N Figure 16: Sensitivity Plot for the Various Meshes As can be seen for the chart above, the fourth and fifth meshes converge to the same value. We used the fourth mesh for our results. Therefore, this convergence tells us that our results for the flux through the dermis-blood interface are not dependent on our mesh. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 69 3.4 Sensitivity Analysis The researched values for the diffusivities of each of the polymer membranes were given in ranges, as shown in Table 3. Membrane Inputted Values Diffusivity Ranges Polypropylene 0.001 0.0005 to 0.005 Polyisobutylene 0.01 0.005 to 0.05 Polyethylene 0.1 0.05 to 0.5 Table 3: Diffusivity ranges for the polymer membranes used in the patch designs For our model and results, we chose a specific diffusivity value from the ranges for each of the membranes. Therefore, it was critical to conduct a sensitivity analysis of the diffusivities for each membrane to see how sensitive our results were to the ranging values. We plotted the flux values for each of the polymer membranes taking into account their diffusivity ranges, as shown in Figure 17. Diffusivity Sensitivity Analysis Flux Values at 4 hours (mg/mm^2*s) 1.80E-10 1.60E-10 1.40E-10 1.20E-10 Polypropylene 1.00E-10 Polyisobutylene 8.00E-11 Polyethylene 6.00E-11 4.00E-11 2.00E-11 0.00E+00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 Diffusivity Ranges (non-dimensionalized) Figure 17: The effect on the flux value through the dermis-blood interface at 4 hours due to the diffusivity ranges for each polymer membrane As can be seen in the figure above, the polypropylene and polyethylene systems were not affected significantly by the diffusivity range. On the other hand, the polyisobutylene flux value did seem significantly affected by the range. However, these varying flux values do not alter our final conclusion. The flux values for polyisobutylene are still smaller than polyethylene, which did not yield a notably decreased response time. Additionally, the polyisolbutylene diffusivity range will only grant us a patch with an application time which is less than 72 hours. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 70 4.0 Conclusion and Design Recommendations 4.1 Conclusions Our goal in this project was two-fold. We sought to model the diffusion of scopolamine through the patch-skin system and compare the simulated response time to the response time advertised by the company. We then sought to decrease the response time by first changing the polymer membranes and second, adding concentration to the adhesive layer. 4.1.1 Conclusion- Design Objective I The first design objective was satisfied using the polypropylene membrane. Since our schematic does not include blood we calculated flux values instead of concentration over the patch lifetime (See Fig.9). We used the final flux value (at 72 hours) as a standard to determine when the patch initially reached the effective flux value. According to the company the patch remains effective for 72 hours, therefore we assumed that the flux at 72 hours is sufficient to alleviate motion sickness. According to this assumption and our data the polypropylene patch only requires 2.7 hours to prevent motion sickness. Although the calculated response time does not coincide with the company’s claim it is within acceptable bounds. 4.1.2 Conclusion – Design Objective II The second design objective is contingent upon the first. Since the original polypropylene patch yields a response time of 2.7 hours, the remaining alternatives, changing the polymers and adding concentration, must yield response times which are significantly reduced. Table 1 compares the response times of the three polymers and satisfies our second design objective, indicating that polyethylene has a faster response time. However, the difference between the response times of the polymer membranes is insignificant. The differences are measured in minutes which are minor because the patch lifetimes are measured in hours and days. The decrease in response time satisfies our design objective but it does warrant a change in the patch. More importantly, both the polyethylene and polyisobutylene patches fall below the effective flux after 60 hours and shorten the patch application time. In order to efficiently satisfy our second design objective we will use the polypropylene membrane in the patch. The second method we used to decrease the response time was to increase the concentration in the adhesive by fifty percent. The data indicates that the response time is decreased by 30 minutes. This data is significant due to the lifetime of the patch, Figure 13 indicates that the patch is still effective for the full 72 hours. Therefore we conclude that polypropylene coupled with the additional scopolamine is the best polymer and adhesive combination for the transdermal scopolamine patch because it yields the fastest response time. Using our simulation the microporous polypropylene membrane yields a 2.7 hour response time and has a lifetime which is unparalleled by the other polymers, polyisobutylene and polyethylene. Our findings also indicate that increasing the concentration will significantly reduce the response time and maintain the same patch application time. