culture lang sg 1011

CULTURE Study guide
NAME _________________________
ISSUE 1 Start on page 105.
1. Describe the difference between habit and custom _________________________________________
Give examples of each from the book > Habits = __________________________________________
Customs + ________________________________________________________________________
2. Why are jeans a good representation of American material culture?_____________________________
3. Pop culture = ____________________________________________________________________
Folk culture = _____________________________________________________________________
What is the difference between Folk Culture and Popular Culture?_____________________________
4. What do geographers study regarding culture? ____________________________________________
5. Define a hearth, in the geographic sense _____________________________________ What type of
hearth does folk culture have?____________________________________________________
6. Explain the relationship between industrial technology and leisure time._______________________
This would primarily occur in the ________________stage(s) of the DTM.
7. Why is ‘pop’ music so ‘popular’?_________________________________________________________
8. What are the results of items like jeans or music being popular?_________________________________
10. Music is a good way to show difference between pop and folk cultures. Explain why _______________
11. Pop music is different from folk music in the respect that:_____________________________________
12. An example of relocation diffusion of folk culture from the text would be ________________________
13. Describe the relationship between professional sports and hierarchical diffusion.__________________
14. Explain hierarchical diffusion of pop culture using the examples of Hollywood and NYC.__________
15. How was “time” instrumental in the diffusion of soccer? ______________________________________
16 Isolation seems to promote cultural diversity because:________________________________________
17. How do food and shelter reflect the influence of folk culture?___________________________________
18. Food seems to be the last folk habit to be assimilated because________________________________
19. Define a taboo >_____________________________________________________________________
20. . The American taboo against eating insects is ironic considering________________________________
21. Explain why biblical food taboos were an important part of Hebrew culture______________________
p. 113
22. The ____________ is a product of both cultural tradition and natural condition.
33. Two significant things that influence building material for homes are:____________________________
24. How do forms of housing reflect the environment? Give examples._____________________________
25. Where are the three hearths of folk homes in the United States as identified by Fred Kniffen.?
(Circle the type you prefer to live in…)
ISSUE 3 (116)
26. Explain how popular culture varies more in time than in space._______________________________
27. Why are housing styles not particularly distinctive presently in the USA?______________________
28. Two influences on clothing decisions in MDC’s would be:__________________________________
29. What permits rapid diffusion of clothing styles?__________________________________________
30. Jeans are important as a result of ______________________________________________________
Media (121)
31. Why is television important in diffusing popular culture?____________________________________
32. Describe the 2 problems “globalization” can cause for “folk culture.”_________________________
Pop culture threats
33. How does popular culture threaten folk culture and the environment? ___________________________
Provide examples for each.______________________________________________________________
34. Define “built environment” and provide an example________________________________________
35. List positive and negative examples of how the traditional roles of women are changing due the
diffusion of popular culture.____________________________________________________________
36. Promoters of popular culture want a “uniform appearance” for their products. Lists 2 examples of
uniform appearance of products in your community ____________________________________________
37. Give examples of how pop culture modifies the environment for Golf > ________________________
_______________________________________ fast food > _____________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ and pollution of the
environment __________________________________________________________________________
38. Find out what ‘signage’ is and explain what it has to do w/uniformity and branding._______________
39. Map out a ‘pop culture’ shopping center (i.e., ‘The Kit’) below
Geography Genius questions >>
40. Provide some examples explaining the processes of cultural diffusion. ________________________
41. What does Toponomy reveal about the culture of a place? __________________________________
42. Provide some examples of how culture and environment interact. Asses some positive and negative
aspects of that interaction. _____________________________________________________
43. How can a cultural landscape also be a symbolic landscape? Explain how such landscapes relate to
popular and folk culture. ____________________________________________________________
44. Not all people view the introduction and diffusion of pop customs as positive.
A. What are some negative impacts of the diffusion of popular customs on a culture? (Give at least
3) _____________________________________________________________________________
B. Why do leaders of some Pings fear the loss of folk culture? ____________________________
45. Relate the cultural landscape approach to the origin, diffusion and distribution of folk and popular
a. What is one of the major differences in the origin of a popular culture trait compared to a folk
culture trait? ________________________________________________________________________
b. What is one of the major differences in the process of diffusion of popular culture compared to a
folk custom? ________________________________________________________________________
c. What generalization can be made about the distribution of folk and popular cultures in a region?
1. Think carefully >>The official language of the USA is _____________________. If a country doesn’t
have an official language, how are signs, documents, etc… printed?______________________________
2. __________________________is the largest language in the world spoken by one group of people.
3. English is the official language of over two billion people. Why isn’t English the most spoken
main language in the world?_________________________________________________________
4. Explain how the English language diffused around the world._______________________________
5. Name three countries that speak different dialects of the same language. (again, think!)
6. What accounts for the differences in the styles of English spoken in American and England?
(one word will do it!)_____________________________________
7. The three primary settlement regions of colonial USA were ________________________________
8. The dialect of the western USA was heavily influenced by ________________________________
9. Define an Isogloss________________________________________________________________
10. An “isogloss” could be used to identify this type of a region._________________________
12. The two major language families in the world are the _________________and________________
13.. Which language family does the branch including English belong to?___________________
(147) 14, The “romance languages” evolved from _____________________.
15. Name the romance languages_______________________________________________________
16. Explain the difference between Latin and vulgar Latin.___________________________________
(150) 17. Provide a short explanation of the two theories of the origin of Indo-European languages.
18. How has language played a role in the ethnic conflict in today’s Nigeria?______________
19. The primary language of communication in the world is ___________________.
20. Explain how a language becomes extinct, or “dies.”___________________________________
21. Why isn’t there unrest in a country such as Switzerland, which has four different languages?
22. An international airline pilot must communicate with traffic controllers around the world. How
do they understand each other?____________________________
23. Give an example of Lingua Franca.__________________________________________
24. The spread of English around the world is an example of _______________diffusion.
25. How do “languages” such as Franglais and Spanglish come into existence?
Geo Genius Questions >>
26. What is a standard language? _______________________________________________________
27. Study a language group in Europe and explain how it is a diffusion model.
28. What are some theories of language diffusion? _________________________________________
29. What analysis has Colin Renfrew brought to the interpretation of the search for the source/hearth for
a superfamily of languages? ________________________________________
30. Why is language a major part of culture and why is it a good indicator of migration?
31. Communication is very important between people of the world.
a. What language has developed as the language of international communication?
b. Why has this language developed as a ‘lingua franca’? ____________________________
c. Why do you think this language replaced French in this role? _____________________