Student Rights Committee

Student Rights Committee
Divine Nine, Student Union
November 12, 2015; 6:30pm
Officer Reports
 Madeline Dickerson – Chair
o As a Rights Committee it is our job, as white students too, to be
informed of multicultural issues. We have two bills tonight…that is
bullshit. There are groups that haven’t been reached out to. We are
the rights committee, we are supposed to protect students. I want all
of you to come to the Code revision meetings this year.
o The meetings will be biweekly, ideally one before and after
Thanksgiving. Next semester we will be going hard on it. It is our
responsibility to reach out to groups that aren’t only white students.
Reach out to your friends.
Mattie Carter– Vice Chair
o Nothing to report
Adam Steinhilber – Secretary
o Nothing to report
Approval of Minutes
1. Motion to approve by Mattie Carter
a. Seconded
2. Passed, minutes approved
New Business
1. Presented by Nora Neary, Journalism Senator
a. I am representing Style on the Hill
b. Hannah: I’m the editor this semester and next semester. We are a
student-run culture and entertainment magazine. We publish primarily
on our website but will be having a digital magazine for Stop Day. General
funding pays for domain name
2. Move to call to question on the bill by Brandon True
a. Seconded
3. Bill passed
1. Motion to move to a committee of the whole by Garrett Farlow
a. Seconded
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
2. Acting as committee of the whole
a. Alex Kinkead: It is our job as members of student rights committee we
should write a resolution. We should agree to the demands of the
students at the town hall. We should be listening to other students. This is
a chance to show the university what we are. We should write a
resolution that says we give into their demands. Not our decision to
decide money for the multicultural government or how it interacts with
Senate. It is on student rights.
b. Zach George: It would be good for senate to write a resolution in response
to the event, but before we recommend certain provisions we need to
know what the provisions are
c. Shegufta Huma: I was at the forum. Even if we don’t do legislation or a
resolution we could invite them to come to senate and hear directly from
them. We need to address this in a timely manner. This is really
embarrassing. I am so embarrassed to be a part of this body that is doing
so much wrong to so many students there.
d. Sophie Wang: Clarify what was asked for please?
i. Alex Kinkead: There were a couple of demands about senate
ii. Garrett Farlow: Formation of a multicultural student government
and bring the spending cap back down to a $1000
e. Madeline Dickerson: I think it is necessary we write a resolution that
meets every one of those demands. I know I am more supportive of it
than all of senate right now.
f. Logan Sutton: Would this be a rights resolution or be voted on?
i. Zach: It’d be better to come up with it later
g. Madeline Dickerson: I recommend we do this now.
h. Nick Faust: It would be important to sit down with the group that
presented the demands and when we fully understand the demands it
would be better for us to meet then.
i. Madeline Dickerson: This is timely, this needs to be done tonight
j. Alex Kinkead: Senate is open, people can come to us. There is a reason
this group didn’t feel comfortable coming to us in the first place. This is us
saying we hear you. It has to be done timely. It’s up to us to support our
peers and show the administration how to act. We should be
k. Brandon True: We need to analyze each demand separately. We need to
analyze them. Those that voted against elections reform couldn’t form a
majority in this committee.
l. Zach George: I’m not trying to dismiss anything, but we need to look
through them thoroughly. It needs to be thoughtful. I’m not suggesting we
don’t do anything.
m. Trey Wolf: Everyone here is an advocate for the student body
n. Madeline: You shot down things that were gonna help the minority
students. It is our job to help the students.
o. Trey Wolf: We should do this timely effectively and in the right way.
