Computer Engineering Program Changes Title: Revision of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Sponsor: College of Engineering Description: Language with respect to PHYS 142 or ECE 220 requirement is modified. Justification: Present language is vague for three groups of students: (i) transfer students, (ii) current UIC non-ECE students, and (iii) current UIC ECE students. It is clarified that students in groups (i) and (ii) can use PHYS 142 for degree credit, but students in group (iii) must use ECE 220 for degree credit. With present language, some ECE students inadvertently end up taking an extra credit hour. Therefore, continuing ECE students will be required to take ECE 220 plus ECE 221 (3+1=4 hrs) instead of PHYS 142 plus ECE 221 (4+1=5). Furthermore, for ECE transfer students, who have already taken a course equivalent to PHYS 142, the ECE 220 requirement will be waived; they must still take ECE 221. Non-ECE students, who need to take ECE 220 and ECE 221 as a prerequisite requirement necessary to take some other ECE course, may take PHYS 142 as an alternative to ECE 220 but they must still take ECE 221. Catalog Statement: See attached Minority Impact Statement: None Budgetary and Staff Implications: None Library Resource Implications: None Space Implications: None College (educational policy committee, faculty) approval dates: October 22, 2003; revised January 16, 2004 Proposed Effective Date: Fall 2004 ECE Department ECE Department Present Proposed Curriculum in Computer Engineering Curriculum in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Computer Engineering is concerned with the application of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science principles to the design of computer systems and digital networks. Through creative utilization of tools and knowledge, a computer engineer designs digital systems that are being employed in virtually all fields of human endeavor. This requires a background in Physical Sciences, Information Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Computer Engineering requires skills in both the design and development of computer hardware and computer software. Depending on need, the computer engineer may work with electrical engineers, computer scientists, information systems experts, bio-medical researchers, and people in almost any other field. The diversity of products that involve the design talents of a computer engineer is unlimited. These range from large to small computers to special purpose computing hardware and software embedded within devices and systems. The applications are in, for example, business to organize, process, and communicate data, communications over mobile and satellite networks, digital sound and picture processing for entertainment, household appliances, automotive systems, manufacturing process control, biomedical instrumentation, machine control, and innumerable other fields. The emphasis in Computer Engineering is on the design of hardware as well as software tools and systems for the acquisition, processing, storage, and transmission of data and signals by digital means. Same. All students are required to obtain a strong mathematical foundation, including discrete mathematics and probability and statistics. Each student acquires a common background in the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. This includes course work in computer languages, data structures and algorithms, software design and development, circuit analysis, signal processing, computer architecture, digital networks, microprocessor based design, digital electronic circuits design, and computer operating systems design. Furthermore, in consultation with an adviser, each student can follow an individualized program by taking courses selected from a departmentally approved list of technical elective courses for Computer Engineering. In almost all course work students do design projects, while learning to apply computer based tools. As a senior, each student gains further design experience working on a two semester design project involving practical application of engineering principles. Same. Required for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (128 semester hours) Same. Required Outside the College of Engineering