ENG 331: Communication for Engineering and Technology Section 008, 009, 010, and 011/Fall 2010 Instructor: Christine Cranford Online Office Hours: Tuesday 7:30pm -9pm Email: Cranfordcl@gmail.com IM: Cranfordcl Skype: Spiigirl Required Textbook Markel, Mike. Technical Communication. 9th Ed. New York: Bedford/St.Martin, 2010. Class Website: http://moodle.wolfware.ncsu.edu/ Course Description ENG 331 Communication for Engineering and Technology will introduce you to the kinds of communication tasks you can expect to perform after graduation and in the workplace; the course emphasizes the needs of various professional audiences, strategies of adapting organization and style to those needs, and ways of supplementing written communication with oral reports and visual aids. This course fulfills the "advanced writing" option under the Writing and Speaking General Education Requirements for many programs and students. For more detailed information, you can access Student Learning Outcomes and General Education Requirements Objectives for this course. Enrollment is limited to students who are juniors and seniors because students who take the course earlier in their undergraduate programs lack two kinds of knowledge necessary for best performance in the course: knowledge of the subject matter of their major field, to provide them with material for their writing assignments; and knowledge of their potential professional roles, to provide them with an understanding of how and why communication occurs in industry, government, and research. Students other than juniors and seniors do not perform well in these courses. Typically, students majoring in the following fields enroll in this course (not a complete list): Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Textile Technology Grading & Assignments The following assignments will be supplemented by your textbook and online class lectures. Graded Assignments Project 1: Employment Documents – 30 % (Due 9/13) Project 2: Instructions/Team Project – 15 % (Due 10/4) Project 3: Technical Recommendation Report- 15% (Due 10/18) Project 4: Formal Proposal – 30 % (Due 11/8) Project 5: Presentation – 10 % (Due 11/23) Grade Ranges 97-100 A+ 87-89.99 B+ 94-96.99 A 84-86.99 B 90-93.99 A- 80-83.99 B- 77-79.99 C+ 67-69.99 D+ 74-76.99 C 64-66.99 D 70-73.99 C- 60-63.99 D- Professional Writing Program Grading Standards Audience Purpose A Writing demonstrates an obvious awareness and adaptation to specific workplace audiences. Writing demonstrates an obvious awareness of how to accomplish the B C D Writing demonstrates a general awareness and adaptation to specific workplace audiences. Writing demonstrates a limited awareness and partial adaptation to specific workplace audiences. Writing demonstrates a general awareness of how to accomplish the intended outcome. Writing demonstrates a limited awareness of how to accomplish the intended outcome. Writing demonstrates minimal awareness and insignificant adaptation to specific workplace audiences. Writing demonstrates an insignificant awareness of how to accomplish the intended outcome. F Writing fails to demonstrate awareness of audience. Writing fails to achieve intended outcome. Document Design Organization Support/ Development Grammar/ Mechanics Overall intended outcome. Document demonstrates an obvious understanding and application of document design elements. Document is visually appealing, consistent, and adheres to all standards. Writing incorporates appropriate rhetorical strategies for sequencing information in a clear and logical manner. Writing provides detailed support for arguments and persuades readers. Writing has no problems with grammar and mechanics. Writing accomplishes all aspects of the assignment, demonstrates clear application and obvious mastery of concepts. Document demonstrates a general understanding and application of document design elements. Document is visually appealing, mostly consistent, and adheres to most standards. Writing incorporates generally appropriate rhetorical strategies for sequencing information in a reasonably clear and logical manner. Writing provides most necessary details for arguments and persuades readers. Writing has some minor problems with grammar and mechanics. Writing accomplishes most aspects of the assignment, shows some application and general mastery of concepts. Document demonstrates a limited understanding and application of document design elements. Document lacks visual appeal. Document is partially consistent and does not adhere to all standards. Writing incorporates limited rhetorical strategies for sequencing information. Document demonstrates a minimal understanding and application of document design elements. Document is unappealing. Document is inconsistent and does not adhere to standards. Design fails to follow document design standards and format. Writing incorporates minimal rhetorical strategies for sequencing information. Writing fails to incorporate rhetorical strategies. Writing provides limited details for arguments and does not fully persuade readers. Writing has significant errors with grammar and mechanics. Writing accomplishes limited aspects of the assignment, shows