Firing away is not effective. I say we take the time to go through every
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
single one of them. We can’t just fire away and say we are for all of the
p. Garrett Farlow: How many times have we heard that we’ll pass it in full
senate, but it never happens. Just because we are moving this resolution
forward doesn’t mean it’ll pass
q. Zach George: Will it make us look good if we rush this?
r. Madeline Dickerson: We have done squat this year for multicultural
Logan Sutton: Motion to go to the bill
a. Passed
BILL 2016-089 resented by conglomerate of authors
a. Stephonn Alcorn: I’m the government relations director. We drafted a
resolution in opposition to House Bill 403.Right now if you’re a victim of
sexual assault you can go to the police or the university. This bill would
take away the choice from the victims and you’d have to go to police.
Police don’t have the right to provide campus sanctions, like switching
victims out of classes.
b. Thomas Green: I am a volunteer for the domestic violence center, Willow,
and one of the first things you learn is that sometimes the police can
make it worse. Alerting the police can put the victim in greater danger. It
has been pushed forward by large lobbying groups, but our voices are
being overshadowed by our national organizations.
c. John Rebein: The large national chapter organizations pushed it this far
and we had no say and no one in our membership supports this. The
reasoning is to prevent members from being falsely accused, but the
numbers show a small amount of rape accusations are false.
d. Danny Summers: This bill strips away someone’s personal autonomy
e. Angela Murphy: On behalf of everyone, we have all done a great deal of
research on this act and parallel legislation, including CASA and HEART. If
you have any questions, talk to the people up here.
Questions on the bill:
a. Kellor Yde: In the third whereas there is some language that is confusing
me. It quotes from the bill itself. What is the written consent of the alleged
victim? Do they have a say in who prosecutes the case
i. Thomas Green: If they choose not to report to law enforcement
nothing will done. Still option to report to law enforcement, but it’s
a different structure from university,
Logan: Move to call to question on the bill
a. Seconded
b. Passed
Bill passed
Garret: Move to move back to committee of the whole
a. Seconded
Resuming discussion as committee of the whole
a. Connor Birzer: I know everyone is really fired up, but voices are being
trampled on and we need more order.
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
i. Madleine Dickerson: I agree, I went out and relaxed
Sophie Wang: If we write the two sentences or even just one, what are the
repercussions of that? Wouldn’t we just be saying we are choosing to
support all these students?
i. Alex Kinkead: There aren’t major repercussions because it is a
Adam Moon: If it is passed it should be stated that it is nonbinding
Trey Wolf: Something should be done to show our support, maybe we
look about this as “wow, our eyes are really wide open.” We could make a
comment to the student body that we are looking forward to any and all
voices. Saying we back everything that was talked about would be taking
a step too far too soon.
Alex Kinkead: The only problem is that they don’t want to talk to the UDK
or any kind of media outlet. They made their demands.
Logan Sutton: Can somebody who was there find us the demands?
Tymon Wall: The resolution that I’ve been drafting only addresses the
demands that included senate in them. That would be a first step and
then go about addressing the demands later.
Madeline Dickerson: If we talk about the senate demands and discuss
those, is everyone okay with that?
Adam Moon: I think it would be prudent to wait a cycle. I don’t think it
should come from a place of passion. I would feel rushed as a member of
this committee.
Madeline Dickerson: Movements happen because of passion and that’s
where we are at in our nation
Adam Moon: The entire point of the democratic process is to slow down
the process
Shegufta Huma: Not enough of you went to the forum. There are two
things pertaining to student senate and nobody here wants to talk about
it. It’s a shame that our exec staff has time to play golf and go to sporting
events and not do their office hours. That is what’s actually going on.
None of you were here when the senate forum happened. All of you are
senate newbies who don’t give a shit. We need to think about what
happened. This is insane I can’t believe our vice president is now coming
up to say we can’t do this.
