A. Subject: Science C. Topic/Title: Plant Cell Structures B. Grade Level/Age: 3rd – 5th D. Time Frame: 45 minutes Grade Level Expectation's: Science Strand 3: Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms o 1. There is a fundamental unity underlying the diversity of all living organisms C. Cells are the fundamental units of structure and function of all living things a. * Recognize all organisms are composed of cells, the fundamental units of structure and function DOK a-1 Strand 3: Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms o 2. Living organisms carry out life processes in order to survive A) The cell contains a set of structures called organelles that interact to carry out life processes through physical and chemical means. Scope and Sequence – Characteristics of Living Organisms a) Compare and contrast the following plant and animal cell structures: cell membrane, nucleus, cell wall, chloroplast, and cytoplasm b) Recognize the chloroplast as the cell structure where food is produced in plants and some unicellular organisms (e.g., algae, some protists) DOK a – 2, b – 1 Course Level Expectations: Science Strand 3: Characteristics and Interactions of Living Organisms C. Cells are the fundamental units of structure and function of all living things a. * Recognize all organisms are composed of cells, the fundamental units of structure and function b. Describe the structure of cell parts (e.g., cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondrion, ribosome, vacuole) found in different types of cells (e.g., bacterial, plant, skin, nerve, blood, muscle) and the functions they perform (e.g., structural support, transport of materials, storage of genetic information, photosynthesis and respiration, synthesis of new molecules, waste disposal) that are necessary to the survival of the cell and organism DOK a-1, b-2 Student Learning Objectives: The student will: Recognize structures of a plant cell. Label a blank plant cell diagram. Use vocabulary clues to complete assessment worksheet. Materials: Plant Cell Structures Power point Blank Plant Cell Diagram Plant Cell Vocabulary Plant Cell Vocabulary Assessment Plant Cell Sources: http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/13-cells.htm http://www.biology4kids.com/files/cell_cytoplasm.htm http://www.life123.com/parenting/education/botany/parts-of-a-plant-cell.shtml http://kidsresearchexpress.blogspot.com/2008/07/plant-cell-structure-and-fuction.html Depth of Knowledge 1. Recall X 2. Skills/Concept X 3. Strategic Thinking X 4. Extended Thinking X The Lesson: A) Opening: Who can tell me what a cell is? Can any one name a part of a plant cell? Well class today we are going to learn about basic plant cell structures. B) Explanation: Model: Explain to students that all living organisms are made of cells and that cells fall into two categories plant and animal cells. Shared/Interactive: The class will watch power point “Plant Cell Structures” and answer questions that pertain to the plant structures. Independent practice: The students will label the Plant Cell diagram assessment. C) Evaluation: By Teacher: The teacher will assess students using the Plant Cell diagram assessment activity. Student self-evaluation of own learning: The students will assess their understanding of the lesson by their ability to label the Plant Cell diagram and answer questions during power point. D) Closing: Today we learned about the basic plant cell structures and tomorrow we will learn about other parts of plants and flowers. E) Differentiated Instruction: Amount - allow more time as needed for Plant Cell diagram assessment Rate - slow or quicken the pace of power point and discussion Utensils – Smart Board, computer, and powerpoint