art history time line

Art History
Classical/ Intellectual
Emphasis on design and composition; a cool,
analytical approach to the subject; use of rules;
and an emphasis on neat, clean arrangements
and proper proportions. No room for feelings and
1600 Palace of Minos
The Labyrinth of Minotaur, Crete
1250 Lion Gate, Mycenae
900 Iliad and Odyssey, Homer
776 1st Olympic Games, Greece
700 Greek alphabetic writing adopted from
600-480 The Archaic Period-Greek (early
Romantic/ Emotional
Features an active and colorful approach to
the subject; violent movement, distortion,
bright and vivid colors, a strong interest in
nature and a personal approach to the
subject. Little concern for design and
phase of an art movement-preceded the Classic
Period) Architecture has a “heavy” feel.
Kouros-male statue
Kore-female statue
550 Temple of Hera, Paestum, Italy
499-78 Persian Wars
480-Kritios Boy, Marble
480-323 The Classic Period (when art
reached its greatest standard of excellence before
Modern times)
450 Discus Thrower, Myron, Marble
447-32 Parthenon, Athens
435 Three Goddesses, Marble
425 Temple of Athena Nike, Kallikrates, The
Acropolis, Athens
421-05 The Porch of the Maidens, The
Acropolis, Athens
386 Plato founds Academy
356-23 Greek Empire expanded under
Alexander the Great
350 The Theater at Epidaurus, Greece
323-150 Hellenistic Period-Greek (an era of
Mediterranean culture influenced by Greece
following Alexander’s conquests)
230 Dying Gaul, Roman Marble (death is shown
not as heroic, but a struggle; the ethnicity of the man is
shown in his face-not idealized depiction of life)
190 Nike of Samothrace, Marble
174 Temple of the Olympian Zeus, Athens
100 The Battle of Issus, Marble Mosaic of earlier
Greek painting
46 12-month Roman calendar
0 Birth of Jesus Christ
72-80 Colosseum, Rome
79 Destruction of Pompeii
27 bc-14 ad Head of Augustus- not
idealized-is individualized
118-25 The Pantheon, Rome
Century Theater of Herodes Atticus,
Athens (still used today)
215 Baths of Caracalla, Rome
312 earliest aquaduct
312-15 The Arch of Constantine, Rome
106-13 Column of Trajan, Marble, Rome
125 The Roman Legislator, Marbleshows aged and sagging skin
Early Christian Art
313 Christianity becomes official religion
of Rome with Constantine’s Edict of
330 Constantine the Great, Marble head
(large eyes are common in Early Christian Art)
331 Seat of Roman Empire moved to
Constantinople (Western Empire begins a
period of Decline while Eastern Empire with
Constantinople as capital, flourishes)
337 Roman Empire Splits after death of
359 Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus,
Marble, Rome
Medieval Art
The Archangel Michael, Ivory, London
Migration Period (in Rome-400-600)
525-47 San Vitale, Ravenna
527 Justinian becomes Emporer- the
period known as the Golden Age of
Byzantium begins
532-37 Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
547 Emperor Justinian and Attendants,
547 Empress Theodora and Attendants,
Beginnings of Islam in Arabia
643 Dome of the Rock begun, Jerusalem
698-721 Lindisfarne Gospel, England
700 Easter eggs used by Christians
706-15 Great Mosque, Damascus
750 Gregorian chant music, England,
France, and Germany
792-805 Palatine Chapel of
Charlemagne, Germany
800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman
Romanesque Art
1016-1181 Worms Cathedral, Worms,
1053-1272 Pisa Cathedral
1063 St. Mark’s Cathedral begun,
1080-1120 Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France
1095 First Crusade
Gothic Art (period of art emphasizing
religious architecture and typified by pointed
arches, spires, and verticality)
1120-1132 The Mission of the Apostles,
Tympanum of Sainte Madeleine, France
1130-1330 Advances in stained glass
1137 Abbot Suger helps develop Gothic
1145-70 Cathedral of Chartres, France
1162-1271 Notre-Dame-la-Grande,
Poitiers, France
1836-1860 Houses of Parliament, Sir
Charles Barry and A Welby Pugin
1220 Amiens Cathedral, France
1220 Salisbury Cathedral begun,
Late Gothic Art- International Style