Trey: Shegufta, Madeline, Garrett, I’d like to be one of the first people to
apologize for not being there. In my case ignorance is bliss. The bliss that
I don’t know what my students are going through. I want to know. I am
here to make a difference. We are not red and blue, we do not have thus
bureaucratic bullshit. We are here to make student lives better. My issues
are not knowing and not knowing how much I don’t know. When you
come at me like that I realize how little I don’t know. If you inform us
we’ll join you. Pointing fingers and getting mad isn’t the way to do it. We
need to know the initiatives and then we can move forward to make a
better campus
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
n. Sophie Wang: Aside from everyone’s tangents, can someone read off what
the students have said? And not in a defensive, protecting yourself way,
talk about something that we could put out immediately. If it is not a
super binding statement I don’t understand why we couldn’t be
o. Zach George: I would be supportive of a resolution that welcomes the
conversation of addressing a forum, but when we don’t even know what
was asked and now we want to write a resolution on it, I don’t think that
is smart.
p. Madeline Dickerson: Ty, can you read off your resolution?
q. Adam Moon: If you want we can go down to finance and use the
equipment there to display the resolution with the projector.
10. Madeline Dickerson: Alright, we will got to Alderson Auditorium
11. Committee reconvenes in Alderson and acts as committee of the whole
a. Madeline Dickerson: We are in the meeting again and right now we are
going to look at a resolution we’ve come up with. Anyone can have
speaking rights and I will overrule anyone who objects to that.
b. Jessie Pringle: I’d like to remind everyone to practice decorum during this
c. Alex Kinkead: I hope you guys realize that the conversations are
uncomfortable but this needs to happen in a timely and efficient manner.
It’d be really strong if we pass it unanimously. It’s a resolution to
positively address the list of demands by the Invisible Hawks. Two of the
demands addressed the student body. It will be sent to the chancellor.
d. Jessie Pringle: Is the resolution suggesting that we create the
multicultural student government?
i. Alex Kinkead: I don’t think the wording suggests that. This is
something that will be discussed in the next senate cycle. It is for
senate to decide on how they could create the multicultural
student government. It’s time that we really address the issue. The
university as a whole just came together.
e. Brandon True: I support the formation of a multicultural student
government, but as our previous actions showed I don’t think ourselves
as a whole or the senate body advocate for the dropping of the spending
cap to $1000. That’s a large percentage.
i. Alex Kinkead: We could be wrong. We represent a small
percentage of the student body and so we can be wrong. We are
silencing them if we say that we are always right. Maybe we
should write some more resolutions to address that.
ii. Brandon True: Each senator represents a constituency and when
such a large percentage of senators supported the elections reform
bill aren’t you silencing these populations?
iii. Alex: By saying that you are saying that those students matter the
most. Students have just as much of a right to be considered and to
have a voice considered. Sometimes you need overrepresentation
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
to have voices be considered, by doing this it is not just about the
95%. By raising them up it is only going to benefit you.
Adam Moon: Point of Order, as the resolution reads Rights is asking
senate to talk about the Rights decision and provides a second forum for
that to be heard.
Alex Kinkead: Look at the representation and who has seats and those
who are standing. Acknowledge the students, are you hurting?
i. Yes, yes we are. Oppression only goes one way. You saying you
don’t care what I have to say isn’t the same as I saying I don’t care
what you say. It is a false equivalent.
Madeline Dickerson: Another thing I’m asking of every white person is to
be uncomfortable and to put down your defense. Say I’m gonna look her
in the eye and say what she wants you to say because she deserves that
Sophie Wang: I think it’s rock chalk invisible hawks that should be on the
i. Yes it is
ii. So this being passed is already non-binding, we don’t have to pass
it. So it can further discussion if we want to. But if we are capable
of moving ahead with this I think it would be efficient. I don’t
understand the actual repercussions that people have.
Garrett Farlow: There some specific language that needs to be resolved
Kat Rainey: Now is the time to ask questions because I’m almost positive
none of us will be asked to come to full senate because I’ve been a part of
full senate and I know how it operates. In terms of the $1000 I need you
guys to understand what privilege and luxury does in this situation. Just
because it was passed with a majority doesn’t mean they were all right.
