Federalists Ascendant: John Adams I. Development of Political Parties a. Washington “above” politics, but a ____________________ b. Federalist Party emerges i. Leaders => ii. Characteristics 1. Pro . . . 2. Pro . . . 3. Pro . . . 4. “Looser” interpretation . . . c. Democratic-Republicans (D-Rs) i. Leaders => ii. Characteristics 1. Pro . . . 2. Pro . . . 3. Pro . . . 4. Pro . . . 5. Strict interpretation . . . II. Election of 1796 a. First Post-Washington Election i. John Adams (F) – _______ EV ii. Thomas Jefferson (DR) – _______ EV iii. Thomas Pinckney (F) – ________ EV iv. Aaron Burr (DR) – ______ EV b. President, VP from different parties i. Constitution election rules 1. President to be person with . . . 2. VP to be person with . . . 3. NO CONCEPT OF ________________ (idea of Pres, VP running together) ii. Founders did not anticipate . . . iii. Became big problem in Adams’ Administration III. John Adams (1735-1826) a. Born in Massachusetts b. Raised a “__________________________” c. Became a lawyer d. Second cousins to . . . e. Joined Patriot cause => f. During Revolutionary war, served in . . . i. “Committee of 5” => ii. Looked to for advice by states on . . . IV. John Adams, Diplomat a. 1777: Sent to ___________________ as diplomat b. 1779-80: Returned to Europe to . . . c. Continued to serve as ambassador to ________________ (1780-82) and __________________ (1785-88) V. John Adams, Vice President a. Came in second in election of 1788 AND 1792 (significance?) => b. Washington rarely . . . c. Adams main job as VP => d. Very low opinion of Vice Presidency => VI. John Adams, President a. Continued ______________________ of George Washington b. Adams wanted to . . . c. Problem: Jay’s Treaty angered . . . d. Adams sent diplomats to . . . e. XYZ Affair i. French agents demands 1. ______________ bribe 2. ______________ “loan” to help French fight wars 3. ___________________ from Adams for Jay’s Treaty ii. Americans . . . f. US Reaction to XYZ Affair i. Jefferson, D-Rs demanded to see reports from diplomats => ii. Adams released charges to public => iii. Public outcry: “Millions for defense . . .” => g. “Quasi-War” i. No declaration, but . . . ii. American negotiators offered French . . . iii. 1800: Adams renegotiated treaty 1. US dropped claim for . . . 2. France released US . . . 3. Weakened American public affection . . . VII. Domestic Affairs a. Alien-Sedition Acts (1798) i. _______________ _____________________ Act 1. Authorized the President to ________________ any resident considered “dangerous to the peace and safety of the US” 2. Aimed at . . . ii. _______________ _____________________ Act 1. Authorized the President to _________________ and deport resident aliens if their home countries were at war with the US 2. Still in effect iii. ________________________ Act 1. Extended the duration of residence required for aliens to become citizens to ... 2. Expired 1801 iv. ________________ Act 1. Made it a crime to publish “false, scandalous and malicious writing” against ... 2. Very controversial b. Reaction to Sedition Act i. Jefferson, D-Rs => 1. First Amendment => 2. Tenth Amendment => 3. No judicial review yet . . . ii. KY, VA Resolutions 1. TJ, James Madison introduced these resolutions … 2. Called on states . . . 3. Compact Theory a. US made up of . . . b. States give . . . c. But states do not give away their ___________ d. If state’s sovereignty is violated, then state had right to . . . c. Alien-Sedition Acts in Action i. No aliens deported, but . . . ii. 25 people arrested under Sedition Act => iii. 11 tried, 10 convicted iv. Led to . . . 1. Federalists tossed out of office 2. After his election, President Jefferson . . . VIII. 1800 Election a. One of the nastiest elections ever => b. Jefferson v. Adams c. Campaign destroyed . . . d. Jefferson, Burr (both D-Rs) tie => i. 35 ballots . . . ii. On 36th ballot => e. 1800 Election Aftermath: 12th Amendment i. President, VP run as __________________ ii. Each elector casts 2 votes => iii. Deadlock goes to House => f. Federalists lose control of … g. Adams makes “Midnight appointments” to judiciary =>