Datum: 16. 8. 2011 Projekt OBOGATENO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV KONČNO POROČILO o delu tujega učitelja v šolskem letu 2010/11 Priloga 1 Ciljni tuji jezik(i): Šolski center Rudolfa Maistra Kamnik Matična šola Music A general overview of music and musical instruments (vocabulary, general knowledge and grammar). Angleščina Št. znakov (s presledki): Avtor(ji) in delež(i): 773 Andrea Marie Jadrzyk Šola: Status šole: Naslov priloge: Kratek opis (vrsta in vsebina): Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Music (Glasba) The lesson is centered around the general topic of music and is appropriate for students in the first and second years of high school (gimnazija), but can easily be adapted to students of lower levels. Students are expected to work both individually, in groups and also to discuss answers in class. The necessary teaching materials include the attached handout for the students (with an answer key provided for the teacher), a black or whiteboard, markers / chalk and, optionally, a computer with an internet connection and good speakers. Time 5’ 10’ 15’ 10’ 5’ Teacher Activity I greet the students and dispense the handout. I introduce the topic and ask the students how many of them own mp3 players or iPods and why. We establish the widespread human love of music and I then ask the students to individually answer the questions on the first page. We go through the questions together writing down various genres and musical instruments on the board, while the other questions are discussed verbally. I ask the students to work in pairs or small groups to match up the songs with their artists / bands. When they finish we check the answers and if the resources are available, play the songs the students do not know (music videos) on youtube.com. I then ask the students to match the verbs and the nouns in the next exercise and to use the words in exercise III to fill in the blanks in exercise IV. We correct the answers and I ask if there are any questions or comments concerning the exercises (vocabulary, etc.) or the topic of music in general before dismissing the students. 2 Student Activity The students listen and respond to the questions posed to the class. The students answer the questions on the front page of the handout individually. The students listen and offer their opinions and answers to the questions. They make note of any genres and instruments they may be missing on their handout. The students listen and work together to match up the answers. They inform the teacher of any unknown songs and listen to the ones they did not recognize. The students complete the final exercises on the worksheet asking for help if necessary. The students listen and correct their work asking questions if necessary. Refleksija/Evalvacija The main goal of the lesson is to enhance and review the students' knowledge of music and music vocabulary, while allowing them to express their own opinions and enjoy themselves. Students are encouraged to consider their own perception of music along with that of the human race as a whole. Most students are surprised by how far back the existence of musical instruments and music can be connected to mankind and are able to offer explanations. A lesson of this type absent some form of musical interruption would be a shame, so if a computer and internet connection are not available, all of the songs listed could be easily brought on a CD and played during the lesson. The students generally enjoy listening to classic songs from the past and they often even tend to sing along. The songs themselves can be altered and updated depending on what is popular at the time, including a wider variety of genres which may be more suitable for a specific group of students. The vocabulary exercises serve to make connections and phrases that will be useful for everyday life as well as reviewing the musical instruments they know of and perhaps adding in some that they do not. It is here that the computer and internet can be used to enhance the learning experience. By projecting the website: www.eflnet.com/vocab/music_vocabulary.php onto the board, the teacher can quickly skim though musical instruments and their provided pictures via an alphabetical list. Thus, instruments that are well known to students may be skipped and instruments that are unfamiliar can be directly targeted. In general, students enjoy this lesson as music is very important to today's youth. It is important to mention, though, that some students may not wish to reveal their own musical preferences to their class. It is in my opinion more suitable to ask students to volunteer this particular information instead of questioning a single student. In this way, no students are 'singled out' or put in an unnecessarily uncomfortable situation. On the whole, students are willing and able to discuss their knowledge of music and of the technology that goes along with it. Such a lesson can also lead to further discussions on the music industry, fame, creativity, illegal downloading, fallen stars (Janis Joplin, James Morrison, Amy Winehouse, etc.) and so on. 3 I. i. How many different types of music do you know of? What is your favorite genre? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ii. Do you have a favorite song? Why (not)? _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ iii. What are some of the most popular songs or bands you know of? ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ iv. The entire human race has loved music since prehistoric times. Why do you think this is? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ v. Brainstorm the names of as many musical instruments as you can think of. Do you have a favorite one? Musical Instruments vi. Do you play a musical instrument? Why (not)? __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 II. Here is a list of musical hits from all over the world. How many of them have you heard of? Can you match the songs to their bands? SONGS Bohemian Rhapsody (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction Yesterday Smells Like Teen Spirit One Hound Dog Born This Way Stairway to Heaven Blitzkrieg Bop Dancing Queen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a b c d e f g h i j ARTISTS Elvis Presley The Ramones Led Zeppelin ABBA Queen Nirvana Metallica The Beatles Lady Gaga The Rolling Stones III. Match the verb in the left column to the correct noun on the right! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VERB compose conduct write play blow tap improvise sing hum beat a b c d e f g h i j NOUN tune drum horn instrument piece of music orchestra lyrics song solo foot IV. Fill in the verb in the blanks with a word from the exercise above. Make sure to conjugate the verbs! 1. 2. 3. 4. Don't you think the Maestro __________________ the orchestra well? He beat the _________________ like a madman! John Lennon _________________ the lyrics to many of The Beatles' best songs. You can tell when Peter is in a good mood. He always _____________ one of his favorite tunes! 5. The most famous opera _______________ by Mascagni was “Cavelleria Rusticana”. 6. Jazz musicians almost always ______________________ their solos. 7. The _____________________ always tune their instruments before they begin a concert. 8. I can remember the time when Presidents Clinton got up on MTV to ______________ his horn, the saxophone. 9. Would you please not tap your ________________________ in time to the music? 10. Some of the best rock singers don’t _________________ their songs, they shout them! 5 MUSIC – ANSWER KEY II. 1) Bohemian Rhapsody – (e) Queen 2) (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – (j) The Rolling Stones 3) Yesterday – (h) The Beatles 4) Smells Like Teen Spirit – (f) Nirvana 5) One – (g) Metallica 6) Hound Dog – (a) Elvis Presley 7) Born This Way – (i) Lady Gaga 8) Stairway to Heaven – (c) Led Zeppelin 9) Blitzkrieg Bop – (b) The Ramones 10) Dancing Queen – (d) ABBA III. 1) compose – (e) piece of music 2) conduct – (f) orchestra 3) write – (g) lyrics 4) play - (d) instrument 5) blow – (c) horn 6) tap – (j) foot 7) improvise – (i) solo 8) sing – (h) song 9) hum – (a) tune 10) beat – (b) drum IV. 1) conducts 2) drum 3) wrote 4) hums 5) composed 6) improvise 7) orchestra 8) blow 9) foot 10) sing RESOURCES: 1) 2) 3) 4) http://esl.about.com/od/vocabularyintermediate/a/Gap-Fill-Music.htm www.eflnet.com/vocab/music_vocabulary.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origins_of_rock_and_roll PICTURES: 1) http://www.sodahead.com/entertainment/are-you-a-music-or-movie-person/question1722861/ 2) http://www.luuux.com/entertainment/whats-your-favorite-music-tell-me-d 6