To say you represent what the institution looks like doesn’t mean you’ll
support marginalized students. This institution has 3.4% of black
students, so can you say if you’re representing the student body and that
you’re representing me. You need to understand that student senate was
wrong. You were wrong. The resolution hinders underrepresented
students from being a part of the body. We are saying we want to be given
a fair chance to represent the student body. If the only way you can win is
by spending money then you don’t deserve to represent us. If you have
any questions please ask us. The black student population is on the
decrease. There was a report released by the university that says
diversity admissions has increased this year. No, they increased
international students but they didn’t tell you that the black students
retained and admitted have decreased. We told the chancellor and she
told us that we were lying. When you say diversity umbers were
increasing in general, yes, but what we are talking about is domestic
diversity. When you say you want senate to represent the university
population that may be only one black student. That’s why you guys need
to support us fully.
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
Logan Sutton: Sort of a question, sort of a point of information. When we
actually voted to raise the cap it only passed 60/40 but it only passed by a
large majority because we were told it was our only chance.
Jessie Pringle: Is it possible today to discuss the potential for the
chancellor to create a committee that address the demands of students.
i. That’s a possibility, but by doing that it’s diminishing their voices. I
don’t think it’s our job to step in.
Kellor Yde: So I’ve heard from a lot of second party sources but I’d really
like to hear from the people themselves more about what they want. Your
voice is the one that matters.
Madeline Dickerson: If you want to govern all of them and want to back
all of them that is okay.
Jameelah Jones: All those ways in which Kynnedi and Katherine
introduced me are right. If you don’t know who I am I am the very first
director of diversity and inclusion for student senate. We are talking
about senate being wrong because how quickly we forget that we have
been wrong before. How many of you were here when people came in
here last year and demanded that senate pass legislation for my job. Last
year the director of diversity and inclusion never saw full senate. Last
year this same group of students had to scrimp and beg to get the job. You
all need to know the historical context. This is at least one year of
meetings, 18 meetings, and committees. Sharing our experiences. At least
one year of that consistently. Something’s been going on, I guess I’ll be the
one to say it. Coalitions run, one coalition wins and one collation loses.
The reason the minority students are up there fighting us isn’t because
they lost the election.
Kynnedi Grant: Jessie are you texting? Put your phone down.
Kat Rainey: That ain’t what this is. The minority kids aren’t just mad
because they lost the election. Kat isn’t up here just because she didn’t
win. They were doing what they were doing so I didn’t have to do the
same thing I came up here to do one year ago. You need to understand
where this frustration comes from. It ain’t because we don’t like you. It’s
easy to sit here and say I’m doing this because you don’t like senate, that’s
a very simplistic reason. I need you all to understand the historical
context of why you are here. There is historical context and there is
reason for why we are here today. It’s very simple to boil it down to
they’re just upset they just don’t like us. That is not true. Start thinking of
us as people, not as political positions. This is real peoples’ lives. Think
about them. All it boils down to is think about us when you’re making
your decision. So now when we have to have this debate ask yourself why
that’s such a problem for you. Think long and hard about that. All we are
asking is that you consider us when you are making your decision.
Alex Kinkead: Realize how special this is, they are here giving our energy.
Kynnedi Grant: I was in the police station earlier today and I had to give
the testimony again and again. I am tired, I have two jobs. Don’t look at
these people of color for answers. Don’t delegate your task, do it. Don’t
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
send me an email, cause this is how you can help if you’re not gonna help
let me know right now.
u. Ramiro Sarmiento: These demands have been in the making for a long
time. Some of them were the ones bought before the chancellor and
provost last year. They have been thought out. It’s only for your benefit.
