Yeast and fermentation: four different sugars Karlijn Hasaart en Esmée de Looff Summary On the occasion of the experiment which is performed by Slaa et al. (2009); Yeast and Fermentation: the optimal temperature, we performed a following experiment by ourselves with the inquiry question: Is the kind of sugar determinative for the release of a higher measure of ethanol? If so, which sugar releases the most ethanol? We researched the different productions of ethanol and carbon dioxide by using four different kind of sugars; glucose, cane sugar, fruit sugar and malt sugar. First of all we put the solutions of the different sugars with water and yeast by a temperature of 25 degrees (298 K) for about two days. And then we put all the solutions in a warmth bath of 37 degrees (310 K). After three days we came back and we were able to conclude something we didn’t expect. Introduction Slaa et al. (2009) did their experiment based on the fact that oil resources will be exhausted. This knowledge stimulated Slaa et al.’s interest in one of mankind’s oldest chemical processes: the production of bioethanol from sugars by fermentation. In stead of the temperature as a independent variable, we took the different kind of sugars as a independent variable. We used glucose, cane sugar, fruit sugar and malt sugar for our experiment. The molecular formulas of these sugars and their fermentation equations are: - C6H12O6 (glucose) C6H12O6 2 CH3CH2OH (l) + 2 CO2 (g) - C6H12O6 (fruit sugar) C6H12O6 2 CH3CH2OH (l) + 2 CO2 (g) - C12H22O11 (cane sugar) C12H22O11 4 CH3CH2OH (l) + 4 CO2 (g) - C12H22O11 (malt sugar) C12H22O11 4 CH3CH2OH (l) + 4 CO2 (g) So our question to be answered will be: Is the kind of sugar determinative for the release of a higher measure of ethanol? If so, which sugar releases the most ethanol? With the four different equations, we can calculate the different masses of the released ethanol and carbon dioxide. On the occasion of the equations of the fermentation of the four sugars we can almost conclude that the biggest mass of ethanol and carbon dioxide will be produced by cane sugar or malt sugar. Out of the proportion between the sugars and the equation products we can see that glucose and fruit sugar fits twice in cane sugar and malt sugar. These two sugars have a proportion of 1:4 with their equation products. But before we can make our complete hypothesis, we also need to know the different kind of properties of the two different kind of sugars; On the internet we discovered that every organism is able to break off malt sugar. And yeast is a Fungi, so it counts as an organism. Cane sugar is sugar made from cane but doesn’t really carry an extraordinary property. So out of this information we can form our hypothesis; malt sugar will release the biggest mass of ethanol and carbon dioxide. Experimental procedure and approach First of all we needed to calculate how much we needed of the four different sugars. We took 0,1 mol of fruit sugar and glucose and we calculated the mass of both of the sugars by multiplying the mol with the molar mass (180,2 * 0,1 = 18,02 gram fruit sugar and glucose). For cane sugar and malt sugar we used 0,05 mol for each, that’s because the molar proportion of C6H12O6 and C12H22O11. So by multiplying the mol cane sugar and malt sugar with the molar mass we can calculate the mass: 342,3 * 0,05 = 17,12 gram cane sugar and malt sugar. But malt sugar is only available in syrupy fluid, which contains 74 gram malt sugar in 100 gram syrupy fluid. Mass syrupy fluid Mass malt sugar 100,0 gram 74,00 gram - 23,14 1,000 17,12 Then we weighed the needed quantity of the sugars. So when we put the right mass sugar in the conic flask, we filled the conic flask with 100 mL demiwater, which we measured earlier before with a measuring cylinder. We used a measuring cylinder because it is the most accurate way of measuring. Now the solution was made, we needed the yeast to complete the experimental solution. We took for each conic flask 1,5 gram yeast and we added the yeast to the solution. Then we weighed the conic flasks with the sugar-solution and the yeast. Apart from the fermentation experiment, we weighed an extra conic flask, and filled it with also 100 mL (weighed) demiwater to calculate the evaporated H2O. Because in the sugar-solutions the added demiwater can also be evaporated. This whole trial is done twice because we do a duplicate determination to be sure the data is reliable. After we make the solutions, we put the conic flasks by a temperature of 25 degrees (298 K) for about two days. We did this because we wanted to check Slaa et al.’s data. When we came back after two days we found out their data is reliable because the yeast cells didn’t ferment at all. After