XX187 – Preparation for Work. Refer Paper ASSESSMENT BRIEF Module code Module title BM187 / FM187 / HT197 / IB187 / IBM187 / MM187 / MUM187 Preparation for Work Module tutor Simon Dove Tutor with responsibility for this Assessment (This is your first point of contact) Assessment Simon Dove Your Personal Tutor will be marking this assignment. Covers week 1-6 of XX187 100% coursework comprising: 1. 2. 3. 4. Personal SWOT analysis Sourcing relevant job description Targeted CV & Covering letter. Employment focussed Action Plan. Weighting 50% of module assessment. Size limits for assessment SWOT analysis on one page. Up to two pages for CV. One page for letter. 500 word Action Plan. Deadline of submission Monday 7th July 2008. (Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submission; see UMS Handbook) Park Campus Assignment Room. Arrangements for submission Your work must be submitted with a completed Module Assignment form, please include the name of your Personal Tutor on this form. You are advised to keep your own copy of the assessment. Return of work Assignment can be collected from Park Campus Assignment Room and they will be available from week commencing 7th August 2008. Students with Disabilities See page 24 of UMS Student Handbook Assessment Regulations All assessments are subject to the University Regulations for Assessment, and to the regulations of the Undergraduate Modular Scheme/Postgraduate Modular Scheme. You should pay particular attention to UMS Handbook regulation 68, word limits and University regulation 7 (University Regulations for Assessment). The requirements for the assessment Assignment The assignment is divided into four parts and you must include each section. Your submission should have the four sections clearly identified. This Assignment does rely on students having completed their PDP work from semester 1 so that they have started to build up an understanding of their personal skills to date. The module requires you to develop a better understanding of your personal skills profile and the requirements of employers. Based on this you should identify personal skills and describe how you are going to develop them. 1. Personal SWOT Analysis Based on the PDP work completed so far and the subsequent analysis in the module you should present a concise overview of your perceptions of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 2. Appropriate Job Description You need to research, locate and then you must include in your submission a detailed job advertisement or description. Your selection should provide comprehensive information, be broadly in line with your career aspirations and be appropriate for you at either placement or graduate level. 3. Targeted letter and CV. In response to the job advertisement of your choice, compose a targeted covering letter and curriculum vitae. The following elements are of particular significance: CV – a maximum of two pages. Letter – a maximum of one page. Well presented and easy to read with correct English throughout. Correctly formatted. Strong evidence of linkages to job specification. 4. Action Plan (up to 500 words). Statement of future strategy in terms of the areas of personal development and research that you would like to undertake in order that you are best prepared for the placement /job search. You should identify the specific steps you are going to take to develop skills that will improve your chances of gaining employment. YOUR FRONT COVER SHEET MUST INDICATE THE NAME OF YOUR PERSONAL TUTOR. Business School Assessment criteria The marks for this assignment will be awarded based on the standard of your CV and letter and how effectively you have developed a targeted approach to meet the job requirements from your chosen job advertisement. The standard of your written English and presentation of the work is also a key consideration reflecting the actual recruitment process. In addition, you MUST submit the other sections as outlined below. Non-submission of ANY of these sections will result in referral work. Marks Grade CV & letter 0 - 19 Fail Non submission. Poor quality presentation, not word-processed, omission of elements and poor English and grammar. 20 - 39 Refer Some elements missing, spelling mistakes and English usage weak. 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 + Inclusion of all elements and presentation acceptable. Very few spelling mistakes and minor grammatical errors. Inclusion of all elements and presentation fine. No spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Inclusion of all elements and presentation good. No spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Excellent professional presentation, no English or grammatical errors. No linkages chosen job description. Little evidence of Limited evidence of Some linkages to linkage to linkage to chosen chosen job chosen job job description. requirements. description. Good self-marketing Positive selfdocument that marketing document mainly meets the that is well matched job requirements. to job requirements. The following sections MUST be included for you to satisfactorily complete the assignment: SWOT Analysis. Well written and presented. A list of your perceptions of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Comprehensive Job Advertisement or Job Description. A copy of an appropriate advertisement for a graduate / placement opportunity that is of interest to you. Future Developments. Well written and presented. An overview of the practical steps you intend to take in the short to medium term stating what actions you are planning to take to improve your employability skills.