Fall 2006 Syllabus - Buffalo State College Faculty and Staff Web

Computer Fundamentals
Computer Information Systems
CIS 101
Buffalo State College
fall 2008
Course Meetings* Sections: M-W-F 8:00, 9:00**
Declare yourself… a CIS major or minor
Ramona R. SantaMaria, MS Ed., ABD.
Chase Hall 106
(only if use if specifically directed to information at this site)
Chase B-15 (in the basement)
Faculty Email:
Office Phone:
Angel: https://angel.buffalostate.edu/frames.aspx
Barebones: http://delicious.com/santamrr/syllabus
CIS Office:
Chase 201
CIS Secretary:
Deborah F. Daly – Phone: 716.878.5528
CIS Fax:
Office Hours:
1. 10:00 – 10:50 M-W-F if I am not in my office, check B-15, or, see my office door for a note. Preferably, I would like students to make
an appointment if they need assistance beyond a quick question. This way I can allocate this time to accommodate your concern.
2. Other times by appointment – appointments are available on M-W-F, 1 – 3pm. No T-Th appointments.
Course Expectation: Although Computer Fundamentals is an introductory course, there is an expectation that you know the following prior to
attending the first class: How to use a mouse, basic knowledge/use of any word processor, and knowledge of how/why email and the
Internet are used in current society.
Course Description: The character, organization, and use of the computer. The function of the basic components of the computer, as well as, a broad
survey of application software and its impact on society will be covered. Hands-on experience using common software applications such as
word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Internet, email and communications required.
THIS COURSE IS DESIGNED TO BE INTENSIVE. Ever changing technology requires a vast amount of information to be covered even in an
introductory course. Over the semester, the new user will gain proficiency and acquire the language of technology; the proficient user will enhance
their further skills. The new or proficient student will leave the course with current knowledge relating to technology and computers.
A. - REQUIRED – Custom Set - in the bookstore shrink-wrapped together.
1. Technology in TIA – by Evans 5th Ed.
This is referred to as “TIA or TIA”
Exploring Microsoft Office 2007 –by Gaskin – Volume 1 – Second Edition
This is referred to as “Gaskin”.
My IT Lab – Simulation software – included in the shrink-wrapped package.
Cover WILL be different, will say:
“Custom Edition for Buffalo State College”
You may share your texts with a friend. However, one student not allowing the other student access to the texts because of illness,
work or any other excuse will NOT be accepted and any work will be considered late.
Books are also available on reserve in the library – go to the circulation desk for more information. You can only use the book for 2
hours at a time. You will need a book for in class assignments
Need help? Special Accommodations?
There are a variety of services on campus to help with your academic success:
1.) Any student in need of tutoring in any course qualifies for tutoring at no cost at Academic Skills Center at South Wing 300,
878-4041 – for CIS tutoring ask for Monica HEAVEY.
2.) Are you an STAR or EOP student? Contact your councilor for further tutoring options within your program.
3.) Students who have a disability are granted reasonable accommodations with documentation from Students with Disabilities Office. If
you need accommodations please contact the SDS at South Wing 120, 878-4500.
B) Completion of all assignments, readings, and projects on the class schedule.
C) Internet assigned readings along with class discussion. Daily checking of email and Angel (this includes weekends/holidays see more specific
information listed below).
D) Semester Project where the student will execute the technological skills they learned throughout semester.
CIS 101
CHECK YOUR COMPUTER! In this class we use and all of your assignments work with Microsoft Office 2007 – WORD, Excel and
PowerPoint. Word is not WINDOWS or VISTA! They are two very separate and different items. Windows/Vista = Operating System (runs
your computer) Word = Word Processing Software (this program runs on Windows or Vista Operating System). At home you will need Office
2008, or Office 2008 (Mac) to complete the assignments for this class. These can be purchased for a nominal price. See sheet handed out in
Other Course Requirements/ Expectations:
 USB portable storage device (also called Thumb
 Stapler
Drive or Jump drive). They range from $1 – $59.99
 Tent Style Name Tag – USED EVERY DAY IN CLASS
simply buy the smallest amount of memory for the
 Notebook for taking class notes
cheapest price. Try eBay http://buy.ebay.com/flash Binder or folder to organize handouts
 Hats will be turned backwards or taken off before you enter class.
o Your MP# player/iPod can work as file storage.