1305 Giotto advances use of pictorial space
in painting
1305-6 Lamentations, Giotto, Fresco, Padua
1309-11 Christ Raising Lazarus From the
Dead, Tempera
1333 Annunciation, Martini, Tempera
1347 Black Death-Europe
1387-1400 Canterbury Tales, Chaucer
Early Renaissance Art
1401 Baptistry door competition (won by
Ghiberti), Florence
1401-2 Sacrifice of Isaac, Brunelleschi, Gilt-
Bronze Relief
1401-2 Sacrifice of Isaac, Ghiberti, Gilt-Bronze
1413 Book of Hours, Limbourg Brothers
1420-36 David, Donatello
1420-36 Cathedral of Florence, Brunelleschi
(featured a dome)
1423 The Adoration of the Magi, da Fabriano,
Tempera on panel
1425-52 The Story of Jacob and Esau and
Gates of Paradise, Ghiberti, Gilt Bronze relief
1425-6 Merode Altarpiece, Robert Campin, Oil
1427 Tribute Money, Masaccio, Fresco
1432 Ghent Altarpiece, Hubert andJan van
Eyck, Oil on panel
1434 Arnolfini Wedding, van Eyck, Oil
1434-36 The Annunciation, van Eyck, Oil
1435 Descent from the Cross, van der
Weyden, Oil
1440 Guttenberg’s Printing Press
1440-50 The Annunciation, Fra Angelico, Fresco
1450 Etienne Chevalier and St Stephen,
Fouguet, Tempera
1455 Portrait of a Lady, van der Weyden, Oil
1248 Cathedral of Cologne, Germany
1334-91 The Alhambra palace, Spain
1466 Dead Christ, Mategna, Canvas
1470s The Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli
1480 Leonardo invents parachute and
helicopter; oil painting comes to Italy
1482 Birth of Venus, Botticelli, Tempera
1485 Virgin of the Rocks, da Vinci, Oil
1492 Lorenzo de Medici dies; Columbus
discovers America
1498 Self-Portrait, Albrecht Durer, Oil
1498 The Last Supper, da Vinci, Tempera
1499-1500 The Pieta, Michelangelo, Marble
High Renaissance Art
1501-04 David, Michelangelo, Marble
1502 Young Hare, Albrecht Durer, watercolor
1502 The Doge Leonardo Loredan, Bellini, Oil
1503 The Great Piece of Turf, Durer,
1503-06 Mona Lisa, da Vinci, Oil
1505 The Adoration of the Shepherds,
Giorgione, Oil
1505-10 Garden of Delights, Hieronymus Bosch,
oil triptych
1510 The Alba Madonna, Raphael, Oil
1510-11 School of Athens, Raphael, Fresco
1512-15 Isenheim Altarpiece, Grunewald, Oil on
1513 Knight, Death and the Devil, Albrecht
Durer, Engraving
1513-15 Moses, Michelangelo, Marble
1515 Baldassare Castiglione, Raphael, Canvas
1517 Protestant Reformation begun by Martin
1519 Chateau of Chombard begun, Nepveu
1526 Four Apostles, Albrecht Durer, Oil
1526 Madonna with Members of the Pesaro
Family, Titian, Oil
1527 Emperor Charles V sacks Rome; center
of art shifts to Venice
1527 Sir Thomas More, Hans Holbein, Oil on
1533 The French Ambassadors, hans Holbein,
Oil on Panel
1536-41 Last Judgment (Sistine Chapel),
1540 Doge Andrea Gritti, Titian, Oil
1546 Square Court of the Louvre, Pierre
Lescot, Paris
1546-64 Dome of St. Peters, Michelangelo,
1555 Venus with a Mirror, Titian, Oil
1563 The Tower of Babel, Brueghel, Oil
1563-85 El Escorial, Juan Bautista De Toledo,
1554-66 Cathedral of St. Basil, Moscow
1565 The Return of the Hunters, Oil and
1566 Peasant Wedding, Brueghel, Oil
1594 Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare
Mannerism (the period between the end of the High
Renaissance and the beginning of the Baroque
Period—their art featured crisp and frozen shapes,
distorted forms and peculiar perspective views—no
unified school of thought, it is much like today’s art
where everyone does their own thing)
1500s Self-Portrait and Boy Pinched By a
Crayfish, Sofonisba Anguissola
1521 The Descent from the Cross, Fiorentino,
1545-54 Perseus and Medusa, Cellini, Bronze
1550 Villa Capra begun, Vicenza, Italy
1580 Christ at the Sea of Galilee, Tintoretto,
1565 Crucifixion, Tintoretto, Oil
1570 The Finding of Moses, Veronese, Oil
1573 Christ in the House of Levi, Veronese, Oil
1583 Abduction of the Sabine Women,
Giovanni Bologna, Marble
1586 The Burial of Count Orgaz, El Greco, Oil
1597-1599 St Martin and the Beggar, El
Greco, Oil
1597-1604 Resurrection, El Greco, Oil
Baroque Art (emphasized color and light.
