Career Poster Project - TheMrAbdolallwikipage


Career Poster Project:

Using the information that you have gathered so far over the course of this term concerning your values, interests, skills, etc, you will be choosing a career or profession that you have an interest in, or that you would like to learn more about.

The worksheets, websites and activities we have worked on will be your guidelines for your project. They will help shape your poster, as you will have to include much of the same information, only for your specific career. Remember, the websites and resources I have provided for you on the wiki are excellent sources of information, so please make sure that you use them.

Your poster will need to include the following sections and headings:

Career Title

Skills—what skills are needed?

Education—what type of education do you need? University? A trade? College?

Values—What type of traits are needed to be good at your chosen profession?

Why? Make sure you provide details about your choices

Pictures and drawings—at least two pictures or drawings related to your career.

Make sure that they are large enough to be seen from a distance, and that you include captions to provide further details about your pictures.

In addition to having the above information, your poster will be marked on the following:

Poster is well organized and easy to read. Spelling and punctuation are correct.

Did you use your class time effectively?

Neatness—are all borders straight? Is your information typed (or printed neatly?)

Is everything mounted straight? Glued on properly? Make sure nothing is wrinkled, ripped or dirty.

Research—have you included as much detail as possible in each section? Have you made sure you have included all the information needed? Did you use appropriate websites (like the ones provided on the wiki)? Or did you use websites that are not proven or suggested?

In addition to your poster, you will also be doing an oral presentation. Be prepared to answer any questions on your career, as well as to explain your poster choices in detail.

Good luck!!

Mr. Abdolall

PS. I will also be looking at all worksheets, paragraphs, surveys, etc that relate to your project, so be prepared to show them when I ask please.
