APPLICATION I: STEADY PIPE FLOW IN SIMPLE PIPELINES M.S. Ghidaoui (CIVL 252, Spring 2001) Pipeline systems are used to: 1. Transport water from where it is available to where it is needed: water supply; seawater for flushing etc. 2. Dispose treated water into assimilative water bodies such as the ocean. 3. Convey sewage from sources to treatment plants. 4. Drain rain water (storm-water) from urban areas. 5. Transport oil and gas. 6. Conveyance of various chemicals in chemical plants. 7. Transport blood in living bodies (veins are pipes; blood is the fluid; heart is the pump!). 8. Supply fuel from reservoirs to engines in cars, planes etc. The above cited examples are by no means exhaustive. Try to think of more examples yourself. A modern water supply system often comprises: 1. A water source: In Hong Kong, about 80% of our water comes from Guangdong, China, and about 20% from local natural rainfall catchment. We expect to pay for 840 million cubic metres to Guangdong in the year 2000. Assuming 7 million inhabitants, then we are buying about 330 litres per capita (person) per day! 2. Pipes: In Hong Kong, the freshwater pipes add up to a total length of about 5000km (i.e., roughly the earth’s radius!) 3. Pumps: The number of pumping stations for freshwater in Hong Kong is 145. Pumps provide flexibility to vary flowrates and pressures; overcome energy losses through the pipeline system and deliver water against gravity. 4. Impounding reservoirs: main water supply reservoirs (e.g., High Island reservoir; Plover Cove reservoir etc.). There are 17 such reservoirs in Hong Kong. 5. Service reservoirs: located within the distribution system. There are 167 fresh water service reservoirs in Hong Kong. They provide quick response to water needs and storage capacity for low demand periods during the day and at night. 6. Control devices: to control the magnitudes of high and low pressures which are generated either during steady or unsteady (surge or waterhammer events) flow conditions. Example of control devices: surge tanks, air chambers, pressure relief valves, air valves etc. 7. Check valves: Allows flow in one direction only. Mainly used in the vicinity of pumps. 8. Pressure relief valves (PRV): maintains a constant pressure downstream of it regardless of how large the upstream pressure becomes. Function of valves: control flow and pressure through the pipeline system. Some typical control valves are given the figure below. For data related to freshwater and flushing water supply systems in Hong Kong and for a figures of typical distribution systems in Hong Kong you may consult the web page of the water supply department (WSD): The design, analysis, planning and management of pipeline systems are based on hydraulics principles. The hydraulic principles of pipeline systems are presented in this part of the course. In the design, analysis, planning and management engineers are often faced by questions such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Should one assume steady or unsteady flow? What flowrate should one design for? How large and how strong should the pipe be? How big and how many pumps does one need? Where, how many and what kind of control devices are needed? Etc. The answers to these questions require good understanding of hydraulic principles. In this course, emphasis is placed on steady state analysis and only a brief introduction to unsteady pipe flow (waterhammer) will be given. Steady State Flow In Pipes Pipe sizes and pumps are often selected on the basis of steady state analysis. Reservoir size is often selected on the basis of quasi-steady analysis. Pipe strengths and control devices are selected on the basis of unsteady (waterhammer, surge, transient) analysis. Review of the Fundamental Equations: We have up to now derived the fundamental equations of mass, momentum and energy for steady pipe flows; went through detailed discussions of frictional head losses in both laminar and turbulent flows; and showed how the friction factor can be obtained for different flow regimes and pipe characteristics. The student is highly encouraged to go back to those notes so as to understand the principles and all the assumptions involved in arriving at the basic equations for steady pipe flows. Continuity Equation: V1 A1 V2 A2 where V is the cross-sectional average of the velocity distribution V (r ) . Note, density is assumed constant. Momentum Equation: Fx Q 2 V2 1V1 1 and 2 are determined from the velocity profiles. 1 and 2 are much larger than 1 in laminar pipe flow but very close to 1 in turbulent pipe flows. Hence, 1 and 2 are usually taken as being 1.0 in turbulent steady pipe flows. Energy Equation: In Civil 151, you derived the following energy equation along a streamline by starting from the energy equation for a control volume: V12 P2 V22 z1 H Pump z2 H turbine hl12 2g 2g This is the energy equation along a streamline. You are required to review the derivation of this equation an pay special attention to the assumptions made in the course of the derivation. P1 Taking two elemental areas dA1 and dA2 such the continuity equation gives V1 dA1 = V2 dA2 . Therefore, multiplying the left hand side of the above energy equation by V1 dA1 and the right hand side by V2 dA2 and integrating over the areas gives: P1 P2 V12 V22 z H V dA z A 1 2 g Pump 1 1 A 2 2 g H turbine hl12 V2 dA2 1 2 Carrying out the integration gives: 2 2 P P V1 V2 1 2 Q z1 1 H Pump Q z2 2 H turbine hl12 2g 2g Or P1 2 2 V P V z1 1 1 H Pump 2 z 2 2 2 H turbine hl12 2g 2g The energy correction factors 1 and 2 1 for steady turbulent flows