Study Guide- Chapter 16 - Allen Independent School District

Name ______________________________________________ Date _______________ Period ___________
Kagan Chapter 17 Study Guide: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars, and
Colonial Rebellion
Periods of European Overseas Empires
1. Describe the four distinct stages European contacts with the rest of the world have gone through since
the Renaissance.
Mercantile Empires
2. What were the boundaries of empires established in the Treaty of Utrecht?
a. Spanish Empire
b. British Empire
c. French Empire
d. Dutch Empire
Mercantilist Goals
3. Define mercantilism and mercantile system.
4. Describe how mercantilist statesmen and traders regarded the world.
5. Describe the relationship between colonies and the home country.
6. Explain the problems mercantilists ideas began to face.
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French-British Rivalry
7. Explain the different areas of French-British rivalry. Include location, reasons, and examples.
The Spanish Coloonial System
Colonial Government
8. Summarize the government of New Spain.
Trade Regulation
9. Summarize the trade regulations and its limitations.
Colonial Reform under the Spanish Bourbon Monarchs
10. Describe the effects the War of Spanish Succession and the Treaty of Utrecht had on the Spanish
Colonial system. Be sure to include the different policies of the Bourbon kings.
11. What was the impact of the Bourbon reforms. Be specific.
Black African Slavery, the Plantation System, and the Atlantic Economy
12. Explain the demand for slaves from the 16th century onward.
The African Presence in the Americas
13. What accounts for the need for slaves from Africa?
The African Presence in the Americas: The West Indies, Brazil, and Sugar
14. Summarize the section, note importance of slaves, importation of slaves, slave population, and
working conditions.
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Name ______________________________________________ Date _______________ Period ___________
Slavery and the Transatlantic Economy
15. Explain the triangle of trade.
16. Describe other major trade patterns in the Atlantic world, including the relationship cities and slave
The Experience of Slavery
17. Describe the experience of slaves, including their journey and the arrival in the Americas and
interactions with Europeans.
The Experience of Slavery: Conversion to Christianity
18. Summarize the religious interactions of Africans and Europeans.
The Experience of Slavery: European Racial Attitudes
19. Describe European racial attitudes and prejudices.
Mid-Eighteenth-Century Wars
20. Explain warfare in the mid 18th century. Where were most European wars fought?
The War of Jenkin’s Ear
21. Describe the War of Jenkins Ear: Causes, major players, outcome.
The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
22. What impact did Fredrick the II seizure of Silesia create?
The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748): Maria Theresa Preserves the Hapsburg Empire
23. Describe the achievements of Maria Theresa as well as some problems she faced.
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The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748): France Draws Great Britain into the War
24. Describe how France united disputes between Austrian succession and British-Spanish commercial
conflicts. Why was this fateful decision for France? What was the result of these conflicts?
The “Diplomatic Revolution” of 1756
25. Describe alliances formed during the “diplomatic revolution” of 1756.
The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763): Frederick the Great Opens Hostilities
26. Explain the actions of Frederick II and the two factors that saved Prussia.
The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763): William Pitt’s Strategy for Winning North America
27. Summarize Pitt’s domestic and foreign policies.
28. Describe the weakness of France in North America and India. What were the effects of these conflicts?
The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763): The Treat of Paris 1763
29. What was included in the settlement? What were the effects of the Seven Years’ War?
The American Revolution and Europe
Resistance to the Imperial Search for Revenue
30. Describe the problems the British faced after the Treaty of Paris of 1763.
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Name ______________________________________________ Date _______________ Period ___________
31. Give examples of the British drive for revenue and the response of the Americans.
The Crisis and Independence
32. Describe Charles Townshend, his policies, and the results.
33. Discuss the Parliaments new law relating to tea and the effects.
34. Summarize the First and Second Continental Congress’s
American Political Ideas
35. Where did American political ideas derive from and give specific examples.
Events in Great Britain
36. Summarize conflicts between George the III and the English government.
Events in Great Britain: The Challenge of John Wilkes
37. Summarize the affair of John Wilkes. Describe how his circumstances impacted the American
Events in Great Britain: Movement for Parliamentary Reform
38. Summarize causes and events that led to the call for Parliamentary reform.
Events in Great Britain: The Yorkshire Association Movement
39. Summarize attempts to reform.
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Broader Impact of the American Revolution
40. Explain what the American colonists demonstrated to Europe.
41. Describe the American system, what did it include and not include.
The West and the World (p. 582)
42. Define the Columbian Exchange.
43. What was the impact of European diseases on the Americas? Why was the impact so profound?
44. How did food from the Americas change the diet of Europe and then later, as Euroepans immigrated,
the diet of the entire world?
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