Standard: 3.4.10 The institution defines and publishes general education requirements for its undergraduate programs and major program requirements for all its programs. These requirements conform to commonly accepted standards and practices for degree programs. Compliance Rating: Compliance Statement of Compliance: The University of West Florida defines and publishes general education and major program requirements for all its programs. These requirements conform to commonly accepted standards and practices for undergraduate programs as well as graduate and postbaccalaureate professional degree programs. To see the title of a given reference in the reference table at the end of the narrative and to access the reference document, place the cursor on the bracketed reference number and click the left mouse button. Narrative: Definition and Publication of General Education and Major Program Requirements The general education (titled General Studies at UWF) requirements and program requirements for all degrees are defined and published annually in the University Catalog [1]. The complete catalogs (1996 to present), along with comprehensive indices, are available online [2]. Additionally, all undergraduate degree requirements, including general education, are identified on the student’s Student Academic Support System (SASS) degree audit for all undergraduate programs which may be retrieved from COMPASS (Computerized Access to Student Services) [3] (Note: Effective October 1, 2004, COMPASS will be discontinued and replaced by a new UWF Student Portal called ARGUS ( and through the statewide FACTS (Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students) Web site [4]. While many departments use the SASS degree audit, others have developed degree-planning sheets. Virtually all departments rely on degree-planning sheets for graduate programs. Requirements Conform to Commonly Accepted Standards and Practices General Education Commonly accepted standards and practices for general education programs are defined in statute and rule by the State of Florida in that a common framework for general education programs (including courses in communication, mathematics, social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences) is established for all state-supported institutions of higher education [5] (Florida Statutes 1007.25). This framework requires that each state university and community college shall establish a general education core curriculum, which shall require thirty-six (36) semester hours of college credit in the liberal arts and sciences for students working toward a baccalaureate [6] (Florida Administrative Code 6A-10.024(3)(a)). The General Studies program at the University of West Florida is administered on a day-to-day basis by the staff of the University Advising Center from whom students and faculty may obtain individual counsel and guidance. Requests for substitution of requirements are reviewed by the General Studies Committee. The charter and composition of the General Studies Committee is available on-line; see [7] and [8]. Additionally, that Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Council of the Faculty Senate concerning newly proposed and revised courses submitted through the Curriculum Change Request process which may fulfill an aspect of the General Studies program [9]. The following is an example of student notification: The University of West Florida Catalog [10] specifies that General Studies requirements include six semester hours of communication courses, specifically ENC1101 and ENC1102: Communication (6 sh) English Composition ENC 1101 English Composition I 3 ENC 1102 English Composition II 3 Additionally, the SASS degree audit provides the same guidance to students: COMMUNICATION: ENGLISH COMPOSITION - 6 SEM HRS Additionally, general education (General Studies) information is addressed in the responses to SACS Standards 2.7.3 and 3.2.14. Major Undergraduate Program Requirements The University utilizes several methods to ensure that major undergraduate program requirements conform to commonly accepted standards and practices: 1. Many undergraduate programs are nationally accredited and subject to review by the accrediting agency. A listing of those programs is available in the Catalog [11]. 2. All undergraduate programs are reviewed on a 5-year cycle. The review is conducted as part of the national accreditation review if the program is nationally accredited. Otherwise, a team, including three individuals with at least one individual from outside UWF with expertise in the discipline of the program under review, conducts the review. A further explanation of the review process and cycle is available from the University Planning Information Center (UPIC) Web site [12] [13]. 3. All undergraduate programs comply with Florida Statutes (Chapter 1001.02(4)) which direct that a baccalaureate degree require no more than 120 semester hours of college credit unless the Board of Governors has granted an exception [14]. Currently there are exceptions for the following programs: Medical Technology, Nursing, Teacher Education, and the UWF-UF Joint Engineering Programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering. 4. The University complies with the Statewide Common Prerequisite Manual [15] that identifies common lower division program prerequisites that are adhered to by all state-supported universities in Florida in accordance with Florida Statute 1007.25(5) [16]. 5. Requests for new programs are reviewed in accordance with the Procedures for Academic Programs Inventory Updates [17]. 