Work was exuberant, large, filled with swirling
lines, and required emotional involvement-highly
1597 The Supper at Emmaus
Caravaggio, Oil
1600-10 View of Toledo, El Greco, Oil
1602-4 Deposition of Christ, Caravaggio,
1606-12 Façade of St Peter’s, Maderno,
1616 Lion Hunt, Rubens, Oil
1618 30 Years War begins
1620 Mayflower sails to Massachusetts
1623 David, Bernini, Marble
1625 Judith and Maidservant with the
Head of Holofernes, Gentileschi, Oil
1629 The Judgment of Paris, Rubens, Oil
1630 Self-Portrait, Leyster, Oil
1630-35 Magdalen with the Smoking
Flame, de la Tour, Oil
1634 Rape of the Sabine Women,
Poussin, Oil
1635 Castle of Steen, Rubens, Oil
1635 Boy with a Flute, Leyster, Oil
1635 Portrait of Charles I in Hunting
Dress, van Dyck, Oil
1636 Self-Portrait, Rembrandt, Oil
1639 St Francis in Meditation, Zurbaran,
1642 The Night Watch, Rembrandt, Oil
1645 Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, Bernini,
1600s Yonker Ramp and his
Sweetheart, Hals, Oil
1600s The Mill Wijk, van Ruisdael, Oil
1642 The Shooting Company of Captain
Frans Banning Cocq, (The Night
Watch), Rembrandt, Oil
1645-50 Adoration of the Shepherds, de
la Tour, Oil
1648 Holy Family on the Steps, Poussin,
1648 The Marriage of Isaac and
Rebecca, Lorrain, Oil
1648 Fountain of Four Rivers, Travertine
and Marble, Rome
1650 The Mill, Rembrandt, Oil
1653 Christ Crucified Between the Two
Thieves, Rembrandt, etching
1653 St Jerome in an Italian Landscape,
Rembrandt, Etching and Drypoint
1653-66 Façade of Sant’ Agnese, Rome
1656 The Maids of Honor, Velasquez, Oil
1657 Piazza and colonnade of St
Peter’s, Bernini, Rome
1660-65 The Feast of St Nicholas,
Steen, Oil
1662 The Syndics of the Cloth Guild,
Rembrandt, Oil
1664 Woman Holding a Balance,
Vermeer, Oil
1665-70 Officer and Laughing Girl,
Vermeer, Oil
1665-72 Allegory of the Art of Painting,
Vermeer, Oil
1666-70 Immaculate Conception, Murillo,
1667-70 East Façade of the Louvre,
Perrault, Paris
1675-1710 St Paul’s Cathedral, Wren,
1676-1709 Church of the Invalides,
Hardouin-Mansart, Paris
1676-79 Triumph of the Sacred Name of
Jesus, Ceiling Fresco, Rome
1678 Hall of Mirrors Palace of Versailles
begun, Hardouin-Mansart and Lebrun
Rococo Art (late Baroque style centered in
France and characterized by pretty, private and
often erotic and effete. Any elaborate or
overdone phase of any culture)
1700s Six Figures, Watteau, Chalk
1702 Benedictine Abbey begun,
Prandtauer, Austria
1717 The Gamut of Love, Watteau, Oil
1717-1719 Embarkation for Cythera,
1730 Rococo at its peak
1730 The Square of St Mark’s,
Canaletto, Oil
1738 The Attentive Nurse, Chardin, Oil
1746-54 Interior of St Peter’s, Panini,
1740 The Basin of San Marco on
Ascension Day, Canaletto, Oil
1746-54 Die Wies, Zimmerman, Austria
1748 O, The Roast Beef of Old England,
Hogarth, Oil
1748 The Fountain of Love, Boucher, Oil
1750 Wooded Landscape with Peasants
Resting, Gainsborough, Oil
1751-2 Residenz Palace, Tiepolo,
1758 Still Life with Plums, Chardin, Oil
1765 Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to
the Graces, Reynolds, Oil
1768 Mozart produces 1st opera at age
1768-70 Paul Revere, Copley, Oil
1770 The Death of General Wolfe, West,
