Albany State University

Albany State University
Assessment for Albany State University Academic Advisement Center
Assessment Period – 2006-2007
Expanded Statement of
Institutional Purpose
Student Learning
Mission Statement:
The mission of the
Advisement Center is to build
and sustain a vibrant
collaboration with all
departments. By identifying
“best practices”
Methodologies in retaining
and graduating all students in
Goal 1: To enhance the
overall customer service in the
Advisement Center
To train all staff properly
with 100% accuracy to
the customer service
BOR initiative.
Objective 2: Working as
part of a team, you will
be enthusiastic and keen
to deliver excellent
customer service.
Means of Program
Summary of Data
Use of Results
1a. 85% of the students
visiting the center for
assistance; will be
satisfied with the services
2a. Provide a customer
service survey to each
student that sign in the
Advisement Center.
Yes, achieved 75% of
students, that entered the
center were willing to
complete the short
3a. We use this
information or data to
devise strategies to
increase the customer
service satisfaction of all
who walk in the center.
1b. 85% of the students
visiting the center will be
satisfied, because of the
“buddy system”
implemented in the
center, that will assist
them if they can not find
their advisor.
2b. Daily, check the
suggestion box.
Yes, daily we check the
responses in the
suggestion box. Fifteen
to twenty students per
day provided suggestions
and comments.
3b. We will share the
information with CETLA
staff, the Dean and
Enrollment Management
Team. Making sure we
all have a predominant
part or role to build an
excellent rapport with
our customers, in order to
identify and fulfill their
needs by promoting our
Goal 2: Increase the numbers
of undecided majors and those
that have declared a major to
avail themselves to the
following test; Career Search,
Strong Interest Explorer, Mini
Career Search, and the
Georgia Career.
Objective 2: Make sure
all students that are
undecided take one/two
career test by 60 hours of
their enrollment, by 40%.
2a. Each semester send a
list of new and returning
students to the career
center for scheduling
one/two of the career
Yes, achieved between
2006 - 2007 academic
year 150 letters were
mailed to undecided and
56 for probation students,
that were willing to take
the career aptitude test.
2b. Schedule a visit for
the Career Services
Coordinator to speak
with all the ASU 1200
classes and students on
3a. Make sure each
student at ASU have
been exposed to one/two
career assessment test,
for assurance of the
Major for the next
four/five years in
Yes, achieved during
freshman orientation
about 392+ new students
are introduced to
one/both career
assessment test as a
choice, to perhaps change
their major for more
information regarding
other career choices.
3b. Shorten the time for
graduating in a program,
2c. Each semester send a by not changing your
list to the Career Center
major as frequently.
of all undecided students, Yes, achieved, 75% of
and students on probation students that enter ASU
that may need to change
as undecided, have
their major for academic graduated on time and
did not have to change
their major in the
4a. We will use the data
to prove too the student
that if you understand
what it is you really want
to do as your career, you
need to take one/two of
the test to assist
you/advise you on a
4b.Help advisors
understand that they must
engage in career advising
because if students do not
receive the academically
related occupational
information that is
critical for informed to
career information,
students may not
understand they have the
opportunity to select the
program of choice with
the ability to have time to
decide on a degree
Goal 3: Decrease the high
number of students per year
on Academic probation and
suspension by 30%, by
utilizing the University New
Strategic Plan. Strategy #8,
Train and support faculty
mentors skilled in advising
incoming and returning
Objective 3: Offer a
series of Advising
workshops for faculty,
with intrusive strategies,
for Academic Advising.
Academic performance,
Social Development, and
Career guidance.
3a. Provide each
department with their list
of students that are on
probation, and require
them to share their
strategies for students’
success, in getting off
Yes, achieved per
semester (Fall and
Spring) a breakdown of
Department students on
probation was sent to
Deans and Chairs for
3b. Early Alert Method;
All departments will look
at their majors that had
weak scores from the
SAT and ACT, with a
graduating G.P.A. of
2.30 and students who
took the test more than
three times.
Goal 4: Retain students that
have been reinstated by the
Evaluation and Admission
Committee, because they were
suspended from the institution
with low
Objective 4a. Offer
Academic Renewal ASU
1020, a course that must
be taken once a student
has been reinstated with
4c. 20% of the students
enrolling in ASU 1020 will
have a different perspective
of the resources available to
them in order to be
successful in their courses.
4d. Mentor Connections
3c. Make sure each
department is providing
ways to assist their
majors in moving off
55% of the Departments
responded with plans to
assist their majors in
successfully moving off
3d. Discuss with
Department chairs their
methods, as to how they
are advising their
students. Must have a
specific Advising
program in place in each
department for the
institutions Assessment
of Academic Advising.
30% achieved,
Departments that have an
advising program are;
College of Business and
College of Nursing.
4f. Per semester check
those G.P.A.’s of those
students that were
reinstated to the
University because of
Yes, achieved; as part of
3e. Share the information
from one department to
another to help students
regain confidence in their
academic success.
3f. Allow each
department to look at the
way they deliver the
subject matter
information with
lecturing to students, Test
anxiety, learning styles,
and the use of
Technology, in the
4h. The use of the
information supports and
address the needs, to
improve student success
rates and encourage
matriculation for
graduation through,
Objective 4b. Contact the
faculty in the department
that will be advising/is
the advisor for the
student on probation, the
responsibility is shared.
effectively tracks students
on academic probation and
maintains files on each
participant 39.3% of
participants will move off
probation. 74% of
participants increased the
the Center’s process for
returning students,
G.P.A.’s were checked in
order to continue the
individualized plan, that
will ultimately move
them from probation.
4e. Multiple measures and
goals for students
performance will be shown
with 50% accuracy in
courses taken toward
4 g. Per semester the
Major advisor will
contact the probation
advisor for an update on
progress or findings for
debriefing of the students
No, this is a new
initiative for the Center.
However, the discussion
between major
departments and the
Advisement Center are
being discussed.
academics technology
and personal interaction.
As campus leaders
continuously push
student success and
retention as top priority,
we must move toward
complete cross-campus
retention strategies.
4i. The use of this
information will provide
the institution a clear
current picture of student
mobility once they have
been suspended and
retained after the
suspension. And if the
course ASU 1020 is
making a difference in
graduating our students.
Goal 5: Students on Academic Objective 5a: Students
Probation must take 12 hours that take 12 hours or less
or less.
will experience less time
to increase their G.P.A.
with little effort. These
students have less to
consider with course
5b. Freshman students in
their first semester of
enrollment at ASU who
earn less than a 2.00
G.P.A. are placed on
Academic Notice.
5. 75% of students on
Academic probation should
be made to take only 12
hours of those courses that
should be repeated that
were failed.
5a. Students on probation
should only take courses
that will easy the Academic
social stress, the first
semester returning to
school. This will allow 50%
of the students to exit off
5b. Academic Affairs mail
a letter to each of the
students early in the
semester notifying them of
their status and that a
“Stop” has been placed on
their future enrollment. To
clear the stop they must
meet with their advisor for
a complete review of their
academic goals with
referrals and
recommendations from
their professors.
5 c. Academic advisors
will continue to track
students on probation
until they earn a G.P.A.
of 2.00 or better or until
Yes, achieved; per
semester 100% with
accuracy, students on
probation are tracked
until graduation.
5d. We use this
information to inform all
who advise that every
advising session should
be treated as an
opportunity to guide
students on a continuum
toward their degree.
5e. This information will
be used to lower the
probation rate at ASU.
And students that are at
risk in their first
semester, an opportunity
to get back on track
before getting to the
suspension level.