CHP RFO FAQs Date: 2/23/2012 My facility does not have operational flexibility for the next three years. After three years, my facility will be able to be completely dispatchable. Should I submit a CHP Proforma PPA or a CHP Tolling Agreement as the basis of my offer? This would require executing two PPAs. The CHP pro forma PPA would be used for the initial three year term. The CHP Tolling PPA would be used for the subsequent term. Participant should specify if the two components of the Offer are mutually inclusive, i.e. both components are part of the Offer, or mutually exclusive, in which PG&E may select one or the other component but not required to take both. Date: 02/22/2012 1. I have a plant that has additional dispatchability above a firm level. Should I submit a CHP Proforma PPA or a CHP Tolling PPA? Participants seeking material changes to the CHP RFO pro-forma PPA should consider using PG&E’s form tolling agreement, i.e., Utility Tolling PPA. The detailed physical characteristics of the facilities including minimum output levels can be inserted into Appendix II of the Tolling PPA. 2. Is the EEI agreement required for existing facilities converting to Utility Tolling and also agreeing to the terms of the Utility Tolling PPA? No, the EEI Agreement is only necessary for those facilities providing a capacity-only product. 3. One of the requirements of the RFO is for Participants to submit a clean, executed PPA. In Article VI.B. of the Protocol Document, it refers to a clean and executable version of the PPA. In the case of a Participant that proposes no material changes to the terms and conditions set forth in the pro forma PPA; does PG&E require an executable version of the PPA in which all of the blanks have been filled-in including such things as the Contract Heat Rates in Exhibit D., and in which Buyer Comments and Generating Facility Type specific comments have been removed, accepted or completed as applicable? The Completed Offer Package must contain all material terms, must contain complete information, and must be executed by an authorized representative of the Participant. In addition to a clean and executable version of the PPA, Participants making changes to the form PPA must also provide a red-line of the PPA marked against the form of agreement provided by PG&E. Any changes to the pro-forma Page 1 of 6 CHP RFO FAQs agreement will be considered part of the Participant’s Offer; that is, PG&E will assume that the Participant is willing to execute an Agreement based on these terms, which PG&E may accept in its entirety and execute without modification. 4. Section of the Term sheet says that a CHP Facility that met the PURPA efficiency requirement as of September 2007 and converts to a Utility Prescheduled Facility is eligible to participate in the CHP RFOs. Our facility did not meet the requirement in 2007, but will be re-certified prior to the delivery start date. Our steam host is flexible. Should we be submitting the CHP Tolling PPA and the CHP RFO RA Confirm or the Appendix G1 CHP RFO PPA? The project should submit the CHP Tolling PPA and clearly outline the Operating Limitations in Appendix II. Eligibility to submit the Tolling Agreement PPA in the RFO is not limited to Utility Prescheduled Facilities as defined under the CHP Settlement Agreement. 5. In the Offer Form, for a Tolling Offer, the Dry Bulb, Relative Humidity, and Barometric columns are password protected in the Facility Contract Capacity Table on Tab “Toll_Operational_Limitations.” The user is only able to enter in the maximum monthly capacity. How we should specify those inputs? Please fill out the green cells and the entire table should be provided in the PPA, Appendix II. 6. Question: Pursuant to section 210(m)(1)(C) of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act ("PURPA"), FERC has granted the request of PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E to terminate their mandatory purchase obligations for QFs with a net capacity in excess of 20 MW. Please confirm that Section 210 of PURPA would not be applicable to a PPA resulting from PG&E's 2011 CHP RFO. Yes. Assuming that the participating seller meets the "CHP Facility" requirements of the CHP RFO, is larger than 20 MW, and is successful in obtaining a contract in PG&E's CHP RFO, PG&E would agree that the resulting sales are not pursuant to PURPA. 7. For a CHP facility that has additional product to offer (i.e. ancillary services and additional dispatchable power), how do you suggest this offer be made clear since the template is designed for either CHP or UPF? Please provide the additional information on the Optional Information tab and indicate these products in your Introductory Letter. Page 2 of 6 CHP RFO FAQs Date: 02/09/2012 Please describe and explain how the settlement of gas imbalances will be performed under PG&E’s Pro Forma Tolling Agreement? Please see example in Appendix XII for Gas True-up pursuant to Section 3.3(f) of the Agreement. Date: 02/08/2012 XYZ does not report GHG emissions on a monthly basis as required in the Offer Template. Is it acceptable to report annual GHG emissions? In addition, 2011 emissions have not yet been confirmed from the appropriate regulatory agencies. Can we submit 2009 and 2010 emissions data rather than 2010 and 2011? Annual GHG emissions data is acceptable. Please provide the 2011 estimated emissions. Date: 12/13/2011 Where can I find further details of the Qualifying Facility (QF)/Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Settlement? See the website at or email questions to Where can I find further details of the CHP Request for Offers (RFO)? See the website at or email questions to How do I subscribe to the general RFO