and often much larger than 1 for steady laminar flows. The above energy equation is averaged over the streamlines. The Head Loss Equation of Darcy-Weisbach: The Darcy-Weisbach equation states that the head loss in pipe segment of length x is: x V 2 hl f D 2g f friction factor D pipe diameter V average velocity Q A Written in term of Q , the Darcy-Weisbach equation is as follows: x Q 2 D 2gA 2 where f is often determined from the Moody diagram or the equations derived in the last chapter. hl f Examples: Problem 1 : Crude oil ( = 860 kg/m3, = 0.008 Pa.s) flows through a 100mm diameter, 5km long pipeline at a rate of 5 m3/h. Find the head loss due to friction. Solution: Q 5 / 3600 V 0.1768 m / s A 2 0.1 4 0.008 9.302 10 6 m 2 / s 860 V D 0.1768 0.1 Re 1900.7 2000 9.302 10 6 Laminar Flow 64 64 f 0.03367 Re 1900.7 2 f L V 2 f L Q2 f L 8 fL Q 2 Q 2 2.683m hL 2 D 2g D 2 g A2 D g D5 2 D 2g 4 Problem 2 : Water flows through a 300mm diameter, 1km long new cast iron pipe ( = 0.26 mm). If the discharge is 0.1m3/s, determine the head loss in the pipe by the Colebrook-white equation and the Churchill equation. Solution: e 0.26 8.667 10 4 D 300 1 10 6 m 2 / s water at T 20 C V D QD 4Q Re 424,413 A D Colebrook white : 9.35 1 e 1.14 2 log 10 Re f D f Trial and error f 0.01974 Churchill : 7 0.9 1 e 2 log 10 Re 3.7 D f f 0.019878 (note : no trial and error ) hl 6.7 m. Problem 3: Determine the head-loss for flow of 140 L/s of oil, = 0.00001 m2/s, through a 400m of 200mm diameter cast-iron pipe. 2 L L Q2 Solution: h L1 2 f V f D 2g D 2 gA 2 Note: f is the only unknown in this case. Solution: V D V D Re V Q 2 D 4 0.14 4 3.14 0.2 2 4.459 m / s 4.459 0.2 89127 0.00001 Cast iron 0.2mm Re D 0.25 0.00125 200 0.00125 and Re 90,000 D f 0.023 ( From Moody Diagram ) For Hence , h L1 2 h f 1 2 0.023 400 4.4592 46.6 m 0.2 2 9.81 Problem 4 : Water at 15C flows through a 300mm riveted steel pipe ( =3mm) with a head loss of 6m in 300m. Find Q. Solution: 2 2 L 300 2 hL12 f D V2 g f 0.3 2 V9.81 50.9 f V 6 Note, for simplicity the over-bar has been dropped. The head loss relationship provides one equation but two unknowns f and V. How do we get the second equation? For a given , the Moody diagram relates f to R e . Thus, the second D equation is given by the Moody diagram. The solution in this case is not direct and require trial and error! V 2m / s f 6 50.9 2 2 0.029 VD 2 0.3 2 5 m / s 5 10 ν 1.13 10 6 0.003 0.01 D 0.3 From Moody diagram f 0.038 0.029 Guess is not accurate enough Check : R e Assume V 1.7m/s Check : R e f 6 50.9 1.7 2 0.04 VD 1.7 0.3 2 6 m / s 4.5 10 ν 1.13 10 6 0.01 and e 4.5 106 D f 0.038 close enough to 0.04 Accept From Moody diagram with Thus ,V 1.7 m / s Q VA 1.7 0.32 4 0.12 m3 / s Hazen-Williams Equation: Although the Darcy-Weisbach formula along with the Moody diagram are considered to be the most accurate model for estimating frictional head losses in steady pipe flow, this approach often requires trial and error solution. Thus, the Darcy-Weisbach formula along with the Moody diagram are not efficient to use in calculations especially in the old days when computers were not readily available. Therefore, engineers have sought to find other empirical head loss equations that do not require trial and error. One the most commonly used in practice is the Hazen-Williams equation: Q 1.852 1.852 C HW D 4.87 where C HW =Hazen-Williams coefficient. These coefficients for clean new pipes of different material are provided in the table below. hL12 10.68 L Typical Values of The Hazen-Williams Coefficient Important: The factor of (10.68) in the Hazen-Williams equation is only for the case when L and D are in meters and the flowrate (discharge) Q is in m 3 / s . If one changes the units, the coefficient must also be will changed. For example, if one wants to use L in meters and Q in m 3 / s but D in centimeters then the coefficient becomes as follows L Q 1.852 L Q 1.852 10 10 . 68 5 . 869 10 hL12 1.852 1.852 C HW (0.01D) 4.87 C HW D 4.87 The Hazen-Williams formula is empirical and lacks physical basis. The HazenWilliams coefficients given in the table above are from tests which were carried out for: (1) velocities around 0.9 m/s, (2) slope of energy grade line around 1/1000, (3) pipe diameters around 0.6 m and (4) new and clean pipes. When actual flow conditions depart significantly from the above test condition, corrections to the Hazen-Williams coefficients may be warranted. However, most design engineers continue to use the Hazen-Williams coefficients even for applications which depart significantly from the test condition! One major reason for the reluctance of engineers to adopt an improved version of the Hazen-Williams formula is that most corrections to this formula defeat the purpose for which the Hazen-Williams equation was established, namely, simplicity. Another reason is that many existing models are based on the original version of the Hazen-Williams formula. The error which result from using the Hazen-Williams formula in problems that depart from the test conditions stipulated earlier in this paragraph, can be in the range of 30 %. Not only is the Hazen-Williams equation used widely in practice, but it is also used extensively in the third year ``municipal hydraulics course.’’ Of course, the Hazen-Williams formula is not the only empirical formula available. For example, although Manning’s formula is mostly used in open channel (i.e., gravity driven flows), some engineers and agencies have and still use this formula for pressurized pipe flows. The Manning’s formula will be covered in the open channel part of this course.