Let’s be very clear, the only reason we are only being listened to now is
that our friends at Missouri are almost getting shot. This doesn’t deem
anymore discussion, it’s been discussed. I’m tired. Some of you get paid to
discuss it, so do your job. I wouldn’t want to talk to the chancellor again, if
you’re gonna say that next week, save it. It’s done
v. Nick Faust: What would your vision for a multicultural student senate
might look like? Would creating a multicultural senate create more
adversity between the multicultural community and this senate?
i. Just because there is a space for multicultural students doesn’t
mean we won’t insert ourselves in spaces dominated by white
students. You really can’t get any more attention than right now as
I’m standing here. We’ve all been here for a very long time and it’s
clear they won’t get anything done for multicultural student.
We’ve had to bust in the doors and cry just for a little bit. We have
asked, we have had conversations and they’ve made it perfectly
clear they aren’t going to advocate for us in the way that we need.
They aren’t going to pass resolutions that represent us. It’ll be
comprised of the multicultural organizations on campus. It will
look like the LBC at Missouri. It would take control of the MEF
money. We are still in conversations with mizzou, but that is
essentially the structure. Our goal doesn’t have anything to do
with you guys. It’s truly about us and what you need.
ii. For me it’s gonna look great. If you want this campus to feel like
1950 and 1960, try us. You’ll only know when it happens. Try us.
It’ll be even more miserable than it is right now. Wait until we
make our own coalition. I’m from Missouri so I have contact with
people from LBC right now
w. Danny Summers: I really think your cause is a noble one and the way in
which you have organized is impressive to me. If we get more of an idea
of your ultimate vision more people might be more sensitive to your
i. We are going to be releasing more about these in the coming days.
The overall purpose is to systemically the change the culture of
campus. This is the way to help prevent those stories from
continuing. The Director of the OMA left because this university
refused to proactively address the needs of underrepresented
student. Our interim director is Precious Porras and I am
requesting that she becomes the full-time director. They are
dragging out the hiring process. Everyone is insensitive so
everyone needs training. There are levels. Students are Level 1, 2
you want a job. If you want to be a student senator you need to be
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
a certain level. We haven’t had a survey in a decade, it has been
pushed back. Conversations with other universities show how
easy it is to get it done. This is to prove and give value to our
experiences. The IOA is an all-white and all-male board and that is
why people write essays for rape. Have measures put in place
(rape someone and the aggressor is expelled). The accountability
thing makes students think about things before they do it. As some
of the faculty told you, diversity looks like the African and African
American Studies department. Those are the numbers used to
show you we are diverse and we aren’t. One of my professors told
me he doesn’t have any people of color on his syllabus that we
read. He’s in the anthropology department. We need to see more
people of color. Plans are for international not domestic. We want
to see a plan on how they will recruit in the inner city. Senate
election code. You all are wrong. Alienates students of color. A lot
of active military people have horrible stories of professors on
campus when professors challenge the idea that they have to go
serve. The resources given to them are inadequate. Their retention
rate is either equal to or lower and graduation is lower than the
African American rate. Seek out people of color, queer people,
trans-people who have degrees in social work or psychology and
give them money to create better spaces for those people on
campus. Would allow for severely mentally ill people to be treated.
Ban concealed weapons for obvious reasons. Just no. Not
something that we can control but I know that our exec staff have
positions within Kansas legislation and sit in certain committees
and they can ask for that. Asking for exec staff pushing the issue.
Specifically get out Paul Stevens and expulsion for sexual assault
people. I don’t know how many people know this but he continues
to victimize students over and over again and those victims are
silenced. My friend has been forced out of Lawrence because she
has PTSD. There is a phrase called “second rape” where people tell
the victim that it didn’t happen and such.
x. Kynnedi Grant: I told the police this is what happened, I was called the nword, I was spit on, a gun was pulled on my fiends. The officer told me
that’s the risk you take when you go to house parties. You now see what
this looks like. I don’t think I’m a thug. IOA is supposed to investigate this,
I don’t know if they will, buy it is a hate crime and I want it resolved.