distribution list? Email the Excel registration form located at as an attachment. Please do not send picture files. What is the Settlement Effective Date? The Settlement Agreement became effective on November 23, 2011. How much are you buying in this RFO? Page 3 of 6 CHP RFO FAQs Pursuant to the QF/CHP Program Settlement Agreement, PG&E seeks to acquire a total of 1,387 MW of CHP capacity under power purchase agreements during the Initial Program Period. Through the first solicitation, which is the first of three RFOs to be held during the Initial Program Period, and other alternatives under the Settlement Agreement, PG&E seeks offers to meet its CHP MW target for this first RFO of up to 630 MW. Who can participate? Eligibility guidelines per the Settlement Agreement (Section 4.2.2): Any CHP Facility with a nameplate larger than 5 MW may bid into the CHP RFO, including CHP Facilities seeking [to provide] firm and as-available capacity . . . , provided that the CHP Facility meets the definition of cogeneration under California Public Utilities Code §216.6 and the Emissions Performance Standard established by Public Utilities Code §8341 (Senate Bill 1368). A CHP Facility must meet the federal definition of a qualifying cogeneration facility under 18 CFR §292.205 implementing PURPA. CHP Facilities converting to Utility Prescheduled Facilities. A CHP Facility that met the PURPA efficiency requirements (18 C.F.R. §292.205) as of September 2007 and converts to a Utility Prescheduled Facility is also eligible to participate in the CHP RFOs. After the Existing CHP Facility converts to a Utility Prescheduled Facility, it may be either a Qualifying Facility or an Exempt Wholesale Generator if the facility otherwise meets the criteria in . . . Section of the CHP Settlement Agreement. Projects must be located in California and energy deliveries must be to the CAISO controlled grid. Can a facility with an existing PPA participate in the RFO? A facility with an existing PPA may participate in an RFO. Depending on the terms of the current contract, a facility may elect to terminate its contract early as part of its bid for a new contract. Sellers will be responsible for any applicable termination charges in the current contract. Can renewable facilities participate in the RFO? Renewable facilities may participate if they meet the definition of cogeneration facility in Section and of the Settlement Agreement. What should I do regarding Electric Interconnection? QFs converting from the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) jurisdiction (Rule 21 interconnection) to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) jurisdiction as a result of entering a new PPA that is not executed pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act Page 4 of 6 CHP RFO FAQs (PURPA), will be required to comply with the applicable FERC jurisdictional tariff for the interconnection and the CAISO Tariff for the commercial arrangement. At a minimum, existing facilities will need to execute the items listed below prior to delivering energy under the new FERC-jurisdictional PPA. Interconnection Agreement (IA), Participating Generator Agreement (PGA), and Meter Service Agreement (MSA) For some facilities that make no material modifications, the process of obtaining an interconnection agreement may be quicker in that interconnection studies may not be required. For new facilities and those generators who are making or planning to make material modifications to the facility, the generator will need to comply with the study process per the Generator Interconnection Procedures (GIP) outlined in the applicable FERC jurisdictional tariff. Resources: For transmission level interconnections, contact the CAISO or see details at: and For distribution level interconnections, contact the applicable distribution owner, e.g. for PG&E (below 60 kV) email or see details at and For QFs with no material modifications providing the following information will help expedite the IA process for PG&E: o Affidavit/ Agreement o Original and any subsequent Special Facilities Agreements (SFAs), entitled “Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities for Parallel Operation of Non-utility-owned Generation and/or Electric Standby Service (Electric Rules No. 2 and 21) o Job Estimate for the existing interconnection provided by PG&E o The latest bill for the Cost of Ownership Charge (the monthly Operation & Maintenance costs) o Any project name or ownership changes after execution of Original SFA What should I do regarding Gas Interconnection? For new facilities or facilities with modifications that result in an increase to gas service demand, Participants will need to initiate a gas study with the applicable gas interconnection provider by December 16, 2011. Page 5 of 6 CHP RFO FAQs Resources: PG&E’s Gas Generator Connection website at ons/index.shtml For existing facilities, contact the applicable gas interconnection service to confirm that there are no changes in the facility’s operations (and operating pressure) and therefore no increase to gas service demand. Participants will be required to provide the following: Map showing PG&E service interconnection point and meterset location Meterset number Start date, term and end date of gas service agreement PG&E billing number What if I miss the Gas Interconnection deadline? If a Participant has not yet decided on the details for a new project and cannot meet the December 16 deadline, the Participant can submit a Preliminary Application for Gas Service at a later date, receive the results and submit an offer into a subsequent CHP RFO. PG&E is required to hold three CHP RFOs pursuant to the CHP Settlement Agreement. Page 6 of 6