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 71 4.2 Model Improvements Diffusivity values were vital to our project, however, it proved to be quite difficult to obtain these properties. Since these values are protected trade secrets we were only privy to diffusivity ranges. Using theses ranges we then compared the values to diffusivity values of smaller molecules through the polymers. This comparison provided us with estimates of the actual diffusivity values. Finding exact diffusivity values of scopolamine through the polymers would increase the accuracy of our model and improve the results we obtained. One major assumption we made throughout the project was that the blood was continually removing scopolamine from the dermis. We made this assumption because we did not model blood in our schematic. Modeling blood would be a useful improvement for the problem because we would then be able to calculate concentration in the blood itself. This would eliminate the need for using flux values which only determine the concentration gradient at the dermis-blood interface instead of the concentration in the blood. Modeling blood flow would also require us to use a reaction term. Since scopolamine is an inhibitor which must be metabolized, the reaction term would allow us to determine how quickly it used in the body and how efficiently scopolamine is replaced with each polymer membrane. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 72 4.3 Design Recommendations Our conclusion that polypropylene coupled with extra adhesive is the best polymer membrane for the patch is further supported by price and health analyses. Although polyethylene and polyisobutylene do decrease the response time, polypropylene offers advantages which the other two polymers do not. Polymers are plastics which must be made from crude oil. The different types of plastics from which these polymers are made create significant differences in price. Using price data obtained from Plastics Exchange we compared the cost of each polymer by weight. Polymer Membrane Polypropylene Price Range ( $ / lb) $0.04 Polyisobutylene $0.45 Polyethylene $0.05 Table : Cost Comparison The above table shows that polypropylene is also the most cost efficient patch. The price differences affect manufacturing and marketing cost and will create an added cost for the consumer which may prove to be detrimental for the company. Aside from the added cost from the consumer the increased price is not balanced by significant changes in response time. The cost benefit is another reason polypropylene is an effective polymer membrane for this patch. The next consideration is the health of the individual wearing the patch. Although our goal is to increase the response time we do not want to allow scopolamine to enter the blood stream too quickly. This was our initial concern with the increase of .concentration in the adhesive layer. The rapid entry of scopolamine into the circulatory system can cause undesirable side effects such as, inhibition of sweating, pupillary dilation and a slight slowing of the heart beat. These symptoms can occur with as little as 0.5 mg of scopolamine. Since the patch we model has 1.0 mg of scopolamine in the drug reservoir alone and a total of 1.75 mg in the patch –system with the added scopolamine, side effects were a concern with both the polyisobutylene and polyethylene membranes. Their high diffusivities increased concentration within the blood thus increasing the possibility for inducing side effects. Since we did want to increase the frequency of side effects we concluded that polypropylene served as the best rate limiting membrane. The polypropylene along with added scopolamine is best suited for continually releasing the drug without allowing a high level to enter the circulatory system, thus decreasing the incidences of side effects. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait APPENDIX A: 73 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Mathematical Statement of the Problem I. Geometry: 2D-Axisymmetric Patch-Skin system Fig. A1: Geometry and Boundary Conditions Refer to section A III for entity names II. Boundary Conditions and Initial Conditions * Boundary Conditions – refer to Fig A1. * Initial Conditions: C(t=0) at the drug reservoir = 0.08 mg/mm3 C(t=0) at the adhesive layer = 0.04 mg/mm3 74 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait III. 75 Entity Names Fig. A2: Assigned entity names to different interfaces and compartments We used this 2-D axis-symmetric geometry to model all three patch-skin systems for polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyisobutylene. For software simulation purposes, we divided up the geometry into separate compartments in order to define the behavior at each of the entities. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 76 IV. Governing Equation: 2c c u v w 2c 2c DS 2 t x y z y 2 z 2 x rA Since we are modeling diffusion through the axis-symmetric system and there are no convective or reaction terms, the governing equation in cylindrical coordinates becomes 1 c S 2 c s c S DS r 2 t r r r z CS t DS r z = concentration of scopolamine = time = diffusivity constant of scopolamine = distance in the radial direction = distance in the axial direction We also need to non-dimensionalize our governing equation since values for variables are so small. R c 1 r 2c 2 D t r R r z R R R 2 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait V. a. Input Parameters: List of parameters as well as the techniques to non-dimensionalize these values: PARAMETERS NON-DIMENSIONALIZED EQUALS r r R z z R t Dt R2 c c ci c c Dlayer (diffusivity in the different layers) Dlayer Dreservoir Fig A2. Parameters of simulation 77 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Diffusivity Coefficients DRESERVOIR DIFFUSIVITY NON- COEFFICIENT DIMENSIONALIZED [CM2/S] DIFFUSIVITY 1* 10 -7 1 Free Patents Online, 1981 DPOLYPROPYLENE 1* 10 -10 0.001 Free Patents Online, 1990 DPOLYETHYLENE 1* 10 -8 0.1 Estimated interpolations (Park, 1997) DPOLYISOBUTYLENE 1* 10 -9 