y. Doesn’t really pertain to you guys specifically. Dowdell was an African
American male who was killed by police because he was a member of the
Black Panthers it was shrugged off. Already spoke about government. Any
z. Adam: Do you know of any others besides LBC?
i. No, Mizzou is the only school that has been audacious enough and
permitted it. They also receive student fees
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
aa. The problem is asking can you? We make demands. Students’ academic
success depends on systematic change and they’re asking can we? My
response is what do you get paid to do? Isn’t this your job? We have how
many administrators, departments that get paid to do this…why can’t
you? We are asking for actual plans of action. All these people this is what
they get paid to do. I’m asking you to support 15 especially. If they say no
we raise hell. Period. None of these things are hard because I’m a student
and I’ve been doing it for free. These are all the things we’ve come up
with to change the university. If I can think of these things and see their
effects, they can be done. No more task forces or committees of students.
We have things to do, these people are paid to do it.
bb. Gabby: do you think our campus could benefit from a multicultural
senator position?
i. No, you have all the senators and you have a director of diversity
and equity and yet I’m here again. We are done asking for you all
to work for us. We are done with the conversations.
cc. Omar: On the student government will be structured like LBC or more
like Mosaics here?
i. More like LBC since they are very structured and organized
dd. Riley Botz: As you have stated these are demands, what’s your plan of
action if they aren’t met? I don’t like that these are demands that have to
be met. The fact that they are demands, that bothers me. I don’t really
understand why you need the things that you are demanding and I am
not sure why we should pass legislation based on personal experiences
when maybe we haven’t all had those experiences.
i. We respect and understand there are different opinions in the
room. We have had discussions on concealed carry and we have
the general consensus that we don’t want concealed carry on
campus. In the end senate had a resolution to stop concealed
carry. Our university doesn’t want conceal carry, which is why we
still have this university exemption in place. It’s not just a personal
thing. It’s fine it’s your opinion, but the general consensus is they
don’t want it.
ee. Sophie Wang: They are asking for our support, we don’t have to support
all 15, it’s not like we are here to say we are backing up all 15 things. We
have the option of putting forth what we can do as a student senate.
ff. Elizabeth Johnson: On #14 with your research on LBC at Mizzou, would
this be two separate governing bodies or would they communicate
together in some way?
i. As I said this isn’t about senate, it’s about addressing the needs of
underrepresented students, we aren’t saying we don’t want to
work with student senate. Our intention is never to create strife or
to create animosity, the reality is we want to relieve it. The reason
they are demands is because if I ask nicely none of them will be
done. I’ve sat with everyone and I’ve been told they would look
into it. It’s about all the unrepresented students here that don’t
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
have a voice that don’t even know you all exist to come here and
participate. We are demanding our university systematically
changes so that students of color and unrepresented students can
survive. So we can love our university. We are asking them to
make systemic change so that we don’t have to feel unsafe. These
are easy measures. These are beginning steps to create long-term
steps to change in our culture. That’s why we are demanding it,
because it needs to happen. Here’s the thing, students have a lot
more power than we are being led on to. The administration won’t
remind you. This is our power, to use our voices. Without us there
quite literally is no them. We have the power, we can demand
things, especially when they have good intentions, when no one is
going to be harmed by anyone up here. This is about bringing
people to the table that have always been hindered. Their success
is contingent upon this. We are demanding change and that’s their
job. All students can succeed, all can be happy, all can thrive here
and have untold potential…except students that fall into the
categories. That’s why we are demanding it.
gg. Tymon Wall: Friendly to add the entire list of demands as appendix on
the resolution
hh. Thomas Green: Just to clarify on student government, is your idea to
create a safe space or an inclusive space for multicultural students to get
together and gather ideas and control MEF. There are a lot of boards
across campus. I’m on one and we were talking about retaking courses
and I said that often students that are affected by some sort of disaster or
emergency can’t take it again the same way. It would be a shame to take
people away from senate and take them away from these larger power
structures that already exist. How do we go about creating a space you
feel like you can belong without cutting yourself off from the institutions?