 Mandatory attendance days as specified in course calendar. There
are about 10 during the semester. It is your responsibility to know when
o You can use your campus z:\ drive. This is a network
these days are scheduled. Most times you have more than 36 hours notice.
drive available to all BSC students; it holds 15m of
 One small pack of M&M’s for class Excel assignment
storage, however access to this drive is only
 Webpage: Webpage’s are to be updated and completed using the
available on computers on campus.
z:\web\. This web space is only available on campus computers.
 Head Phones ARE MANDATORY – for in class
 Instructor will select topics for the Semester Project; students can
MyItLab, Podcasts, tutorials and PowerPoint projects
select from an approved topic list.
Should be brought to class everyday.
G) Email is a formal method of communication and should be treated as such. “Netiquette” is required in all professional email communication..
Email Do’s and Don’ts
**Email rule of thumb: If your question requires more than a one or two sentence response or a back-and-forth exchange,
make an appointment to see me during office hours
Do: follow netiquette rules. Print these pages out.
Email is a formal and professional method of communication and there are rules that you need to follow.
These rules can be found at: http://delicious.com/santamrr/syllabus or separately at
1. (Basic) http://www.kidsdomain.com/brain/computer/surfing/netiquette_kids.html,
2. (Tips for a professional email) http://careerplanning.about.com/od/communication/a/email_tips.htm
3. (Workforce rules – look at #’s 117) http://www.yourbusinesscoach.net/email-etiquette.html
Do: Think about your email questions: it is assumed that before you send and e-mail that you have (1) thought about
your question thoroughly, (2) written your questions down before putting them in an email and (3) can clearly
communicate your ideas and what you don’t know.
Do: Include your name, class time and concern in the subject line
Don’t: use familiar language in an email. Remember you are not e-mailing with your friends,
Your emails should not contain any non-professional language, such as:
“yo” or “my bad”, “that girl/guy was all up in my grill today and I couldn’t pay attention”
f. Do: include a greeting, a body & a signature in all emails. REMEMBER: ALWAYS use netiquette rules!
g. Do: Be independent! See if you can answer you question by yourself … Before emailing the Instructor, see if your question can be
answered by looking at the syllabus, the BSC website or by doing a quick Internet search.
h. Don’t: Send an email from non-professional account, for example iluvbscstudents24@hotmail.com or napoleanrockz75@gmail.com.
i. I will only email and reply students within the Angel environment. You will only email me within the Angel environment.
j. In terms of other professors and professionals you should only email from your professional, Buffalo State student email account.
k. Don’t: forward your BSC email to your home account. If you forward your email, there is a chance you will not receive class
announcements. Students are expected to check your BSC/Angel email at least twice a day, once before class, once after 5pm.
l. Do: follow the directions on this sheet; I will not respond to emails that do not follow this professional format.
m. Don’t: send emails with attachments. Due to computer viruses, I will not open any attachments unless it was previously arranged.
n. Do this: Below is an example of the way that a professional email professional should be sent in CIS 101. Furthermore, this format
should always be used when you are contacting any instructor, boss, or significant person of influence.
TO: santamrr@buffalostate.edu
From: gallcr09@mail.buffalostate.edu
Subject: Chris Galinte CIS101 10am–RE: Homework
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2008 7:36 AM
Dear Ms. SantaMaria:
I was absent on 10/09/08 due to illness. I have a note from my Doctor, and I’ve checked Angel for any emails or
additional work that may be due on Wednesday. I would like to hand in my work before class – this being Word
Chapter 1 – Assignments 1A, 1B, 1D, and 1G. How should I get these assignments to you?
Thank you,
Chris Galinte
CIS 101
Course Policies
(These are the rules, regulations, and expectations for the course)
a) Attendance and participation are counted part of your grade, students are held responsible to attend class, and for all
material presented, assigned readings, and assignments. Students' attendance to class facilitates individual participation
class and speaking in class. I should know who you are by the end of the first month of class.
b) You will receive 3 points per day
c) I reserve the right to lower your grade based on your attendance and quality of class participation.
d) Daily attendance will be recorded. Students should consider all class sessions mandatory unless otherwise stated in the
schedule or announcements. The student is also responsible to sign the attendance sheet even if you are entering
class late. If you do not sign the sheet, you will not be counted as present.
e) Students who have a legitimate religious obligation will receive no penalty for missing a mandatory class day, however
documentation must be provided.
f) It is each student's responsibility to notify the instructor if they will be missing class for more than two days for ANY
reason, this can be done via fax, email, phone or personally. I reserve the right to lower your grade if I am not notified or
if you miss more than 1 week of class without proper documentation (one week = three 50 minute classes).