1782 Flower Still Life, Ruysch, Oil
1785 The Morning Walk, Gainsborough,
1789 US Constitution adopted
1789-1802 French Revolution
1793 Louvre-national art gallery, Paris
1793-4 Mrs Richard Yates, Gilbert Stuart,
Neoclassic Art (an art style in 19th century France
that was a reaction to the Baroque. Derived from art
and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and imitated
this period’s architecture and fascination for order and
simplicity. Any revival of classic ideals in the arts.)
1770-84 Monticello, Jefferson, Virginia
1780 Bust of Benjamin Franklin, Houdon,
1784-5 Oath of the Horatii, David, Oil
1788-91 Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
1789 Mme. De Stael as Corinn Playing a
Lyre, Lebrun, Oil
1806-36 Arc de Triomphe de l’Etoile, Chalgrin,
1805 Portrait of a Man, Johnson, Oil
Romanticism (an art style that emphasized t
he personal, emotional, and dramatic aspects of
exotic, literary and historical subject matter.)
1794-9 The Sleep of Reason Produces
Monsters, Goya, Etching and aquatint
1807 Sun Rising Through Vapor:
Fisherman Cleaning and Selling, Turner,
1814 Third of May, 1809, Goya, Oil
1815-18 Royal Pavilion, Nash; Brighton,
1818-9 Raft of the “Medusa”, Gericault,
1806-43 Church of the Madeleine, Vignon,
1821 The Haywain, Constable, Oil
1824 Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a
Harbor’s Mouth, Turner, Oil
1830 Liberty Leading the People,
1812 Napoleon in his Study, David, Oil
1816 Thomas Church, Ingres, Pencil
1827 Scipio and His Sons with Envoys of
Antiochus, Ingres, Pencil
1827 Apotheosis of Homer, Ingres, Oil
1832 Louis Bertin, Ingres, Pencil Sketch
1832 Louis Bertin, Ingres, Oil
1851-63 US Capitol, Walter, Wash., DC
Delacroix, Oil
1835 Burning of the Houses of
Parliament, Turner, Oil
1836 Stoke-by-Nayland, Constable, Oil
1837 View on the Catskill, Early
Autumn, Cole, Oil
1845 Fur Traders Descending the
Missouri, Bingham, Oil
1861 The Lion Hunt, Delacroix, Oil
1861-74 The Opera, Garnier, Paris
1861-77 Galleria Vittorio, Mengoni, Milan
Realism (a mid-19th century art style based on the
belief that the subject matter should be shown true to
life, without stylization or idealization. Can refer to
realistically painted work of any time.)
1849-50 Burial at Ornans, Courbet, Oil
1853 The Horse Fair, Bonheur, Oil
1857 The Gleaners, Millet, Oil
1860 Advice to a Young Artist, Daumier, Oil
1862 The Third Class Carriage, Daumier, Oil
1863 Ellen Terry at the Age of Sixteen,
Cameron, Photo
1865 Baggage Guard, Homer, Lithograph
1866 Croquet Scene, Homer, Oil
1866 Agostina, Corot, Oil
1869 Sheep by the Sea, Bonheur, Oil
1870 Seine and Old Bridge, Limay, Corot, Oil
1876 Breezing Up (A Fair Wind), Homer, Oil
1875 The Gross Clinic, Eakins, Oil
1876 The Biglin Brothers Racing, Eakins, Oil
1877 The Carnival, Homer, Oil
1878 Attitudes of Animals in Motion,
Muybridge, Photo
1889 Eiffel Tower, Eiffel, Paris
1900s J Pierpont Morgan, Steichen,
1904 The Flatiron Building, Steichen,
Impressionism (a style of painting begun in
France about 1875. It stresses a candid glimpse of the
subject, spontaneity and an emphasis on the
momentary effects of light and color.)