Required Outside the College of Engineering Chem 112 - General College Chemistry 5 Same. Engl 160 - English Composition I 3 Same. Engl 161 - English Composition II 3 Same. Math 180 - Calculus I 5 Same. Math 181 - Calculus II 5 Same. Math 210 - Calculus III 3 Same. Math 220 - Introduction to Differential Equations 3 Same. Phys 141 - General Physics I (Mechanics) 4 Same. Humanities electives 6 Same. Social Sciences electives 6 Same. One of the Humanities/Social Sciences electives must be approved to meet cultural diversity requirements. Total Hours Same. 43 Same. Courses Required in the College of Engineering Courses Required in the College of Engineering Computer Engineering Core Courses Computer Engineering Core Courses Engr 100 - Orientation 0 (Engr 100 carries one equivalent hour; and does not carry credit towards graduation.) Same Same. ChE 201/ME 205 - Thermodynamics 3 Same. ECE 341 - Probability and Random Processes for Engineers 3 Same. CS 107 - Introduction to Computing and Programming 4 Same. ECE 220 - Electromagnetics 3 Same. (Phys 142, General Physics II, Electricity and Magnetism (4 credits), may be used as an alternative to satisfy the ECE 220 requirement.) (Phys 142, General Physics II, Electricity and Magnetism (4 credits) or its equivalent taken outside of UIC, may be used by transfer students or students outside the ECE Department as an alternative to satisfy the ECE 220 requirement.) ECE 221 - Electromagnetics Laboratory 1 Same. ECE 225 - Circuit Analysis 4 Same. CS 201 - Data Structures and Discrete Mathematics I 4 Same. ECE 265 - Introduction to Logic Design 3 Same. ECE 310 - Discrete and Continuous Signals and Systems 3 Same. ECE 340 - Electronics I 4 Same. ECE 267 - Computer Organization and Programming 3 Same. ECE 366 - Computer Architecture 3 Same. ECE 367 - Microprocessor-Based Design 4 Same. ECE 396 - Senior Design I 2 Same. ECE 397 - Senior Design II 2 Same. ECE 465 - Digital Systems Design 3 Same. 49 Same. Total Hours Computer Engineering Advanced Core Courses Computer Engineering Advanced Core Courses Students must complete at least three of the following courses. Each ECE course has a laboratory. Same. ECE 311 - Communication Engineering 4 Same. ECE 317 - Digital Signal Processing I 4 Same. ECE 333 - Computer Communications Networks 4 Same. ECE 342 - Electronics II 4 Same. ECE 346 - Solid State Device Theory 4 Same. ECE 368 - CAD-Based Digital Design 4 Same. CS 385 - Operating Systems Concepts and Design 4 Same. 12 Same. Total Hours Technical Electives Technical Electives Those courses not used to meet the advanced CE core requirement can be used as technical electives. However, no more than a total of two courses below the 400 level can be used to meet the technical elective requirement. Also, no more than one course from outside of the ECE department can be used to meet the technical electives requirement. Same. CS 202 - Data Structures and Discrete Mathematics II - 3 Same. ECE 320 - Transmission Lines - 3 Same. ECE 322 - Communication Electromagnetics - 3 Same. ECE 347 - Integrated Circuit Engineering - 3 Same. ECE 350 - Principles of Automatic Control 4 Same. ECE 407 - Pattern Recognition I - 3 Same. ECE 410 - Network Analysis - 3 Same. ECE 412 - Introduction to Filter Synthesis 3 Same. ECE 415 - Image Analysis and Machine Vision - 3 Same. ECE 418 - Digital Signal Processing II - 3 Same. ECE 420 - Introduction to Microwave Engineering - 3 Same. ECE 421 - Introduction to Antenna Engineering - 3 Same. ECE 422 - Wave Propagation and Communication Links - 3 Same. ECE 426 - Microwave Semiconductor Devices 3 Same. ECE 427 - Modern Linear Optics - 3 Same. ECE 430 - Statistical Communication and Signal Processing - 3 Same. ECE 431 - Analog Communication Circuits - 3 Same. ECE 432 - Digital Communications - 3 Same. ECE 434 - Multimedia Communication Networks - 3 Same. ECE 435 - Wireless Communication Networks 3 Same. ECE 436 - Computer Communication Networks II - 3 Same. ECE 442 - Power Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - 4 Same. ECE 445 - Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits - 4 Same. ECE 448 - Transistors - 3 Same. ECE 449 - Microdevices and Micromachining Technology - 4 Same. ECE 451 - Control Engineering - 3 Same. ECE 452 - Robotics: Algorithms and