Foundations of Education III - FSC Portal

EDU 3333: Foundations of Education III
(Classroom Instruction Strategies and Classroom Management)
Florida Southern College
Teacher Workshop Syllabus 2014
Location: Online
Meetings: Online
Course Instructor: Donna Davis, MEd
Office: Online via email
Contact Info: (email)
Office Hours: 24/7 online
An introduction to the study of public and nonpublic education systems emphasizing the philosophical foundations of
education, trends in contemporary American education, education psychology, and an emphasis on classroom
instructional strategies and classroom management.
There are six general goals for students in this course.
I. Research, develop and articulate a personal philosophy of education
II. Identify and analyze trends in American Education
III. Apply the basic principles of the humanistic movement in education
IV. Develop and assess a case study relative to comprehensive classroom management
V. Apply basic research findings related to classroom management
VI. Instructional Technology (Discussion Forums, Blogs, research, daily activities expected throughout this course with
electronic file transfers for assignments)
EDU 3333 meets the following requirements identified by the State of Florida. Please refer to the course assignments,
which indicate how pre-service teachers will demonstrate these standards during the course.
Florida Educator Accomplished Practices:
Ethics: 6.E.1, 6.E.2, 6.E.3 ; Accomplished Practices: 6.EV.1, 6.EV.2, 6.EV.1
3.2.j, 3.3.a
Professional Education Competencies
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 5.5, 5.3, 6.1, 6.4, 6.2
Uniform Core Curriculum
Florida Southern College does not have a special program for students with learning disabilities; however, reasonable
accommodations may be requested in this course by students who have documentation of a disability on file in the PSYCHOLOGICAL
TESTING OFFICE located in the Thrift Building (Main Floor) - 863/680-4196. “It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her
condition known to the college, to take the initiative in requesting desired appropriate accommodations, and to have the pertinent
diagnostic tests or other professional evaluations to verify the need for academic accommodations.” A release statement signed by
the student is required each semester before documentation and requested accommodations can be shared with a student’s
instructors. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the instructor to determine which of the requested accommodations can be
made in each class. For more information on how to apply for accommodations please contact Dr. Richard Burnette, Psychological
Testing Office, in person or online at If there are concerns
about accommodations decisions, students may request a review by contacting FSC Compliance Officer Dr. Marcie
Pospichal, Associate Vice President for Student Support, Thrift Building (Main Floor), – 863/680-4197.
Honor Code: As an academic community, Florida Southern College is firmly committed to honor and integrity in the pursuit of
knowledge. Therefore, as a member of this academic community, each student acknowledges responsibility for his or her actions and
commits to the highest standards of integrity. In doing so through this Honor Code, each student makes a covenant with the college
not to engage in any form of academic dishonesty, fraud, cheating, or theft. Further information on the Honor Code is available in
the current Catalog. Revised 7/2/12
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: The following assignments are considered critical tasks and will be submitted to the course
instructor for assessment. Detailed guidelines for each day are found in the handout section of the Portal.
Due Date/Day
Possible Points
Discussion Forums 1 - 3
50 points total
#1 Introduce Yourself/Learning Styles Inventory
Day 1 - Mon
10 points
#2 Whole Brain Teaching Strategies Reflection
Day 2 - Tues
15 points
#3 Using the Essential Teaching Strategies
Day 4 - Thurs
25 points
Blog: Reflection on Student’s Needs
Day 3 - Wed
10 points
FEAPs: 5.EV.1;
Day 4 – Thursday
PECs: 5.5; 5.3
UCCs: d
FEAPs: 3.EV.3;
ESOL: 3.2.j;
Day 5 - Friday
PECs: 3.2;6.1;6.4
UCC: l, j
Student Case Study Analysis
Clinical Experience Analysis/Teaching Analysis
Multi-Media Classroom Management Theory
Power Point
Classroom Management, Philosophy and Ethics of
FEAPS: 3.EV.2;
6.EV.1; 6.EV.3;
3.1;3.5;3.6; 6.1;
6.4; 6.2
UCCs: l and j
Student Engagement (includes contributions to
blogs, forums, and interaction with other
students )
Grade Scale (%)
A 100 - 90
20 points
20 points
30 points
20 points
10 points
160 points
B 89 – 80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59- below
Special Note: Education Majors must make a C or better to meet graduation requirements.
EDU 3333 Specific Guidelines for Course Assignments:
Discussion Forums
50 points total
Use the Rubric 1 found in the Day 1 handout section of the portal to guide you as you answer these questions.
Discussion #1: Introduce Yourself/Learning Styles Inventory (10 points)
Students will navigate to Discussion Forum #1. Take a free inventory about your learning strengths and weaknesses and
use your results to answer the guiding questions. Then, students will write a brief description about their educational
background and learning styles. Include years of experience, what you would like to learn during this week, and what you
believe to be your strengths in teaching. Students will review links to learn about Howard Gardner and how multiple
intelligences theories affect teaching and learning. All posts and responses must be posted by assignment deadline.
Discussion #2: Whole Brain Teaching Strategies Reflection (15 points)
Students will navigate to Discussion Forum #2. Write a reflective summary about how you would incorporate the Whole
Brain Teaching Steps within your teaching and explain why it would be effective. View the YouTube videos as well as the
other links provided on Day 2 Handout. All posts and responses must be posted by assignment deadline.
