ON THE TRANSFORMATION AND REAL REPRESENTATION OF A SQUARE COMPLEX MATRIX TO DIAGONAL FORM BY CONSIMILARITY Edi Kurniadi Department of Mathematics, Mathematics and Natural Sains Faculty, Padjadjaran University, Bandung-Jatinangor Indonesia, 45363 Email : edikrnd@gmail.com Abstract A square complex matrix A is said to be condiagonalizable if there exist a nonsingular S such that diagonal. This paper, by means of real representation of a square complex matrix, studies algebraic technique of reducing a square complex matrix to diagonal form by consimilarity. Besides, this paper not only tells information about when a square complex matrix can be reduced to diagonal form by unitary consimilarity transformation but also gives algorithm for condiagonalization a square complex matrix via real representation. Key words: Consimilarity, condiagonalization, coneigenvector. AMS(2000) subject clasifications 15A21 be taken to be unitary, A and B are said to be unitarily consimilar. 1. Introduction The study of condiagonalization of a square complex matrix was motivated by the existing theory of diagonalization and similarity of square real matrix. Some notions and results could be formulated by transfering the corresponding knowledge from similarity to consimilarity and from diagonalization to condiagonalization. Consimilarity of square complex matrix arises as a result of studying antilinear transformation referred to different bases in complex vector spaces and the theory of consimiliarity of complex matrix plays an important role in quantum mechanics. This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions for condiagonalization of a square complex matrix and gives some examples of reducing a square complex matrix to diagonal form by consimilarity. Let denotes the set of all real numbers, be the set of all complex numbers, for is the mxn conjugate of x. F denotes the set of all mxn matrices on a field F , the conjugate of A. We write if A is similar to B, if A is consimilar to B, and permuation similar to B. If and S=U is unitary then if S=Q is complex orthogonal then , if S=R a real nonsingular matrix then , Definition 2.2([1]). A matrix is said to be condiagonalizable if S can be chosen so that is diagonal. It is said to be unitarily condiagonalizable if it can be reduced by consimilarity to the required form via a unitary matrix. If is unitarily condiagonalizable then for some unitary and . Thus, , and hence A is symmetric. The converse of the above statement is true as well, and that the diagonal matrix can always be taken to be nonnegative. Thus the problem of unitary condiagonalizable has also been solved already in the following theorem. if A is 2. Consimilarity and Condiagonalization Definition 2.1([1]). Two matrices are said to be consimilar if there exist a nonsingular such that . If the matrix S can Theorem 2.1([1]). A matrix is unitarily condiagonalizable if and only if it is symmetric. Definition 2.3([3]). Let there exist and be given. If such that Then is said to be coneigenvalue of A and x is said to be coneigenvector of A corresponding to . Example 1 Let Theorem 2.2([1]). Let be given. If has k distinct nonnegative eigenvalues then A has at least k independent coneigenvectors. If k = n, A is condiagonalizable. If k = 0, A has no coneigenvectors at all. The remaining problem concerning condiagonalization is to characterize usefully those matrices that can be condiagonalized by a consimilarity that is not necessarily unitary. In this paper we study characterizations of condiagonalization of a square complex matrix by means of real representation, derive an algorithm of reducing a square complex matrix to diagonal form by consimilarity. By (1) the real representation complex matrix A is 0 0 A 1 0 of a square 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 And the characteristic polynomial of . is 4. Condiagonalization by Real Representation 3. Real Representation of a Square Complex Matrix Let , A can uniquely written by as A=A1+A2i, . Define real representation matrix (1) The real representation matrix is called real representation of A. Here is a coneigenvalue of A if and only if are eigenvalues of . We arise to the most important theorem for reducing of a square complex matrix by real representation and its algorithm. Theorem 4.1([2]). Let . Then A is a condiagonalizable matrix if and only if is a diagonalizable matrix and . Theorem 4.1 tells us about necessary and sufficient conditions of condiagonalization of a square complex matrix and gives an algorithm for condiagonalizations. for condiagonalization[2] Let be a square complex matrix Step 1 Find the real representation of a square complex matrix A. Step 2 Find the characteristic polynomial of real representation and its all real eigenvalues . Step 3 Construct real diagonal matrix J. Algorithm For , let denotes the characteristic polinomial of square complex matrix. Explanation of condiagonalization is expressed by the following propositon Proposition 3.1([2]). Let be condiagonalizable square complex matrix, then 1. 2. The eigenvalues of the real representation matrix are real, the nonzero real eigenvalues of appear in positive pairs and the 0 eigenvalue of appears in pairs. Proof If A is a condiaginalizable matrix then there exists a nonsingular complex matrix S such that Example 2 From example 1 above the eigenvalues of real representation are 1, 1, -1, 1. Since diagonalizable matrix, so by theorem 4.1 A is condiagonalizable matrix and by theorem 4.1 . Note that A in example 1 above is condiagonalizable but not diagonalizable in the ordinary sense. Example 3 Matrix the ordinary sense but is not condiagonalizable. Example , In which have . Since (2) is diagonalizable in 4 Matrix is neither diagonalizable nor condiagonalizable. How about we matrix , is condiagonalizable ? if yes, you should find real diagonal matrix J consimilar to H. that 5. CONCLUSIONS In this study, an algorithm for condiagonalization is developed to reduce a square complex matrix by consimilarity. Theorem 2.1 and 2.2 give us information when a given square complex matrix A can be reduced to diagonal form by transformation for nonsingular S. For further researching about consimilarity and condiagonalization of a family of matrices, you should find some applications in quantum mechanics. REFERENCES [1] Horn R A, Johnson C R. Matrix Analysis. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1985. [2] Jiang tongsong, Wei Musheng. On the Reduction of a Complex Matrix to Triangular or Diagonal by Consimilarity. A Journal of Chinese Universities. Numerical Math., 2006, vol.15, pp 107-112. [3] Qingchun Li, Shugong Zhang. The Inclusion Interval of Basic Coneigenvalues of a Matrix. Preprint, 2005. [4] Bernard K, David R H. Elementary Linear Algebra. Prentice Hall, New jersey, 1991.