6. Requests for revisions to current programs and specializations are done through the Curriculum Change Request (CCR) Web site [18]. An online request is submitted by the department chair, reviewed according to college governance rules, and forwarded by the dean to the Academic Council (AC) of the Faculty Senate. Following AC review, the request is forwarded to the full Faculty Senate for approval and final approval by the Provost. The CCR process was developed over a period of time as reflected in Faculty Senate minutes [19]. Changes to the program and process must be approved by the Faculty Senate. A synopsis of the process is available online [20]. The following is an example of student notification: The University of West Florida Catalog states that at least 24 semester hours of upper-level work in the major field with a minimum of 18 upper-level semester hours in the major field be earned at UWF. The SASS degree audit is programmed to check this for each major and specialization: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NO - 6 UPPER-LEVEL ART COURSES 1) 24 SEM HRS MINIMUM UPPER DIVISION ART COURSES 2) 18 SEM HRS MINIMUM UPPER DIVISION ART COURSES AT UWF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undergraduate Program requirements are also addressed in SACS Standards 3.6.3 and 4.4. Major Graduate Program Requirements At the master’s level, UWF requires a minimum of 30 credit hours of approved course work to complete any master’s program [21]. Requests for new programs are reviewed in accordance with the Procedures for Academic Programs Inventory Updates [22]. The University Board of Trustees must approve any new master’s, specialist, and doctoral programs, and degrees beyond the master’s must also be approved by the Florida Board of Governors [23] (Florida Statutes 1001.74(7)) UWF offers the doctor of education and educational specialist degrees in several areas in the College of Professional Studies. Specialist degrees require completion of a minimum of 36 semester credit hours beyond the master’s degree. Doctoral degrees vary in the number of hours necessary to complete a specific degree program, but require a minimum of 62 graduate semester credit hours beyond the master’s degree and a dissertation (18 semester credit hours minimum) [24]. The Florida Board of Governors Criteria for New Degree Program Authorization indicates that “The course of study and credit hours required may be satisfied within a timeframe consistent with similar programs” for professional and doctorate degrees [25]. As part of the curriculum development and revision process, benchmarking program lengths for similar programs at other institutions is completed. Catalogs and program descriptions from other institutions are primary sources of this information. Additionally, college-level curriculum standards developed by professional organizations are reviewed as part of the benchmarking process. Individual units consider the benchmarking data relative to UWF’s specific mission, faculty, resources, and student population. Specialist degrees require completion of a minimum of 36 semester credit hours [26]. UWF has implemented processes to ensure that the program equivalency for each new and existing program is documented, reviewed, and approved at several levels. The proposal for a new program originates with the unit offering the new program, in the form of a “Request to Explore” and the subsequent preparation of Curriculum Change Requests (CCR) for the program or specialization and each of the courses included in the curriculum for the proposed program [27]. Changes to an existing approved course or the creation of a new course require submission of a CCR. These documents contain, among several elements, the proposed number of semester hours required to complete the program and required courses. Benchmarking data and other supporting documentation can be included to demonstrate that the length of a new or existing program/course is appropriate relative to UWF’s specific needs and student populations. Requirements are initially determined by the unit and are then reviewed at several levels before final approval from the Provost. New programs and program deletions must be approved by the President and Board of Trustees. Requests to implement or delete degree programs beyond the master’s degree also require approval of the Board of Trustees and State Board of Governors. General faculty oversight of graduate programs is provided by the Graduate Committee, which reports directly to the Academic Council of the Faculty Senate and is advisory to the Administration. It is charged with facilitating communication across both academic and appropriate administrative units and for monitoring interdisciplinary graduate program development. The Committee approves college- or department-developed proposals for new graduate programs or changes to existing programs. The Committee also approves college criteria for assigning faculty to teach graduate courses and monitors the application of those criteria. The Committee also recommends approval for college and departmental criteria developed for graduate programs. The Committee Bylaws [28] and membership [29] are governed by the Faculty Senate. SACS Standards 3.4.1(a) and 3.4.1(b) also address portions of this topic. References: To access the archived copy of a document, place the cursor on the title and click the left mouse button. To return to the reference table, click the Back button. To return to your place in the text, place the cursor on the R to the left of the title and click the left mouse button. Live Link to Original Source Title Titles are hyperlinked to the version of document archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library No. 1 2 Return to Text R R 2a 2b R R 2c R Catalog, UWF (2004-2005), Title Catalogs, UWF, 1996-97 through 2004-205 Catalog, UWF (2004-2005), Title Catalog, UWF (2003-2004), Contents Catalog, UWF (2002-2003), Title 2d R Catalog, UWF (2001-2002), Title 2e R Catalog, UWF (2000-2001), Title 2f R Catalog, UWF (1999-2000), Title 2g R Catalog, UWF (1998-1999), Title 2h R Catalog, UWF (1998-1999), Title 2i R Catalog, UWF (1997-1998), Title 2j R Catalog, UWF (1996-1997), Title 3 R COMPASS, Computerized Access to Student Services, Web Site Warning: Live Web site links to original sources may not display same document as has been archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library; some links may no longer be active le.htm le.htm le.htm le.htm le.htm le.htm le.htm le.htm le.htm s/main.cfm Notes Same as 2a Same as 1 (NOTE: Effective October 1, 2004, COMPASS will be discontinued and replaced by a new UWF Student Portal.) 