Understanding Geological Time - A Webquest Go to http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibit/geology.html To check out the organization of the site before starting – explore the navigation bars and read the history of the geologic time scale. Precambrian Eon: A) What fraction of time does this eon represent? B) What analogy can be used to describe the amount of time humans have been on the earth? C) Why is Hadean time not really considered as geological time? Explain. D) Follow the link to the Archaean to stromatolites – what are they? Describe in detail…importance to earth’s evolution as well. E) List four important “firsts” of the Proterozoic era. Phanerozoic Eon: For each of the following periods of the Paleozoic era, (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Carboniferous, Permian) summarize the required information in a chart. You need 3 columns, for General Stratigraphy, Major Landforms/Rock Formations (Tectonics), and Fossils (main types) – ie what is developing or dying off? Identify a KEY word or phrase that you feel best describes the most important characteristic of the period for each section. Note – also answer the following as you go through the period: 1. Devonian: note the brachiopods link…What are brachiopods and what are some of their characteristics? 2. Carboniferous: note the tetrapods link… What are tetrapods and what are some of their characteristics? 3. Permian: note gymnosperms link… What are gymnosperms and what are some of their characteristics? Mesozoic Era For each of the three periods, identify and list two key characteristics/events which help to define the period. Cenozoic Era What are some of the significant developments during this era? List What are three characteristics of the Holocene epoch? List. T Webb, Horton High School, Wolfville, NS