Discussion #3: Using the Essential Teaching Strategies (25 points)
Students will navigate to Discussion Forum #3. Print out the Getting Acquainted with the Essential Nine summary of the
9 most effective teaching strategies (located in the handout section for Day 4). After reading the summary, post your
thoughts while answering the guiding questions. All posts and responses must be posted by assignment deadline.
Please create your original posts/blog thoughts in a word document and then copy and paste it into the forum each time. This will
avoid loss of content due to internet or tech issues.
10 points
Reflection activity for Day 3 – Post to blog a response to the importance of understanding each individual student’s needs
socially, physically, and mentally and how that relates to differentiated instruction strategies. Base your response on
what you have shared from discussion #2 and reply if you learned any new differentiated instructional strategies. Refer to
Rubric 1 as you complete the assignment. All posts and responses must be posted by assignment deadline.
Multi-Media Classroom Management Theory PowerPoint
30 Points
“Understanding classroom management models and theorists is an excellent first step towards developing your personal
philosophy and eventually, your own classroom management strategies.” (Manning, Bucher, 2007) You will be
responsible for presenting a theorist and his/her model of classroom management. Prepare a 12 slide PowerPoint.
Include detailed description of the theory, the researcher, and all pertinent information that clearly defines the theory.
No more than 12 slides and make sure to include 1 slide for references. Use links to audio, video, or visual information
that will enhance the effectiveness of the presentation.
Use Rubric 2 found in the Day 1 handout section of the portal to guide you as you prepare your PowerPoint.
Classroom Management, Philosophy and Ethics of Teaching Paper (2 pages)
20 Points
This is a reflective assignment designed to elicit an introspective response from the professional teacher. Students will
write a two-page (double spaced - size 12 font) response which is based on the guiding questions. Each teacher’s
professional philosophy should include an explanation of why you want to teach, what talents/abilities/traits you bring to
the classroom, and what you expect of your students. Then discuss your use of research-based practices such as:
 Planning and implementing higher order questioning techniques
 Using motivational strategies to deliver engaging and challenging lessons that include realistic projects and
problem solving activities
 Linking the subject matter with other disciplines and life experiences that include critical thinking skills
 Read and reflect upon the Code of Ethics. Describe the K-12 professional’s roles and responsibilities related to the
Code of Ethics.
 Describe a personal situation where ethics played a role in the learning process.
 Will your foundation of goals and ideals evolve and change? If so, how?
Use Rubric 4 found in the Day 5 handout section of the portal to guide you as you write your paper.
Student Case Study Analysis
20 Points
Prior to writing your 2 page paper, participate and reflect upon opportunities to improve your professional practice,
impact student learning, and support personal continuous improvement and professional goals. Collaborate with
colleagues to review data from a variety of sources and use data-informed research to assist in evaluating learning
outcomes and adjust instruction as needed to continuously improve instruction.
Students will write a 2 page paper elaborating on a specific student situation (behavioral or academic situation) based on
what occurred in a classroom (if you do not have a situation that comes to mind, please go to the LIBGUIDES and research
a case study. Be sure to reference your case study).
The situation (Student Case Study) that you focus on will address the following in your paper:
 What you observed as the problem based on quantitative or qualitative data
 How you collaborated with your colleagues to identify resources that you used to accommodate or modify the
student assignments or procedures (Remember the first intervention may not bring about the desired change.)
 Clearly describe adjustments you made to instruction or procedures for the student.
 Use data to describe the change (positive or negative) in student behavior or academic achievement.
 In your summary you will need to address if you would use the same methods, and explain why or why not?
 Please locate sources to support the key interventions used in this case study. This assignment must have an APA
reference list.
Use Rubric 4 found in the handout section of the portal to guide you as you write your paper.
Clinical Experience Analysis/Teaching Analysis (full time students only - others see below)
20 Points
Students will participate in TWENTY one-hour Clinical Experiences within the Polk County Public School System, the Florida Southern
College Pre-School or the FSC Roberts Academy. The Clinical Experiences will consist of observing, shadowing, tutoring and assisting
the School faculty, staff and teachers. The twenty one-hour experiences will be coordinated through EDU Office of Clinical
Experiences Administrative Assistant, located in the main office in Edge Hall. The students will complete a Teacher Analysis Form
displaying a thorough analysis and reflection of the clinical experience. This will include identifying situations in the K-12 setting that
relates to the Code of Ethics: describing methods to protect students from issues potentially harmful to student learning and mental
or physical health; describing a personal situation where ethics played a role in the learning process. Include a plan for a variety of
instructional literacy strategies and culturally responsive/sensitive materials to promote student understanding of content delivered
and academic vocabulary.
After reflecting on twenty hours of instruction in your classroom (including both management and instruction) complete
the attached Teacher Analysis form (located in the handout section for Day 3). Identify and reflect on:
 Your teacher behaviors that support a climate of openness and inquiry.
 The instructional strategies you use that address varied cultures and linguistic backgrounds of all students.
 The strategies you use that establish a comfortable environment for learning which accepts and fosters diversity.
 Identify and critique the strategies and techniques you use for establishing smooth and efficient routines.
 How you involve students in the establishment and implementation of rules, procedures and standards to
manage the learning environment.
 Please note if you have used any of the research based strategies covered in this class, EDU 3333.
Use Rubric 3 found in the handout section of the portal to guide you as you complete the form.
Upload your paper in the coursework section.
Student Engagement
10 Points
Students must log in a minimum of 5 out of the 7 day course period. The quality and frequency of responses will be