1863 Manet’s Luncheon on the Green
refused by the Salon
1868 Emile Zola, Manet, Oil
1869 The Artist’s Sister at a Window, Morisot,
1871 Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1:
The Artist’s Mother, Whistler, Oil
1872 Argenteuil, Monet, Oil
1872 Impression: Sunrise, 1872, Monet, Oil
1873 Carriage at he Races, Degas, Oil
1873 Gate Saint-Lazare, Manet, Oil
1874 Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling
Rocket, Whistler, Oil
1874 Rehearsal on the Stage, Degas, Pastel
over brush and ink on paper.
1876 Dance at the Moulin de la Galette
Montmartre, Renoir, Oil
1876 The Absinthe Drinker, Degas, Oil
1876-7 Dancer on Stage, Degas, Pastel
1878 The Waitress, Manet, Oil
1879-89 The Thinker, Rodin, Bronze
1884 Seurat establishes pointillism technique
1885 Seated Woman, Seurat, Charcoal
1892 In the Meadow, Renoir, Oil
1892-4 Rouen Cathedral series, Monet
1897-8 Monument to Balzac, Rodin, Bronze
1898 La Place du Theatre Francais, Pissarro,
1910 The Park, Klimt, Oil
1910 Sleeping Baby, Cassatt, Pastel
Post Impressionism (late 19th century
French art immediately following the
Impressionists. Cezanne was a leader of this
style that focused on more substantial subjects
and a conscious effort to design the surface of
the painting.)
Post Impressionism (late 19th century French art
immediately following the
Impressionists. Cezanne was a leader of this style that
focused on more substantial subjects and a conscious
effort to design the surface of the painting.)
1888 Vision After the Sermon (Jacob
Wrestling with the Angel), Gauguin, Oil
1888 Portrait of a Peasant, van Gogh, Oil
1889 The Starry Night, van Gogh, Oil
1891 la Orana Maria, Gauguin, Oil
1891 Moulin Rouge, La Goulue, Lautrec,
1884-6 A Sunday on La Grande Jatte-1884,
Seurat, Oil
1885 Le Bec du Hoc at Grandchamp, Seurat,
1904 Mont Sainte-Victoire, Cezanne, Oil
1905 Still Life with Apples and Peaches,
1892 At the Moulin Rouge, Lautrec, Oil
1892 Jane Avril, Lautrec, sketch
1893 The Cry, Munch, Oil
1893 L’Estampe Originale, Lautrec, Litho
1894 The Day of the Gods, Gauguin, Oil
1897 The Sleeping Gypsy, Rousseau, Oil
1903 The Old Guitarist, Picasso, Oil
1904 Girls on a Bridge, Munch, Oil
Cezanne, Oil
Cubism (a style of art begun in 1907 by Picasso
where the subject is broken apart and reassembled in
an abstract form resembling geometric shapes.)
1907 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Picasso, Oil
1910 Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Picasso, Oil
1912 Nude Descending a Staircase,
Duchamp, Oil
1921 Three Musicians, Picasso, Oil
1927 The Studio, Picasso, Oil
1928 Still Life, the Table, Braque, Oil
1937 Guernica, Picasso, Oil
Fauvism (art style 1901-06 which used
brilliant color for expressive purposes in France.)