Control 3 Same. ECE 458 - Electromechanical Energy Conversion - 3 Same. ECE 466 - Advanced Computer Architecture - 3 Same. ECE 467 - Introduction to VLSI Design - 4 Same. ECE 468 - Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI Design - 4 Same. ECE 469 - CAD-Based Computer Design - 3 Same. CS 473 - Compiler Design - 3 Same. CS 485 - Networked Operating Systems Programming - 4 Same. MCS 425 - Coding and Cryptography - 3 Same. Phys 244 - General Physics III: Modern Physics - 3 Same. Total Hours 15 Same. Additional Mathematics Requirement Additional Mathematics Requirement Students must also complete at least one of the following courses: Same. Math 310 - Applied Linear Algebra I (3) Same. Math 410 - Advanced Calculus I (3) Same. Math 417 - Complex Analysis with Applications (3) Same. Math 481 - Applied Partial Differential Equations (3) Same. MCS 471 - Numerical Analysis (3) Same. Total Hours 3 Same. Free Electives Free Electives Students must select * courses from outside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Same. Total Hours 6 Same. * Students preparing for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination, which leads to becoming a Licensed Professional Engineer, are advised to use these hours to take the course: CEMM 200, Statics and Dynamics, and one course from the following courses: CEMM 203, Strength of Materials; CEMM 260, Properties of Materials; ME 211, Fluid Mechanics. Same. Typical Course Schedule for the Computer Engineering Major Typical Course Schedule for the Computer Engineering Major FIRST YEAR FIRST YEAR First Semester First Semester Math 180 - Calculus I Chem 112 - General College Chemistry I Engl 160 - English Composition I Humanities-Social Sciences elective Engr 100 Orientation (1) (Engr 100 awards no credit towards graduation.) Total Hours 5 5 3 3 0 Same. 16 Second Semester Math 181- Calculus II Phys 141 - General Physics I (Mechanics) Engl 161- English Composition II CS 107 - Introduction to Computing and Programming Total Hours Second Semester 5 4 3 Same. 4 16 SECOND YEAR SECOND YEAR First Semester First Semester Math 210 - Calculus III ECE 220 - Electromagnetics ECE 221 - Electromagnetics Laboratory CS 201 - Data Structures and Discrete Mathematics I Free elective Humanities-Social Sciences elective Total Hours 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 17 Same. Second Semester Second Semester Math 220 - Introduction to Differential Equations ECE 265 - Introduction to Logic Design ECE 267 - Computer Organization and Programming Humanities-Social Science elective Free elective Total Hours 3 Same. 3 3 3 3 15 THIRD YEAR THIRD YEAR First Semester First Semester ECE 225 - Circuit Analysis ECE 310 - Discrete and Continuous Signals and Systems ECE 367 - Microprocessor-Based Design Humanities-Social Sciences elective Additional Mathematics course Total Hours 4 Same. 3 4 3 3 17 Second Semester Second Semester ECE 340 - Electronics I ECE 341 - Probability and Random Processes for Engineers ECE 366 - Computer Architecture Advanced CE core electives Total Hours 4 Same. 3 3 8 18 FOURTH YEAR FOURTH YEAR First semester First Semester ECE 396 - Senior Design I Advanced CE core elective ECE 465 - Digital Networks Technical electives Total Hours 2 4 3 6 15 Second Semester ECE 397 - Senior Design II Technical electives Total Hours Same. Second Semester 2 12 14 Same. Minor in Computer Engineering Minor in Computer Engineering For the minor, 13 semester hours. Students not majoring in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering who wish to minor in Computer Engineering must complete the following: Same. Prerequisite Courses: Prerequisite Courses: CS 107 - Introduction to Computing and Programming (4) Same. Phys 141 - General Physics I (Mechanics) (4) Same. ECE 220 - Electromagnetics (3) ECE 221 - Electromagnetics Laboratory (1) (Phys 142 may be used as an alternative to satisfy the ECE 220 requirement.) Same. ECE 225 - Circuit Analysis (4) Same. Math 180, 181, 210, 220 (16) Same. Total Prerequisite Hours: (32) Same. Required Courses: Required Courses: ECE 265 - Introduction to Logic Design (3) Same. ECE 267 - Computer Organization and Programming (3) Same. ECE 340 - Electronics I (4) Same. ECE 366 - Computer Architecture (3) Same. Total Hours 13 Same.