Your grade will be reduced by a ½ letter grade, for each three days that you are absent without medical notification. For Example:
Absent 3 days – final grade lowered one ½ letter grade – you can get a final grade no higher than a AAbsent 7 days – final grade lowered two ½ letter grades – you can get a final grade no higher than a B+
Absent 11 days – final grade lowered four ½ letter grades – you can get a final grade no higher than a C
Absent more than 11 days without medical documentation – fail the course.
Other attendance policies: The course begins on the hour; there is a 5-minute grace period that will be allowed each
day, to allow students concessions for random occurrences. At 6 minutes after the hour, the door will be shut and
generally is locked.
Student are not permitted to enter the class after 5 minutes passed the class meeting time, the student and any assignments will
be considered late. Severe inclement weather may extend or negate this policy for the day.
 Students are expected to be on time on ALL mandatory days and ALL exam days.
This means no later than 2 minutes past the course scheduled time. At 3 minutes after, the door is closed.
Each missed mandatory day will result in a FULL letter grade reduction off your final average.
 Presentation Mandatory Days AND CEP/Exam week:
(1) At the end of each semester, students will give a PowerPoint presentation that reflects research and skills obtained during
the course; these presentations are a course requirement and will be mandatory days. All students must be present
during presentations and will penalized ½ letter grade off your final average if your do not attend class.
(2) You must be on time for your assigned final exam (CEP) time see http://www.buffalostate.edu/registrar/x642.xml You
must come to the time assigned for your class unless previous arrangements are made. Failure to do this will result
penalization ½ letter grade.
i) Athletes: Must notify the Instructor by the end of the second week of class of BSC team affiliation and scheduled away games. If the
student has a BSC away game, and a quiz, exam, or assignment is scheduled, the student must notify the Instructor of the absence at
least 3 days before the absence via email or in class to make arrangements to hand in any assignments while attending the away game.
If the student fails to notify the Instructor 3 days in advance, no accommodations will be made for the student and the student
will receive a zero for the assignment(s).
If the student misses class, it is the students' responsibility to gather assignments and notes from other students in the class. The Instructor notes will
not be available for student review. Class assignments may be posted on the Internet for student viewing. It is the students' responsibility to check
the web site frequently and confirm with other students in the course if an assignment was given.
Students will show the Instructor, teaching assistants and other students in class, as well as any guests to the classroom respect or they will be
removed from class. Students who exhibit behavior that is considered antagonistic will be asked to leave the class until the situation is resolved.
If the student chooses not to leave, University Police will be called.
Hats will be turned backwards before the student enters the class. The hat will stay backwards until the student leaves the classroom. If the
student cannot comply with this rule, he/she will be asked to leave the class until the next course meeting. If the student behavior persists they
will be asked to leave for the remainder of the semester. This is a firm policy.
CIS 101
The instructor suggests that students’ exchange email or phone numbers with several students in the class to insure that they are getting the
correct assignments. No student is to harass another student via telephone calls, pagers or email. If a student needs to contact another student in
the class, it is asked that the student who was absent does NOT call or email another student more than TWO times within a 24-hour period. It
is also asked that students respect other’s schedules and call during reasonable business hours or inquire the times in which another student can
be contacted. If a student violates this policy it will be considered a legal violation. In this situation, if students’ behavior is excessive, the
instructor or University Police MUST be notified, a formal report will be filed and legal TIA will be taken if the behavior is not expelled.
Cell Phones and pagers as not permitted in the classroom at anytime unless I am notified of a family or other emergency at the beginning of
class. If a students cell phone accidentally rings/makes noise or vibrates audibly during you will receive a warning. At the second cell phone
offence you will be asked to leave for the remainder of class, returning at the next scheduled class time. After these two offences, if the student
cannot comply with this policy, the student will be asked to leave course permanently.
III. Evaluation Method(s):
1) There will be several course challenges (quizzes) in this course.