partial application and some mastery of concepts. Writing provides minimal details for arguments and does not persuade readers. Writing has serious problems with grammar and mechanics. Writing accomplishes minimal aspects of the assignment, shows insignificant application and lacks mastery of concepts. Writing fails to support arguments and does not persuade readers. Writing is incomprehensible. Writing fails to accomplish any of the requirements. End-of-Semester Class Evaluations Schedule: Online class evaluations will be available for students to complete during the last week of class. Students will receive an email message directing them to a website where they can login using their Unity ID and complete evaluations. All evaluations are confidential; instructors will never know how any one student responded to any question, and students will never know the ratings for any particular instructors. Evaluation website: https://classeval.ncsu.edu Student help desk: classeval@ncsu.edu More information about ClassEval: http://www2.acs.ncsu.edu/UPA/classeval/ Class Policies and Requirements Course prerequisites - You must be recognized by Tracs as a junior or senior. You are not required to login to our classroom at a specific time. You may access materials when it best fits your schedule. Keep in mind that you will have deadlines for projects. You can assess NCSU’s attendance regulation at: http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/courses_undergrad/REG02.20.3.p hp Late assignments are not accepted. If you run into a technical problem on the day an assignment is due, please send me an email or give me a call so that I can address the issue. Final averages will not be curved. If an assignment requires multiple documents/parts, create all documents in one file. Submit your projects using the “Assignments” area through Moodle. Save your file under YOUR last name and project number (For example: Cranford1.doc) Proofing a document for word choice, spelling, and punctuation errors is your responsibility. It is your responsibility to make sure you turn in the correct file. Weekly class email updates (usually on Sundays) will be sent to your NCSU email address. Please check your email account often. If you send an email to me, you will receive a reply within 48 hours. I check email in the evenings, after 7pm, Monday- Friday. On weekends, I usually do not check email. If you see me online you are more than welcome to instant message me. Please identify yourself in your message. You can access the University's policy on academic integrity in the Code of Student Conduct (including the Honor Pledge) from the Provost's Academic Policies site. Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. http://www.ncsu.edu/provost/offices/affirm_action/dss/ For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation Online Classroom and Course Schedule Our Moodle classroom is divided up by units. Under each unit you will find project (assignment) details, web lectures, and class discussions. The following schedule present the time periods you should be working through assigned units and due dates for projects. Our online classroom can be accessed at: http://moodle.wolfware.ncsu.edu/ Dates Unit 8/18-8/20 Introduction to Class and Technical Writing 8/23-9/10 Employment Documents Document and Visual Design Assignments Post a response to the “Introduction” discussion board. This is a non-graded discussion board. Begin Project 1: Employment Documents Assignment. Review the assignment details found under Employment Documents Unit on Moodle. As part of the requirements for project 1, you will participate in peer review. You will post your draft of project 1 to the discussion board on 9/7 (Tuesday) by 8am, and you will review a classmate’s draft by 9/10 (Friday) by 5pm; you will post your review to the discussion board. Instructions for this peer review will be given on the discussion board. 9/13-10/1 Instructions Participating in Peer Review counts as part of your grade for project 1. Project 1 due by 9/13 (Monday) 8am. Turn in your file via the submit assignment area on Moodle. Begin Project 2: Instructions/ Team Project. Review the assignment details found 10/4-10/15 Technical Reports 10/7-10/8- Fall Break 10/18-11/5 11/8-11/26 11/24-11/26- Thanksgiving Break Proposals Presentations under the Instructions Unit on Moodle. Project 2 due by 10/4 (Monday) 8am. Turn in your file via the submit assignment area on Moodle. Begin Project 3: Technical Recommendation Report. Review the assignment details found under Writing Instructions Unit on Moodle Project 3 is due by 10/18 (Friday) 8am. Turn in your file via the submit assignment area on Moodle. Begin Project 4: Proposal. Review the assignment details found under the Proposal Unit on Moodle. Project 4: Proposal is due by 11/8 (Monday) 8am. Turn in your file via the submit assignment area on Moodle. Begin Project 5: Presentation. Review the assignment details found in the Presentation unit on Moodle. 11/29-12/3- Dead Week 12/3- Last Day of Class Project 5: Presentation is due by 11/23 (Tuesday) 8am. Turn in your file via the submit assignment area on Moodle. No Assignments