Applications are now being accepted for “Exemplary Transition Sites” to receive mini-grant
funding as part of recurring funding opportunities through the University of South Florida St.
Petersburg, Project 10: Transition Education Network. Project 10 mini-grants are provided to
support evidence-based practices or best practices in transition. This means that the methods
used at funded sites have evidence to prove they are effective. In addition, Project 10 minigrants will also be considered for sites that are examining the use of practices that may not
currently meet criteria to be considered “evidence-based” but are being researched in order to
determine their efficacy. In many cases, these practices are considered to be predictors of
Awarded sites can receive up to a maximum of $6,000 for project activities.
This funding is focused on transition programming and activities for transition-aged youth (1422) with disabilities. One of the primary goals is to allow school or district personnel the
opportunity to share their completed products and evidence-based practices with other schools,
districts, and/or educational sites. Thus, priority will be given to projects using researchsupported practices.
Funding will be awarded based on a review of proposed strategies for the following:
System Impact
Improving collaborative partnerships, system linkages, and services coordination.
Improving youth and parent/guardian participation in the transition planning process and
representation of each in planning/steering committees.
Program Impact
Improving graduation rates and decreasing dropout rates of youth with disabilities-preference will be given to applications that address these two challenges.
Improving access and range of effective transition services to areas/sites that have been
previously underserved or unserved.
Improving transition services to underserved or unserved minority youth, children with
learning disabilities, and youth involved with the Juvenile Justice System.
Practice Impact
Improving postsecondary outcomes in the transition areas of employment, education,
training, and independent living.
Improving implementation of effective transition practices for youth with disabilities at
the school and community levels.
Please bear in mind that sites will be required to sign an “assurances” document. Sites will not
receive funds until they have signed and returned the “assurances” documentation.
To be considered for funding during the initial funding cycle, one hard-copy of the application
with original signatures must be received at the Project 10 office by February 22, 2013.
Please DO NOT forward electronic or faxed copies of your application. Questions, requests for
further guidance, and application submissions for this funding opportunity should be directed to:
Jordan T. Knab, Ed.S.
Project 10: Transition Education Network
University of South Florida St. Petersburg
140 7th Avenue South, SVB 108
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Completed applications MUST include the following:
Signed cover sheet requesting funding and indicating:
Applying entity
Contact person (name, address, phone and fax number, and email)
Fiscal contact (name, address, phone and fax number, and email)
Federal I.D. #
To whom the check is to be directed with the full address
Amount of funding requested
Original signature(s) of authorized personnel
Narrative to include:
1. Statement of Activity—Describe your current intervention: activities, programming,
curriculum crosswalk, etc., and its impact on youth with disabilities.
Identify your intervention and its evidence base
Number of youth/personnel served directly/indirectly
A brief statement on how long the intervention has been in place
Location(s) of intervention
Gaps (i.e., unmet needs) of transition-age youth with disabilities now being met in
your district or school as a result of this intervention
Strategies used with the intervention to overcome difficulties and barriers (e.g.,
policies, practices, etc.)
Please provide outcome data from the use of this intervention
2. Goals—Describe the specific goals and desired outcomes of this intervention
3. Implementation and utilization—Describe strategies and activities that will ensure
or facilitate the successful dissemination of this intervention to other districts/schools.
What formats are proposed for communicating information to other sites?
Is training or travel involved?
What assistance and/or materials will be provided in attempting to replicate the
intervention, i.e., manual, how-to guide, cd/dvd, Powerpoints, live training, etc.
4. Intermediate outcomes—Describe how success(es) will be measured, including the
indicators for achieving short-term goals
How will the project measure short-term, concrete results?
(1) demographic data for the participants or recipients (e.g., type and number of
students impacted, schools represented, etc.) for each activity,
(2) participants’ responses to the activity (e.g., changes in behavior, attendance,
participation, grades, employment, postsecondary application/enrollment), and
(3) data (e.g., attendance, discipline referrals, participation, grades, communitybased employment)
5. Impact—Describe the expected systemic changes or long-term effects that will result
from the replication of the intervention
 Increased employment of students with disabilities
 Increased postsecondary enrollment of students with disabilities
 Increased school/community participation of students with disabilities
 Increased parent involvement
6. Budget—Provide a detailed description of your requested funding and a brief
justification for each line item. As with other federal and state funding, your project
cannot use these funds for indirect costs, food, awards, clothing, or project
“promotional” materials (e.g., tee-shirts).
File: Mini-Grant Application 1/15/2013
University of South Florida St. Petersburg · 140 7th Avenue South SVB #108
St. Petersburg, FL 33701 · Tel: (727) 873-4661 · Fax: (727) 873-4660
Email: project10@stpete.usf.edu