i. No multicultural student is cut off from being in senate. You
unintentionally inferred that because a student is part of a
multicultural student government that students won’t have access
to those resources. They will be granted the same rights as student
senate. This isn’t a safe space, we have the OMA. This is a
structured organization that is about change. It’s about funding
multicultural events that you don’t fund and multicultural
organizations that you underfund. It’s about making sure we have
a seat on the committees where you are supposed to represent us.
ii. Keonya Jackson: The people that are colored in student senate are being
pushed out. I was told maybe I need to work harder and maybe I’ll be
more motivated if I run for student senate, if I run for senate. A white man
went up and said if you work hard you can be successful.
jj. Ramiro do you remember sacrificing food, classes, grades, etc…and to
kk. Ramiro Sarmiento: No one worked harder than us. It’s because of the
oppressive nature of the elections code which needs to be amended. You
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
don’t help them. The groups that have been here and run are left to use
every piece of themselves to run. We scrapped and we gathered and
spent maybe $600. All you are doing is going back to being oppressive
again. This only mirrors our national stage. We had to scrimp and save for
$600, something Zach and Jessie probably didn’t do. The fact that you
have mom and dad or a trust fund and saying that we need to work
harder is only hurting us. It’s not our reasonability to teach you
reasonability. These are examples that they are giving of students that are
having those kinds of difficulties. Know that this isn’t an attack on you,
just what other students may have gone through. Being racist doesn’t
mean you come up to my face and spit in my face. It doesn’t mean you
intend to be impressive. It doesn’t mean the outcome won’t be oppressive
or racist.
ll. Madeline Dickerson: You have students who are demanding your support
and you will look bad at the Big 12 conference. I will get my mom’s
contacts in Topeka on this. I want to see resignation letters if you fail to
pass this.
mm. Zach George: how long did it take you to compile this list?
i. A year and a half
nn. Mark: I know how you see us. Do you all see that we are coming from a
place of extremely tiresome emotional labor? This isn’t like homework,
this is the most draining act in the world to proclaim and protest a system
that wants you to die. Do you all actually consider any of the positions of
the unrepresented and see that you represent them as student senate? Do
you consider that? Part of this narrative is self-reflection. You have to be
able to acknowledge all of that. Do you get that?
oo. Elizabeth: Are we voting in support of it?
i. Yes, we are showing support.
pp. Tymon Wall: These two specifically are addressable by senate.
qq. Alex Kinkead: We put all of the demands because it’s about having a
conversation. Its labor-some for these students. If we need them to we
can have them show up in larger numbers. There are athletes that
support this.
rr. Garrett Farlow: Tyler brought up an issue. We have a couple choices. For
Rights this is binding in the fact that we will support these and it will end
tonight. The other one from committee generates legislation that will be
sent on to student senate as a whole.
ss. Tyler Childress: You technically need to pass two. Because if it fails in
senate it doesn’t matter how you feel about it, but the other legislation
means that what Rights wants will be permanent.
tt. Omar: if the one for Rights passes, will Rights be author?
i. Yes, will be the author.
uu. Alex Kinkead: Our colleagues at the union pointed out that around the
room there are the previous conferences. We have the opportunity to
make multicultural student government a thing that starts tonight.
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710
vv. Adam: Friendly to ad add Provost Vitter, Nate Thomas, Dr. Durham, UDK,
VP of Diversity and Equity, and University Senate to who the resolution
will be sent to.
12. Motion to move out of committee of the whole by Riley Botz
a. Passed
13. Motion to call to question on the first Rights resolution
a. Passed
14. Resolution passed
15. Motion to call to question on the second Rights resolution for full Senate
a. Passed
16. Resolution passed
1. Email any questions to
1. Motion to adjourn
a. Seconded
2. Passed, meeting adjourned at 8:41 P.M.
410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710