Partial list of Greek and Latin root words used in Anatomy and Physiology. Mr. DePhillips Root Meaning Example caput head decapitate a without agranuolcyte carcin cancer carcinogen acou hearing acoustic card heart cardiologist acro peak acromial carn flesh carnivore ab away from abnormal cata down catabolism, catacomb abdom abdomen abdominal caud tail caudal ad toward adhesion cav hollow vena cava adip fat adipose ceph head cephalothorax aero oxygen aerobic cereb brain cerebral agglutin Glue together Agglutination chiasm crossing chiasma agon contest agonist chloro green chlorophyll alb white albumin chondro cartilage hypochondriac album white of an egg Albumin chord string notochord -algia pain neuralgia choroid like a membrane Aliment Nourishment alimentary chromo color chromosome all another, other allele chym juice mesenchyme amygdal Almond amygdala cide kill herbicide amphi both amphibian cili small hair ciliated an without anaerobic circum around circumcision anat to cut apart anatomy clad branch, sprout cladogram angin choked angina clast break, broken osteoclast anti against antigen co with, together co-habitation aort the great artery Aorta cocc berry coccus api tip, extremity apex cochl snail, spiral cochlea appen hang to,appendage appendicular cod code, writing codon aqua water aquatic coel hollow coelom arach spider arachnoid com with community archae ancient archaebacteria contra against contraceptive arthro joint arthroscopic surgery corona crown coronal suture artic a joint articulation corp body corpse -ase enzymes lactase cort bark, outer layer cortex atri entrance atrium cost rib intercostals audi hearing auditory crain skull cranium auri hearing auricle crit chose, select critic, hemocrit auto self autotroph cubo cube cuboidal bact rod, staff bacillus, bacteria cutic skin cuticle bas base, foundation Basal cyto cell cytoplasm bi two bivalve dactyl finger/toe pterodactyl bio life biology de opposite/out depressant blast to sprout osteoblast decid falling off deciduous teeth or trees bol lump bolus delta triangle deltoid brachi arm biceps brachii dendr tree-like dendrites brev short brevis dent tooth dentist bucc cheek buccal cavity derm skin exoderm cala insert intercalated di two dihybrid call hardened callus dia through, between diaphragm calor heat calorie dialys break apart kidney dialysis capill hair capillary diplo pair diploid dis bad disease diur urine diuretic dors back dorsal duct to lead abduction dura hard dura mater dys bad dystrophy e out eversion eco house ecosystem ecto out ectoplasm ectomy remove tonsillectomy edem swelling edema efferen To carry away Efferent electro electricity electrocardiogram elle smaller organelle -emia blood anemia encephal Brain encephalitis endo within, inner endocytosis epi on, at epidermis epithe laid on, covered Epithelium equi equal equilibrium erythro red erythrocyte eth behavior ethology eu true eukaryote evolut unrolling evolution ex out, beyond exocytosis, extinction farc stuffing infarction fasci bundle, band fascicle fibr a fiber fibrin fiss cleft, split fissure flamm burn inflammation flexi bend flexible form form, shape transformation foramen opening foramen gamet union gamete gangli knot on a string ganglion gast belly, stomach Gastrointestinal gen producing genetics germin grow germination geron old gerontology gest carried gestation gingiv gums gingivitis glia glue glial cell glob ball globulin glom ball glomeruli glut swallow deglutition glute buttock glueteus maximus glyco sugar, glucose glycolysis gram writing electrocardiogram gran grain (of sand) agranulocyte gust taste gustation gyr turning, round gyri haplo single, simple haploid haust draw up, suck haustral hist web, tissue histology hem blood hemoglobin hemi ½ hemisphere hepat liver hepatitis hetero other heterozygous homo same homeostasis hormon excite hormone humor fluid humoral immunity hyal glass, transparent hyaline hydro water hydrolysis hyper high, above hyperglycemia hypno sleep hypnosis hypo below, under hypothermia hyster uterus, womb hysterectomy ile intestine ileum immun Safe, free immunity in not, in, on inorganic, inbreeding -in protein pepsin incu anvil incus inter between interphase intra within intracellular iri rainbow iris, iridescent irrit excite irritability iso same isotonic isola alone isolation -itis inflammation arthritis jugul throat jugular vein karyo nucleus eukaryote kine motion cytokinesis lac milk lactose lacr tear lacrimal lacun space, cavity lacunae lamel small plate lamella larv ghost larvae lat wide latissimus dorsi laten hiding translation lateri side lateral lemma Peel, sheath sarcolemma