4 R FACTS, Web Site, Florida's Official Online Student Advising System 5 R Florida Statute (2003), 1007.25, General Education Courses; Common Prerequisites; and Other Degree Requirements /index.cfm?App_mode=Display_ Statute&Search_String=&URL= Ch1007/SEC25.HTM&Title=>2003->Ch1007>Section%2025 Same as 16 Live Link to Original Source Title No. 6 Return to Text R Titles are hyperlinked to the version of document archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library Florida Administrative Code, 6A10.024, Articulation Between Universities, Community Colleges, and School Districts General Studies Committee, Charter 7 R 8 R General Studies Committee, Membership 9 R 10 R Faculty Senate, Minutes, October 13, 1995 - Relative to General Education Catalog, UWF (2004-2005), Academic Policies - General Studies Requirements, p. 58 11 R 12 R 13 R 14 R 15 R 16 R 17 R 18 R Catalog, UWF (2004-2005), Accreditations, p.10 Academic Program and Centers & Institutes, Five Year Evaluation Planning Cycles - (2000-2010) Academic Program Reviews, FiveYear Review Plan, Procedures and Guidelines for Academic Year 2003-2004, (Updated 09/29/03) Florida Statue (2003), 1001.02, General Powers of State Board of Education Florida Academic Counseling And Tracking For Students (FACTS), Common Prerequisites - Catalog Year 2003-2004 Florida Statute (2003), 1007.25, General Education Courses; Common Prerequisites; and Other Degree Requirements Procedures for Academic Programs Inventory Updates, (412-2002) Curriculum Services, Web Site, CCR Main Page Warning: Live Web site links to original sources may not display same document as has been archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library; some links may no longer be active Notes e/chapter06.pdf data.cfm?UniqID=834&OrgUnitI D=GENSTUDIES mbers/members.cfm?OrgUnitID =GENSTUDIES data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=104 &OrgUnitID=FACSEN iles/library/Catalog,_UWF_(200 42005),_General_Studies,_pp,_5 8.mht ve_Year_Plan_2000.2010_Cycl es_(cdw).xls uidelines Procedures 20032004(CAB-cdw) 9-29-03.doc /index.cfm?App_mode=Display_ Statute&Search_String=&URL= Ch1001/SEC02.HTM&Title=>2003->Ch1001->Se /index.cfm?App_mode=Display_ Statute&Search_String=&URL= Ch1007/SEC25.HTM&Title=>2003->Ch1007>Section%2025 Publication/Pub.cfm?PubFormat ID=534 Same as 5 Same as 22 Live Link to Original Source Title No. 19 Return to Text R 19a R 19b R 19c R 19d R 19e R 19f R 19g R 19h R 19i R 19j R 19k R 19l R 19m R 20 R 21 R Titles are hyperlinked to the version of document archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library Faculty Senate, Minutes Pertaining to Development of CCR Process Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 93, March 8, 1996 (Development of CCR Flow Chart Post Mainframe) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 115, March 13, 1998 (CCR Office Moved to Enrollment Services) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 116, April 10, 1998 (Electronic Process Implemented) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 121, October 9, 1998 (Expedited Process) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 126, April 23, 1999 (Process Refinement) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 129, July 9, 1999 (Process Refinement - College Level Review) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 131, October 8, 1999 (Expedited CCR Process) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 135, February 11, 2000 (Submission Deadlines) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 141, September 8, 2000 (Submission Deadlines) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 138, May 12, 2000 (Effective Semester for CCRs) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 150, June 8, 2001 (Revision to Syllabus Fields) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 151, July 13, 2001 (Summer Break in Expedited Process Timing) Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 158, April 12, 2002 (Addition of Multicultural Requirement Processing) Curriculum Change Request (CCR), Help Screen Catalog, UWF (2004-2005), Graduation and General Degree Requirements - Master’s Degree Requirements, pp. 74-75 Warning: Live Web site links to original sources may not display same document as has been archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library; some links may no longer be active data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=458 &OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=114 1&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=117 8&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=130 0&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=154 2&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=156 8&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=164 5&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=181 5&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=203 9&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=190 9&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=238 0&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=242 7&OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=281 6&OrgUnitID=FACSEN main.cfm s.htm Notes Same as 27 Live Link to Original Source Title Titles are hyperlinked to the version of document archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library No. 22 Return to Text R 23 R 24 R 25 R 26 R 27 R 28 R Florida Board of Governors, Criteria for New Degree Authorization, Readiness Catalog, UWF (2004-2005), Graduation and General Degree Requirements - Doctor of Education Degree Requirements, pp. 75-76 Catalog, UWF( 2004-2005), Graduation and General Degree Requirements - Specialist Degree Requirements, p. 229 Faculty Senate, Minutes No. 93, March 8, 1996 (Development of CCR Flow Chart Post Mainframe) Graduate Committee, Charter 29 R Graduate Committee, Membership Procedures for Academic Programs Inventory Updates, (412-2002) Florida Statute (2003), 1001.74, Powers and Duties of University Boards of Trustees Warning: Live Web site links to original sources may not display same document as has been archived in UWF SACS Compliance Certification On-line Library; some links may no longer be active Publication/Pub.cfm?PubFormat ID=534 index.cfm?App_mode=Display_ Statute&Search_String=&URL= Ch1001/SEC74.HTM&Title=>2003->Ch1001->Se ngs/2003_04_30/NewDegreeSu mmCriteria.pdf c.htm Notes Same as 17 e.htm data.cfm?Dated=1&UniqID=458 &OrgUnitID=FACSEN data.cfm?UniqID=484&OrgUnitI D=GRADUATE mbers/members.cfm?OrgUnitID =GRADUATE Same as 19a