we found out, we put all the conic flasks in a warmth bath of 37 degrees for three days. At last, when we get all the conic flasks out of the warmth bath, we weighed them again. The extra conic flasks we used during the whole experiment showed us after the whole process how much demiwater is evaporated during the whole experiment. We can calculate this by subtract the ‘new’ mass from the ‘old’ mass. Results Three days after the morning we put the conic flasks in the warmth bath, we came back to weigh all the solutions. The smell was a very heavy smell of alcohol, some sort of strong beer-scent. Table 1, 2 and 3 present - in duplicate the mass of the solution before the beginning of the experiment, the values of the solutions after they were placed at 25 degrees and the values of the solutions when they got out of the bath. Table 1 Sugar Glucose Cane sugar Fruit sugar Malt sugar Demiwater Before bath Measurement1 Measurement2 before bath before bath 248,34 gram 250,07 gram 251,92 gram 240,14 gram 255,66 gram 245,27 gram 251,76 gram 258,74 gram 225,86 gram 232,48 gram Table 4 Sugar Table 2 Sugar Glucose Cane sugar Fruit sugar Malt sugar Demiwater Glucose 25 degrees (298 K) Measurement1 Measurement2 25 degrees (298 K) 25 degrees (298 K) 246,17 gram 247,81 gram 248,45 gram 235,91 gram 253,40 gram 243,14 gram 246,40 gram 253,91 gram 221,45 gram 227,98 gram Cane sugar Fruit sugar Malt sugar Demiwater Weight loss 14,06 gram 5,38 gram Evaporated water 0,51 gram 11,61 gram 0,51 gram 11,10 gram 5,76 gram 0,51 gram 0,51 gram 5,25 gram - Weight loss 13,01 gram 5,19 gram Evaporated water 0,70 gram 11,18 gram 0,70 gram 10,48 gram 6,55 gram 0,70 gram 0,70 gram 5,58 gram - 0,51 gram 0,51 gram Released ethanol 13,55 gram 5,32 gram Measurement 1 Table 3 Sugar Glucose Cane sugar Fruit sugar Malt sugar Demiwater 37 degrees (310 K) Measurement1 Measurement2 37 degrees (310 K) 37 degrees (310 K) 234,28 gram 237,06 gram 246,09 gram 234,95 gram 244,05 gram 234,09 gram 246,00 gram 252,19 gram 225,35 gram 231,78 gram Table 5 Sugar Glucose Table 4 and 5 (beside) show how much water is evaporated and how much ethanol is produced by the fermentation of measurement 1 and measurement 2. Cane sugar Fruit sugar Malt sugar Demiwater 0,70 gram 0,70 gram Measurement 2 Figure 1 (below) shows in duplicate the bar plot of the ethanol which is released by the different sugars 14 Measurement 1 12 Measurement 2 10 8 6 4 2 0 Glucose Cane sugar Fruit sugar Malt sugar Released ethanol 12,31 gram 4,49 gram Data analysis The mass of the released ethanol of one measurement is calculated by the following formulas: mass demiwater before warmth bath – mass demiwater after water bath = evaporated water mass solution before warmth bath – mass solution after warmth bath = weight loss solution weight loss solution – evaporated water = produced ethanol Discussion and conclusion It’s obvious that the biggest mass of ethanol is produced by the fermentation of glucose as you can see in the bar plot of the released ethanol. As you can see in table 2, glucose performed the biggest loss of weight during the experiment. So during the fermentation, glucose was able to produce a lot of ethanol. The average weight of the produced ethanol is 12,39 gram. On the occasion of this conclusion, we can say that our hypothesis is wrong. We thought that malt sugar would release the most ethanol with it’s fermentation. But we didn’t notice that it’s possible that the syrupy malt sugar contains components with inhibitory function. Evaluation The experiment expired very well, we kept every conic flasks with the solution under the same circumstances during the whole experiment. So the variables were kept the same the whole time. Only the kind of sugar was changed; out independent variable to inquire if the kind of sugar is determinative to the mass of the released ethanol. Everything was easy to retrieve and kept at a safe place. So the set up was suitable enough to achieve the answer to our inquiry question. As an example we use the values of the fruit sugar from measurement 1 to show what we exactly did: 225,86 – 225,35 = 0,51 gram evaporated water 255,66 – 244,05 = 11,61 gram weight loss of the solution 11,61 – 0,51 = 11,1 gram produced ethanol An improvement can be that we heat the sugars to their boiling point, and liquefy the sugar and the water under a high temperature; the boiling point. The boiling point is different for every sugar so the sugar will be heated to it’s own boiling point to make the solution with water. There is a chance that the released ethanol will be different from the released ethanol when the sugar isn’t warmed. So that could be the customized independent variable. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. se