Vocabulary for Fever 1793

Vocabulary for Fever 1793
Chapters 1-4
Veal: A calf raised for its meat, less than three months old. n. Origin
Regiment: To organize according to a strict, sometimes oppressive system or pattern. v.
(regimented as adj.) Origin
Miasma: Highly unpleasant and unhealthy smell or vapor. n. Origin
Chapters 5-7
Larder: A room or large cupboard for storing food. n. Origin
Imp: A mischievous child. n. Origin
Demure: A characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.adj. Origin
Mangle: Severely mutilate, disfigure, or by damage by cutting, tearing, or crushing. v. Origin
Chapters 8-10
Vehemently: Showing strong feeling: forceful, passionate, or intense. adv. Origin
Constable: A peace officer with limited policing, authority, typically in a small town. n. Origin
Benediction: the form of blessing pronounced by an officiating minister, as at the close of divine
service. n. Origin
Pestilence: A fatal epidemic disease. n. Origin
Myrrh: A fragrant gum resin that comes from trees. n. Origin
Kin: Ones family and relations. n. Origin
Valise: A small traveling bag or suitcase. n. Origin
Chapters 11-13
Rutted: A long deep track made by the repeated passage of wheels of vehicles. adj. Origin
Odiferous: Having or giving off a smell. n. Origin
Grippe: Old-Fashioned term for influenza. n. Origin
Gnarled: Knobby, rough, and twisted with age. adj. Origin
Chapters 14-17
Scoundrel: A dishonest or unscrupulous person; a rogue. n. Origin
Magpie: A person who chatters. n. Origin
Jaundiced: A medical condition with yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, arising from
excess of the pigment bilirubin and typically caused by obstruction of the bile duct, by liver
disease, or by excessive breakdown of red blood cells. n. Origin
Chapters 18-24
Whirligig: A toy that spins around, such as a top or windmill. n. Origin
Ninny: A foolish person. n. Origin
Gilt: Covered thinly with gold paint. adj. Origin
Chapters 25-27
Rapscallions: A mischievous person. n. Origin
Balderdash: Senseless writing or talking. n. Origin
Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties. adj. Origin
Chapters 28-Epilogue
Threshold: A strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in
entering a house or room. Origin
Bunkum: Nonsense. Origin
Bodice: A part of a woman's dress (excluding sleeves) that is above the waist. Origin
Daintily: Delicate and graceful in build or movement. adj. Origin
Mincemeat: A mixture of currants, raisins, sugar, apples, candied citrus peel, spices, and suet,
typically baked in a pie. n. Origin
Begrudge: to be reluctant to give, grant, or allow. Origin