CHAPTER THREE Multiple Choice 1. In order for Texas to regain full

Multiple Choice
1. In order for Texas to regain full statehood, it had to extend voting rights to
a. African American males.
b. African American females.
c. African American males and females.
d. those at the age of 18 and above.
2. How were women given the right to vote?
a. By the passage of the Twentieth Amendment
b. By the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment
c. By the Congressional Act of 1970
d. By the Voting Rights Act of 1965
3. What method of nomination did the Texas Democratic Party use prior to the adoption of the primary
a. Party Convention
b. Party Caucus
c. Dual Primary
d. Closed Primary
4. Which of the following Supreme Court cases struck down the state-imposed White Primary in Texas?
a. Grovey v. Townsend
b. Nixon v. Herndon
c. Dred Scott v. Sandford
d. Plessy v. Ferguson
5. The practice of charging a fee in order to let a person register to vote is called
a. poll tax.
b. voter tax.
c. registration fee.
d. campaigning tax.
6. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
a. set aside legislative seats for blacks.
b. set aside legislative seats for Hispanics.
c. sought to protect minorities in the registration and voting process.
d. sought only to protect women in the registration and voting process.
7. All of these contributed to low voter turnout in Texas except
a. White Primary
b. Poll Tax
c. Annual Registration and a year of residency in Texas
d. Black Primary
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8. Which of the following is not a requirement for voting in Texas?
a. At least 18 years old
b. A U.S. citizen
c. A Texas resident
d. A resident of his/her county six months prior to an election
9. The “motor voter” law
a. Automatically registers all persons with driver’s license.
b. Mandates free transportation to the polls for all voters.
c. Requires the establishment of “drive-in” voting booths.
d. Allows a person to register to vote when applying for a driver’s license without even filling out a
10. Which statement is not true about the election of 2006 in Texas?
a. White voters accounted for 75% of voters.
b. Hispanic voters accounted for 15% of voters.
c. African American voters accounted 10% of voters.
d. More African Americans voted than Hispanics.
11. What percentage of eligible Texas voters cast ballots in the 2008 presidential election?
a. 60%
b. 65%
c. 59.5%
d. 50%
12. All of these contribute to low voter turnout in Texas except:
a. Texas traditionalistic political culture
b. Years of Democratic Party domination of Texas politics
c. The long ballot
d. Election Day Registration
13. Which of the following reforms enacted in Texas has increased turnout?
a. No excuses early vote
b. Election Day Registration
c. Requirement of state-issued picture ID before casting a ballot
d. Casting ballot using Internet
14. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. Early voting is popular in Texas.
b. In 2004, 51% of those who cast a presidential vote in Texas voted early.
c. During early voting, a voter must go to her/his already designated polling place to vote.
d. The county clerk or elections administrator determines starting dates of early voting.
15. The election that determines a political party’s nominees is a
a. general election.
b. special election.
c. run-off general election.
d. primary election.
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16. To win a primary election, a nominee must receive
a. 50% plus one vote.
b. more votes than other nominees but not necessarily 50% of the votes.
c. two-thirds of the votes.
d. the endorsement of the party’s state executive committee.
17. Minor parties select candidates by use of
a. primary.
b. convention.
c. party caucus.
d. closed primary.
18. General Elections
a. determine who will hold office.
b. determine who will be nominated for an elected office.
c. determine who will fill the vacancy in an elected office.
d. are held the first Tuesday in March of odd-numbered years.
19. According to the textbook, which Minor Party in Texas has a permanent spot on the ballot in the
general election?
a. Libertarian Party
b. Reform Party
c. Green Party
d. Constitution Party
20. To be the winner of the general election, a candidate must have
a. a majority vote.
b. an absolute majority vote.
c. a plurality vote.
d. two-thirds of the vote.
21. Which party is currently the beneficiary of straight-ticket voting?
a. Democratic Party
b. Republican Party
c. Libertarian Party
d. Constitution Party
22. The filling of legislative vacancies is done in
a. general election.
b. special election.
c. referendum.
d. primary.
23. Which type of election is nonpartisan?
a. Primary
b. General
c. Special
d. Dual Primary
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24. The cost for a closely contested race for the Texas Senate could run
a. between one million to two million dollars.
b. approximately five million dollars.
c. under $500,000.
d. between three to five million dollars.
25. Many analysts believe that one reason why George W. Bush defeated Ann Richards in 1994 was
a. His use of positive campaign style.
b. His use of negative campaign style.
c. His social status as the son of former president.
d. His experience as a political consultant.
1. In 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution to ban poll tax in state
2. In Texas, convicted felons are not allowed to vote until five years after their sentences, including
probation and parole, are completed.
3. The greatest single factor in determining voter turnout is level of education.
4. Low voter turnout among minority voters is due to their disadvantaged socioeconomic status.
5. Texas law discourages voter registration because jury duty summons lists are compiled from voter
registration rolls.
6. Texas law requires voters to have a picture ID before casting a ballot.
7. Unless a third party candidate received at least 20 percent of the vote in the last governor’s race, a
third party is entitled to select its candidates through its state convention.
8. The winning party in the governor’s race is listed second on the ballot in elections for the following
four years.
9. Campaigning in Texas has become based on electronic media, targeted mass mailings, and the
10. Texas campaign contribution laws are lax.
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Essay Questions
1. Who were denied the right to vote and how were their rights to vote restored?
2. Discuss the factors which affect voter turnout in Texas.
3. Identify the three frequently held elections in Texas and discuss the characteristics and purpose of
4. What can be done to improve Texas voter turnout?
5. Discuss the role of money in Texas politics.
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