1911 The Red Studio, Matisse, Oil
1948-51 Chapel of the Rosary of the
Dominican Nuns, Matisse, Vence, France
1950 Beasts of the Sea, Matisse, Paper
Expressionism (began in Germany. The
artists sought to communicate strong personal
and emotional feelings to the viewer)
1905 Old Peasant Woman Praying,
Modersohn-Becker, Oil
1907 Self-Portrait with Camellia
Branch, Modersohn-Becker, Oil
1909-10 Study for Composition No. 2,
Futurism (Emerging in Italy, stressed the machinelike quality of modern living)
1911 The Noise of the Street Penetrates the
House, Boccioni, Oil
1912 Tree, Mondrian Oil
1913 Unique Forms of Continuity in Space,
Kandinsky, Oil
1911 Masks, Emile Nolde, Oil
1911 The Yellow Cow, Marc, Oil
1913 The Street, Kirchner, Oil
1919 Gypsy Woman With a Baby,
Boccioni, Bronze
1921 Diagonal Composition, Mondrian, Oil
Abstractionism (a work of art that emphasizes
design and a simplified or systematic investigation of
forms. The subject matter may be recognized, or may
be completely transformed into line, shape, and/or
1910 Summer, Maillol, Bronze
1910 Frenzy, Barlach, Bronze
1911 I and the Village, Chagall, Oil
1912 The Kiss, Brancusi, Limestone
1913-14 Battle of Lights, Coney Island, Mardi
Gras, Stella, Oil
1914 The Mystery and Melancholy of a
Street, Chirico, Oil
1916 Sculpture for the Blind (The Beginning
of the World), Brancusi, Marble
1918-20 Brooklyn Bridge, Stella, Oil
1921 Singer Building, Martin, Watercolor
1922 Twittering Machine, Klee, Watercolor
1923 Alligator Pears in a Basket, O’Keefe,
Sow, Calder, Wire
1928 Bird in Space, Brancusi, Bronze
1928 The Figure Five in Gold, Demuth, Oil
1936 City Interior, Sheeler, Oil
1939 Lobster Trap and Fish Tails, Calder, Wire
1944 The Liver is the Cock’s Comb, Gorky, Oil
1947 Man Pointing, Giacometti, Bronze
1953 From the Plains I, O’Keefe, Oil
1954 Something on the Eight Ball, Davis, Oil
1959 Black Widow, Calder, Steel
Surrealism (an art style in which artists combine
normally unrelated objects and situations. Scenes are
often dreamlike or set in unnatural surroundings)
1931 The Persistence of Memory, Dali, Oil
1936 Object, Oppenheim, Object
1938 Time Transfixed, Magritte, Oil
1946 Women at Sunrise, Miro, Oil
1951 Christ of St John of the Cross, Dali, Oil
1955 Sacrament of the Last Supper, Dali, Oil
1900s Pepper, Weston, Photo
1907 The Steerage, Stieglitz, Photo
Modigliani, Oil
1924 Never Again War!, Kollwitz, Litho
1930 Mexican Landscape, Orozco, Oil
1931 Liberation of the Peon, Rivera,
1931 The Making of a Fresco Showing
the Building of a City, Rivera, Fresco
1934 Self Portrait, Kollwitz, Charcoal &
1936 Mother and Child, Rivera, Ink
1937 The Old King, Rouault, Oil
1937 Head of Christ, Rouault, Oil
1940 Diego y yo, Kahlo, Oil
1947 Baccarat, Beckmann, Oil
1974 Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros,
Siqueiros, Mexico City.