All information that will be tested will come from your TIA book unless otherwise stated.
a. There may be pop quizzes that come from assigned readings from the TIA book, the Internet and/or material covered in class or from
the GO book.
b. All quizzes will be taken on Angel are in multiple-choice format.
c. You are expected to complete any take-home/on-line out-of-class evaluation alone, away from any other student in any section of
CIS101; you must not see or accept assistance from any other person with regards to any part of your evaluation; this pertains to any
person, regardless if they are a BSC student.
d. Important! There are NO MAKE UP course challenges (quizzes)!
2) Grauer Book-work and other assignments  you will have a minimum of 3 assignments in the Grauer Book per week. Plan on dedicating at
least 3-5 hours of your time, per week on these assignments.
3) Along with your GRAUER/MyITLab assignments you may have additional assignments that are given out by the instructor.
4) There will be a semester project that will encompass all of the skills you will learn over the semester. This work is in addition to your Grauer
and TIA book work.
1). USB storage devices will be purchased or activated by the end of the second week of class and brought to or accessed everyday in class
everyday! It is the students’ responsibility to have a way to save/backup/store their information and work. Assignments should plan to always
back-up their work on the students network drive z:\ if the student has forgotten to bring their secondary storage unit, the z:\ can only be
accessed on the BSC campus.
2). I will only send email and reply to a student’s BSC email account. While I feel email is often an effective method of communication, I need to
be productive with other activities during the day. I will check my email MWF sometime between 10-10:50am, I will check again after 9pm.
Tuesday/Thursday I will check my email at 8am and again after 9pm. All email must come into my inbox before these times.
3). All emails to the instructor, teaching assistants, guests to CIS 101 and other students in the class will be of a professional and academic nature
(see above). Any breach of this policy, will be taken up with the proper BSC authorities.
4). I will reply to your professional email within 1 business day.
5). Students will check their email (Angel & BSC) AT LEAST one time a day after class; this includes Tuesdays, Thursdays, Weekends and
6). You are expected to log on to the Angel system AT LEAST one time a day after class to check for assignments and updates; this includes
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Weekends and Holidays.
7). It is HIGHLY recommended that you check your BSC email prior to your class meeting.
8). No Instant messengers (IM) or any P2P (peer to peer) applications are allowed during class time. If you are using IM or a P2P application
during class time you will initially be warned and asked to exit the program. If the student persists using IM, you be asked to gather your things
and leave for the remainder of class, returning at the next scheduled class time. If the student behavior persists they will be asked to leave for the
remainder of the semester.
9). No digital equipment is allowed in class. This includes camera phones, text messengers, and ipods (unless approved and being used as a storage
device); mp3’s, blackberry’s, PDA’s, life drives, or any other auxiliary technology is not permitted to function while in class for any reason.
This must be stowed away in your book bag and not visible in class. If an electronic device is out during class you will be suspected of
academic dishonesty.
10). No improper use of electronic devices (ex: up-skirting) in or out of class. Notify the instructor if you feel you have been violated and University
Police will be notified.
11). No game playing and downloading of music or any application during class time.
1) Assignments are an essential part of this course, and they are due on the assigned date.
2) Assignments will be corrected electronically during class, unless otherwise instructed.
3) When an assignment is turned in as a “hard copy” (printed), if there is multiple pages they must be stapled. Otherwise ½ credit deduction will
result from the assignment. No, paperclips, tape, homemade clips, duct tape, etc are acceptable.
4) THERE IS NO PRINTING IN CLASS Exception: final project (see instructor for more details) or unless I give you and permission.
CIS 101
The student is expected to complete the assigned hands-on exercises called projects and/or readings in the GRAUER and TIA books, BEFORE
completing assessment assignments. If it is apparent that the student has not done this preparatory work, the instructor or the teaching assistant
has the right to ask the student to complete the preparatory work before assisting with any questions regarding the assignment.
Any citing of copyrighted or electronic material will be placed in APA OR MLA format only (students’ choice).
i) See (see http://www.buffalostate.edu/library see style guides) for more details. Pictures from the Internet do not have to be cited,
unless they are copyrighted by the artist on the website.
VI. LATE WORK, Collusion, Cheating, Plagiarism:
1). I do not accept any late assignments. This includes on line. In the event of a medical or other excuse from a credible professional late
work may be submitted, in its entirety, within 1 week of the original due date unless otherwise scheduled and agreed upon.
