HSAP Test Prep Review and Practice

HSAP Test Prep Review and Practice
Name __________________________
Date ______________
I. General Information
1. You will have 2 types of questions: 63 multiple choice and 3 integrated response questions
You are to answer __ALL_______ questions.
2. On the integrated response questions you must show work! If you use your calculator to do
the work you must_________show all work, what is typed in the calculator________.
II. Math Review, Problem Solving Tips
Decimal <> Percent d2p
3. To change a percent to a decimal_____2 places left_____________________________
4. To change a decimal to a percent_____2 places right_____________________________
5. Practice: Change to a percent: 0.25 = ___25%____
0.5 = ___50%____ 1.2 = _120%_____
6. Change to a decimal 26% = _0.26_____ 6% = _0.06_____ 32.5% = ___.325______
7. To do Best Buy/Unit Price/Costs Most/Costs Least _______________________
8. Practice: Flour comes in four sizes. Which is the best buy?
A. 1 lb for $.49
= .49
B. 5 lb for $1.05
= .21
C. 10 lb for $2.20
= .22
D. 20 lb FOR $3.80
= .19
9.To do Tip/Sales Tax/Commission/Discount/Deduction 1st step__amount x %_____________
Sometimes there is a 2nd Step on these problems: Sales Price _-_____ Total Cost__+_____
10. Practice: A $179 chair is on sale for 30% off. What is the sale price?
A. $53.70
B. $125.30
179 x .30 = 53.70 179 – 53.70 = 125.30
C. $232.70
Percent problems that are not real life problems use: % = IS
100 OF
11. Practice: 15 is what percent of 60?
12. What is 20% of 60?
x/100 = 15/60 x = 25
20/100 = x/60
x = 12
Created by Meike McDonald www.meikemcdonald.com
Word Problem Tips: Operations to Use
13. How much left? How much More? How Much Further?_____-__________________
14.How many you get when you split something up?________+____________________
15. If you know how much it takes for one of something, to see how much it takes for
all? ______x_______________________
16. To find how much carpet you find the ______AREA________________________
17. To find interest you use I = PxRxT _____$ x % x YEARS________________________
18. To find how much wall paper border or fence you find ____Perimeter_______________
19. To find your speed use r = D distance / time
20. It is 82 miles from Timmonsville to Myrtle Beach. Ms. Thornton has driven 27 miles. How much
further does she have to drive?
87 – 27 = 55
21. Ms. Williams came to school with 544 pieces of leftover Halloween candy. She gave an equal
amount to each of her 34 students. How many pieces did each student get?
544/34 = 16
22. The basketball team practices 15 hours per week. How many hours do they practice in 13
15 x 13 = 195 hours
23. Mr. Windham’s circular game room is 12 feet across the center. How much new carpet will he
need for this room?
3.14x6^2 = 113.04 ft squared
24. Ms. Kershaw deposits $500 in an account earning 9% interest for a period of 9 months. How
much interest will she earn?
500 x .09 x 9/12 = 33.75
25. Mr. McDonald is fencing in his back yard that is 90 feet long and 60 feet wide. How much fence
will he need to buy?
90 + 90 + 60 + 60 = 300 feet
Created by Meike McDonald www.meikemcdonald.com
26. Mr. Woods travels 960 miles in 16 hours nonstop. How fast did he drive?
R = 960/16 = 60 mph
27. Properties you need to know:
Commutative Property means you can change the _order________ when you add and multiply.
Example: 5 + x = x + 5
Associative Property means you can change the _grouping_______ when you add and multiply.
Example: 2 + (3 + y) = (2 + 3) + y
Distributive Property means you ___x_________ by what is outside of the parentheses.
Example: 3x(2x-5y) = 6x2 – 15xy
Identity Property means whatever you can add or multiply by and get the same identical thing.
Example: The identity for addition is 0, a + 0 = a, The identity for multiplication is 1. y x 1 = y
To solve equations or inequalities you use the addition property, subtraction property,
multiplication property or division property.