Dada (art movement designed to be Anti-Art)
1919 Construction for Noble Ladies,
Schwitters, Mixed Media
Birds in an Aquarium, Arp, Painted
1925 La Mer, Ernst, Oil
American Realism
1863 The Rocky Mountains, Bierstadt, Oil
1867 Loch Long, Duncanson, Oil
1869 Newspaper Boy, Bannister, Oil
1875 Hagar, Lewis, Marble
1882 Daughters of Edward D Boit,
Sargent, Oil
1888 The Last of the Buffalo, Bierstadt,
1893 The Banjo Lesson, Tanner, Oil
1893 The Home of the Heron, Inness, Oil
1906 The Outlaw, Remington, Bronze
1930 Early Sunday Morning, Hopper, Oil
1931 The Blue Clown, Kuhn, Oil
1942 Nighthawks, Hopper, Oil
1930 American Gothic, Wood, Oil
1930 Stone City Iowa, Wood, Oil
1932 Arts of the West, Benton, Tempera
1954 The Kentuckian, Benton, Oil
Ashcan School “The Eight” (American
Realistic school that expressed feelings about
modern life depicting crowded city streets and
ragged people)
1900s Stag at Sharkey’s, Bellows, Oil
1902 Snow in New York, Henri, Oil
1915 Future Expectations, Van Der Zee, Photo
1932 Couple in Raccoon Coats, Van Der Zee,
1936 Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley, Lange,
1910 Angels Appearing Before the
Shepherds, Tanner, Oil
1912 Renganeschi’s Saturday Night,
1944 Mt Williamson from Manzazar, Adams,
Modern Architecture (focus on clean lines, no
ornamentation and decoration. Function was primary
1899-1901 Carson Pirie Scott Department
Store, Sullivan, Chicago
1906 Pennsylvania Railroad Station, McKim,
Mead and White, NY
1909 Robie House, Wright, Chicago
1924 Schroder House, Rietveld, Netherlands
1928 Bauhaus, Gropius, Germany
1929-30 Savoye House, Le Corbusier,
1936 Kaufmann House (Fallingwater), Wright,
1947-50 UN Secretariat Building, Harrison,
Sloan, Oil
1913 Cave Dwellers, Bellows, Oil
Social Realism (American art movement
that believed that painting must describe and
express the people and their lives, problems,
and times.)
1930 The Bowery, Marsh, Oil
1931-2 The Passion of Sacco and
Vanzetti, Shahn, Tempera
1932 On the Street, Bishop. Oil
1939 Handball, Shahn, Tempera
1940-1 The Migration of the Negro,
Lawrence, Tempera
1946 Juke Box, Lawrence, Tempera
1956 Government Bureau, Tooker, Egg
1950-4 Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Le Corbusier,
1951 Lakeshore Apartments, van der Rohe,
1951-2 Lever House, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill,
1954-8 Seagram Building, van der Rohe, NY
1956-9 Solomon R Guggenheim Museum,
Wright, NY
Post-Modern Architecture (shunned the
glass-box ideal and began treating material and
ideals with daring and personal conviction.
They wanted a more vibrant and eclectic form,
turning to symbolism and historical periods like
Classicism, but retaining the irony, wit, and
abstraction of the modern period.)
1966-73 World Trade Center, Yamasaki,
1962 Dulles International Airport Terminal
Building, Saarinen, DC
1962 Trans World Airlines, JFK International
Airport, Saarinen, NY
1966-72 Kimbell Art Museum, Kahn, TX
1967 Habitat, 1967, Safdie, Canada
1967 US Pavilion Expo-67, Fuller, Canada
1972 IDS Center, Johnson & Burgee, MN
1976 Pennzoil Place, Johnson & Burgee, TX
1977 National Center of Art and Culture,
1978 Best Products Company Catalog
Showroom, Venturi, Brown, & Assoc.,
1980-3 Public Service Building, Graves,
Piano and Rogers, Paris
1985 AT&T Corporate Headquarters,
1983 Public Library of San Juan
Capistrano, Graves, CA
1984 California Aerospace Museum,
Gehry, CA
1984 PPG Place, Burgee & Johnson,
1978 East Building, National Gallery of Art,
Burgee & Johnson, NY
Pei, DC
1986 Museum of Contemporary Art,
1988 Addition to the Louvre, Pei, Paris
Isozaki, CA
1987 United Airlines Terminal Jahn,
Abstract Expressionism (features large scale
works and expression of feeling through slashing,
active brushstrokes.)
1989 720 Lexington Avenue, Jahn, NY
1989 Walt Disney World Swan Hotel,
1947 Full Fathom Five, Pollock, Oil
1950 No. 1, Pollock, Oil
1950-2 Woman I, de Kooning, Oil
Graves, FL
1991 Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery,
Venturi, Brown, & Assoc., London
1953-4 Elegy to the Spanish Republic,
1993 Frederick R Weisman Museum,
Motherwell, Oil
Gehry, MN
1954 Shattered Light, Krasner, Collage
1956 Easter Monday, de Kooning, Oil
1957 Flowering Swamp, Hofmann, Oil
1960 Meryon, Kline, Oil
1961 Blue, Orange, Red; Rothko, Oil
1963 Cityscape I, Diebenkorn, Oil
1996 Kuala Lumpur City Center, Pelli,
Op Art (an art style that confuses the visual senses
by generating optical vibrations or ambiguous or
undulating spatial relationships.)