leuk white leukocyte leva raise levitate lip fat liposuction lith stone, rock otolith luci clear shining lucid lymph water lymphocyte lysis break glycolysis macro large macromolecule mal bad malnutrition malle hammer malleus mamm breast mammary gland mass larger mass extinction mast breast mastectomy mastic chew masticate mater mother pia mater meat a passage meatus medi middle medial mei less meiosis melan black melanocytes meli honey diabetes melitus men month menstrual cycle menin membrane meninges mer unit polymer mes middle mesenchyme meta beyond metaphase metr measure isometric mia condition of hypothermia micro small microscope mictur urine micturation mito thread mitosis mnem memory amnesia, mnemonic device mono one monosaccharide morph shape, form morphology multi many multicellular myelo spinal cord myeoblasts myo muscle myofibril narco numb narcotic necro death necrosis nephro kidney nephritis neutr neither neutrophil neuro nerve neuron nomen name nomenclature -nomy science of taxonomy non not nondisjunction noto back, south notochord nutri feed nutrition oculo eye monocular odon tooth odontoblast olfact smell olfactory -ologist person who studies biologist -ology study of biology omni all omnivore oo egg oocyte ophtha eye ophthalmologist opti eye, vision optic orga carbon organic compound ortho straight orthopedic os bone ossicle -ose sugar lactose osis act mitosis osteo bone osteoporosis oto ear otoscope ov egg ovum oxy oxygen, sharp deoxyribonucleic palp touch, feel palpitate pan all, universal panacea papill nipple papillae para beside parathyroid parasit eat at another’s table parasite patho disease,suffering pathogen pect chest pectoral ped foot pedicure pedi child pediatric, pedigree pelv pelvis, basin pelvic pep to digest pepsin pepti protein peptide bond peri around period phago eat phagocytosis pheno show, appear phenotype phleb vein phlebotomy phyl tribe phylum physio Nature physiology phor movement electrophoresis photo light photoreceptor physis growth diaphysis phys nature physiology pia tender pia mater pino drink pinocytosis piyuit secrete pituitary plana sole of the foot planar plasma form cytoplasm plate broad, flat platelet pleur side, rib pluricy plex network plexus pneumo Air pneumonia pod foot podiatrist poie make hematopoiesis poly many polymer pons bridge pons post after, behind posterior pro before, in front of pronation, prophase procto rectum, anus proctology proto first protocell pseudofalse pseudopod psycho mind psychology pulmo lung pulmonary artery pylor Gate-keeper pyloric sphincter pyro fire pyrogen quad four quadriceps radi radius, spoke radial symmerty re again repeat rect straight rectus abdominus ren kidney renal vein reticu network endoplasmic reticulum retin net retina retro back, behind retrovirus rhea excessive discharge diarrhea rheum flow, change rheumatic fever ribo the sugar ribose deoxyribonucleic rhin nose rhinoplasty ruga fold, wrinkle rugae sacch sugar monosaccharide sagitt arrow sagittal, Sagittarius sarco flesh, muscle sarcoplasm scler hard sclera scri write transcribe seb grease sebum semi half semicircular sens feeling sensation septi rotten septic tank septum Fence septum (of nose or heart) sin a hollow sinus sis process of hematopoiesis soma body chromosome somn sleep insomnia speci kind, sort species sphin squeeze, hold tight Sphincter spir air, spiral spiracle, spirillum spire breathe inspire spor seed ednospore squam fish’s scale squamous -stalsis Compression peristalsis stape stirrup stapes staphylo cluster staphylococcus stasis state homeostasis strat a layer stratified strepto chain streptococcus stria streak/stripe striated sulc groove, trench sulci supin lying on the back supination sutur a seam suture sym together, with symbiosis synth join photosynthesis systole contraction systole tachy rapid tachycardia tact touch tactile tars flat surface, ankle tarsal tax arrange taxon tens stretched extension termin end, limit terminal tetan rigid, tense tetanus tetra four tetrad (Tetris) thala inner room thalamus therm heat endotherm thora breast thorax thromb a clot thrombocyte thyro shield thyroid gland tin punish extinction tom cut hematoma ton tone, tension isotonic tox poison toxin tract drawn retraction trans across transgenic troph nourish dystrophy tympan drum tympanic uni one unicellular uvul the palate uvula vacca cow vaccine ven vein vena cava vent underside, belly ventral vers turn, change inversion vertebr joint vertebrate vestig trace vestigial vita life vitamin vitr glass vitreous viv living viviparous volunt choice involuntary vore devour herbivore zyg unite zygote 2/1/13