Course Prefix/Number: EDG 4942 Course Title: Internship Course Credit Hours: 6 sh Lead Instructor Name and Contact Information: Dr. Charlotte Boling, Associate Professor/Student Teaching Coordinator, Division of Teacher Education, Bldg. 85/Room 118; Phone: (850) 474-2025; Email: and All Faculty in the Teacher Education Unit including adjunct professors Instructor Name and Contact Information: Dr. Kenneth Jones, Associate Professor,, (850) 474-2863 Prerequisites or Co-Requisites: See Teacher Education/Admission to Student Teaching section of the UWF catalog. Course Description: Minimum of ten weeks of supervised teaching in a public or private school. Student teaching assignments will be made by the Division of Teacher Education Field Placement Coordinator. Students are not allowed to take additional coursework or pursue employment during the student teaching experience without prior approval from the Teacher Education Field Placement Coordinator. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis only. Purpose of Course: The “Empowered Person and Professional taking action” (EPP) is the theme of the College of Professional Studies’ conceptual framework. This theme focuses learning experiences on activities that permit the teacher to examine what he/she does and to take an active role in the instructional process. The subject matter, class activities, and skill development of this course were selected to assist your personal growth in the following EPP taking action characteristics: a) critical thinker, b) lifelong learner, c) counselor/mentor, d) decision maker, e) problem solver, and f) ethical/moral professional. Goals: The State of Florida has responded to national and state initiatives in education reform and accountability by creating legislative policies relative to the preparation of teachers. Florida’s Accomplished Practices, Sunshine State Standards, and Curriculum Frameworks outline the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and knowledge-base that teachers and students require to be successful in Florida’s public schools. Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this experience, the student will be able to: 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social/emotional, and cognitive developmental patterns and of individual differences to meet the needs of all students in the classroom and to advise students in the classroom concerning those needs. 2. Enhance students’ feelings of dignity and self-worth and the worth of other people including those from various ethnic, cultural, linguistic and economic groups. 3. Successfully manage classroom activities to include student assessment, planning, implementing appropriate instructional materials and strategies, evaluating and recording student progress, and managing student behavior. 4. Demonstrate a command of subject matter. 5. Think critically, solve problems, and reflect upon teacher behaviors and the consequence of such behaviors. 6. Work cooperatively with other members of the school staff. Required texts: None Grading / Evaluation: Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Methods and Techniques: The student teaching program consists of full-day teaching for ten weeks during the student’s senior year. Student teachers observe the same school schedule and working hours as the regular school faculty. Extra-curricular activities, meetings, parent conferences, etc., are considered a part of the teacher training program. A weekly Senior Seminar is a required corequisite. Placements are normally made during the Fall and Spring semesters only. Occasionally students will be assigned during the summer term if time and location permit. Student teachers are assigned a University Coordinator from their major areas of study. University Coordinators work directly with the student teacher and the supervising teacher as part of their normal faculty teaching load. Orientation sessions for supervising teachers, student teachers, and UWF Coordinators are conducted at the beginning of teach semester. The Handbook for Clinical and Field-Based Experiences officially describes the role of student, supervising teacher, and university coordinator. A Student Teaching Agreement Form serves as the official contractual agreement between the university, the school system, and the supervising teacher. Student teachers meet at least five times per semester with the supervising teacher and university coordinator to reflect on progress and outcomes of the student teacher’s activities. An Observation Report Form is completed each time the student is observed by the university coordinator. A mid-term and final evaluation form are completed by the supervising teacher and the university coordinator. The student teacher completes a self-evaluation at midterm in collaboration with the supervising teacher. Student teachers are also involved in a Senior Seminar designed to assist in exploring all areas of the teaching role. Senior Seminar is designed to complement the self-analysis and reflective thinking areas of evaluation. Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy: As members of the University of West Florida, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for excellence in performance, integrity—personal and institutional—is our most precious asset. Honesty in our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity. Accordingly, we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work of others. We pledge to share community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply with established policies of fairness. Cooperation and competition are means to high achievement and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is expected unless our directive is to individual performance. We will compete constructively and professionally for the purpose of stimulating high performance standards. Finally, we accept adherence to this set of expectations for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic community. The Student Code of Conduct sets forth the rules, regulations and expected behavior of students enrolled at the University of West Florida. Violations of any rules, regulations, or behavioral expectations may result in a charge of violating the Student Code of Conduct. It is the student’s responsibility to read the Student Code of Conduct and conduct himself/herself accordingly. You may access the current Student Code of Conduct at Assistance: Students with a documented disability who require specific examination or course related academic accommodations should contact the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) by email at or by phone at 850.474.2387.