2). If you know that you will be absent, and plan to hand your work in early, SEE ME FOR INSTRUCTION
3). Collusion or any other Academic Misconduct is NOT permitted on assignments and course challenges WILL NOT be tolerated. This rule is in
effect for any course work completed on or off campus. The penalty for collusion is a zero for that academic unit (ex entire UNIT of Word
assignments, etc), failing the course, and/or notification to the Campus Judicial Authorities; each offence will be decided on an individual basis
based on the severity of the offence. After this offence, I reserve the right to remove you from the course permanently. For more information
see: http://www.buffalostate.edu/studentaffairs/x522.xml
4). Plagiarism for any reason will not be tolerated – this includes copying others digital work from the current or previous semesters, from other
students at other schools or purchasing/copying an assignment on-line. To avoid plagiarism, site your material properly using MLA or APA
style (students’ choice) for this course (http://www.buffalostate.edu/library --> style guides) or use an online creator such as
http://www.easybib.com/ or http://www.ghsonline.net/resources/mla/ or http://www.jamesgao.com/citeme/index.html, improve your writing
skills at the Academic Skill Center, or begin assignments early. Any student, who chooses this method to complete or copy written or digital
assignments will be considered an infringement of the Buffalo State College Academic Misconduct Policy
VII. Other Course Related Items
1). I do not give a final course grade of Incomplete. If an EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCE, that can be documented, arises come and see me.
2). No significant amount of makeup work will be evaluated unless documentation produced, and the Instructor and student have made additional
arrangements, prior to Thanksgiving break, fall semester and prior to spring break spring semester.
3). Only in the event of an already approved extended absence can homework be emailed as an attachment to my Angel account. You must have
prior approval to send me an email with an attachment.
4). If you decide to take this class pass/fail you must receive a C or better, have handed in all assignments & attended a minimum of 2/3 (or 26 of
the 39 semester classes) to pass.
5). Students MUST have a backup plan for their homework by the assigned due date given in class. YOU MUST BACK UP YOUR WORK
periodically in and out of class! (See insert below) This can be done on the students network drive z:\ or on another disk or by sending the file
as an attachment to your email account.
6). If a computer error occurs and your assignment or file becomes corrupt, it is the students' responsibility to show the instructor the error, and if
permitted, I MAY allow a student the opportunity to redo or produce a copy of the work within 24 hours or amount of time set by the
instructor. Sufficient evidence of a corrupt/lost file must be produced for the instructor. A computer/disk/saving error does NOT become the
responsibility of the Instructor to try to restore the missing file
7). If there is a paper component to your final project, you must pick up your final project on the final exam (CEP) day or your final grade will be
dropped one letter grade (Ex: if you had an A  B will be your final grade if you don’t pick up your project).
Backing up files on your personal network drive (z:\)
This is easily accomplished with the Save As… function under the File drop down menu. Open the file to be backed-up, go to File… Save As… rename the
original file to a new backup copy name and save in a different place than your original copy (ex: Original document name saved on a:\ called homework2.doc Backup copy name saved on z:\ homework2backup.doc). For more information see your book. Remember: NEVER USE SPACES
WHEN NAMING or RENAMING A FILE use the “underscore” instead (ex Homework_2.doc)
***Remember - The z:\ can ONLY be accessed at BSC.***
Within your z:\ DO NOT delete the “web” folder
CIS 101
Grading for this course will be based on text, lectures, assigned readings, instructor assignments, class participation and examinations. Grading is
done on an individual basis and is not curved. Grades are based on a point system, but break down by percentages.
100-95 percent = A
94-90 percent = A89-86 percent = B+
85-80 percent = B
79-76 percent = C+
75-70 percent = C
69-60 percent = D
Below 60 = Fail Course
25%– Semester Project***
50%– Homework assignments (GRAUER 30%, Internet/Other 20%)
10% - Attendance/ Class participation (subjective) (Attendance - 3
points per class attended – 99 pts)
15% - Test/Course Challenges (Quizzes)/Pop Quizzes/Other
100% Total Grade
Fine Print:
* All sections may not accomplish the same assignments, information or lecture on the same day.
** Choosing to stay registered in Computer Fundamentals beyond the end of the drop/add period, implies that you have read and understood the syllabus
and are have chosen to comply with the courses rules and regulations as well as classroom and academic expectations.
*** The final project is worth 25% of your grade. If you do not hand in a final project or if your work falls short of the requirements specified in the rubric
(check list), you can fail the class. Please make this assignment a priority, begin it early and put effort into the assignment. If you have a problem or question
– come to office hours or make an appointment to see your instructor.
CIS 101