Example: To solve 3x + 5 = 17 Given
=12 Subtraction Property
Practice: Name the property that justifies each statement using the properties above:
28. 8x + 4 = 4(2x + 1) ___distributive______________________________________
29. x + 0 = x _____identity of +___________________________________________
30. 3x + 2 = 2 + 3x____commutative +________________________________________
31. 3x(5) = (3x)5____________associative x_________________________________
32. –3x > 15 Given
x < -5 _________divide, flip symbol with inequality____________________________
alculator Skills you should know:
To enter fractions or mixed numbers in your calculator you put them in parentheses.
33. Practice: Solve the following problem.
Ms. Gibson spent the following time grading papers. 1 ¾ hours on Mon., 2 ½ hours on Wed., ½ hours on
Thursday and ¾ hour on Friday. What was her total time?
1.75 + 2.5 + .5 + .75 = 5.5 hours
To do a problem dealing with either equations and a table or equations and a point. You enter
the equation into y= and then hit 2nd graph to see a table of points.
34. Practice: 1. Find the equation that matches this table:
Created by Meike McDonald www.meikemcdonald.com
A. f(n)=12+x2
B. f(n)=16-2x
C. f(n)=8x+7
D. f(n)=7+2x2
35. If the point (7,K) is on the graph of the equation y = 2x + 5.
Find the value of k = __19____
Calculator Skills continued:To change a number to scientific notation on your calculator –
Hit MODE then arrow over to SCI and hit enter then go back to the regular screen.
Practice. Change these numbers to scientific notation:
36. 36,400 ____3.64 x 10^4____________________ 37. .000000054___5.5 x 10^-8_______
To find the absolute value of a number or expression:To find absolute value hit MATH then
arrow over to NUM and since ABS is higlighted hit enter.
38. Practice. Simplify
-5 + -6+ 2
Using formulas
39. Find the volume of a 2m by 4.5m by 8m rectangular prism. _____________________
Always use these 3 steps:
1 –Write the formula down
2 – Substitute given numbers into the formula
3 – Use your calculator to work the formula out.
V = lwh
V = 2 x 4.5 x 8
V = 72 m3
You must know the slope formula. They do not give you this formula. Slope = y2 – y1
x2 – x1
Practice. Work these problems and show all work!
40. Find the area of a circular flower bed that is 12 yards across the center.
A = pixr^2 = pi x 6^2 = 113.04 yards squared
41. A 12 foot ladder is leaning against a 2 story house and reaches the top of the first floor. The
bottom of the ladder is 4 feet away from the house. How tall is the first floor?
Created by Meike McDonald www.meikemcdonald.com
X^2 + 4^2 = 12^2
X = 11.3
Find the slope between these points on a line.
42. (3,-4) and (4,5)
43. (2,3) and the origin
44. (-3,5) and (-3,6)
(5 – 4)/(4 – 3) = 9
(6 – 5)/(-3 - -3) = no slope
(0 – 3)/(0 – 2) = 3/2
45. (2,4) and (5,4)
Integrated Response
In integrated response questions you are to show your work. If you use your calculator then
you must write down what you punch in.
46. Belk has coats on sale for 40% off. If Jessica bought a coat that regularly costs $75, how
much of a discount does she get?
(1) __.75 x .40 = 30________________________
47. If Jessica must pay 6% sales tax, then what will be the amount of tax she has to
pay?(1)___75 – 30 = 45 x .06 = 2.70__________________
48. What will be the change Jessica will get back after paying for the coat and tax from
$100 bill?(1) ___45 x 2.70 = 47.70
100 – 47.70 = 52.30________________
Practice: This table shows the correct dosage of medicine for weight.
Weight in lbs
Dosage in mg
49. Make a scatterplot from this table. Be sure to title your graph and label the axes.(2)
Created by Meike McDonald www.meikemcdonald.com
50. Describe the correlation between weight and dosage. Explain your reasoning.(1)
Created by Meike McDonald www.meikemcdonald.com