0.01 Estimated interpolations (Park, 1997) DADHESIVE 1* 10 -7 1 Free Patents Online, 1981 DEPIDERMIS 1.45 * 10 -9 .0145 Johnson et al, 1997 DDERMIS 5.8 * 10 -7 5.8 Johnson et al, 1997 Fig A3. Diffusion Coefficients dimensionalized and nondimensionalized 78 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Time TIME (SECONDS) NON-DIMENSIONALIZED TIME tINITIAL 0 0 tFINAL 72 hours = 259200 sec 0.003636 tSTEP 60 sec 8.416 * 10 -7 max no. of steps 4320 4320 (fixed; not time dependent) Fig A4. Inputted time parameters (dimensional and non-dimensional forms) 79 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 80 Concentration Concentration values were not non-dimensionalized because if they were, we would attain a zero initial concentration of the drug in the drug reservoir—no diffusion would occur between the drug reservoir and the adhesive layer. Therefore, we kept the initial concentration values in mg/mm3. Layer Drug Reservoir Adhesive Concentration [mg/mm3] 0.08 0.04 Fig A5. Inputted initial concentrations When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Non-Dimensionalized Vertices Sample calculation: x = z r and y = R R R= 26.7mm This procedure was repeated for the remaining fourteen vertices (See Fig. A1) The second vertex: R ORIGINAL NON- DISTANCES DIMENSIONALIZED [MM] DISTANCES 0 0 Free Patents Online, 1977 Z 8.92 0.334 Free Patents Online, 1977 Fig A6: Non-dimensionalized vertices 81 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait APPENDIX B: 82 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 83 Problem Statement: PROB (AXI-, ISOT, NOMO, TRAN, LINE, FIXE, NEWT, INCO, SPEC = 1.0) The problem was defined in PRESTO as: AXI- ISOTNOMOTRANLINEFIXENEWTINCOSPEC = 1.0 Axis-symmetric; The axis is taken at the center of the patch and extended throughout the different layers of the skin Isothermal; Simulation at fixed temperature; no heat equation Momentum is not considered; no convective terms Transient problem; not steady state No second derivative (convective) term in GE Geometry has fixed surfaces Fluid is Newtonian Drug is incompressible Scopolamine is the species analyzed; Thus only 1 species When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 84 Solution Statement: EXEC (NEWJ) SOLU (S.S. = 50, VELC = 0.100000000000E-02, RESC = 0.100000000000E-01, SCHA = 0.000000000000E+00, ACCF = 0.000000000000E+00) For our solution, FIDAP performed successive substitutions to solve for each time step with a maximum number of 50 interations per time step. The ‘newjob’ parameter in the execution command informs FIDAP that this is a new problem. S.S = 50 ACCF = 0 50 iterations per time step Acceleration of solver set at zero When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 85 Time Integration: TIME (BACK, FIXE, TSTA = 0.000000000000E+00, TEND = 0.363600000000E-02, DT = 0.840000000000E-06, NSTE = 4320) BACK FIXE TSTA = 0 TEND = 0.3636E-02 DT = 0.84E-06 NSTE = 4320 time integration is set backwards; more stable t+Δt fixed time steps starting time at t=0 ending time at t=0.3636E-02 or 72 hours time step = 0.84E-06; first increment of 60 sec total number of time steps = 4320 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 86 Plot of element mesh Fig B1. Mesh of complete system used to simulate results based on mesh convergence analysis. Mesh of the complete system is depicted here where fine meshes are used in the membrane, epidermis, and the initial distance of skin in the radial direction that is beyond the patch application region. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 87 Fig B2. Mesh of patch and skin beneath the patch used to simulate results based on mesh convergence analysis The mesh shown here illustrates the different layers of the patch and the epidermis and dermis layer underneath the patch. A fine mesh was used in the membrane layer and the epidermis layer since these two layers are the rate-limiting. A graded mesh was implemented at the dermis layer since the changes in concentration become less significant with increasing penetration depth of the dermis. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 88 Fig B3. Mesh of skin not below the patch used to simulate results based on mesh convergence analysis Mesh illustrates skin extended beyond the patch. Again, a fine mesh was used for the epidermis layer because it is rate-limiting. A graded mesh was used in the radial direction since the changes in this direction are not significant. When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait APPENDIX C 89 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 90 Fig C1: Contour of diffusion of scopolamine through polyethylene at 72 hours (patch removal time) Flux across “skinbottom1” = Flux across the interface of the dermis and the blood at 4 hours = 0.4290311 * 10-3 units When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 91 Fig C2: Contour of diffusion of scopolamine through polyisobutylene at 72 hours (patch removal time) Flux across “skinbottom1” = Flux across the interface of the dermis and the blood at 4 hours = 0.3210603*10-3 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Fig C3. Line plot at node = 5258 (drug membrane) 92 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Fig C4. Line plot at node = 7498 (epidermis) 93 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait Fig C5. Line plot at node = 24368 (dermis) 94 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait APPENDIX D 95 When Motion Sickness Can’t Wait 96 References 1. Park, Kinam.1997. Controlled Drug Delivery. ACS Professional Reference Book, Washington D.C. 2. Johnson et al. 1997. 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