1963 Fall, Riley, Acrylic emulsion
1965 Iridescence, Anuskiewicz, Acrylic
1970 Plane Sawtooth, Davis, Polyester
1971 Vega-Kontosh-Va, Vasarely, Tempera
Pop Art (1950s art style that used popular, massmedia symbols as subject matter, treating them in both
serious and satirical ways)
Super Realism/ New Realism
(emphasizes photographic realism. Many times
the objects are greatly enlarged, yet keep their
photographic appearance.)
1948 Christina’s World, Wyeth, Tempera
1963 Nomad, Rosenquist, Oil
1967 The Presidential Family, Botero, Oil
1970 Drugstore, Estes, Oil
1978 Mark, Unfinished, Close, Watercolor
1979 Self-Portrait with Model, Hanson,
1979 Mark, Close, Acrylic
1981 Football Player, Hanson, Plastic
Fantasy Art
1959 Numbers in Color, Johns, Encaustic paint
on newspaper
1961 First Landing Jump, Rauschberg,
1962 Masterpiece, Lichtenstein, Oil
1962 100 Cans, Warhol, Oil
1962 Installation of One Man Show,
Oldenburg, NY
1964 Campbell’s Soup Can, Warhol,
1966 Shoestring Potatoes Spilling from a
Bag, Oldenburg, Sculpture
1976 Walk, Don’t Walk, Segal, Plaster etc
Color Field Painting (a painting that relies solely
on flat fields of color.)
1951-2 Adam, Newman, Oil
1952 Mountains and Sea, Frankenthaler, Oil
1956-58 Basel Mural, Francis, Oil
1958 Point of Tranquility, Louis, Synthetic
1958 Song, Noland, Oil
1963 The Bay, Frankenthaler, Acrylic
1964 Orb, Gottlieb, Oil
1966 Homage to the Square Glow, Albers, Oil
1969 Protractor Variation, Stella, Fluorescentalkyd
1972 Blue Curve III, Kelly, Oil
Kinetic Art (any 3-dimensional art that contains
moving parts and can be set in motion either by air
currents or some type of motor. Also may refer to art
in which changing light patterns are controlled by
electric currents.)
Enlarged Field Painting (enlarged
canvases designed to draw the viewer into
active visual participation with the work.)
Sculpture (scales and choice of materials
make sculpture in the late 20th century hard to
Mid 1900s Sculpture Garden, Noguchi,
1963 Cubi XII, Smith, Stainless Steel
1966 Homage to the World, Nevelson,
1972 Assembly of Sea Forms, Hepworth,
White Marble
1972 Sheep Place, Moore, Bronze
1975 Great Rock of Inner Seeking,
Noguchi, Granite
Installation Art (wrapping familiar things on
a grand scale)
1972-6 Running Fence, Claude, Nylon &
1984-91 The Unbrellas: Japan-USA,
Claude, Fabric etc
Graffiti Art
New Expressionism
1964-5 The Wait, Kienholz, Tableau
1968 Untitled, Swain, Acrylic
1970s Virginia Woolf, Chicago, acrylic
1979 The Dinner Party, Chicago, Ceramic
1980 Ruckus-Rodeo, Grooms, Sculpture
1983 The Survivor, Catlett, Linocut
1987 We Don’t Need Another Hero,
Light Art
1966 Mirrored Room No. 2, Samaras, Wood
and Mirror
Kruger, Photograph
1975 Untitled, Flavin, Daylight, warm
1992 I See Red: Ten Little Indians,
fluorescent, etc
Earth Art (art work that involves the natural
Smith, Mixed Media Collage
1994 11-11-94, Graves, Bronze
environment and in which spectators participate)
Computer Art (artwork created on computer
Concept Art (an art style in which the artist
screens with computer software and printed on
computer printers)
expresses the idea concept of a proposed work of art
in verbal or diagram form. The actual work will
probably not be carried out.)
Performance Arts
1974 I Like America and America Likes
Me, Beuys, Performance