Fill in the Gaps Activity Female Reproductive Structure and Function Using the notes you have made in class, and your textbook complete the following table. The first one has been done for you. Name of Structure Ovary Description of Structure Purpose of Structure A small round oval structure that lies on the outside of the Uterus Holds the follicles which the house the egg which contains the female reproductive material. Produces the female hormone Oestrogen. A long narrow coiled tube. Uterus To provide an entry point to the Uterus Vagina Homework Activity 2A Mark Sheet Female Reproductive Organs Name of Structure Ovary Description of Structure Purpose of Structure A small round oval structure that lies on the outside of the Uterus Fallopian Tube Uterus A long narrow coiled tube. Holds the follicles which the house the egg which contains the female reproductive material. Produces the female hormone Oestrogen. A tube the eggs travel along to reach the Uterus Cervix A lower part of the Uterus that extends into the vagina A muscular tube that joins onto the Cervix Vagina A hollow muscular organ Supplies the foetus with nutrients and a safe place to develop To provide an entry point to the Uterus The entry point for the penis. Mix and Match Classroom Activity 1 Teacher Instructions Enlarge and photocopy this table onto card laminating will extend their life. You could make several sets and use this for individual or small group activity either in class or at home as well as for revision exercise or tutorial activity prior to exams. Cut the boxes up and hand out the set to the students. Student Instructions Each of the following cards relate to the male reproductive structures. Match each structure with the correct description of the structure. Match the correct function of the structure to the description of the structure and the and name of the structure. Female Reproductive Organs Name of Structure Ovary Oestrogen Follicle Fallopian Tube Ovulation Ova Uterus Foetus Cervix Vagina Birthing Oestrus Mating Zygote Description of Structure Function of Structure A small round oval structure that lies on the outside of the Uterus A substance made in the ovary A structure found inside the ovary. Is responsible for housing the eggs. A long narrow coiled tube. A process that releases eggs from the ovary Another name for the egg A hollow muscular organ When the sperm and egg meet they divide and from an embryo A lower part of the Uterus that extends into the vagina A muscular tube that joins onto the Cervix A process that expels the young out of the body via the Vagina Signalled when the hormone Oestrogen is released. The process where the male animal mounts the female The name given for the fertilised egg or ova Signals the onset of Oestrus in female animals A place where the egg is stored until it matures and is expelled into the Fallopian tube A tube the expelled eggs travel along to reach the Uterus. Starts the egg on its journey to the Uterus Contains the female genetic material Supplies the foetus with nutrients and a safe place to develop The name given to the growing embryo To provide an entry point to the Uterus The entry point for the penis. Signals that the animal id fully developed and ready to grow outside the Uterus A regular cycle that signals the female is ready to mate with the male. Sperm is ejected into the Uterus where it fertilises an egg. The zygote attached itself to the wall of the uterus where it develops into an embryo 2