Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind
1. Significance of the
2. What’s Important and
What’s Not
3. Historical Empathy
4. Shared Humanity
5. Change and
6. Change and
7. History is Unfinished
 Multiple groups given a task to accomplish w/in a time limitWas it difficult?
 Small groups merge to form a larger group to solve same
problem-Was this easier?
 Connection to manifest destiny
…distinguish between the important and the
 Students examine O’Sullivan’s Manifest Destiny for symbols,
inconsequential, to develop the “discriminating
actions to infer message and perspective of manifest destiny.
memory” needed for discerning judgment in
 Students read primary sources form other perspectives
public and personal life.
 Students create their own original work of manifest destiny.
…perceive past events and issues as they were
“WBFLO” morning talk show with traffic reporter
experienced by people at the time, to develop
 Students select a role and write a piece from the “eyes” of that
historical empathy as opposed to presentperson about manifest destiny. Videotape discussions.
 Roles-railroad worker, railroad boss, women/children, pony
express rider, telegraph operator, bison, American eagle,
American Indian
…acquire at one and the same time a
 Examine picture in small groups
comprehension of diverse cultures and of share
 Discuss & categorize in small groups. ie. Transportation,
communication, etc.
 Make connections to own life-challenges, hopes, etc.
…understand how things happen and how things  Examine O’Sullivan’s picture in small groups to identify
change, how human interactions matter, but also
events portrayed.
how their consequences are shaped by the means
Discuss possible consequences of those events.
of carrying them out, in a tangle between
 Complete a cause and effect chart.
purpose and process.
…comprehend the interplay of change and
 Lead a discussion about moving
continuity, and avoid assuming that either is
 Students fill a shoebox with items they want to take with them
somehow more natural, or more to be expected,
if they were to move.
than the other.
 Teacher fills box with items pioneers might take west.
 Share and compare boxes for similarities/differences (Venn
…prepare to live with uncertainties and
 Problem: American Indians living on land US wants
exasperating-even perilous-unfinished business,
 Interview with American Indian and government official to try
…understand the significance of their past to
their lives, both private and public and to their
FCPS Teaching American History Grant
NCHE Colloquium-March 2004
realizing that not all ‘problems’ have solutions.
8. Campaign Against
…grasp the complexity of historical causation,
respect particularity, and avoid excessively
abstract generalizations.
9. History’s Tentative
…appreciate the often tentative nature of
judgments about the past, and thereby avoid the
temptation to seize upon particular “lessons” of
history as cures for present ills.
10. People Who Made a
…recognize the importance of individuals who
have made a difference in history, and the
significance of personal character for both good
and ill.
11. The Unintended and
…appreciate the force of the non-rational, the
irrational, and the accidental in history and
human affairs.
…understand the relationship between
geography and history as a matrix of time and
place, and as a context for events.
12. Time and Place are
13. Evaluating Evidence
…read widely and critically in order to
recognize the difference between fact and
conjecture, between evidence and assertion, and
thereby frame useful questions.
FCPS Teaching American History Grant
NCHE Colloquium-March 2004
to come up with a solution to the problem.
Students to complete a web graphing the cultural, economic,
social, and political reasons for manifest destiny.
 Compare to why people move today.
 Teachers in grade level teams portray a character from
westward expansion.
 Teachers hold a press conference in their room while students
move from room to room asking questions as reporters to gain
historical knowledge. Can use the Socratic method.
 Students then write an article for their newspaper about the
 Students create a wax museum of individuals important to
manifest destiny-may be cutouts or actual portrayal.
 Include strengths, weaknesses, milestones, vision, artifact,
quote, journal entry and costume of individual.
What if gold was never discovered?
Web, discussion, personal connection
Show O’Sullivan’s picture of Manifest Destiny
Ask students what images they see, what symbols are used
Students draw own rendition of painting showing 3 themes of
history-can divide the picture into thirds
Students write an explanation or narrative of whole picture.
Lead a discussion of information discussed during unit.
Students to complete a T-chart answering the question, “Was
manifest destiny a myth or fact?”